86 resultados para Paar-Produktionsrate
"L'envoy" (p. [231]) states that two of the stories, Katherine Paar and The savoyard peasant, had been previously published.
1. Bd. Die Schlachten von Ligny, Quatre-Bras und Waterloo -- Briefe eines Militärs an einen andern -- Strategische Uebersicht des Feldzuges in Russland 1812 -- 2. Bd. Die Vertheidigung und der Fall von Montmedy im Jahre 1657 -- Ueber den Kosacken und dessen Brauchbarkeit im Felde -- Remarks on the organisation of the corps of artillery in the British service -- Bemerkungen bei Lesung von Jomini's Tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la guerre -- Denkschrift über die Möglichkeit der militärischen Eroberung der europäischen Türkei durch die Russen -- 3. Bd. Der Feldzug in den Niederlanden 1793 -- 4. Bd. Biographisches. Fürst Carl von Schwarzenberg -- Fürst Joseph von Schwarzenberg -- Herzog von Reichstadt -- Wilhelm von Mayern -- Graf Johann Paar -- Graf Carl Clam-Martinitz -- 6. Bd. Gedichte -- 7. Bd. Kreig des Vizekönigs von Aegypten Mohammed Ali's gegen den Sultan in den Jahren 1831-1833.
Front Row: Dave Roebuck, Dick Paar, captain Joe Jones, coach Moby Benedict, Dave Campbell, Jim Newman, Dennis Spalla,
Middle Row: manager Winston Payne, Dick Honig, Fritz Fisher, Wayne Slusher, Pete Adams, Clyde Barnhart, Marlin Pemberton,
Back Row: Jim Steckley, Jim Bobel, Harvey Chapman, Jerry Hribar, Charles Adams, Ron Tate, George Skaff
Microelectronic systems are multi-material, multi-layer structures, fabricated and exposed to environmental stresses over a wide range of temperatures. Thermal and residual stresses created by thermal mismatches in films and interconnections are a major cause of failure in microelectronic devices. Due to new device materials, increasing die size and the introduction of new materials for enhanced thermal management, differences in thermal expansions of various packaging materials have become exceedingly important and can no longer be neglected. X-ray diffraction is an analytical method using a monochromatic characteristic X-ray beam to characterize the crystal structure of various materials, by measuring the distances between planes in atomic crystalline lattice structures. As a material is strained, this interplanar spacing is correspondingly altered, and this microscopic strain is used to determine the macroscopic strain. This thesis investigates and describes the theory and implementation of X-ray diffraction in the measurement of residual thermal strains. The design of a computer controlled stress attachment stage fully compatible with an Anton Paar heat stage will be detailed. The stress determined by the diffraction method will be compared with bimetallic strip theory and finite element models.
De Hoofdvraag van dit onderzoek is: Is er een relatie tussen de lever of control Interactive control en het vervullen van de controllerrol business partner? Dit onderzoek is gebaseerd op de dataset verkregen uit de controllerenquête 2013, uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Open Universiteit (Bork & van der Wal, 2014). Vanuit het literatuuronderzoek is het duidelijk: de rol business partner is een zeer gewenste rol voor controllers. Daarnaast is er in de literatuur een verband te vinden tussen de rol business partner en de lever of control Interactive control. De factor- en clusteranalyse zoals beschreven door Bork & van der Wal (2014), resulteerde in de identificatie van twee type controllers. In dit uitgebreide onderzoek is TYPE II geïdentificeerd als business partner, omdat hij/zij activiteitencombinaties uitvoert die gerelateerd zijn aan strategie, analyseren, het management ondersteunen in besluitvorming, advisering, change management en de organisatie vertegenwoordigen. 36% van de populatie van aan Nederlandse Universiteiten afgestudeerde controllers die ook werkzaam zijn als controller vervullen een rol grotendeels gelijk aan de rol business partner. De vervulling van de rol (TYPE II) is niet puur business partner. Vervaardigen en organiseren van rapportagestromen zijn ook activiteiten die uitgevoerd worden door TYPE II. Daarnaast voert TYPE I activiteiten als change en risk management uit, volgens de definitie zou de business partner deze activiteiten uit moeten voeren. De rol business partner wordt uitgevoerd, maar nog niet in de optimale vorm zoals aangegeven in de theorie. De logistische regressieanalyse op de dataset laat zien dat geen van de levers of control een significante trigger is voor het uitvoeren van een van de twee types controllerrollen (Bork & van der Wal, 2014). Dit verdiepende onderzoek concentreert zich op de relatie tussen de lever of control Interactive control en de zes activiteitencombinaties (factoren) in plaats van de twee clusters (TYPE I & II). De statistische analyses bevestigen de uitkomsten het onderzoek van Bork & van der Wal (2014). Er is geen significantie tussen Interactive control en de factoren die behoren bij de business partner rol. De hoofdvraag moet ontkennend beantwoord worden, er is geen relatie tussen de lever of control Interactive control en de controllerrol business partner. Een paar beperkingen van het onderzoek richten zich op de vragenlijst over de levers of control: is het de juiste vragenlijst voor dit onderzoek en meet deze vragenlijst de levers of control van controllers? Vervolg onderzoek kan zich richten op bovenstaande beperking. Daarnaast zijn er uit het onderzoek van Bork & van der Wal (2014) triggers naar voren gekomen die verder onderzocht kunnen worden.
