309 resultados para Papal medals
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Gregory the Great was one of the four great fathers of the western Church, quickly rising from a monk, to a deacon, and eventually to the papal office (590-604). This book provides an introduction to the life and times of Gregory the Great. Particular attention is paid to his thinking and his writings including translations of his commentaries on translating the Bible, his sermons to the people, his reflections on the human condition, and, perhaps his most important work, his commentary on the Book of Job. A great addition to the series. 177p (The Early Church Fathers, Routledge 2005)
The first presentation of Antoine-Marin Le Mierre`s tragedy Malabar Widow, or the Empire of Customs, took place in 1770. It was based on the famous controversy over the Malabar (south west India) Rites. The object of the controversy was the Jesuit project in India, which started in the beginning of XVII century and was stopped by the Pope Benedict XIV, with the Apostolic Constitution Omnium Sollicitudinum. The papal condemnation of the rites closed a long process which shows the progressive loss of power of the Jesuit Company in the Age of Enlightenment, which will be definitive in 1773, with the suppression of the Company. In Le Mierre`s tragedy, we find the judgment of Malabar rites according to the rationalist ideas of the Enlightenment, with some typical topoi of the philosophes`s cultural perspective. At the same time, the enlightened disputation reproduces the Jesuit internal debate about India itself. Starting from a religious universal perspective of the different strategies of Christianization in India, or in the entire East, the missionary controversy had been about the religious or political interpretation of local signs. Briefly, this polemic would turn into the controversy on the rites. The criticism to the Jesuitical strategy of mission, in XVII and XVIII centuries, would start from here. The enormous number of documents on this issue became a powerful instrument in the battle against the Jesuits, in the XVIII century. On the base of the missionary disputation, the Enlightenment constructs the proposal of a new political and humanistic universal perspective. According to this, eventuality, the religion becomes just a privileged instrument to realize this operation.
Coins and commemorative medals constitute one special repository of the history of military medicine. The numismatic record has proven to be the most enduring, albeit one of the most selective, records of the progress of history. Matters of health, and especially of military medicine, have been central to the endeavors and indeed the survival of many cultures and societies. Many such themes in the national and international history of military medicine are preserved in the medallic record. Coins and medallions thus constitute one record of the chronology of this profession, one parallel to that of the more traditional history to be found in oral and written records. This account presents a four-part classification of medical coins and medals of military interest. These examples include (1) medals that portray military surgeons and physicians; (2) medals that commemorate special events of military medicine; (3) coins that portray the themes of the discipline of military medicine and health; and (4) a miscellaneous group that includes such examples as disease touch pieces and the militarily worn medals of such bodies as the International Red Cross and the Order of St. John, the latter of which are awarded inter alia for contributions to prehospital care in the field. A representative photo archive of such exemplars is included in this account.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais especialização em Estudos Políticos de Área
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História, na área de especialidade de História Medieval
Este estudo teve como base um corpus de imagens provenientes de bíblias historiadas do séc. XIII, existentes em Portugal. Centrados na concepção dos programas iconográficos, teólogos e iluminadores, provavelmente seculares, criaram mecanismos de construção de memória, de modo a veicularem, através das iniciais historiadas, mensagens que actualizavam o tempo primordial bíblico e, ao mesmo tempo, revelam intenções moralizadoras do seu próprio tempo, nas quais as relações entre cristãos e judeus estiveram presentes. O estudo passa por uma abordagem iconográfica mas, como historiadores de arte, essa aproximação leva-nos a formular questões e a estabelecer pressupostos epistemológicos à História da Arte Medieval que ultrapassam aquele método. A historiografia de arte não se detém apenas no estudo das formas, da decifração dos conteúdos e funções; consideramos que a história da arte, especialmente a arte cristã medieval, se institui num momento de abertura onde se intuem e interpretam os sintomas e se penetram os mistérios. O tema escolhido levou-nos exactamente para uma reflexão sobre o modo como se exerceu o poder dos cristãos sobre os judeus, num século em que o cristianismo se impõe no Ocidente através de uma nova atitude teológica, apoiada pelo poder real, papal e ordens mendicantes. Do ponto de vista do historiador a questão é complexa e está longe de ser unânime. Foi nosso propósito indagar como transmitiram os iluminadores os códigos, em diálogo com os teólogos, através de uma expressão artística que cumpre uma função religiosa e propagandística.
