951 resultados para Parenteral nutrition quality
Introduction : Les enfants prématurés ont la particularité de naître alors que leur développement est souvent incomplet et nécessite la mise en œuvre de soins intensifs visant à poursuivre leur croissance en dehors de l’environnement utérin. Souvent cependant, le stade développemental de l’enfant ne lui permet pas d’assimiler une alimentation entérale du fait de l’immaturité de son système digestif. Le recours à une voie centrale délivrant les nutriments assurant le développement devient alors une nécessité. Ce type de nutrition, appelée nutrition parentérale (NP, ou total parenteral nutrition TPN), permet l’administration de molécules simples, directement dans le sang du prématuré. Il n’est toutefois pas exempt de risques puisqu’exposée à la lumière, la NP peut s’oxyder et générer des molécules oxydantes telles que des hydroperoxydes lipidiques susceptibles de se fragmenter par la suite en hydroxy-alkénals. Ceci devient problématique au vu de l’immaturité des systèmes de défenses antioxydants du nouveau-né prématuré. L’utilisation prolongée de la NP est d’ailleurs à l’origine de maladie hépatiques dans lesquelles le stress oxydant et la nécro-inflammation sont des composantes majeures. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’infusion chez les enfants prématurés, d’aldéhydes d’origine lipidique est en relation avec le développement du stress oxydant et de l’inflammation hépatique. Objectif : Notre étude a consisté à évaluer la relation entre les quantités d’hydroxy-alkénals dans la NP et les effets hépatiques engendrés sur les marqueurs de stress oxydant et les voies de signalisation responsables d’une induction de processus inflammatoire. Dans ce but, nous avons cherché à mesurer la peroxydation lipidique dans l’émulsion lipidique de la NP et la conséquence de l’infusion en continue d’hydroxy-alkénals sur les marqueurs de stress oxydant, sur la voie de signalisation médiée par le Nuclear Factor κB et sur le déclenchement du processus inflammatoire hépatique. A la suite de ce travail, nous avons également travaillé sur des alternatives à la photoprotection, qui est la seule méthode réellement optimale pour réduire la peroxydation des lipides de la NP, mais cliniquement difficilement praticable. Résultats : Nos résultats ont mis en évidence la génération de 4-hydroxynonenal in vitro dans la NP, ce phénomène est augmenté par une exposition lumineuse. Dans ce cadre, nous avons montré l’inefficacité de l’ajout de multivitamines dans l’émulsion lipidique comme alternative à la photoprotection. Dans la validation biologique qui a suivi sur un modèle animal, nos résultats ont permis de démontrer que l’augmentation des adduits glutathion-hydroxynonenal était imputable à l’augmentation de 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) dans la NP, et non à une peroxydation endogène. Nos données indiquent que la probable augmentation hépatique des niveaux de 4-HNE a conduit à une activation du NFκB responsable de l’activation de la transcription des gènes pro-inflammatoires du Tumour Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) et de l’interleukine-1 (IL-1). Nous avons alors évalué la capacité d’une émulsion lipidique enrichie en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) n-3 à baisser les concentrations de 4-HNE dans la NP, mais également à moduler le stress oxydant et les marqueurs pro-inflammatoires. Enfin, nous avons démontré, en collaboration avec l’équipe du Dr Friel, que certains peptides isolés du lait humain (par un processus mimant la digestion) permettent également une modulation du stress oxydant et du processus inflammatoire. Conclusion : Le stress oxydant exogène issu de la NP a conduit par activation de facteurs de transcription intra-hépatiques au déclenchement d’un processus inflammatoire potentiellement responsable du développement de maladies hépatiques reliées à la NP telle que la cholestase. Dans ce sens, les AGPI n-3 et les peptides antioxydants peuvent se poser en tant qu’alternatives crédibles à la photoprotection.
