867 resultados para POPULATION-SAMPLE


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Introducción: El TDAH tiene un componente genético importante; el gen de transportador de Dopamina (DAT1) se ha asociado con susceptibilidad al TDAH y con sus endofenotipos. El VNTR de 40pb en la región 3’UTR aumenta la expresión del DAT1. En Colombia no hay ningún estudio previo que indique evidencia de la asociación genética entre TDAH y el gen DAT1. Objetivo: Determinar asociación entre el VNTR del DAT1 y el fenotipo y/o endofenotipos del TDAH. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 73 pacientes con TDAH y 75 controles, se valoró en los casos inteligencia y funciones ejecutivas. Mediante (PCR) se amplificó el VNTR DAT1. Se establecieron estadísticos genético poblacionales, análisis de asociación y de regresión logística entre las pruebas neuropsicológicas y genotipo. Resultado: El polimorfismo del DAT1 no mostró asociación con TDAH, ni con alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas. El genotipo 10/10 del VNTR DAT1 se encontró asociado con el índice de velocidad de procesamiento (p <0,05). En el subgrupo hiperactividad hubo asociación con algunas subpruebas de flexibilidad cognitiva, número de respuestas correctas, total de errores, número de respuestas perseverativas (p ≤ 0.01). En el subgrupo mixto se asoció con índice de comprensión verbal (p <0,05). Conclusiones: No hubo asociación entre el polimorfismo VNTR (DAT1) y el fenotipo de TDAH. Se encontraron asociaciones entre genotipo y algunos test de flexibilidad cognitiva e índice de comprensión verbal. Se establecieron los estadísticos genético poblacionales de este polimorfismo para la población analizada, el cual corresponde al primer reporte de una muestra de nuestro país.


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Objective: The objective of this paper is to describe the population served in mental health institutionsfor mental illness relapse, and the process of identifying risk factors in relapsing patientsdiagnosed with severe mental illness. To this end a descriptive exploratory multicenter, multistageepidemiological study was carried out in mental health institutions of the Order of San Juan deDios Hospital (OHSJD) with hospitalized relapsing patients with a diagnosis of severe mentaldisorder. This study comes from a working network of Psychology professionals in the OHSJDnationwide. Materials and methods: The population sample was of 1005 patients diagnosed withsevere mental disorders, who had presented relapse during the last year. First, the characterizationof the general population was conducted; then, it was narrowed down to the centers, taking intoaccount similarities and differences found according to the clinical and demographic variables.Results: Major risk factors for relapse found in patients diagnosed with severe mental disorderswere: having between 38 and 58 years of age, being female, single, graduates, unemployed, witha prevalence of bipolar affective disorder diagnosis, number of hospitalizations between 2 and10, number of drugs at the time of leaving hospital 2 to 6, with severe difficulties relating withothers and difficulties in adherence to treatment. The need for a caregiver was also found, as wellas a limited number of received psychological interventions. How the system of beliefs affects thedisease and the poor adherence to treatment was identified. Conclusions: These results indicatethe requirement of a design of team intervention strategies, ranging from the assessment team(home), definition of therapeutic action plans (for) and the posthospitalizacion (egress) following.There is a poor support network and limited adherence to comprehensive treatment.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es comprender y explicar la apropiación del espacio público urbano no sólo como un vínculo cotidiano entre el territorio y sus ciudadanos, sino, además, como un proceso dialéctico que, genera significado, identidad y apego al lugar. En este sentido se analizan las formas de apropiación nocturnas del Parque de los Hippies a partir de una muestra poblacional de jóvenes entre 18-28 años, a la luz de los parámetros de Enric Pol y Tomeu Vidal. Evidenciando que desde un acercamiento cotidiano a la realidad urbana, que reconozca la significación histórica, social, cultural y económica de los territorios, así como las dinámicas de convivencia y conflictos que se presentan en dichos espacios, se puede, desde el enfoque de gestión y desarrollo urbanos, generar recomendaciones para movilizar acciones que resalten y preserven los valores urbanos multidimensionales del lugar; fortalezcan algunas de sus formas de apropiación y, promuevan la convivencia entre las distintas formas y sus actores.


