400 resultados para Parasympathetic tonus


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We have investigated the ovariectomy effects on the cardiovascular autonomic adaptations induced by aerobic physical training and the role played by nitric oxide (NO). Female Wistar rats (n =70) were divided into five groups: Sedentary Sham (SS): Trained Sham (TS); Trained Hypertensive Sham treated with N(C)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (THS): Trained Ovariectomized (TO); and Trained Hypertensive Ovariectomized treated with L-NAME (THO). Trained groups were submitted to a physical training during 10 weeks. The cardiovascular autonomic control was investigated in all groups using different approaches: 1) pharmacological evaluation of autonomic tonus with methylatropine and propranolol; 2) analysis of heart rate (HR) and systolic arterial pressure (AP) variability; 3) spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) evaluation. Hypertension was observed in THS and THO groups. Pharmacological analysis showed that TS group had increased predominance of autonomic vagal tonus compared to SS group. HR and intrinsic HR were found to be reduced in all trained animals. TS group, compared to other groups, showed a reduction in LF oscillations (LF=0.2-0.75 Hz) of pulse interval in both absolute and normalized units as well as an increase in HF oscillations (HF=0.75-2.50 Hz) in normalized unit. FIRS analysis showed that alpha-index was different between all groups. TS group presented the greatest value, followed by the TO, SS. THO and THS groups. Ovariectomy has negative effects on cardiac autonomic modulation in trained rats, which is characterized by an increase in the sympathetic autonomic modulation. These negative effects suggest NO deficiency. In contrast, the ovariectomy seems to have no effect on AP variability. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is no consensus on the relevance of factors that influence gender differences in the behavior of muscles. Some studies have reported a relationship between muscle tension and amplitude of the vestibular evoked myogenic potential; others, that results depend on which muscles are studied or on how much load is applied. Aims: This study aims to compare vestibular evoked myogenic potential parameters between genders in young individuals. Methods: Eighty young adults were selected - 40 men and 40 women. Stimuli were averaged tone-bursts at 500 Hz, 90 dBHL intensity, and a 10-1000 Hz bandpass filter with amplification of 10-25 microvolts per division. The recordings were made in 80 ms windows. Study type: An experimental and prospective study. Results: No significant gender differences were found in wave latency - p = 0.19 and p = 0.50 for waves P13 and N23, respectively. No differences were found in amplitude values - p = 0.28 p = 0.40 for waves P13 and N23, respectively. Conclusion: There were no gender differences in latency and amplitude factors; the sternocleidomastoid muscle strain was monitored during the examination.


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A 48-year-old male patient with underlying CPT II enzyme deficiency is described. Emotional stress appeared to precipitate recurrent myalgias, rhabdomyolysis and reversible renal impairment over a 40-year period. Our search of the English literature indicates this to be the first time that the emotional stress has been documented to precipitate the CPT II syndrome. Although the pathogenesis of this syndrome has yet to be established, existing knowledge is briefly reviewed and the likely metabolic and neuroendocrine mechanisms which link emotional stress to muscle metabolism are examined. These mechanisms influence the extent of lipolysis or glycolysis that occurs during the process of muscle ATP generation. It is suggested that neuroendocrine and other stress related changes which favour lipolysis over glycolysis adversely effect muscle energy metabolism in patients whose mitochondria are deficient in CPT II enzyme. Possible treatment strategies are those that favour glycolysis over fatty acid metabolism and include a variety of ways of modulating sympathetic and parasympathetic tone. The use of carbohydrate supplementation P-blockers and anxiolytic agents is discussed.