El daño hepático asociado a Nutrición Parenteral es una complicación letal en pacientes con nutrición parenteral prolongada. Su etiología no es clara aún, y se cree que las emulsiones lipídicas tradicionales con en base aceite de soya pueden contribuir a su génesis. Recientemente la modificación del contenido de ácidos grasos de las emulsiones lipídicas tradicionalmente de ácidos grasos omega-6 a ricas en omega-3 se postula como terapia prometedora en niños con PNALD. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en Cochrane y Pubmed, se seleccionaron ensayos clínicos controlados y estudios de cohorte prospectiva. Se utilizó le metodología SIGN para la calificación de los estudios y evaluación del grado de recomendación basada en la evidencia. El meta-análisis que se llevó a cabo incluyó dos artículos de cohorte prospectiva del grupo de Boston para la variable principal de desenlace considerada: tiempo de reverso de la colestasis. Los pacientes que recibieron emulsiones de lípidos de pescado experimentaron regresión de la colestasis significativamente más rápido que los que recibieron emulsiones de soya (HR=10.3, IC 95%:3.7,29,0, efectos fijos), menor mortalidad y menor necesidad de trasplante hepático. Su utilización no se asocia con deficiencia de ácidos grasos, hipertrigliceridemia, coagulopatía o retraso en el crecimiento. Se evidencio una correlación entre la disminución de los niveles de triglicéridos y aumento de los niveles de albúmina, sugiriendo un beneficio nutricional en los pacientes bajo infusiones de lípidos de pescado.
Objetivo:Describir los costos asociados al soporte nutricional enteral en pacientes adultos hospitalizados en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), Metodología: La elaboración de este documento se realizó en una búsqueda exhaustiva de acuerdo a las especificaciones y recomendaciones de la revisión de literatura, en MEDLINE, PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT, EBSCO por considerarse como bases de datos reconocidas por contener artículos de mayor fiabilidad y más usadas en el ámbito académico. Se evidencio en los 70 artículosel cumplimiento de los criterios de inclusión, enel cual se realizó un análisis de costos en el manejo del soporte nutricional enteral y se identificó la importancia del manejo de la nutrición en pacientes adultos del servicio de UCI. Resultados: De tal manera la importancia del soporte nutricional enteral, en su proceso precoz se identifica la reducción de costos y de recursos que se puede manejar ante el paciente crítico. Dentro de este marco se resalta que el soporte nutricional enteral debe ser la primera opción en paciente. Conclusión:La nutrición enteral considerada un modelo de innovación al soporte nutricional en las últimas décadas, ha evolucionado contribuyendo una adecuada alternativa de intervención y sin efectos adversos clínicos relevantes, que además mejoran la calidad de vida y contribuyen a la toma de decisiones clínicas basadas en la evidencia y en los análisis de costes con el uso racional de los recursos, así mismo, es una práctica costo- efectiva,con componente de costo- beneficio para el usuario al mejorar calidad de vida, obteniendo mayores beneficios a un menor costo.
Background Pharmacy aseptic units prepare and supply injectables to minimise risks. The UK National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme has been collecting data on pharmacy compounding errors, including near-misses, since 2003. Objectives The cumulative reports from January 2004 to December 2007, inclusive, were analysed. Methods The different variables of product types, error types, staff making and detecting errors, stage errors detected, perceived contributory factors, and potential or actual outcomes were presented by cross-tabulation of data. Results A total of 4691 reports were submitted against an estimated 958 532 items made, returning 0.49% as the overall error rate. Most of the errors were detected before reaching patients, with only 24 detected during or after administration. The highest number of reports related to adult cytotoxic preparations (40%) and the most frequently recorded error was a labelling error (34.2%). Errors were mostly detected at first check in assembly area (46.6%). Individual staff error contributed most (78.1%) to overall errors, while errors with paediatric parenteral nutrition appeared to be blamed on low staff levels more than other products were. The majority of errors (68.6%) had no potential patient outcomes attached, while it appeared that paediatric cytotoxic products and paediatric parenteral nutrition were associated with greater levels of perceived patient harm. Conclusions The majority of reports were related to near-misses, and this study highlights scope for examining current arrangements for checking and releasing products, certainly for paediatric cytotoxic and paediatric parenteral nutrition preparations within aseptic units, but in the context of resource and capacity constraints.
