960 resultados para Pallenberg, Max, 1877-1934.
Grossmann, Henrik: "The Nature of Economic Crisis". Typoskript, 4 Blatt; Über die Tätigkeiten des Institutes für Sozialforschung. Verschiedene Berichte. 1940- 1941; "Report to the Trustees of the Kurt Gerlach Memorial Foundation". 25.01.1940, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; "Manuskript under preparation". Januar 1940, handschriftliche Liste, 1 Blatt; Horkheimer, Max: "Über die allgemeine Lage des Instituts". Bericht für das Advisory Bord (New York members) Meeting, 22.04.1940; sowie ein Protokoll des Treffens, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; "Annual Report on the Activities of the Société International de Recherces Sociales, Presented to the Eight General Meeting in New York City on April 27, 1940"; sowie "Report on the Activities of the International Institute of Social Research for the Year 1939". Typoskript, 13 Blatt; "Report to the Trustees of the Kurt Gerlach Memorial Foundation". 23.02.1941, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen von Max Horkheimer und handschriftlichen Ergänzungen und Korrekturen von Leo Löwenthal, 7 Blatt; Liste der Veröffentlichungen und der Forschungsgebiete des Instituts für Sozialforschung; "Content of Periodicals. List of Articles and Selected Major Book Reviews Arranged According to Contibutors. List of Articles and Selected Major Book Reviews Arranged According Topics. 1934-1941". a) Typoskript, 14 Blatt; b) Typoskript , 15 Blatt; "Literatur über features". 03.02.1941, Veröffentlichungsliste, 1 Blatt; Veröffentlichungsliste zu den Gebieten Nationalsozialismus, Massenkultur, Sozialgeschichte des späteren Mittelalters; 19.12.1941, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Ankündigung und Übersicht über die ersten Nummern der "Studies in Philosophy and Social Science". 1941; Typoskripte und Drucksachen, 3 Blatt; "Supplementary Memorandum on the Activities of the Institute from 1939 to 1941. (supplemented to December, 1942)". 1942, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 5 Blatt; Über Organisation und Mitarbeiter des Institutes für Sozialforschung. 1943; a) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; b) Typoskript, 7 Blatt; c) Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; d) Teilstück, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; e) Entwurf, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 8 Blatt; "Annual Report on the Activities of the Social Studies Association, Inc.". 15.05.1943, Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Statement of Prof. Dr. Max Horkheimer, Director of the Institut of Social Research on June 9, 1943. Reponse: Certain Charges made against the Institut of Social Research (Columbia University)". 1943; a) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Randbemerkungen, 6 Blatt; c) deutsche Rückübersetzung, 1969, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt;
"The International Institute of Social Research. Its History, Program and Needs" (1943?), als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 18 Blatt, mit 6 Photographien und einem Anhang: Rezensionen von "Autorität und Familie" und "Abstracts" von Aufsätzen aus der Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Photokopien, 12 Blatt; "Über Geschichte, Organisation und Tätigkeiten des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Aus einem Bericht" (1943), Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt; "Annual Report on the Activities of the Social Studies Association, Inc." (6.5.1944), Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Ten Years on Morningside Hights. A Report on the Institute's History 1934 to 1944 (Dezember 1944): 1. Report, a) als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 36 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 48 Blatt, c) Entwurf des Teils "Philosophical Studies", Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 2. "Letters Regarding Ten Years Report", 1 Blatt; 3. Liste der Empfänger des Reports. 1 Blatt; 4. Max Horkheimer: 1 Brief an Nicholas Murray Butler, New York, 17.4.1945 , 1 Blatt; 5. Briefentwürfe zur Versendung des Reports, 2 Blatt; Theodore Abel: "Evaluation of the Institute's Work" (1944?): 1. Würdigung, Typoskript, englisch, 4 Blatt; 2. Theodore Abel: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Leo Löwenthal, New York, 6.3.1946; 3. Abschrift von 1. und 2., Typoskript, 5 Blatt; Über Organisation und Tätigkeiten des Instituts für Sozialforschung (Mai 1945), Typoskript, 3 Blatt;
