1000 resultados para Paleoceanography


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Modern thermohaline circulation plays a role in latitudinal heat transport and in deep-ocean ventilation, yet ocean circulation may have functioned differently during past periods of extreme warmth, such as the Cretaceous. The Late Cretaceous (100-65 Ma) was an important period in the evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean, characterized by opening ocean gateways, long-term climatic cooling and the cessation of intermittent periods of anoxia (oceanic anoxic events, OAEs). However, how these phenomena relate to deep-water circulation is unclear. We use a proxy for deep-water mass composition (neodymium isotopes; e-Nd) to show that, at North Atlantic ODP Site 1276, deep waters shifted in the early Campanian (~78-83 Ma) from e-Nd values of ~-7 to values of ~-9, consistent with a change in the style of deep-ocean circulation but >10 Myr after a change in bottom water oxygenation conditions. A similar, but more poorly dated, trend exists in e-Nd data from DSDP Site 386. The Campanian e-Nd transition observed in the North Atlantic records is also seen in the South Atlantic and proto-Indian Ocean, implying a widespread and synchronous change in deep-ocean circulation. Although a unique explanation does not exist for the change at present, we favor an interpretation that invokes Late Cretaceous climatic cooling as a driver for the formation of Southern Component Water, which flowed northward from the Southern Ocean and into the North Atlantic and proto-Indian Oceans.


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The isotopic composition of Nd in present-day deep waters of the central and northeastern Atlantic Ocean is thought to fingerprint mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water with Antarctic Bottom Water. The central Atlantic Romanche and Vema Fracture Zones are considered the most important pathways for deep water exchange between the western and eastern Atlantic basins today. We present new Nd isotope records of the deepwater evolution in the fracture zones obtained from ferromanganese crusts, which are inconsistent with simple water mass mixing alone prior to 3 Ma and require additional inputs from other sources. The new Pb isotope time series from the fracture zones are inexplicable by simple mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water for the entire past 33 Myr. The distinct and relatively invariable Nd and Pb isotope records of deep waters in the fracture zones appear instead to have been controlled to a large extent by contributions from Saharan dust and the Orinoco/Amazon Rivers. Thus the previously observed similarity of Nd and Pb isotope time series from the western and eastern North Atlantic basins is better explainable by direct supply of Labrador Seawater to the eastern basin via a northern pathway rather than by advection of North Atlantic Deep Water via the Romanche and Vema Fracture Zones.


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In order to assess how insolation-driven climate change superimposed on sea level rise and millennial events influenced the Red Sea during the Holocene, we present new paleoceanographic records from two sediment cores to develop a comprehensive reconstruction of Holocene circulation dynamics in the basin. We show that the recovery of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna after the Younger Dryas was completed earlier in the northern than in the central Red Sea, implying significant changes in the hydrological balance of the northern Red Sea region during the deglaciation. In the early part of the Holocene, the environment of the Red Sea closely followed the development of the Indian summer monsoon and was dominated by a circulation mode similar to the current summer circulation, with low productivity throughout the central and northern Red Sea. The climatic signal during the late Holocene is dominated by a faunal transient event centered around 2.4 ka BP. Its timing corresponds to that of North Atlantic Bond event 2 and to a widespread regionally recorded dry period. This faunal transient is characterized by a more productive foraminiferal fauna and can be explained by an intensification of the winter circulation mode and high evaporation. The modern distribution pattern of planktonic foraminifera, reflecting the prevailing circulation system, was established after 1.7 ka BP.


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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from Deep Sea Drilling Project site 532 shed light on hydrographic changes over the Walvis Ridge during the past 500,000 years. From changes in distribution of foraminiferal assemblages, two major hydrographic regimes (coastal and geostrophic branches of the Benguela Current and the Angola Current) can be distinguished at site 532. It is suggested that the hydrographic situation on the northeastern Walvis Ridge was characterized by intensified upwelling and a westward expansion of the coastal upwelling cells during several global cooling pulses. During glacial stages 2-4, the middle part of stage 6, sporadically from the lower stage 8 through upper stage 10, and during stage 12, site 532 was located beneath the coastal branch of the Benguela Current because faunal distribution patterns indicate intensified upwelling. The Angola Current probably intruded the area of study during the lower stages 5, sporadically 6-8, and 11, as documented by the increased abundance of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei.


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The relationship between decadal to centennial changes in ocean circulation and climate is difficult to discern using the sparse and discontinuous instrumental record of climate and, as such, represents a large uncertainty in coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models. We present new modern and fossil coral radiocarbon (D14C) records from Palmyra (6°N, 162°W) and Christmas (2°N, 157°W) islands to constrain central tropical Pacific ocean circulation changes during the last millennium. Seasonally to annually resolved coral D14C measurements from the 10th, 12th-17th, and 20th centuries do not contain significant interannual to decadal-scale variations, despite large changes in coral d18O on these timescales. A centennial-scale increase in coral radiocarbon from the Medieval Climate Anomaly (~900-1200 AD) to the Little Ice Age (~1500-1800) can be largely explained by changes in the atmospheric D14C, as determined with a box model of Palmyra mixed layer D14C. However, large 12th century depletions in Palmyra coral D14C may reflect as much as a 100% increase in upwelling rates and/or a significant decrease in the D14C of higher-latitude source waters reaching the equatorial Pacific during this time. SEM photos reveal evidence for minor dissolution and addition of secondary aragonite in the fossil corals, but our results suggest that coral D14C is only compromised after moderate to severe diagenesis for these relatively young fossil corals.


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Early and Mid-Pleistocene climate, ocean hydrography and ice sheet dynamics have been reconstructed using a high-resolution data set (planktonic and benthic d18O time series, faunal-based sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions and ice-rafted debris (IRD)) record from a high-deposition-rate sedimentary succession recovered at the Gardar Drift formation in the subpolar North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Leg 306, Site U1314). Our sedimentary record spans from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 31 to MIS 19 (1069-779 ka). Different trends of the benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes, SST and IRD records before and after MIS 25 (~940 ka) evidence the large increase in Northern Hemisphere ice-volume, linked to the cyclicity change from the 41-kyr to the 100-kyr that occurred during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT). Beside longer glacial-interglacial (G-IG) variability, millennial-scale fluctuations were a pervasive feature across our study. Negative excursions in the benthic d18O time series observed at the times of IRD events may be related to glacio-eustatic changes due to ice sheets retreats and/or to changes in deep hydrography. Time series analysis on surface water proxies (IRD, SST and planktonic d18O) of the interval between MIS 31 to MIS 26 shows that the timing of these millennial-scale climate changes are related to half-precessional (10 kyr) components of the insolation forcing, which are interpreted as cross-equatorial heat transport toward high latitudes during both equinox insolation maxima at the equator.