990 resultados para Pacific Island


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The Republic of Kiribati is a vast South Pacific island group with one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the world. Kiribati waters support a wealth of marine fisheries activities. These activities occur in oceanic, coastal and inshore environments and range from large, foreign, industrial-scale oceanic fishing operations to small-scale, domestic, inshore subsistence fisheries, aquaculture and recreational fisheries. Kiribati has developed a framework of domestic and international governance arrangements that are designed to sustainably manage its wealth of marine resources. The report provides background information for fisheries projects in Kiribati that aim to build food security, improve artisanal livelihoods and strengthen community engagement in fisheries governance. It provides information on the current status of Kiribati fishery resources (oceanic and coastal), their current governance and future challenges. Fish and fisher alike pay little heed to maritime boundaries and bureaucratic distinctions. This report covers both sides of the oceanic/coastal boundary because of the I-Kiribati communities’ interest in oceanic fisheries such as tuna and their heavy dependence on its fisheries resources for food security and economic development. The report focuses on two potential pilot sites for community-based fisheries management projects: North Tarawa and Butaritari.


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Solomon Islands has a population of just over half a million people, most of whom are rural-based subsistence farmers and fishers who rely heavily on fish as their main animal-source food and for income. The nation is one of the Pacific Island Counties and Territories; future shortfalls in fish production are projected to be serious, and government policy identifies inland aquaculture development as one of the options to meet future demand for fish. In Solomon Islands, inland aquaculture has also been identified as a way to improve ood and nutrition security for people with poor access to marine fish. This report undertaken by a Worldfish study under the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems explores the e potential role of land-based aquaculture of Mozambique tilapia in Solomon Islands as it relates to household food and nutrition security. This nutrition survey aimed to benchmark the foods and diets of households newly involved in small homestead tilapia ponds and their neighboring households in the central region of Malaita, the most populous island of all the provinces in Solomon Islands. Focus group discussions and semistructured interviews were employed in 10 communities (five inland and five coastal), four clinics, and five schools.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.


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La presente monografía busca explicar el proceso de securitización realizado por la AOSIS del cambio climático en las COP de la CMNUCC. Esta investigación defiende que la AOSIS sí ha hecho dicho proceso a través de estrategias como el liderazgo moral y los nexos con actores no-estatales; pero dicho proceso no ha sido exitoso, dado el predominio del discurso del desarrollo sostenible en las negociaciones, el debilitamiento de la AOSIS como actor securitizador y el poco apoyo formal de las potencias emergentes y el bloque UMBRELLA. Para sustentar lo anterior, se realizará una revisión de informes científicos que demuestran que el cambio climático es una amenaza a la seguridad, y un estudio desde de la teoría de securitización de Thierry Balzacq, de los discursos dados por los estados AOSIS, de las COP y de las posiciones de algunos bloques de negociación sobre el cambio climático.


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Superficially, the high human populations of prosperous, well-fed city-states such as Singapore and Hong Kong might appear to support the view that high concentrations of human dynamism and enterprise can alone transcend environmental constraints. Indeed, extrapolations from such densely populated regions to the whole world form the historical basis for the most optimistic estimates of how many people the Earth might support. In fact, these affluent, densely populated regions require goods and services that are produced by areas far larger than the residential area of the state. For the foreseeable future, the whole world cannot live as densely and as well as Singapore. For example, some of the fish eaten in Hong Kong is captured in Pacific Island fisheries. Beef from the Northern Territory is exported to Japan. More generally, the supply of environmentally dependent goods - including sinks for wastes - is always limited, as are inputs such as fertile soil, clean fresh water and a benign climate.


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Fiji is a small island country in the South Pacific. Sugar is its oldest industry, being in the vanguard of economic growth and development for over a century. Today the oldest industry, not only in Fiji but also in the South Pacific Island countries, is shrivelling and is poised on the precipice of collapse. The literature to date has singled out expiring land leases and the inability of the government to resolve this issue as the key to the current calamity. This paper aims to estimate a sugarcane production model for Fiji, delineating the short-run and long-run determinants. It expands the Cobb-Douglas production function in specifying the sugarcane production model and uses time series data (1970-2000) in estimating it. The major findings are that area harvested and fertiliser (capital), labour force and prices paid to sugarcane farmers have made positive contributions to sugarcane production in both the short- and long-run. The finding on the statistical significance of area harvested has direct relevance to the current land problems in Fiji. It is envisaged that the results will appeal to Fijian policy makers and that a speedy solution to the problem of expiring and non-productive use of sugarcane land will be achieved.