Über Probleme der Interpretation von Umfrageergebnissen, Datierung unklar, Typoskript, englisch, mit handschriftlichen und eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; Über Zielsetzungen, Methoden und Inhalte der "Studies in Prejudice", Datierung unklar, um 1950, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; "Autorität und Familie" (GS 3, S. 336-417), 1932-1934; Materialien zur Veröffentlichung (Alcan, Paris 1936); Zur Sachverständigenerhebung: Horkheimer, Max bzw. Bouglé, Jeanne: Rundschreiben an Sachverständige, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 3 Blatt; Fragebogen für Sachverständige, als Typoskript, vervielfältigt, 6 Blatt; Zur Erhebung bei Jugendlichen; Entwurf des Fragebogens, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; Fragebögen, verschiedene Entwürfe, als Typoskript vervielfältigt und Drucke, 19 Blatt; Berichte über ausgefüllt Fragebögen aus der Schwez und Belgien, Typoskrip, 13 Blatt; "Anmerkungen für die Ausfüllung der Fragebögenpässe". Typoskript, 4 Blatt; "Zusätzliche Angabn in den Pässen für Jugendliche nach Vorschlag von Dr. Leichter". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Anleitung zu zusätzlichen Interviews, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; "Questionaires de la jeunesse envoyés de la part du bureau de Paris le 3 juillet 1934". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; "Korrelationen", Liste, 5 Blatt; Auswertungskarte, 1 Blatt; Horkheimer, Max und Pollock, Friedrich: Stichworte zur Befragung, eigenhändige Notizen, 2 Blatt; Zur Erhebung bei Arbeitslosen: Vorbemerkung und Fragebogen, verschiedene Fassungen, Typoskript, vervielfältigt, 37 Blatt; Zur Vorbereitung und Gliederung der Untersuchung; "Untergliederung der Hauptthemen", Stichworte, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; "Die Familie", Stichworte, Typoskript, 4 Blatt; "Allgemeine Richtlinien für die Arbeit von H[ilde] W[eiss]". Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Horkheimer, Max: Zur Gliederung, eigenhändige Notizen, 1 Blatt; Sternheim, Andries: "Die Rolle des ökonomischen Motivs in der Familie der Gegenwart". Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 59 Blatt [Bericht darüber in "Autoritätund Familie", Paris 1936, S. 575 ff]; Bibliographien zur Familienthematik, Typoskript, 12 Blatt; Burri, Eduard: "Offener Brief an das Institut für Sozialforschung Genf", Zeitungsdruck, Eidgenössische Nachrichten, 15.03.1934; Horkheimer, Max: "Wissenschaft und soziale Not", zwei Antwortschreiben an Eduard Burri, Zeitungsdruck, Eidgenössische Nachrichten, 04.04.1934;
169 Briefe zwischen Franz Neumann und Max Horkheimer; 4 Briefe von Franz Neumann an Frederick Pollock, 1937 - 1941; 7 Briefe zwischen Franz Neumann und Walter L. Dorn, 1941 - 1942; 2 Briefe zwischen Walter L. Dorn und Max Horkheimer, März 1943; 1 Brief von Tom an Franz Neumann, 09.09.1941; 1 Brief von Phillip C. Jessup an Franz Neumann, 22.08.1941; 1 Brief von Athur und Wicky Goldschmidt an Franz Neumann, 22.08.1941; 2 Briefe von Goodwin Watson an Franz Neumann, 1941; 1 Brief von Harold Lasswell an Franz Neumann, 07.07.1941; 2 Briefe von Eugene N. Anderson an Franz Neumann, 1941; 1 Brief von C. J. Friedrich an Franz Neumann, 18.06.1941; 1 Brief von Alfred E. Cohn an Max Horkheimer, 30.01.1941; 1 Brief von Alfred E. Cohn an Franz Neumann, 30.01.1941; 3 Briefe von Leo Löwenthal an Franz Neumann, 1940; 1 Brief von Thurman Arnold an Max Horkheimer, 21.12.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Ernst Kahn und Franz Neumann, 1938; 1 Brief von Franz Neumann an Walter Socoloff, 21.06.1938; 1 Brief von Franz Neumann an Flegenheimer, 31.06.1935; 1 Brief von Anita [Schwester von Felix Weil] an Felix Weil, 24.08.1937; 2 Briefe zwischen Franz Neumann und C. D. Medley, 1935/1936; 7 Briefe zwischen The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars (New York) und Max Horkheimer, 1936; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Guerreo, 08.09.1936; 1 Brief (Abschrift) von der Columbia University (New York) an United States of America, Consul General (London), 05.03.1936; 1 Brief von Franz Neumann an Juliette Favez, 11.12.1935;
Contributon from Bureau of Biological Survey.