Boot-Groenink, A. (2016). Het Effect van Formatief Gebruik van Rubrics op Transparantie, Zelfregulatie, Self-Efficacy en Prestatie bij Propedeusestudenten van Applied Science. juli, 12, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit.
Tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate (TOTM) was recently suggested as a reference fluid for industrial use associated with high viscosity at elevated temperature and pressure. Viscosity and density data have already been published on one sample covering the temperature range (303-373) K and at pressures up to about 65 MPa. The viscosity covered a range from about (9 to 460) mPa s. In the present article we study several other characteristics of TOTM that must be available if it were to be adopted as a standard. First, we present values for the viscosity and density obtained with a different sample of TOTM to examine the important feature of consistency among different samples. Vibrating-wire viscosity measurements were performed at pressures from (5 to 100) MPa, along 6 isotherms between (303 and 373) K. Density measurements were carried out from (293 to 373) K up to 68 MPa, along 4 isotherms, using an Anton Paar DMA HP vibrating U-tube densimeter. Secondly, we report a study of the effect of water contamination on the viscosity of TOTM, performed using an Ubbelhode viscometer under atmospheric pressure. Finally, in order to support the use of TOTM as a reference liquid for the calibration of capillary viscometers, values of its surface tension, obtained by the pendant drop method, are provided. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
3400 pyritized internal moulds of Upper Devonian, Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ammonoids show various soft tissue attachment structures. They are preserved as regularly distributed black patterns on the moulds. All structures can be interpreted as attachment areas of muscles, ligaments and intracameral membranes. Paired structures are developed along the umbilicus and on the flanks of the moulds, unpaired ones appear on the middle of their dorsal and ventral sides. Strong lateral muscles cause paired twin lines on the flanks of the phragmocone and of the body chamber. A ventral muscle is deduced from small rounded or crescent shaped spots in front of each septum on the ventral side. These spots are often connected, forming a band-like structure. Broad dark external bands on the ventral side of the phragmocone, ventral preseptal areas in the posterior part of the living chamber, small twin lines or oval shaped areas on the ventral side of the living chamber represent paired or unpaired attachment areas of the hyponome muscle. A middorsal muscle is documented by small roughened areas in front of each dorsal lobe. Dark spots along the umbilicus, often connected and thus forming a band-like structure (tracking band), are remains of a pair of small dorsolateral muscles at the posterior end of the soft body. Dark bands, lines and rows of small crescent shaped structures behind the tips of sutural lobes are due to spotlike fixation places of the posterior part of the mantle and their translocation before subsequent septal secretion. Devonian goniatites had a paired system of lateral and ventrolateral muscles preserved on the moulds as black or incised lines on the flanks of the living chamber and as dark preseptal areas, ventrally indented. These structures represent the attachment areas of paired lateral cephalic and paired ventral hyponome retractors. Fine black lines on the phragmocone situated parallel to the sutures (pseudosutures) represent a rhythmical secretion of camera! membranes during softbody translocation. Goniatites had a paired system of lateral and ventrolateral muscles, whilst Neoammonoids have a paired lateral and dorsolateral system, and, additionally, an unpaired system on the ventral and on the dorsal side. Mesoammonoids show only a paired lateral and an unpaired dorsal one. Fine black lines situated parallel to the saddles and behind the lobes of the suture line can be interpreted as structures left during softbody translocation and a temporary attachment of rhythmical secreted cameral membranes. Cameral membranes had supported the efficiency of the phragmocone. Only some of the observed structures are also present in recent Nautilus. Differences in the form and position of attachment sites between ammonoids and recent Nautilus indicate different soft body organizations between ammonoids and nautiloids. The attachment structures of goniatites especially