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In Kurunavanua (the trembling of the earth) Bolatagici investigates representations of Pacific Island masculinity, Fiji and the economy of war. Her ongoing research is concerned with neo-colonial encounters between the US, Australia, Britain and Pacific Island nations. This exhibition is informed by research into the exploitation of the Pacific by comparing the participation of Fijian soldiers in the nuclear tests at Christmas Island in the 1950s to the current recruitment of Fijians to work for Private Security Military Companies in the Middle East.


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Climate change poses serious threats to human health and well-being. It exacerbates existing health inequities, impacts on the social determinants of health and disproportionately affects vulnerable populations. In the Australian region these include remote Aboriginal communities, Pacific Island countries and people with low incomes. Given health promotion’s remit to protect and promote health, it should be well placed to respond to emerging climate-related health challenges. Yet, to date, there has been little evidence to demonstrate this. This paper draws on the findings of a qualitative study conducted in Victoria, Australia to highlight that; while there is clearly a role for health promotion in climate change mitigation and adaptation at the national and international levels, there is also a need for the engagement of health promoters at the community level. This raises several key issues for health promotion practice. To be better prepared to respond to climate change, health promotion practitioners first need to re-engage with the central tenets of the Ottawa Charter, namely the interconnectedness of humans and the natural environment and, secondly, the need to adopt ideas and frameworks from the sustainability field. The findings also open up a discussion for paradigmatic shifts in health promotion thinking and acting in the context of climate change.


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Objectives This study investigated cultural values related to body image and eating practices in Western and non-Western societies.

Design and Methods In total, 628 Fijian, 463 Indo-Fijian, 598 Tongan, and 534 Australian adolescents completed measures of cultural values and religious influences in relation to the ideal body and eating practices.

Results Fijian and Tongan adolescents were more likely to value a large body. Religious influences were most strongly associated with eating practices for Fijians, Indo-Fijians, and Tongans.

Conclusions The findings support the role of religion in transmitting cultural values regarding eating practices in Pacific Island communities.

Statement of contribution
What is already known on this subject? Previous research has demonstrated that sociocultural factors shape body image and eating behaviours. Most of this research has been conducted in Western countries.

What does this study add? The current study identifies the role of cultural values and religious influences on body image and eating behaviours in a number of different cultural groups. This is the first study to use the same methodology to explore these relationships across Western and Pacific Island communities.


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In 2003, Australia led a modest intervention into Solomon Islands in response to both growing civil unrest and an escalating economic crisis. New Zealand and several Pacific Island countries contributed to this response, which became known as Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, or RAMSI. With the mission due to withdraw in 2017, this article explores whether there are indicators that the country is likely to return to civil unrest through assessing whether firearms and other weapons are again being sourced and stockpiled, and considers what else could be done for Australia and Solomon Islands to move beyond RAMSI and into a new phase of peaceful cooperation.


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© 2015 Taylor & Francis This paper discusses the empirical manifestations of the notion of active citizenship in the context of the experiences of migrant youth. It focuses on the practices of active citizenship through involvement in social networks and creative civic engagement. In doing so, the article examines the complex and multi-faceted nature of social networking among migrant youth and the extent to which their approach to engagement is dependent on the specificities of the local environment, the type of social issues involved, and the cultural norms of one's own cultural heritage. Key empirical insights are derived from quantitative and qualitative research conducted among migrant youth of African, Arabic-speaking and Pacific Island backgrounds in Australia. These empirical insights are used to examine the changing perceptions of active citizenship among migrant youth, and the possibilities offered through non-traditional networks to engender civic engagement and social participation.


