999 resultados para Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses
A predação de rebanhos domésticos por predadores silvestres é o conflito mais intenso entre seres humanos e animais silvestres por causa do prejuízo econômico. A solução encontrada pelos fazendeiros é o abate do predador, causa principal de mortalidade destes animais ao redor do mundo. Para compreender melhor as variáveis ambientais relacionadas a este conflito na região do Parque Nacional de São Joaquim, SC, Brasil, e entorno, foram visitadas propriedades que registraram a presença de leões-baios (Puma concolor) e propriedades que sofreram perdas para este animal durante o ano de 2004. Informações relacionadas ao manejo utilizado com os rebanhos e com a área da fazenda foram coletadas e analisadas conjuntamente com dados provenientes de geoprocessamento (cobertura florestal, altitude, declividade, distância de corpos hídricos e de estradas) mostrando que o manejo utilizado com os rebanhos na área de estudo potencializa os eventos de predação de rebanhos domésticos pelo felídeo em questão. Melhorias no manejo dos rebanhos e das propriedades, diminuição da caça de animais silvestres e a proteção dos fragmentos florestais são ações que, considerando a regionalidade do conflito, podem reduzir os índices de predação. Agências ambientais federais e estaduais tem papel importante na disseminação de informações a respeito da ecologia dos predadores, fornecendo subsídios para os proprietários melhorarem o manejo de seus rebanhos e propriedades. Órgãos extensionistas devem planejar e implantar programas de apoio com técnicas adequadas de manejo das propriedades visando a conservação do meio ambiente.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aerial activities, leaps and slaps with parts of the body in the surface of water, are part of the behavioral repertoire of several species of cetaceans. Among them, the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, shows greater diversity in such behavior. For the spinner dolphins of Fernando de Noronha, the aerial activities are classified as vertical and horizontal, with eight patterns to be noted (tail slap, head slap, motor boating, partial leap, leap, spin, tail over head and tail over head with spin) discriminated between these categories. Such behaviors can be used as a parameter to identify behavioral changes, as well as patterns of daily and seasonal activity. In this manner, this study aimed to characterize the frequency in performance of such activity while the dolphins were within the Dolphin Bay of Fernando de Noronha, and verify possible daily and seasonal hourly fluctuations on such behaviors. The data analyzed in this study was acquired during the period of January 2006 through December 2010, totaling 1431 days of observation from land set point, with 113027 aerial activities registered, daily average of 72,27 (SD=96,10). During 5478h and 54 min of observation the horizontal aerial activity was the most observed and rotation was the most executed pattern. Greater frequency of execution of aerial activity was observed in adults, but for both adults and calves, was observed a predominance of horizontal activities, with spin being the pattern most executed. Positive correlation was observed between the amount of aerial activity performed and the number of animals inside the Bay. Hourly daily fluctuation was observed in the expression of aerial activities by spinner dolphins, and was observed a peak of activity between 8h and 8h59min for the overall frequency relative of aerial activities, as well as for the categories and patterns. Seasonal differences were observed between the rainy and dry season with the greater amount of activity being observed during the rainy season. Nevertheless, the same profile of frequency relative of aerial activity was observed in both seasons with the peak amount being during the same period. When discriminated the aerial activities in categories and patterns, for both seasons, there was a similar pattern of hourly fluctuation; for most of parameters, higher frequency relative of execution of aerial activity remain between 8h and 8h59min
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work evaluates the impact of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Perez-Farfante, 1967) fishery on fish and crab assemblages of Lagoa do Peixe National Park, Brazil. We observed that composition of catches is similar to shrimp fisheries using fyke-net at others estuaries of Rio Grande do Sul State: pink shrimp (53%), accessory catches (24%) and bycatch (23%). However, fishery composition showed distinct differences along the saline gradient of the main park's lagoon. Regarding only fish species, the most impacted species in this fishery were Brevoortia pectinata (Jenyns, 1842), Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823), and Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns, 1842). In others estuaries from Rio Grande do Sul, in contrast, the most impacted species were M. furnieri, Genidens barbus (Lacepède, 1803) and Genidens genidens (Cuvier, 1829). The potential impact of the pink shrimp fishery at Lagoa do Peixe National Park seemed to be weaker when compared to shrimp fisheries elsewhere. We believe that the decision to prohibit this fishery at the Lagoa do Peixe National Park should not be based on its potential damage to the fish and crab assemblages but based on the simple fact that Brazilian laws do not allow fisheries inside National Parks.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)