981 resultados para Panel Cointegration Test


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In this paper, our goal is to examine the unit root null hypothesis in energy consumption for Australian states and territory. We consider sectoral energy consumption for Australia and its six states and one territory using time series data for the period 1973-2007. This is the first study that does this. Generally, except for some cases in South Australia, we find strong support that shocks to energy consumption have a temporary effect on energy consumption in Australia. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article analyses the determinants of renewable energy consumption in six major emerging economies who are proactively accelerating the adoption of renewable energy. The long-run elasticities from both panel methods (fully modified ordinary least square and dynamic least square) and the time series method (autoregressive distributed lag) seem to be pretty consistent. For Brazil, China, India and Indonesia, in the long-run, renewable energy consumption is significantly determined by income and pollutant emission. However, for Philippines and Turkey, income seems to be the main driver for renewable energy consumption. In the short-run, for Brazil and China bi-directional causalities between renewable energy and income; and between renewable energy and pollutant emission are found. This research justifies the efforts undertaken by emerging countries to reduce the carbon intensity by increasing the energy efficiency and substantially increasing the share of renewable in the overall energy mix


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This article proposes a bias-adjusted estimator for use in cointegrated panel regressions when the errors are cross-sectionally correlated through an unknown common factor structure. The asymptotic distribution of the new estimator is derived and is examined in small samples using Monte Carlo simulations. For the estimation of the number of factors, several information-based criteria are considered. The simulation results suggest that the new estimator performs well in comparison to existing ones. In our empirical application, we provide new evidence suggesting that the forward rate unbiasedness hypothesis cannot be rejected. © The Author 2007.


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In this paper we propose a simple procedure for data dependent determination of the number of lags and leads to use in feasible estimation of cointegrated panel regressions. Results from Monte Carlo simulations suggests that the feasible estimators considered enjoys excellent precision in terms of root mean squared error and reasonable power with effective size hovering close to the nominal level. The good performance of the feasible estimators is verified empirically through an application to the long run money demand.


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This paper investigates the cointegrating and long-term causal relationships between the Shanghai A and B-share market, and between these two markets and the Hong Kong, the Taiwanese, the Japanese and the US market of two sub periods between July 1993 and March 2007. On the basis of a new Granger non-causality test procedure developed by Toda-Yamamoto (1995) and Johansen’s (1988) cointegration test, my results suggest that a long-term equilibrium relationship measured by cointegration has been merged between
the Chinese A-share market and the other markets in greater China region as well as the US market during the post-crisis period which covers the period since Chinese A-share market was opened to the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) in 2002. I also found that the Shanghai A-share market uni-directionally Granger-causes the other regional markets after the Asian financial crisis, while the A-share market and Hong Kong H-share market have had a significant feedback relationship since then. However, I found no evidence there has been cointegrating relationship between Shanghai B-share market and any other market ever since the B-share market was opened to the local retail investors in 2001.


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Nesta Tese foram apresentadas algumas alternativas de antecipação do preço futuro do aço a partir do emprego de modelos econométricos. Estes modelos foram definidos em função da análise do comportamento, no longo prazo, entre as séries de preços do aço no Brasil vis-à-vis seus respectivos preços no exterior. A verificação deste comportamento de longo prazo foi realizada através do teste de cointegração. A partir da constatação da não cointegração dessas séries, foram definidos dois modelos, cujas previsões, para diversos períodos, foram aqui apresentadas. Foi feita uma análise comparativa, onde foram identificados o melhor modelo e para quais temporalidades de previsão são melhor empregados. Como foi aqui comprovado, o aço é um insumo primordial nos empreendimentos industriais. Considerando que, atualmente, os preços são demandados de forma firme, ou seja, sem possibilidade de alteração, faz-se necessária a identificação de mecanismos de antecipação dos movimentos futuros desta commodity, de modo que se possa considerá-los na definição do preço ofertado, reduzindo assim perdas por suas flutuações inesperadas.


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In the last years, credit market has shown strong growth since interest rates and bank spreads have followed a declined route. This dissertation analyzes the impact of the monetary policy on the bank margins and interest rates of some type of credit operations and tests the relation between interest rates, loans and GDP. The cointegration test results can not reject the hypothesis that Selic rate could be affecting the bank margins and interest rates and also that there is a long term relation between interest rates, loans and GDP.