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The pre- and postsynaptic actions of exogenously applied ATP were investigated in intact and dissociated parasympathetic neurotics of rat submandibular ganglia. Nerve-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were not inhibited by the purinergic receptor antagonists, suramin and pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2 ' ,4 ' -disulphonic acid (PPADS), or the desensitising agonist, alpha,beta -methylene ATP. In contrast. EPSPs were abolished by the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists, hexamethonium and mecamylamine. Focal application of ATP (100 muM) had no effect on membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurone or on the amplitude of spontaneous EPSPs. Taken together, these results suggest the absence of functional purinergic (P2) receptors on the postganglionic neurone in situ. In contrast, focally applied ATP (100 muM) reversibly inhibited nerve-evoked EPSPs. Similarly, bath application of the non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP, ATP gammaS, reversibly depressed EPSPs amplitude, The inhibitory effects of ATP and ATP gammaS on nerve-evoked transmitter release were antagonised by bath application of either PPADS or suramin, suggesting ATP activates a presynaptic P2 purinoceptor to inhibit acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerves in the submandibular ganglia. In acutely dissociated postganglionic neurotics from rat submandibular ganglia. focal application of ATP (100 LM) evoked an inward current and subsequent excitatory response and action potential firing, which was reversibly inhibited by PPADS (10 muM). The expression of P2X purinoceptors in wholemount and dissociated submandibular ganglion neurones was examined using polyclonal antibodies raised against the extracellular domain of six P2X purinoceptor subtypes (P2X(1-6)). In intact wholemount preparations, only the P2X(5) purinoceptor subtype was found to be expressed in the submandibular ganglion neurones and no P2X immunoreactivity was detected in the nerve fibres innervating the ganglion. Surprisingly, in dissociated submandibular ganglion neurones, high levels of P2X(2) and P2X(4) purinoceptors immunoreactivity were found on the cell surface. This increase in expression of P2X(2) and P2X(4) purinoceptors in dissociated submandibular neurones could explain the increased responsiveness of the neurotics to exogenous ATP. We conclude that disruption of ganglionic transmission in vivo by either nerve damage or synaptic blockade may up-regulate P2X expression or availability and alter neuronal excitability. (C) 2001 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The properties of single Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels in neonatal rat intracardiac neurons were investigated using the patch-clamp recording technique. In symmetrical 140 mM K+, the single-channel slope conductance was linear in the voltage range -60/+60 mV. and was 207+/-19 pS. Na+ ions were not measurably permeant through the open channel. Channel activity increased with the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+],) with a Hill plot giving a half-saturating [Ca2+] (K-0.5) of 1.35 muM and slope of congruent to3. The BK channel was inhibited reversibly by external tetraethylammonium (TEA) ions, charybdotoxin, and quinine and was resistant to block by 4-aminopyridine and apamin. Ionomycin (1-10 muM) increased BK channel activity in the cell-attached recording configuration. The resting activity was consistent with a [Ca2+](i)


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alpha-Conotoxin AuIB and a disulfide bond variant of AuIB have been synthesized to determine the role of disulfide bond connectivity on structure and activity. Both of these peptides contain the 15 amino acid sequence GCCSYPPCFATNPDC, with the globular (native) isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-8 and 3-15) and the ribbon isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-15 and 3-8). The solution structures of the peptides were determined by NAIR spectroscopy, and their ability to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on dissociated neurons of the rat parasympathetic ganglia was examined. The ribbon disulfide isomer, although having a less well defined structure, is surprisingly found to have approximately 10 times greater potency than the native peptide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a non-native disulfide bond isomer of a conotoxin exhibiting greater biological activity than the native isomer.


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Objective To evaluate cardiac electrical function in the Spectacled Flying Fox (bat) infested with Ixodes holocyclus. Design Prospective clinical investigation of bats treated for naturally occurring tick toxicity. Procedure ECGs were performed on bats with tick toxicity (n = 33), bats that recovered slowly (n = 5) and normally (n = 5) following treatment for tick toxicity, and on normal bats with no history of tick toxicity (n = 9). Results Bats with tick toxicity had significantly prolonged corrected QT intervals, bradycardia and rhythm disturbances which included sinus bradydysrhythmia, atrial standstill, ventricular premature complexes, and idioventricular bradydysrhythmia. Conclusions The QT prolongation observed on ECG traces of bats with tick toxicity reflected delayed ventricular repolarisation and predisposed to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death in response to sympathetic stimulation. The inability to document ventricular tachycardia in bats shortly before death from tick toxicity may be explained by a lack of sympathetic responsiveness attributable to the unique parasympathetic innervation of the bat heart, or hypothermiainduced catecholamine receptor down-regulation. Bradycardia and rhythm disturbances may be attributable to hypothermia.


