133 resultados para PRODUCTIVELY LINDELOF


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This paper will describe the key features and theoretical underpinnings of a representation-intensive pedagogy developed in a six-year research program, and its relationship to the epistemic practices of science. The pedagogy draws on socio cultural, pragmatist perspectives on learning and cognition that view knowledge as grounded in multi modal representations that are discursively generated, negotiated and coordinated in science classrooms. From this perspective, the learning challenges identified by research in the conceptual change tradition are seen as inherently representational in nature, and the central feature of the pedagogy involves students generating representations in response to structured challenges. The paper will interrogate the key aspects of the pedagogy and the way it supports learning, using evidence from a range of units designed by the researchers working in partnership with a small group of teachers. The role of representations in supporting learning will be explored in terms of the way they afford and productively constrain knowledge generation, mirroring the epistemic practices of science. Lesson transcripts, and examples of student artefacts will be presented to demonstrate significant reasoning and learning outcomes.


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This paper reports on the evaluation of a kitchen garden program in primary schools in Victoria, Australia. It focuses on the motivations, impacts, and issues associated with volunteering in the program. The study revealed that volunteers are drawn from a range of sources, including: families of current and former students, former teachers, local residents, clients of aged care and/or disability services, other schools and communities, local universities, community organizations, the community services sector, and the corporate sector. Benefits to volunteers included: opportunities to use time productively, an increased sense of belonging, learning opportunities, and an increased sense of self-worth and enjoyment. For schools, volunteers enhanced engagement between the school and the local community, enabled them to engage more effectively with hard to reach groups, and increased student engagement. In addition, the involvement of volunteers improved the sustainability of the program, improved communication between teachers and families of students from minority ethnic groups, and gave students the chance to relate to new people, to learn from their experience and to have fun in working with the volunteers. Perhaps the most telling benefits to flow both to students and to volunteers were not the “three Rs—reading, w’riting and a’rithmetic” but the three Cs—confidence, capabilities, and connections. However, a clearly identified issue was the importance of matching volunteers’ motivations and needs with the roles they play to sustain current levels of volunteering and, therefore, the program itself.


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The dramatic rise in childhood obesity prevalence in the last two decades has prompted concern about the risk factors that may precipitate or maintain weight gain, or both, in early childhood. Media use has long been implicated in policy debates in Australia, particularly around limits to advertising. However the Australian research funding ecology and dominant paradigms in Australian communication and media studies have resulted in a lack of independent, nationally representative studies upon which to base advice. Australian researchers often can’t afford to collect the kind of data they would like in order to intervene productively as policy actors. As a test case for innovative ways round this dilemma, this paper mobilises secondary data analysis methodologies to explore potential influences of parenting on children’s media use and their weight status.

The research reported here uses data from the first three waves of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Results from a path model suggest that children of mothers who were less consistent in the way in which they enforce their rules were more likely to adopt unhealthy lifestyle behaviours, such as sedentary behaviour and consuming unhealthy snacks. Of the lifestyle behaviours considered, time spent watching television or DVDs was the only predictor of child weight status in late childhood. These results suggest a clear pathway linking consistent parenting and other parental practices, children’s lifestyle behaviours and weight status.


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Early studies of HIV infection dynamics suggested that virus-producing HIV-infected cells had an average half-life of approximately 1 day. However, whether this average behavior is reflective of the dynamics of individual infected cells is unclear. Here, we use HIV-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) constructs and flow cytometry sorting to explore the dynamics of cell infection, viral protein production, and cell death in vitro. By following the numbers of productively infected cells expressing EGFP over time, we show that infected cell death slows down over time. Although infected cell death in vivo could be very different, our results suggest that the constant decay of cell numbers observed in vivo during antiretroviral treatment could reflect a balance of cell death and delayed viral protein production. We observe no correlation between viral protein production and death rate of productively infected cells, showing that viral protein production is not likely to be the sole determinant of the death of HIV-infected cells. Finally, we show that all observed features can be reproduced by a simple model in which infected cells have broad distributions of productive life spans, times to start viral protein production, and viral protein production rates. This broad spectrum of the level and timing of viral protein production provides new insights into the behavior and characteristics of HIV-infected cells.