of tornoceratids can be compared with those of Nautilus which indicates Richter - Gewebeansatz-Strukturen bei Ammonoideen 3 a comparable mode of life. Differences in the form and position of attachment structures between goniatites and ammonites may indicate an increasing differentiation of the muscular system in the phylogeny of this group. Different soft body organization may depend on shell morphology and on a different mode of life. On the modification or reduction of distinct muscle systems ammonoids can be assigned to different ecotypes. Based on shell morphology and the attachment areas of cephalic and hyponome retractor muscles two groups can be subdivided: - Depressed, evolute morphotypes with longidome body-chambers show only small ventral hyponome retractor muscles. Lateral cephalic retractors are not developed. These morphotypes are adapted to a demersal mode of life. Without strong cephalic retractor muscles no efficient jet propulsion can be produced. These groups represent vertical migrants with efficient phragmocone properties (multilobate sutures, cameral membranes, narrow septal spacing). - Compressed, involute moiphotypes with brevidome body-chambers show strong cephalic and hyponome retractor muscles and represent a group of active swimmers. These morphotypes were able to live at different depths, in the free water column or/and near the seafloor. They are not confined only to one habitat. Most of the examined genera and species belong to this group. Changes of the attachment structures in the course of ontogeny confirm that juveniles of Amaltheus and Quenstedtoceras lived as passive planche drifters in upper and intermediate parts of the free water column after hatching. At the end of the juvenile stage with a shell diameter of 0,3 - 0,5 cm cephalic retractor muscles developed. With the beginning of an active swimming mode of life (neanic stage) the subadult animals left the free water column and moved into shallow water habitats. Fuciniceras showed no marked changes in the attachment structures during ontogeny. This indicates that there occur no differences in the mode of life between juvenile and adult growth stages. Based on attachment structures and shell morphology of Devonian goniatites their relation to the systematic position permits statements about probable phylogenetic relationships between the Cheiloceratidae and Tornoceratidae. In some cases attachment structures of ammonites permit statements about phylogenetic relationships on family and genus level.
Diese Pro-Gradu-Arbeit basiert auf Deutschaufsätzen von finnischen Gymnasiasten. Es soll der Versuch unternommen werden, die Schreibkompetenz der Lernenden zu analysieren. Es wird betrachtet, welche Verbstrukturen sie in ihren Aufsätzen benutzen und wie sie sie anwenden. Auch die Stellung des Verbs wird untersucht. Diese werden mit den Inhalten, die im Unterricht gelehrt worden sind, verglichen. Das Beherrschen der Verbstrukturen hat einen starken Einfluss auf die Bestimmung der sprachlichen Kompetenz. Das Primärmaterial besteht aus zwölf Aufsätzen und neun Lehrbüchern. Die Aufsätze wurden während des dritten und sechsten B2-Deutschkurses geschrieben. Die SchülerInnen haben unterschiedliche Hintergründe: Einige lernen Deutsch erst seit ein Paar Jahren, während andere sogar deutsche Verwandte haben. Der deutsche Hintergrund hat die Sprachkompetenz positiv beeinflusst, aber auch z. B. die Motivation, sprachliche Begabung und die Lehrwerke tragen hierzu bei. Auch Transfer wurde untersucht. Die Aufsätze wurden Satz per Satz analysiert. Es wurde betrachtet, welche Strukturen vorkamen und wie vielseitig sie benutzt wurden. Die Lernenden hatten in den ersten Texten sehr einfache Sätze geschrieben, aber sie haben Variation z. B. durch die Inversion gebracht. In den näcshten Aufsätzen war der Satzbau komplexer, aber dadurch waren die Sätze manchmal nicht sofort zu verstehen. Der sprachliche Fortschritt wurde mit Hilfe des Analysemodells von Rösch (2011) analysiert und die Sprachkompetenz wurde in die Niveaus des gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens eingeordnet. Der finnische Lehrplan stellt eigene Ziele zum Fremdsprachenunterricht und die Lernenden dieser Untersuchungsgruppe haben die Ziele schon nach dem dritten Kurs erreicht. Zwischen dem dritten und sechsten Kurs haben sie das folgende Niveau nicht erreicht, aber die Schreibkompetenz hat sich vertieft. Mit ein bisschen Übung würden sie bestimmt das folgende Niveau erreichen. Die Kompetenzunterschiede zwischen den Lernenden waren deutlich zu sehen.