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The origin of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) transients stimulated by nicotinic ( nAChR) and muscarinic ( mAChR) receptor activation was investigated in fura-2-loaded neonatal rat intracardiac neurons. ACh evoked [Ca2+](i) increases that were reduced to similar to 60% of control in the presence of either atropine ( 1 muM) or mecamylamine ( 3 muM) and to < 20% in the presence of both antagonists. Removal of external Ca2+ reduced ACh-induced responses to 58% of control, which was unchanged in the presence of mecamylamine but reduced to 5% of control by atropine. The nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) response was reduced to 50% by 10 μM ryanodine, whereas the mAChR-induced response was unaffected by ryanodine, suggesting that Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores may only contribute to the nAChR-induced [Ca2+](i) responses. Perforated-patch whole cell recording at - 60 mV shows that the rise in [Ca2+](i) is concomitant with slow outward currents on mAChR activation and with rapid inward currents after nAChR activation. In conclusion, different signaling pathways mediate the rise in [Ca2+](i) and membrane currents evoked by ACh binding to nicotinic and muscarinic receptors in rat intracardiac neurons.


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The indeterminate form of Chagas' disease is characterized by positive serology for the disease in the absence of clinical findings and in the presence of both normal esophagogram and electrocardiogram. When more sensitive methods were used, abnormalities have been described either in the esophagus or in the heart. The authors have studied simultaneously the esophagus and the heart in the same subjects. In thirteen adults with diagnosis of indeterminate form and nine adult controls, the esophageal manometry both in basal conditions and after stimulus (bethanecol) and vectorcardiogram were performed. In the control group none of the subjects presented concomitant esophageal and cardiac alterations while in the chagasic group 92,3% of the patients presented results simultaneously altered. It is concluded that the studied patients showed indications of parasympathetic denervation manifested by simultaneously esophageal and heart alterations.