The A. and his co-workers captured in trips in the hinterland of Brazil more tham 17.000 flebotomi from which 35 are new ones, 11 discribed by, him in previous papers. The A. found these insects in groups of species living in different habitats, some ones of them not yet known: ondoors, or outdoors attracted by light or animal baits, without Shannons trap, in great or small caves, in the jungle in trees holes, holes in stones, holes in the soil habited by animals like armadillos, pacas (Aguti paca), wild rats, cururú toad (Bufo sp.). He observed the life history of 13 species: Flebotomus longipalpis Lutz& Neiva, 1912, Flebotomus intermedius Lutz & Neiva, 1912, Flebotomus avellari Costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus aragãoi costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus lutzianus Costa Lima, 1932, Flebotomus limai fonseca, 1935, Flebotomus rickardi Costa Lima, 1936, Flebotomus dasipodogeton Castro, 1939, Flebotomus oswaldoi n. sp., Flebotomus villelai n. sp., Flebotomus triacanthus n. sp., Flebotomus longispinus n. sp. And flebotomus travassosi n. sp. He describes the male of 24 n. sp., explaining the differential diagnose of group or nearly allied species. He inclued F. rooti n. sp. And F. hirsutus n. sp. In the sub-genus Shannonomyia. The first one, very allied to F. davisi Root is different from it, for presenting in the dorsal side of the abdomen bristles and not scales and to have the median claspers longer than his inner appendage and F. hirsutus quite different from the others which show 3 spines on distal segment of the upper clasper and for being the only one who presents the bristles of inner appendage of median clasper longer than it. Only the females of F. amazonensis Root and f. chagasi Costa Lima, are known and then it is possible that they belong to one of the species of this sub-genus from whom only the male have been described. F. choti Floch & Abonnenc, captured also at Pará, F. triacanthus n. sp. F. trispinosus n. sp. And F. equatorialis n. sp. Are very related and to this group the A. proposes the same of Pressatia as sub-genus in honor to whom demonstrated the medical importance of the flebotomi, considering F. triacanthus as the type specie of this sub-genus. In this sub-genus the V papal joint is very long, longer than III + IV, the antennae with geniculated spines without posterior outgrowth. At the genitalia the basal segment of the upper clasper presents two types of bristles ou the inner face, arranged in tuft; the distal segment with 3 spines and 2 thin bristles something difficult to see one of them situated near the apical spine and the other on the base of tubercle where the median spine is articulated; the median clasper is unarmed and compressed; the inferior clasper is also unarmed and longer than de basal segment of the upper clasper; the pompeta is longer than the basal segment of the upper clasper. Following it is presented a key for the determination of the males of the four species of this sub-genus. F. micropygus n. sp., F. minasensis n. sp. e F. dandrophylus n. sp., f. shannoni, F. monticolus, F. pestanai, F. lanei and F. cayenensis constitute a group with many similars characters. F. micropygus is the only American species who present α smaller than β and for that reason and others is allied to. F. minuts and others related species, but presents two terminal spines on the distal segment of the upper clasper. F. micropygus and f. minasensis are quite different because they have very small genitalia, smaller than their heads. F. dendrophylus presents on the median clasper a naked area near the apex and for this and others characters is different from the others of the group. F. flaviscutellatus n. sp., F. oliverioi, F. intermedius and whithmani, are very allied but the first one can be very easily distinguished because its scutellum is light. Flebotomus barrettoi n. sp., F. coutinhoi n. sp., F. aragãoi, F. brasiliensis, F. lutzianus, F. texanus, F. pascalei, F. atroclavatus and F. tejeraae are very allied forming a natural group. The two last ones are not well known but the A. A. who have studied them described very long clipeus so long as the head and for that reason can be distinguished from all the others included the two new ones. F. coutinhoi is the only one who presents the apecis of the penis filaments twisted. F. barrettoi n. sp., can be distinguished from aragãoi, texamus and coutinhoi by the length of the penis filaments and from atrocavatus, tejeraae, lutzianus and brasiliensis by the arrangement of the spines of distal segment of the upper clasper. Flebotomus ubiquitalis n. sp., F. auraensis n. sp., F. affinis and F. microps e F. antunesi have many common characters. F. microps n. sp., can be distinguished from any one by the size of the eyes and the presence od well developed genae. This species and other new species are different from F. antunesi by the arrangement of the spines of the distal segment of the upper clasper of the latter. F. ubiquitalis n. sp. can be distinguished from others by the figure of the median clasper. F. auraensis n. sp. Can be distinguished from F. affinis n. sp. By the tuft hairs on the inner face of the basal segment and by arrangement of the spines of the sital segment of the upper clasper. Flebotomus brachipygus n. sp. Seemed to be F. rostrans, specie not well known, by the characters of the genitalia but can not be identified to her by the clypeus size and the palpis characters. Flebotomus costalimai, n. sp., f. tupynambai n. sp., and f. castroi Barreto & Coutinho, 1941, are very allied species and the A. proposes to included them the new sub-genus Castromyia, in honor to Dr. G. M. de Oliveira Castro, appointing like typespecies F. castroi with the V joint longer than III + IV; antennae with geniculated spines without posterior prolongation. Genitalia: the basal segment of the upper clasper with a tuft of hairs and the distal segment with 4 spines, one of them at the apex and near it a thin and straight bristle difficult to see; the median clasper with one spinous hair isolated...