X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) laboratory is a facility placed at Servicios Centrales de apoyo a la Investigación (SCAI) at University of Malaga (UMA) http://www.scai.uma.es/. This facility has three XRPD diffractometers and a diffractometer to measure high-resolution thin-films. X´Pert PRO MPD from PANalytical. This is a bragg-brentano (theta/2theta) with reflection geometry diffractometer which allows to obtain high resolution XRPD data with strictly monochromatic CuKα1 radiation (λ=1.54059Å) [Ge(111) primary monochromator] and an automatic sample charger. Moreover, it has parallel monochromatic CuKα1 radiation (λ=1.54059Å) with an hybrid Ge(220) monochromator for capillary and multiproposal (bulk samples up to 1 Kg) sample holders. The HTK1200N chamber from Anton Paar allows collecting high resolution high temperature patterns. EMPYREAN from PANalytical. This diffractometer works in reflection and transmission geometries with theta/theta goniometer, using CuKα1,2 radiation (λ=1.5418Å), a focusing X-ray mirror and a ultra-fast PIXCEL 3D detector with 1D and 2D collection data modes (microstructural and preferred orientation analysis). Moreover, the TTK450N chamber allows low temperature and up to 450ºC studies. A D8 ADVANCE (BRUKER) was installed in April 2014. It is the first diffractometer in Europe equipped with a Johansson Ge(111) primary monochromator, which gives a strictly monochromatic Mo radiation (λ=0.7093 Å) [1]. It works in transmission mode (with a sample charger) with this high resolution configuration. XRPD data suitable for PDF (Pair Distribution Function) analysis can be collected with a capillary sample holder, due to the high energy and high resolution capabilities of this diffractometer. Moreover, it has a humidity chamber MHC-trans from Anton Paar working on transmission mode with MoKα1 (measurements can be collected at 5 to 95% of relative humidity (from 20 to 80 ºC) and up to 150ºC [2]). Furthermore, this diffractometer also has a reaction chamber XRK900 from Anton Paar (which uses CuKα1,2 radiation in reflection mode), which allows data collection from room temperature to 900ºC with up to 10 bar of different gases. Finally, a D8 DISVOVER A25 from BRUKER was installed on December 2014. It has a five axis Euler cradler and optics devices suitable for high resolution thin film data collection collected in in-plane and out-of-plane modes. To sum up, high-resolution thin films, microstructural, rocking-curve, Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), Grazing incident SAXS (GISAXS), Ultra Grazing incident diffraction (Ultra-GID) and microdiffraction measurements can be performed with the appropriated optics and sample holders. [1] L. León-Reina, M. García-Maté, G. Álvarez-Pinazo, I. Santacruz, O. Vallcorba, A.G. De la Torre, M.A.G. Aranda “Accuracy in Rietveld quantitative phase analysis: a comparative study of strictly monochromatic Mo and Cu radiations” J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2016, 49, 722-735. [2] J. Aríñez-Soriano, J. Albalad, C. Vila-Parrondo, J. Pérez-Carvajal, S. Rodríguez-Hermida, A. Cabeza, F. Busqué, J. Juanhuix, I. Imaz, Daniel Maspoch “Single-crystal and humidity-controlled powder diffraction study of the breathing effect in a metal-organic framework upon water adsorption/desorption” Chem. Commun., 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6CC02908F.