Background: Total enteral nutrition (TEN) within 48 h of admission has recently been shown to be safe and efficacious as part of the management of severe acute pancreatitis. Our aim was to ascertain the safety of immediate TEN in these patients and the effect of TEN on systemic inflammation, psychological state, oxidative stress, plasma glutamine levels and endotoxaemia. Methods: Patients admitted with predicted severe acute pancreatitis (APACHE II score 15) were randomised to total enteral (TEN; n = 8) or total parenteral nutrition (TPN; n = 9). Measurements of systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein), fatigue ( visual analogue scale), oxidative stress ( plasma thiobarbituric acid- reactive substances), plasma glutamine and anti-endotoxin IgG and IgM antibody concentrations were made on admission and repeated on days 3 and 7 thereafter. Clinical progress was monitored using APACHE II score. Organ failure and complications were recorded. Results: All patients tolerated the feeding regime well with few nutrition-related complications. Fatigue improved in both groups but more rapidly in the TEN group. Oxidative stress was high on admission and rose by similar amounts in both groups. Plasma glutamine concentrations did not change significantly in either group. In the TPN group, 3 patients developed respiratory failure and 3 developed non-respiratory single organ failure. There were no such complications in the TEN group. Hospital stay was shorter in the TEN group [ 7 (4-14) vs. 10 (7-26) days; p = 0.05] as was time to passing flatus and time to opening bowels [1 (0-2) vs. 2 (1-5) days; p = 0.01]. The cost of TEN was considerably less than of TPN. Conclusion: Immediate institution of nutritional support in the form of TEN is safe in predicted severe acute pancreatitis. It is as safe and as efficacious as TPN and may be beneficial in the clinical course of this disease. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel and IAP.
Abnormal surface expression of HLA-DR by leukocytes is associated with a poor prognosis in critical care patients. Critical care patients often receive total parenteral nutrition with lipid emulsion (LE). In this study we evaluated the influence of fish oil LE (FO) on human monocyte/macrophage (M phi) expression of surface HLA-DR under distinct activation states. Mononuclear leukocytes from the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers (n = 18) were cultured for 24 hours without LE (control) or with 3 different concentrations (0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%) of the follow LE: a) pure FO b) FO in association (1:1 v/v) with LE composed of 50% medium-chain trygliceride and 50% soybean oil (MCTSO), and c) pure MCTSO. The leukocytes were also submitted to different cell activation states, as determinate by INF-gamma addition time: no INF-gamma addition, 18 hours before, or at the time of LE addition. HLA-DR expression on M phi surface was evaluated by flow cytometry using specific monoclonal antibodies. In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100) FO decreased the expression of HLA-DR when added alone [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 70 (59 +/- 73); for 0.25%: 51 (48 +/- 56); and for 0.5%: 52.5(50 +/- 58)] or in association with MCTSO [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 50.5 (47 +/- 61); for 25%: 49 (45 +/- 52); and for 05 %: 51 (44 +/- 54) and in previously-activated M phi, for 1.0 % : 63 (44 +/- 88); for 0.25%: 70 (41 +/- 88); and for 0.5%: 59.5 (39 +/- 79)] in culture medium (Friedman p<0.05). In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100), FO did not influence the expression of these molecules on non-activated M phi [for 0.1 % : 87.5 (75 +/- 93); for 0.25%: 111 (98 +/- 118); and for 0.5%: 101.5 (84 +/- 113)]. Results show that parenteral FO modulates the expression of HLA-DR on human M phi surface accordingly to leukocyte activation state. Further clinical studies evaluating the ideal moment of fish oil LE infusion to modulate leukocyte functions may contribute to a better understanding of its immune modulatory properties.
O uso de cateteres venosos centrais (CVC) para fins diagnósticos e terapêuticos está incorporado à prática médica diária. Complicações sérias, com elevada morbidade e mortalidade, como a sepse, estão associadas a este procedimento. O diagnóstico das infecções relacionadas a cateter é fundamentado em sinais clínicos e laboratoriais. Os fatores de risco para infecção devem ser considerados por ocasião da utilização de CVC e estão relacionados ao paciente, ao cateter, ao tipo de solução administrada, ao profissional que manipula o cateter e ao agente etiológico. A identificação destes fatores permite a intervenção precoce sobre os mesmos e o manejo adequado do CVC e das complicações clínicas relacionadas.