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The vast majority of novels and periodicals read by colonial Australian girls were written and published in Britain. ‘Daughters of the Southern Cross’ were more likely to have access to the Girl’s Own Paper by subscription or to imported fictions that had proven popular with British girl readers than any locally produced depictions of girlhood. From the 1880s, however, Australian authors produced several milestone fictions of girlhood for both adult and juvenile audiences. Rosa Praed's An Australian Heroine (1880) and Catherine Martin’s An Australian Girl (1890)  gave voice to the lived experience of Australia for young women, and their publication in Britain contributed to an emergent reciprocal transpacific flow of literary culture.

Two canonical Australian novels that focus on the maturation of girl protagonists who live on bush homesteads were also published in this period. Ethel Turner’s Seven Little Australians (1894) and Miles Franklin’s My Brilliant Career (1901) feature intelligent girls who are not able to be effectively socialised to embrace domesticity. Turner’s Judy Woolcot is distinct among her six siblings as a plucky girl who instigates trouble, while Franklin’s aspiring writer Sybylla Melvyn is informed that ‘girls are the helplessest, uselessest, troublesomest little creatures in the world.’

The 1890s saw an agricultural depression in Australia that only fuelled the urban perpet-uation of the idealised and nationalistic bushman myth in literary and popular culture. The ubiquity of the myth problematised any attempt to situate women heroically within the nation outside of the home. British fictional imaginings of Australian girls lauded their lack of conformity and physical abilities and often showed them bravely defending the family property with firearms. In contrast, Australian domestic fiction, this chapter argues, is unable to accommodate bracing female heroism, postulating ambiguous outcomes at best for heroines who deviate from the feminine ideal.

Judy’s grandmother describes her ‘restless fire’ as something that ‘would either make a noble, daring, brilliant woman of her’, or ‘would flame up higher and higher and consume her’. Turner does not allow Judy’s unconventionality to prosper. Instead, she is killed by a falling gum tree while saving the life of her brother, leaving the future fulfilment of the domestic ideal to her sister, Meg, whose subsequent story occupies Little Mother Meg (1902). Franklin’s Sybylla expresses her inability to be content with the simple pleasures of keeping a home, and this informs her decision to reject a marriage proposal from a wealthy suitor. The novel’s indeterminate conclusion does not allow fulfilment of Sybylla’s writing aspirations, situating her outside the feminine ideal yet not affirming the merits of her desire to reject married life.

While Sharyn Pearce suggests that Judy’s tragic end follows a narrative pattern that sup-ports the glorification of male heroes and renders ‘over-reaching women’ as ‘noble failures’, the novel might also productively be read within the context of other fictions featuring girl protagonists of the period, such as Praed and Martin's novels. This chapter makes the case that Turner and Franklin’s thwarted heroines critique the containment of Australian girls to the banalities of the home by exposing the negative and uncertain outcomes for those who desire the freedoms and aspirations permitted to boys and men. Unlike British fictions that champion adventurous girls, these Australian fictions critique the continuation of gendered restrictions in the colonies by proposing that girls who desire excitement and independence ‘should have been…boy[s]’ (as Sybylla’s mother remarks).


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Examining what might be described as Nasdijj’s "fake magical realist memoir" The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams, this paper is interested in how Nasdijj's text might be useful in contesting our understanding of the postcolonial literature of magical realism. Drawing attention to Nasdijj’s utilization of the “primitivist” conventions of magical realism, this paper will illustrate how fakery might be seen as essential not only to Nasdijj's text but also to magical realism. In fact, this paper argues that magical realist novels might be productively read as hoaxes, mobilizing what Graham Huggan describes as the "postcolonial exotic" in order to engage in a subversive act of “culture jamming”. The objective of the analysis is not to condemn magical realism along with Nasdijj’s opportunistic memoir, but rather to rescue magical realism from ideas about authenticity, celebrating its ironies and its challenges to colonial discourses of identity and history.


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The purpose of this work is to study the role for government in mitigating capital misallocation. We develop an entrepreneurship model in which heterogeneous producers face collateral constraints on production, but can hedge idiosyncratic shocks. Hedging works as a tool for reallocating resources to states in which they are more productively deployed, and can alleviate the effect of the financial frictions and be a counteracting force to capital misallocation. Government incentives to hedging improve workers’ welfare in steady state through an increase in TFP and wages. The intervention leads to a reduction in the rate of return of entrepreneurs and an increase in wealth dispersion. These two effects cause entrepreneurial welfare to decrease.