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xi RESUMO A acção da insulina no músculo esquelético depende de um reflexo parassimpático hepático que conduz à libertação de uma substância hepática sensibilizadora da insulina, designada por HISS, responsável por cerca de 55% do efeito hipoglicemiante da insulina. A acção da HISS é finamente regulada pelo monóxido de azoto (NO) hepático e pelo estado prandial, aumentando no período pós-prandial imediato e diminuindo progressivamente com as horas de jejum. A secreção da HISS pode ser inibida cirúrgica ou farmacologicamente, quer por desnervação selectiva do plexo anterior hepático, quer por administração de atropina, quer por inibição do sintase do NO (NOS) hepático. O objectivo geral do trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação foi a caracterização da via de transdução de sinal que conduz à libertação da HISS. O modelo utilizado neste estudo foi o rato Wistar. A sensibilidade à insulina foi avaliada através do teste rápido de sensibilidade à insulina (RIST). A primeira hipótese de trabalho testada foi que a sequência de eventos que conduzem à secreção da HISS inicia-se com a activação do sistema parassimpático hepático seguida de activação do NOS hepático com subsequente produção de NO e activação do guanilato ciclase (GC). Observou-se que a administração de um dador de NO reverteu a resistência à insulina induzida, quer por inibição do NOS hepático, quer por antagonismo dos receptores muscarínicos com atropina. Em contraste, a resistência à insulina produzida por inibição do NOS hepático não foi revertida por administração intraportal de acetilcolina (ACh). Constatou-se que a inibição do GC hepático diminuiu a sensibilidade à insulina. Estes resultados sugerem que: a ACh libertada no fígado induz a síntese de NO hepático que conduz à libertação da HISS, que por sua vez é modulada pelo GC hepático. A libertação da HISS em resposta à insulina é regulada pelo estado prandial. Uma vez que os níveis hepáticos de glutationo (GSH) se encontram, tal como a HISS, diminuídos no estado de jejum e aumentados após a ingestão de uma refeição, testou-se a hipótese de que o GSH hepático está envolvido na secreção da HISS. Observou-se que a depleção do GSH hepático induziu resistência à insulina, comparável à obtida após inibição do NOS hepático. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese de que o GSH hepático desempenha um papel crítico na acção periférica da insulina. Considerando que, no estado de jejum, tanto os níveis de GSH hepático como os níveis de NO hepático são baixos, testou-se a hipótese de que a co-administração intraportal de um dador de GSH e de um dador de NO promove um aumento da sensibilidade à insulina no estado de jejum, devido ao restabelecimento do mecanismo da HISS. Observou-se que a administração sequencial de dadores de GSH e de NO no fígado provocou um aumento na sensibilidade à insulina, dependente da dose de dador de GSH administrada. Concluiu-se portanto que ambos, GSH e NO, são essenciais para que o mecanismo da HISS esteja completamente funcional. O GSH e o NO reagem para formar um S-nitrosotiol, o S-nitrosoglutationo (GSNO). Os resultados supra-mencionados conduziram à formulação da hipótese de que a secreção/acção da HISS depende da formação de GSNO. Observou-se que a administração intravenosa de S-nitrosotióis (RSNOs) aumentou a sensibilidade à insulina, em animais submetidos a um período de jejum, ao contrário da administração intraportal destes fármacos, o que RSNOs têm uma acção periférica, mas não hepática, na sensibilidade à insulina. Os resultados obtidos conduziram à reformulação da hipótese da HISS, sugerindo que a ingestão de uma refeição activa os nervos parassimpáticos hepáticos levando à libertação de ACh no fígado que, por sua vez activa o NOS. Simultaneamente, ocorre um aumento dos níveis de GSH hepático que reage com o NO hepático para formar um composto nitrosado, o GSNO. Este composto mimetiza a acção hipoglicemiante da HISS no músculo esquelético. SUMMARY Insulin action at the skeletal muscle depends on a hepatic parasympathetic reflex that promotes the release of a hepatic insulin sensitizing substance (HISS) from the liver, which contributes 55% to total insulin action. HISS action is modulated by hepatic nitric oxide (NO) and also by the prandial status so as to, in the immediate ostprandial state, HISS action is maximal, decreasing with the duration of fasting. HISS secretion may be inhibited by interruption of the hepatic parasympathetic reflex, achieved either by surgical denervation of the liver or by cholinergic blockade with atropine, or by prevention of hepatic NO release, using NO synthase (NOS) antagonists. The main objective of this work was to characterize the signal transduction pathways that lead to HISS secretion by the liver. Wistar rats were used and insulin sensitivity was evaluated using the rapid insulin sensitivity test (RIST). The first hypothesis tested was that the sequence of events that lead to HISS secretion starts with an increase in the hepatic parasympathetic tone, followed by the activation of hepatic NOS and subsequent triggering of guanylate cyclase (GC). We observed that insulin resistance produced either by muscarinic receptor antagonism with atropine or by hepatic NOS inhibition was reversed by the intraportal administration of an NO donor. In contrast, intraportal acetylcholine (ACh) did not restore insulin sensitivity after NOS inhibition. We also observed that GC inhibition lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity.These results suggest that the release of ACh in the liver activates hepatic NO synthesis in order to allow HISS secretion, through a signaling pathway modulated by GC. HISS release in response to insulin is controlled by the prandial status. The second hypothesis tested was that glutathione (GSH) is involved in HISS secretion since the hepatic levels of GSH are, like HISS action, decreased in the fasted state and increased after ingestion of a meal. We observed that hepatic GSH depletion led to insulin resistance of the same magnitude of that observed after inhibition of hepatic NOS. These results support the hypothesis that hepatic GSH is crucial in peripheral insulin action. Since, in the fasted state, both hepatic GSH and NO levels are low, we tested the hypothesis that intraportal o-administration of a GSH donor and an NO donor enhances insulin sensitivity in fasted Wistar rats, by restoring HISS secretion. We observed that GSH and NO increased insulin sensitivity in a GSH dose-dependent manner. We concluded that HISS secretion requires elevated levels of both GSH and NO in the liver. GSH and NO react to form a S-nitrosothiol, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). The last hypothesis tested in this work was that HISS secretion/ action depends on the formation of GSNO. We observed that intravenous administration of -nitrosothiols (RSNOs) increased insulin sensitivity in animals fasted for 24 h, in contrast with the intraportal administration of the drug. This result suggests that RSNOs enhanced insulin sensitivity through a peripheral, and not hepatic, mechanism. The results obtained led to a restructuring of the HISS hypothesis, suggesting that the ingestion of a meal triggers the hepatic parasympathetic nerves, leading to the release of Ach in the liver, which in turn activates NOS. Simultaneously, hepatic GSH levels increase and react with NO to form a nitrosated compound, GSNO. S-nitrosoglutathione mimics HISS hypoglycaemic action at the skeletal muscle.