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BACKGROUND: We reviewed the research on the prevalence of myopia in the adult population to compare the refractive distribution of patients being treated with excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy to correct myopia, and assess the potential market for excimer laser surgery. METHODS: All published reports of myopia prevalence in adults were reviewed, as well as the prevalence in the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project and the distribution of refractive errors treated by the Melbourne Excimer Laser Group in 1994. RESULTS: A large population-based study of people aged 4 to 74 years in the U.S. showed that 43% had low myopia (less than -5.00 diopters (D)), 3.2% had high myopia (-5.01 to -10.00 D), and 0.2% had extreme myopia (more than -10.00 D). In Asian populations these proportions may be much higher and in African and Pacific island groups, much lower. In the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project, we found the prevalence of low myopia was 21%, high myopia 2%, and extreme myopia 0.3%. A single excimer laser has operated for 3 years in Melbourne. Of those treated, 45% had low myopia, 42% high myopia, and 13% extreme myopia. Compared to low myopes, high myopes were ten times (OR: 9.8; Confidence interval: 6.69 to 12.91) more likely to have excimer laser treatment and extreme myopes were 16 times (OR: 16.40; Confidence interval: 12.53 to 20.27) more likely. CONCLUSIONS: Although there are many more people with lower amounts of myopia in the population and the clinical results have been more predictable after one procedure in this group, the perceived benefits of excimer laser treatment may be greater for those with higher amounts of myopia, thus influencing their decision to undergo excimer laser surgery to correct their myopia. There is clearly a large market potential for excimer laser surgery in people with low myopia.


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Boninites are unusual high MgO-high SiO2 volcanic rocks found in several western Pacific island arcs. Their high Mg/(Mg + total Fe) (0.55-0.83) and compatible element contents (Ni = 70-450 ppm, Cr = 200-1800 ppm) indicate equilibration with mantle peridotite, but their low TiO2 contents (0.1-0.5%) indicate severe depletion of this source. K, Rb, Sr and Ba abundances in boninites are typical of primitive arc basalts, but ratios such as Ti/Zr and La/Yb are variable (Ti/Zr = 23-67, (La/Yb)e.f. = 0.6-4.7). Evidence for both enrichment and depletion of incompatible elements suggests that boninites are derived from refractory peridotite which has been metasomatically enriched in LREE, Zr, Sr, Ba and alkalis. Wide variations in 143Nd/144Nd (0.51262-0.51296) are correlated with La/Sm, Sm/Nd and Ti/Zr, which enables identification of components in the boninite source. Possible LREE depleted components have relative REE and Ti abundances like those in depleted peridotites and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios which reach MORB-like values. Possible LREE enriched components have relative REE abundances similar to those in metasomatized mantle peridotite nodules, and low 143Nd/144Nd ratios which indicate either sedimentary sources or mantle sources with recent to ancient LREE enrichment. Relative abundances of Ba and Sr in boninites decrease with increasing LREE enrichment and suggest a non-sedimentary source for the LREE enriched material. Enrichment in Ba, Sr and alkalis may result from a third component derived from subducted oceanic crust. Two models can account for the successive generation of boninites and arc tholeiites within a single area: 1) boninites can be derived from the peridotite residue of earlier arc tholeiite generation which is metasomatically enriched in LREE before boninite volcanism, or 2) arc tholeiites and boninites can be derived from a variably depleted peridotite source which has been pervasively enriched in LREE. Areas of fertile peridotite would yield tholeiites while refractory areas would yield boninites.


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Gas composition and hydrochemistry of bottom waters of the Bay of Plenty in the hydrothermally active zone of the Pacific island arc are investigated. Methane content in underwater vents is an order of magnitude greater than that in volcanic exhalations on the land. Salinity, pH, total content of CO2, its partial pressure, and silica content also differ. Correlations between gas parameters, hydrochemical parameters, and biological and microbiological parameters are identified.


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New geological and geophysical data on the Amirante Arc, which locates to the south of the Seychelles Islands, are presented. These data were obtained by Pacific Oceanological Institute during the 33-rd cruise of R/V Professor Bogorov in 1990. The Amirante Arc represents a seamount chain, which has submeridional strike and total length about 400 km. To the west of the Amirante Arc there are a deep sea trench and a back-arc basin, i.e. this area is characterized by structural elements associated with the subduction zone of Western Pacific type. According to our data the Amirante Arc is composed by tholeiites of ocean plateau type. This facts are evidences that the Amirante Arc differs from typical Pacific island arcs. This gives an opportunity to distinguish a special type of oceanic structures, i.e. non-volcanic (amagmatic) ridges. The Amirante Ridge has been probably formed as a result of oceanic crust heaping due to horizontal displacements of its blocks in the process of spreding ridge formation in the Indian Ocean during Cretaceous-Paleogene.