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This paper examined the transmission mechanism of international prices of agricultural commodities into the real exchange rate in Brazil for the period from January 2000 to February 2010. We used time series models (ARIMA Model, Transfer Model, Intervention Analysis, Johansen Cointegration Test) in determination of the short and long run elasticities. Transfer Function Model results show that changes in international prices of agricultural commodities are transmitted to the real exchange rate in Brazil in the short run, however, that transmission is less than unity, thus configuring the inelastic relationship. Johansen cointegration tests show that these variables are not co-integrated, no longer converge to the long-run equilibrium. These results are in agreement Cashim et al. (2004), which also found no long run relationship between real exchange rate and commodity prices in the case of Brazil. These results show that monetary shocks have greater weight on changes of the real exchange rate than real shocks.


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Produtos estruturados é uma combinação de ativos que inclui uma renda fixa e um ou mais derivativos embutidos. No Brasil, como ainda não existe uma regulamentação específica como nos Estados Unidos e Europa, a comercialização destes produtos é feita, principalmente, via Fundos de Investimentos Estruturados. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar se existe uma sobrevalorização na emissão de Fundos de Investimentos Estruturados. Para isso, calculou-se a diferença entre o preço de emissão e o preço teórico. Este preço teórico foi calculado sintetizando uma carteira composta de um componente renda fixa e os derivativos embutidos, valorizando-se os dois componentes com base na mesma metodologia abordada em publicações nacionais e internacionais. Foram analisados 40 fundos de Investimentos Fechados com emissão entre 2006 e 2011, observando-se que há indícios de uma diferença de preços, conclusão similar aos demais trabalhos que analisaram o tema. Esta diferença de preços encontrada pode ser explicada pelos custos de desenvolvimento dos produtos, pelos custos de hedge das operações e pelo fato dos pequenos investidores não terem acesso a este mercado diretamente. Adicionalmente, analisou-se a existência de uma relação de longo prazo entre as variáveis volatilidade e a diferença de preços encontrada. Através do Teste de Cointegração foi observado que existe uma tendência de longo prazo entre as variáveis. A Decomposição das Variâncias demonstra que as variações de margem são explicadas pelas variações na volatilidade e, por fim, o Teste da Causalidade de Granger indica que as variações da margem precedem as variações da volatilidade estimada. Com este resultado, espera-se contribuir para aumentar a transparência do mercado ao ilustrar a sofisticação das estruturas e, também, contribuir para o debate nas discussões sobre a nova regulamentação dos produtos estruturados que o Banco Central está em via de definir.


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This paper examines whether or not the export insurance subsidy provided by the British government has promoted Britain.s export supply. Unlike previous studies on the effectiveness of export subsidy in export supply, the current study examines the stationarity nature of the concerned variables. The unit root tests show that all concerned variables are integrated of order one. According to Johansen cointegration test, the concerned variables are not cointegrated. The empirical evidences using the first differenced data show that the export subsidy in terms of provision of export insurances by the government is not statistically significant in increasing export supply.


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This paper empirically analyzes India’s money demand function during the period of 1980 to 2007 using monthly data and the period of 1976 to 2007 using annual data. Cointegration test results indicated that when money supply is represented by M1 and M2, a cointegrating vector is detected among real money balances, interest rates, and output. In contrast, it was found that when money supply is represented by M3, there is no long-run equilibrium relationship in the money demand function. Moreover, when the money demand function was estimated using dynamic OLS, the sign onditions of the coefficients of output and interest rates were found to be consistent with theoretical rationale, and statistical significance was confirmed when money supply was represented by either M1 or M2. Consequently, though India’s central bank presently uses M3 as an indicator of future price movements, it is thought appropriate to focus on M1 or M2, rather than M3, in managing monetary policy.


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El proyecto consiste en determinar las coordenadas de un panel de test por diferentes métodos y comparar los resultados obtenidos mediante calidad posicional. Los métodos serán los siguientes: - Por topografía clásica - Por fotogrametría o Una cámara convencional (cámara primaria) realizará una pasada con tres fotografías del panel de test, se orientarán los dos pares y se restituirán para obtener coordenadas. o Midiendo una serie de marcas de la cámara primaria que serán transformadas desde otro sistema de coordenadas al sistema test podremos calcular los parámetros de orientación externa por métodos geométricos. o Otra cámara convencional (cámara secundaria) realizará tres pasadas con tres fotografías cada una de la cámara primaria para medir fotogramétricamente las marcas de esta cámara y así poder repetir el proceso de orientación directa. El resultado final de la orientación directa no ha sido válido ya que no hemos podido obtener resultados por este método. Como posibles soluciones e propone utilizar un sensor de giro o hacer un estudio en un futuro proyecto fin de carrera.