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The aim of this study was to compare the frequency of headache between Chagasic and Non-chagasic women. The cross-sectional study comprised 647 female ³40 years old, Chagasic (n = 362) and Controls (n = 285) at a Brazilian University Hospital. Chagasic were classified as Cardiac (n = 179), Megas (n = 58) or Indeterminate (n = 125) clinical forms. Headache was ascertained according to Headache International Society diagnostic criteria. The age (57.0 ± 11.3 versus 57.3 ± 10.4 years), and the percentage of white women (75.8% versus 77.1%) were similar between Chagasic and Controls, respectively. Headache was more prevalent among Chagasic (32.9%) than Controls (16.1%), mainly in Cardiac form (odds ratio, 2.41; 95% confidence interval, 1.38-4.23), phenomenon possibly related to parasympathetic denervation and cerebral vessels changes.


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We administered arecoline to rats, with experimentally induced chagasic myocarditis, in order to study the sinus node sensitivity to a muscarinic agonist. Sixteen month old rats were inoculated with 200,000 T. cruzi parasites ("Y" strain). Between days 18 and 21 (acute stage), 8 infected rats and 8 age-matched controls received intravenous arecoline as a bolus injection at the following doses: 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, and 80.0 mug/kg. Heart rate was recorded before, during and after each dose of arecoline. The remaining 8 infected animals and 8 controls were subjected to the same experimental procedure during the subacute stage, i.e., days 60 to 70 after inoculation. The baseline heart rate, of the animals studied during the acute stage (349 ± 68 bpm, mean ± SD), was higher than that of the controls (250 ± 50 bpm, p < 0.005). The heart rate changes were expressed as percentage changes over baseline values. A dose-response curve was constructed for each group of animals. Log scales were used to plot the systematically doubled doses of arecoline and the induced-heart rate changes. The slope of the regression line for the acutely infected animals (r = - 0.99, b =1.78) was not different from that for the control animals (r = - 0.97, b = 1.61). The infected animals studied during the subacute stage (r = - 0.99, b = 1.81) were also not different from the age-matched controls (r = - 0.99, b = 1.26, NS). Consequently, our results show no pharmacological evidence of postjunctional hypersensitivity to the muscarinic agonist arecoline. Therefore, these results indirectly suggest that the postganglionic parasympathetic innervation, of the sinus node of rats with autopsy proved chagasic myocarditis, is not irreversibly damaged by Trypanosoma cruzi.