Socias ofereix una àmplia mirada sobre l'ús de les imatges en les obres de numismàtica primerenques. Diàlegs de medalles, d'Antonio Agustín
Quan l’any 1602 el pintor i tractadista Federico Zuccari publicà L’Ideade’pittori, scultori et architetti, Caravaggio ja havia radicalitzat el seu llenguatge versun fort naturalisme, al qual afegia un tractament de forts contrastos lumínics patent enl’obra, dos anys més tardana, que inaugura la mostra: La verge de Loreto, tambéconeguda com la Verge del peregrins. Davant el procés creatiu de Zuccari basat en laIdea, es a dir el disegno interno de bellesa, Caravaggio pren la realitat com a modeltrencant així amb el manierisme reformat que, a la Roma papal, te la seva plasmació al’Oratori dels Gonfalone on el citat tractadista hi va participar. D’altra banda la novamanera caravaggesca es contraria a la proposada per Annibale Carracci al programa dela Galeria Farnese i, alhora, per la defensada per tota la tractadística italiana del segleXVII, des de Giovanni Battista Agucchi, en el seu Tractat de la pintura(1607-1615),fins a Giovan Pietro Bellori en el seu discurs L’Idea del pittore, dello scultore edell’architetto, scelta dalle bellezze naturali superiore alla natura que seguint els vellsprincipis de la Poètica defensen que l’obra d’art ha de tenir versemblança, ha d’imitar els millors i pot corregir la realitat. No es estrany, doncs, que Agucchi posi comexemple a seguir l’art d’Annibale Carracci i que compari a Caravaggio amb l’escultorgrec Demetri, que va seguir tant al peu de la lletra la semblança que no va tenirconsideració per la bellesa.
Este artículo trata de la complicada y hasta ahora inédita historia de la llegada a España de dos obras cumbres de la orfebrería sienesa del s. XIV en plata con esmaltes translúcidos: el relicario de la mano de Santa Lucía en la catedral de Toledo y el cáliz de San Segundo en la catedral de Ávila. La importación de estos dos importantísimos objetos devocionales y litúrgicos, ambos firmados por el platero sienés Andrea Petrucci, está relacionada con la estancia en Italia del cardenal don Gil de Albornoz, arzobispo de Toledo y posteriormente cardenal de San Clemente y Santa Sabina y legado papal. El mecenazgo del cardenal castellano y de su círculo en Italia explica la comisión y adquisición de estas piezas, cuyos accidentados itinerarios desembocarían finalmente en Toledo y en Ávila.
Neste artigo, inicialmente, discorremos sobre o contexto histórico que suscitou a 1ª fase do conflito em torno às relações de poder, entre Bonifácio VIII e Felipe IV de França, e as fundamentações teóricas em que o Papa e o Rei se apoiavam. A seguir, analisamos um dos opúsculos anónimos, escrito em defesa da política do Rei contra parte da clerezia franca, que não queria ser taxada em seus bens, e contra a bula papal Clericis laicos. Por último, apresentamos a tradução do opúsculo Antequam essent clerici.