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Location or stock-specific landing data are necessary to improve management of shark stocks, especially those imperiled by overexploitation as a result of the international shark fin trade. In the current absence of catch monitoring directly at extraction sites, genetic stock identification of fins collected from major market supply chain endpoints offers an overlooked but potentially useful approach for tracing the fins back to their geographical, or stock of, origin. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, we used mitochondrial control region (mtCR) sequences to trace the broad geographical origin of 62 Hong Kong market-derived Sphyrna lewini fins. Of these fins 21% were derived from the western Atlantic, where this species is listed as 'Endangered' by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). We also show that S. lewini mtCR sequences are geographically segregated in the western Atlantic (overall ΦST = 0.74, n = 177 sharks), indicating that breeding females either remain close to, or home back to, their natal region for parturition. Mixed stock analysis simulations showed that it is possible to estimate the relative contributions of these mitochondrial stocks to fin mixtures in globally sourced trade hubs. These findings underscore the feasibility of using genetic stock identification to source market-derived shark fins to obtain essential and otherwise unavailable data on exploitation levels, and thus to productively inform stock assessment and management of S. lewini and potentially also of other fished shark species. © Inter-Research 2009.


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Na Análise do Comportamento, vários estudos são realizados a fim de entender como comportamentos podem produtivamente ser controlados por eventos arbitrariamente relacionados, através da formação classes de equivalência. A inclusão de estímulos reforçadores nas classes tem sido apontada como um possível facilitador de sua formação. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a formação de classes de equivalência mediada por estímulos reforçadores específicos em crianças que apresentam baixo rendimento escolar. Usando crianças com desenvolvimento típico e em maior número, comparado com a literatura, pretendeu-se obter dados com menor variabilidade intersujeitos que é comumente encontrada nesse tipo de pesquisa. Para isso, foram utilizados reforçadores específicos com quatorze crianças (no Experimento I) que apresentam dificuldades de aprendizagem. O procedimento do Experimento 1 foi dividido em 10 fases. Em todas as fases, houve reforçadores específicos (frutas ou brinquedos) para cada uma das classes potenciais que se pretendia verificar. Inicialmente foi realizado um treino de pareamento por identidade com os estímulos dos Conjuntos A (A I e A2), B (B 1 e B2) e C (C I e C2) com reforçamento contínuo, seguido do mesmo treino com Reforçamento Intermitente. Logo após esses treinos foram realizados os testes de relações emergentes AB/BA, ACICA e BCICB. Antes de cada teste foi feito o retorno às discriminações de linha de base. Os dados do Experimento I evidenciam grande variabilidade intersujeitos nos testes de formação de classes. O Experimento 2 pretendeu investigar o efeito de dois tipos de pré-treino sobre o desempenho nos testes de formação de classes. Foi realizado com seis crianças e subdividido em dois grupos. O Grupo I foi submetido a um pré-treino de pareamento por identidade e o Grupo 2 a um pré-treino de pareamento arbitrário. Os resultados confirmam parcialmente a hipótese de que pré-treino de pareamento arbitrário pode reduzir a variabilidade inter-sujeitos nesse tipo estudos, pois altas taxas de variabilidade persistem no presente estudo. .Estudos posteriores deverão explorar essa possibilidade mais sistematicamente.


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Práticas discursivas sobre o homoerotismo e docência são objetos de desejo nesta Tese produzida a partir do trabalho com narrativas docentes. Ao adotar-se uma investida em jogos discursivos subversivos que desmargeiam os centros e povoam as periferias na produção epistemológica, adveio perscrutar sobre docência e diferença e procurar em narrativas a produção da performatividade homoerótica na experiência do ensino superior. No encalce deste intento, rastros levaram ao pós-estruturalismo como teorização da diferença na busca de composições em devires e conduziram à produção de uma escritura que ocorre em uma conjunção epistemológica que considera a sua fragmentação, inconstância, deslizamentos e interpelamentos arquitetados enquanto tirocínios discursivos, orientados, e por vezes desorientados, por entendimentos deleuzianos e foucaultianos. Nas linhas de fuga dessas orientações se investe em uma experiência de escritura cartográfica multiplicadora de acontecimentos em jogos intensos de processualidades e experimentações para produzir uma poética da escrita com invenções, contos, poesias, devaneios e divagações. Atravessa o estudo a compreensão da experiência homoerótica na docência enquanto lugar da abjeção virtualizado e atualizado num continuum de problematizações e recolocações, achados e criações. A experiência homoerótica na docência opera, portanto, como um espaço móvel, provocativo, perturbador, instável e fronteiriço, atravessado por práticas discursivas que lhe imprimem governamento, performatividade e desproblematização, porém, lugar de onde emerge a possibilidade de dissensos. Por isso, quando o contrassenso da significação se instala no sítio da experiência docente, as performances são deslocadas e passam a operar de forma produtiva forjando sujeitos fronteiras, entre/através, na travessia de dois lugares simbólicos – o homoerotismo e a docência.