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As a result of the advances in the control of pulmonary insufficiency in tetanus, the cardiovascular system has increasingly been shown to be a determining factor in morbidity and mortality but detailed knowledge of the cardiovascular complications in tetanus is scanty. The 24h-Holter was carried out in order to detect arrhythmias and sympathetic overactivity in 38 tetanus patients admitted to an ICU. The SDNN Index (standard deviation from the normal R-to-R intervals), was useful in detecting adrenergic tonus, and ranged from 64.1 ± 27 in the more severe forms of tetanus to 125 ± 69 in the milder ones. Sympathetic overactivity occurred in 86.2% of the more severe forms of the disease, but was also detected in 33% of the milder forms. Half the patients had their sympathetic overactivity detected only by the Holter. The most frequent arrhythmias were isolated supraventricular (55.2%) and ventricular (39.4%) extrasystoles. There was no association of the arrhythmias with the clinical form of tetanus or with the presence of sympathetic overactivity. The present study demonstrated that major cardiovascular dysfunction, particularly sympathetic overactivity, occurs in all forms of tetanus, even in the milder ones. This has not been effectively detected with traditional monitoring in ICU and may not be properly treated.


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A influência do sistema nervoso autónomo (SNA) na génese da fibrilhac¸ão auricular (FA) envolve múltiplos mecanismos complexos com impacto nas propriedades eletrofisiológicas cardíacas. A importância dos efeitos da estimulac¸ão autonómica no substrato elétrico auricular e das veias pulmonares (VP) e na vulnerabilidade para FA requer melhor compreensão. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da estimulac¸ão vagal (estim vag) e simpática (estim simp) aguda na condução e refratariedade das aurículas e VP e na indutibilidade de FA no coração de coelho in vivo com inervação autonómica preservada. Métodos: Estudámos 17 coelhos New Zealand de ambos os sexos. Para abordagem de «toráxaberto» procedeu-se a anestesia, entubação e ventilação após bloqueio neuro-muscular. O ECG foi obtido a partir de 3 derivações dos membros. Os eletrogramas foram registados com 4 elétrodos monopolares colocados na superfície epicárdica, distribuídos ao longo das aurículas e com um elétrodo circular adaptado à porção proximal das VP. Estimulou-se o nervo vago cervical direito e o tronco simpático torácico com elétrodos bipolares de platina. Estudámos os períodos refratários efetivos (PRE) e a condução elétrica auricular, entre a aurícula direita lateral-alta (AD) e a aurícula esquerda lateral-alta (AE), e entre AD e VP, em condições basais e durante estim vag, estim simp e estimulação autonómica combinada (dual estim). Para indução de FA, procedeu-se a pacing rápido (50 Hz, 10 s, isolado ou com estim vag, estim simp ou dual estim) com elétrodo bipolar no apêndice auricular direito (AAD), apêndice auricular esquerdo (AAE) e VP. Resultados: Em condições basais: os PRE eram maiores no AAE e registou-se um atraso na ativação da AD para as VP, comparando com a condução interauricular. Durante estim vag ou dual estim: os PRE encurtaram significativamente em todos os locais, o intervalo de condução interauricular variou de 20 ± 4 ms para 30 ± 10 ms (p < 0,05) e 31 ± 11 ms (p < 0,05),respetivamente. Com estim simp obteve-se uma redução significativa dos PRE no AAE e do tempo de condução interauricular para 16 ± 11 ms (p < 0,05). Induziu-se FA em 35 a 53% dos animais com 50 Hz, 65 a 76% com estim vagal ou estim simp, e 75 a 100% com dual estim (p < 0,05). A duração da FA aumentou significativamente durante estim vagal e/ou estim simp. Em 2/3 dos animais com indução de FA com duração >10 s a arritmia terminou imediatamente após interrupção da estim vagal. Conclusões: No coração de coelho inervado in vivo, a estimulação autonómica aguda encurta a refratariedade auricular e das VP, e modifica a velocidade de condução auricular, potenciando a indução e duração de FA. Os resultados sugerem que as variações agudas e a interação da atividade autonómica podem desempenhar um papel importante na fisiopatologia da FA.