Background. Despite improvements in small bowel transplantation (SBTx), early referral of patients with irreversible intestinal failure (IF) remains a major obstacle. In this study we evaluated the demand for SBTx among seven surgical pediatric centers located at least 200 km from our center.Methods. From 1997 to 2001, 640 patients have been treated for neonatal diseases, including 248 who underwent a minor or major intestinal resection. Twenty-four patients with major resections presented with short gut syndrome, requiring total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The greatest demand was in postsurgical neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis, gastroschiesis, onphalocoeles, or midgut volvulus, and in three adults with postradiotherapy arteritis (n = 2) and mesenteric vein thromboses (n = 1). The median length of residual bowel after resection was 20 to 30 cm, without an ileocecal valve. Four patients were referred for SBTx evaluation; three died while awaiting a donor; 20 were not referred, among whom 14 died of TPN complications.Results. Approximately 62 children per year require nutritional support for IF, most of whom develop complications related to TPN. Because many patients who are TPN-dependent develop complications, we believe that early referral would reduce mortality.Conclusions. Greater medical awareness about the feasibility of SBTx procedures and earlier referral may improve results and quality of life after transplant.
BACKGROUND:Guidelines for red blood cell (RBC) transfusions exist; however, transfusion practices vary among centers. This study aimed to analyze transfusion practices and the impact of patients and institutional characteristics on the indications of RBC transfusions in preterm infants.STUDY DESIGN and METHODS:RBC transfusion practices were investigated in a multicenter prospective cohort of preterm infants with a birth weight of less than 1500 g born at eight public university neonatal intensive care units of the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research. Variables associated with any RBC transfusions were analyzed by logistic regression analysis.RESULTS:Of 952 very-low-birth-weight infants, 532 (55.9%) received at least one RBC transfusion. The percentages of transfused neonates were 48.9, 54.5, 56.0, 61.2, 56.3, 47.8, 75.4, and 44.7%, respectively, for Centers 1 through 8. The number of transfusions during the first 28 days of life was higher in Center 4 and 7 than in other centers. After 28 days, the number of transfusions decreased, except for Center 7. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed higher likelihood of transfusion in infants with late onset sepsis (odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-4.4), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.3-26.8), intubation at birth (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.8), need for umbilical catheter (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.4), days on mechanical ventilation (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.2), oxygen therapy (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), parenteral nutrition (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0-1.1), and birth center (p < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS:The need of RBC transfusions in very-low-birth-weight preterm infants was associated with clinical conditions and birth center. The distribution of the number of transfusions during hospital stay may be used as a measure of neonatal care quality.
Objective: To review the literature on the role of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements in the nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants, considering their importance for metabolism, bone mineralization and as dietary components. Sources of data: MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and books on nutrition were searched between 1994 and 2004. Original research studies and reviews were selected. Summary of the findings: Extremely preterm infants are frequently growth-restricted at hospital discharge as a consequence of difficulties in the provision of adequate nutrition. The long-term effects of this growth restriction need to be determined. There is a paucity of studies about the role of minerals, especially micronutrients, in the nutrition of extremely preterm infants. The principal focus of this review was on calcium and phosphorus metabolism, bone mineralization and parenteral and enteral supplementation. A critical evaluation of post-discharge nutrition and its influence upon growth and bone mineralization was presented. Selenium and zinc requirements and the role of selenium as an antioxidant with possible effects on free radical diseases of the preterm infant were discussed. Conclusions: Extremely preterm infants have low mineral reserves and, as a consequence, may have deficiencies in the postnatal period if they do not receive parenteral or enteral supplementation. More studies are needed to elucidate the actual requirements and the appropriate supplementation of micronutrients. There are controversies about the outcome and the influence of post-discharge nutrition on bone disease of prematurity. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Guidelines for nutrition support in pancreatitis have been inconsistently adapted to clinical practice. The International Consensus Guideline Committee (ICGC) established a pancreatitis task force to review published guidelines for pancreatitis in nutrition support. A PubMed search using the terms pancreatitis, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, nutrition support, parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition, and guidelines was conducted for the period from January 1999 to May 2011. Eleven guidelines were identified for review. The ICGC used the following process to develop unified guideline statements: summarize the strength of evidence (grading) of the guidelines; establish level of evidence for ICGC statements as high, intermediate, and low; assign published guideline levels of evidence; and define an ICGC grading system. International Pancreatitis Guideline Grades were established as follows: platinum-high level of evidence and consistent agreement among the guidelines; gold-acceptable level of evidence and no conflicting statements in guidelines; and silver-single existing guideline statement with no conflict in other guidelines. Eighteen ICGC statements were derived from the 11 published pancreatitis guidelines. Uniform agreement from widely disparate groups (United States, Europe, Japan, and China) resulted in 4 platinum-level guideline statements for nutrition in pancreatitis: nutrition support therapy (NST) is generally not needed for mild to moderate disease, NST is needed for severe disease, enteral nutrition (EN) is preferred over parenteral nutrition (PN), and use PN when EN is contraindicated or not feasible. This methodology provides a template for future ICGC nutrition guideline development. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012;36:284-291)
Background: Parenteral lipid emulsions (LEs) can influence leukocyte functions. The authors investigated the effect of 2 LEs on leukocyte death in surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Material and Methods: Twenty-five patients from a randomized, double-blind clinical trial (ID: NCT01218841) were randomly included to evaluate leukocyte death after 3 days of preoperative infusion (0.2 g fat/kg/d) of an LE composed equally of medium/long-chain triglycerides and soybean oil (MCTs/LCTs) or pure fish oil (FO). Blood samples were collected before (t0) and after LE infusion (t1) and on the third postoperative day (t2). Results: After LE infusion (t1 vs t0), MCTs/LCTs did not influence cell death; FO slightly increased the proportion of necrotic lymphocytes (5%). At the postoperative period (t2 vs t0), MCTs/LCTs tripled the proportion of apoptotic lymphocytes; FO maintained the slightly increased proportion of necrotic lymphocytes (7%) and reduced the percentage of apoptotic lymphocytes by 74%. In the postoperative period, MCT/LCT emulsion increased the proportion of apoptotic neutrophils, and FO emulsion did not change any parameter of apoptosis in the neutrophil population. There were no differences in lymphocyte or neutrophil death when MCT/LCT and FO treatments were compared during either preoperative or postoperative periods. MCT/LCTs altered the expression of 12 of 108 genes related to cell death, with both pro- and antiapoptotic effects; FO modulated the expression of 7 genes, demonstrating an antiapoptotic effect. Conclusion: In patients with gastrointestinal cancer, preoperative MCT/LCT infusion was associated with postoperative lymphocyte and neutrophil apoptosis. FO has a protective effect on postoperative lymphocyte apoptosis. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012; 36: 677-684)
Patients with end-stage liver disease often reveal significant protein-energy malnutrition, which may deteriorate after listing for transplantation. Since malnutrition affects post-transplant survival, precise assessment must be an integral part of pre- and post-surgical management. While there is wide agreement that aggressive treatment of nutritional deficiencies is required, strong scientific evidence supporting nutritional therapy is sparse. In practice, oral nutritional supplements are preferred over parenteral nutrition, but enteral tube feeding may be necessary to maintain adequate calorie intake. Protein restriction should be avoided and administration of branched-chain amino acids may help yield a sufficient protein supply. Specific problems such as micronutrient deficiency, fluid balance, cholestasis, encephalopathy, and comorbid conditions need attention in order to optimize patient outcome.
Background. The increasing emphasis on medical outcomes and cost containment has made it imperative to identify patient populations in which aggressive nutritional care can improve quality of care. The aim of this prospective study was to implement a standardized early jejunal feeding protocol for patients undergoing small and large bowel resection, and to evaluate its effect on patient outcome and cost.^ Methods. Treatment patients (n = 81) who met protocol inclusion criteria had a jejunal feeding tube inserted at the time of surgery. Feeding was initiated at 10 cc/hour within 12 hours after bowel resection and progressed if hemodynamically stable. The control group (n = 159) received usual care. Outcome measures included postoperative length of stay, total direct cost, nosocomial infection rate and health status (SF-36) scores.^ Results. By postoperative day 4, the use of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) was significantly greater in the control group compared to the treatment group; however, total nutritional intake was significantly less. Multiple regression analysis indicated an increased likelihood of infection with the use of TPN. A reduction of 3.5 postoperative days (p =.013) with 4.3 fewer TPN days per patient (p =.001) and a 9.6% reduction in infection rate (p =.042) was demonstrated in the treatment group. There was no difference in health status scores between groups at discharge and 3 months post-discharge.^ Conclusion. These positive outcomes and an average total cost savings of $4,145 per treatment patient indicate that the treatment protocol was effective. ^