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The coffee crisis in the 1980s reached deeply municipality of Dracena, considering that the coffee had significant social and economic importance to the area. In this context, the research aimed to analyze the socioeconomic consequences that this crisis has provided small rural proprietors of the county. To achieve this goal we seek to articulate the theoretical reference, with data from secondary sources, interviews with the main responsible for the agricultural sector and an application questionnaire to 21 small rural proprietors of the county. It was found that, due to the dependence relationship with the coffee, the economy of the city suffered from the attack of said culture during the 1980s. Rural producers who cultivated such crops as the main, had to readjust productively to remain in the countryside, but the economic and social development that coffee was brought in earlier times was not rescued. As a consequence, there has been an intensification of evasion demographic of rural municipality, a process that had begun in the 1970s and was strongly reinforced by the crisis of the coffee culture. We note that from the 2000s, the situation became better for small rural proprietors in order that public policies implemented now serve, in part, the needs of those with greater efficiency. This situation can be evidenced by a slight reduction in the number of rural people dracenense. Despite improvements recorded since the 2000s, the situation is still not ideal, given that many small proprietors surveyed expressed dissatisfaction. In this context, we note that the performance and joint of federal, state and municipal government are essential so that public policies are efficient, thus providing decent conditions for social reproduction of small rural proprietors and their dependents in the countryside


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From the twentieth century is witnessing a gradual increase in the debates and issues related to the degradation of nature, making the twenty-first century begins under the aegis of speeches linked to this concept as one of the axes of the concerns of humanity. There are several movements that are related to the degrading way of contemporary society and how we are called upon daily to save and defend nature, from the consumption of sustainable products through environmentally friendly lifestyles. While this may appear to be explicit that the current form of metabolic interaction man / nature in the current historical period of capitalism converges in a bleak scenario, however, there is an ideological and peacemaker convergence between productively and the systematic appeal to the consumption. Given these assumptions could be palpable the question that in the course of human history would be ideological conceptions of nature? Being a true statement what is the conflict present in the ideological struggle over nature with regard to the genesis of modern geography? Would it be overt or covert? These questions lead us to the present study, whose goal is to bring some notes about the ideological conceptions of the nature in human history, culminating in the possible influences upon the institutionalization of Modern Geography


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The partnership between Mental Health (MH) and work is present throughout the history of psychiatry. Capitalist society has used and uses the fitness or unfitness for work not only as one of the elements to the definition of "normality", but also as a treatment strategy. In this perspective, one can find a position healing and, more recently, a different proposal put forward by the psychiatric reform that considers also make / produce, the construction of meaning in the work as crucial for subjectivity. This sense is present in therapeutic workshops that seek to value the uniqueness, not to override the differences. The objective of this paper is to reflect on the relationship between Attention in SM / Work. Initially presents three theses, from which this relationship is built historically: 1 - Work as a means of avoiding idleness returning productively to society; 2 - Work as a healing practice, from the prescription, and 3 - Work as a strategy for care and social inclusion. Below, we discuss some questions about therapeutic workshops and income generation in the mental health care as a device for attention and social inclusion.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus associated with many malignant and nonmalignant human diseases. Life-long latent EBV persistence occurs in blood-borne B lymphocytes, while EBV intermittently productively replicates in mucosal epithelia. Although several models have previously been proposed, the mechanism of EBV transition between these two reservoirs of infection has not been determined. In this study, we present the first evidence demonstrating that EBV latently infects a unique subset of blood-borne mononuclear cells that are direct precursors to Langerhans cells and that EBV both latently and productively infects oral epithelium-resident cells that are likely Langerhans cells. These data form the basis of a proposed new model of EBV transition from blood to oral epithelium in which EBV-infected Langerhans cell precursors serve to transport EBV to the oral epithelium as they migrate and differentiate into oral Langerhans cells. This new model contributes fresh insight into the natural history of EBV infection and the pathogenesis of EBV-associated epithelial disease.