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Resumo: Os mecanismos que regulam a homeostase da glucose no pós-prandial são distintos dos mecanismos desencadeados em situações de jejum. Desta forma o fígado parece desempenhar um papel fundamental na acção periférica da insulina após a refeição através de um mecanismo que envolve os nervos parassimpáticos hepáticos e o óxido nítrico (NO). Esta dissertação procura evidenciar a importância de ambos na fi siologia de manutenção da glicémia pós-prandial e na fi siopatologia da resistência à insulina. Dos resultados obtidos observou-se que após a administração de uma refeição mista o perfi l glicémico foi distinto em animais com ou sem ablação dos nervos parassimpáticos hepáticos. A desnervação parassimpática hepática aumentou as excursões de glucose imediatamente após a refeição. Estas diferenças nas excursões de glucose dependentes do parassimpático ocorreram devido a uma diminuição da clearance de glucose, sem que fosse afectada a taxa de aparecimento de glucose no sangue, a produção endógena de glucose e secreção de insulina ou péptido-C. Este aumento das excursões de glucose revelou-se ser devida à diminuição da clearance de glucose pós-prandial exclusivamente no músculo-esquelético, coração e o rim. Concluiu-se que o fígado teria uma função endócrina nestes três órgãos. Surgiu assim a hipótese dos S-nitrosotiois (RSNOs) poderem mimetizar essa resposta endócrina. Testou-se o seu efeito in vivo na sensibilidade à insulina. Para níveis baixos de sensibilidade à insulina, como jejum, desnervação no estado pós-prandial e resistência à insulina os RSNOs potenciaram a sensibilidade à insulina para valores semelhantes ao pós-prandial indicando-os como potenciais fármacos no tratamento da resistência à insulina. O NO e seus derivados ganharam assim uma evidência cada vez maior na acção periférica da insulina e portanto fez-se uma caracterização dos seus níveis desde a fi siologia à fi siopatologia. Os resultados obtidos nesta dissertação permitiram correlacionar a sintetase de óxido nítrico (NOS), enzima responsável pela síntese de NO como um possível marcador da resistência à insulina. Os resultados obtidos contribuíram substancialmente para compreender os mecanismos fi siológicos e fi siopatológicos de manutenção da glicémia após a refeição, colocando o fígado como órgão primordial na regulação periférica (extra-hepática) da captação de glucose.-------- ABSTRACT: The mechanisms responsible for the postprandial response are different from the ones in the fasted state. Therefore the liver seems to play a fundamental role in postprandial insulin action through a mechanism that evolves the hepatic parasympathetic nerves (HPN) and nitric oxide (NO). This work focused on the importance of both, HPN and NO, on postprandial glycemic control and on the pathophysiology of insulin resistance. We observed that after administration of a mixed meal the glycemic profi les with or without the parasympathetic nerves were distinct, increasing glucose excursions after ablation of HPN.This increase in glucose excursions was due to a decrease on the rate of glucose disappearance in extra-hepatic tissues. Glucose appearance rate, endogenous glucose production and insulin secretion were not related to this mechanism. The increase on glucose excursions after the ablation of hepatic parasympathetic system was due to a decrease on glucose clearance on extra-hepatic tissues, namely skeletal-muscle, heart and kidney. We concluded that the liver has an endocrine function on those tissues increasing their glucose uptake.This mechanism led to propose the hypothesis that S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) could mimic this mechanism. Therefore RSNOs effects on insulin sensitivity were tested. For low insulin sensitivity levels, i.e. fasted state, ablation of the HPN or insulin resistance state induced by a high sucrose diet RSNOs increased insulin sensitivity to levels normally observed in the postprandial state. These results indicated these drugs as potential pharmacological tools in the treatment of insulin resistance. NO and their derivates emerged as fundamental parts of insulin action. A characterization of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), the enzyme responsible for NO synthesis was part of the work performed. We concluded that NO could be used as a biomarker for insulin resistance states. This work contributed for understanding the mechanism underlying postprandial glycemic control indicating the liver as a key organ in the regulation of peripheral (extra-hepatic) insulin action.