This thesis considers Max Dupain (1911-1992) and his contribution to the development of architectural photography in Australia. Through his continuous and prolific output over six decades of professional photography Dupain greatly stimulated awareness of and interest in Australian architecture. Before Dupain began specialising in the field, little consistent professional architectural photography had been practised in Australia. He and some of his close associates subsequently developed architectural photography as both a specialised branch of photography and - perhaps more significantly - as a necessary adjunct to architectural practice. In achieving these dual accomplishments, Dupain and like-minded practitioners succeeded in elevating architectural photography to the status of a discipline in its own right. They also gave Australians generally a deeper understanding of the heritage represented by the nation's built environment. At the same time, some of the photographic images he created became firmly fixed in the public imagination as historical icons within the development of a distinctive Australian tradition in the visual arts. Within his chosen field Dupain was the dominant Australian figure of his time. He was instrumental in breaking the link with Pictorialism by bringing Modernist and Documentary perspectives to Australian architectural photography. He was an innovator in the earlier decades of his professional career, however, his photographic techniques and practice did not develop beyond that. By the end of the 1980s he had largely lost touch with the technology and techniques of contemporary practice. Dupain's reputation, which has continued growing since his death in 1992, therefore arises from reasons other than his photographic images alone. It reflects his accomplishment in raising his fellow citizens' awareness of a worthwhile home-grown artistic tradition.
Log-linear and maximum-margin models are two commonly-used methods in supervised machine learning, and are frequently used in structured prediction problems. Efficient learning of parameters in these models is therefore an important problem, and becomes a key factor when learning from very large data sets. This paper describes exponentiated gradient (EG) algorithms for training such models, where EG updates are applied to the convex dual of either the log-linear or max-margin objective function; the dual in both the log-linear and max-margin cases corresponds to minimizing a convex function with simplex constraints. We study both batch and online variants of the algorithm, and provide rates of convergence for both cases. In the max-margin case, O(1/ε) EG updates are required to reach a given accuracy ε in the dual; in contrast, for log-linear models only O(log(1/ε)) updates are required. For both the max-margin and log-linear cases, our bounds suggest that the online EG algorithm requires a factor of n less computation to reach a desired accuracy than the batch EG algorithm, where n is the number of training examples. Our experiments confirm that the online algorithms are much faster than the batch algorithms in practice. We describe how the EG updates factor in a convenient way for structured prediction problems, allowing the algorithms to be efficiently applied to problems such as sequence learning or natural language parsing. We perform extensive evaluation of the algorithms, comparing them to L-BFGS and stochastic gradient descent for log-linear models, and to SVM-Struct for max-margin models. The algorithms are applied to a multi-class problem as well as to a more complex large-scale parsing task. In all these settings, the EG algorithms presented here outperform the other methods.
This is the second volume of a five volume series that describes, assesses, and analyses football in Victoria during the nineteenth century. This volume looks at the cultural contexts of the sport in the late 1870s and early 1880s, describes the important matches played, and provides a full statistical account of this time period. This book is the first comprehensive discussion of the early period in Australian football's development.
Synopsis and critique of Australian film in animation, comedy, and drama genres.
The response of soybean (Glycine max) and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) to feeding by Helicoverpa armigera during the pod-fill stage was studied in irrigated field cages over three seasons to determine the relationship between larval density and yield loss, and to develop economic injury levels. H. armigera intensity was calculated in Helicoverpa injury equivalent (HIE) units, where 1 HIE was the consumption of one larva from the start of the infestation period to pupation. In the dry bean experiment, yield loss occurred at a rate 6.00 ± 1.29 g/HIE while the rates of loss in the three soybean experiments were 4.39 ± 0.96 g/HIE, 3.70 ± 1.21 g/HIE and 2.12 ± 0.71 g/HIE. These three slopes were not statistically different (P > 0.05) and the pooled estimate of the rate of yield loss was 3.21 ± 0.55 g/HIE. The first soybean experiment also showed a split-line form of damage curve with a rate of yield loss of 26.27 ± 2.92 g/HIE beyond 8.0 HIE and a rapid decline to zero yield. In dry bean, H. armigera feeding reduced total and undamaged pod numbers by 4.10 ± 1.18 pods/HIE and 12.88 ± 1.57 pods/HIE respectively, while undamaged seed numbers were reduced by 35.64 ± 7.25 seeds/HIE. In soybean, total pod numbers were not affected by H. armigera infestation (out to 8.23 HIE in Experiment 1) but seed numbers (in Experiments 1 and 2) and the number of seeds/pod (in all experiments) were adversely affected. Seed size increased with increases in H. armigera density in two of the three soybean experiments, indicating plant compensatory responses to H. armigera feeding. Analysis of canopy pod profiles indicated that loss of pods occurred from the top of the plant downwards, but with an increase in pod numbers close to the ground at higher pest densities as the plant attempted to compensate for damage. Based on these results, the economic injury levels for H. armigera on dry bean and soybean are approximately 0.74 HIE and 2.31 HIE/m2, respectively (0.67 and 2.1 HIE/row-m for 91 cm rows).
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Verso: "Liebermann Feierlichkeiten in der Akademie der Kuenste. In der Mitte: Max Liebermann und Frau. Becker."