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Introducción: Autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo caracterizado por compromiso en interacción social, habilidades de lenguaje, presentando rituales con estereotipias. Sin tratamientos curativos, actualmente se buscan terapias alternativas. Un incremento de la literatura científica de terapias asistidas con animales se ha evidenciado, demostrando mejoría en pacientes autistas con la equinoterapia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar efectividad de la equinoterapia en habilidades sociales y de lenguaje en niños autistas. Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos en bases de datos y Meta-buscadores que proporcionaron evidencia de equinoterapia en niños autistas. Tipo de artículos consultados: revisiones sistemáticas, meta análisis y ensayos clínicos. Trabajos publicados hasta 2013. En inglés y español. Se emplearon términos MeSH y EMTREE. Resultados: Cuatro artículos cumplieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se analizaron los artículos individualmente, no se logró realizar un meta análisis por diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios. En total 85 sujetos fueron evaluados en dichos estudios. La equinoterapia en niños autistas evidenció mejoría en habilidades sociales y en las habilidades de lenguaje pre verbal. Discusión: La equinoterapia es prometedora en el manejo de niños autistas, los artículos evidencian consistentemente mejorías a nivel de habilidades sociales y de lenguaje. Debe ser considerado el tipo de paciente, el régimen de equinoterapia y la sostenibilidad de las mejoras. Conclusiones: Se necesitan nuevos estudio con un mayor rigor metodológico que permitan fortalecer la evidencia sobre la equinoterapia en niños con autismo y así poder realizar recomendaciones con un adecuado nivel de evidencia.


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Introducción: Fueron calificados en Colombia con pérdida de la capacidad laboral (PCL), de Incapacidad Permanente Parcial (5%-49%), 54.272 casos, de los cuales en el Departamento del Meta se calificaron 730 casos. Objetivo: Establecer los factores sociodemográficos y laborales asociados con la calificación de PCL de patologías de origen laboral y común por la Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez del Meta (JRCIM) (2012-2013). Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, observacional, con una población muestra de 1.140 registros de personas calificadas con pérdida de la capacidad laboral entre 2012-2013, la información se recolectó mediante la base de datos de pacientes calificados en la JRCIM, en donde se indagó sobre los factores sociodemográficos, laborales y porcentaje de PCL. Resultados: 73.6 % de la población fueron de género masculino, la actividad económica que predominó fue la de servicios domésticos con el 76.5%, la mayoría desempeñaba el cargo de oficios varios con el 6%, el 53.7 % fueron calificados con PCL del 16 – 30 %. No se evidenció asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el porcentaje de PCL y factores laborales y socio-demográficos. Conclusiones: La calificación de PCL, en el Meta está marcada por factores tales como la edad y el género masculino, igualmente la actividad económica que predominó fue la de servicios domésticos, transporte y educación, estos sectores deben ser intervenidos en términos de vigilancia epidemiológica para prevenir estados de incapacidad permanente parcial e invalidez.


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Este é um estudo exploratório e correlacional, com um número inicial de 150 participantes, utilizando uma amostra de conveniência constituída por cinco clínicas médicas e cinco casas de medicina tradicional chinesa, em Lisboa, onde os indivíduos foram autorizados a responder voluntariamente a questionários. Apresenta uma taxa de resposta de 74% (N=111). A adesão à acupunctura é maior no sexo feminino e na faixa etária de 31 a 50 anos (40% homens e 48% mulheres). A procura de tratamento de problemas musculares e articulares e para problemas do foro psicológico são as mais descritas, apesar de ser referida como eficaz noutro tipo de queixas, e não ser o primeiro tipo de tratamento que a população procura. É reconhecido que os resultados podem ocorrer a médio e longo prazo, após várias sessões terapêuticas, o que não parece afetar a perceção da população em estudo que se diz satisfeita (53%) com uma muita boa e / ou boa relação benefício-custo. Em geral, a maioria da população (93%) confia na terapia pelo resultado bom ou muito bom (79%) ou razoável (16%) obtido, e deposita confiança (88%) nas competências do profissional de saúde que executa a acupunctura.


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Genetic studies of autism spectrum conditions (ASC) have mostly focused on the "low functioning" severe clinical subgroup, treating it as a rare disorder. However, ASC is now thought to be relatively common ( approximately 1%), and representing one end of a quasi-normal distribution of autistic traits in the general population. Here we report a study of common genetic variation in candidate genes associated with autistic traits and Asperger syndrome (AS). We tested single nucleotide polymorphisms in 68 candidate genes in three functional groups (sex steroid synthesis/transport, neural connectivity, and social-emotional responsivity) in two experiments. These were (a) an association study of relevant behavioral traits (the Empathy Quotient (EQ), the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)) in a population sample (n=349); and (b) a case-control association study on a sample of people with AS, a "high-functioning" subgroup of ASC (n=174). 27 genes showed a nominally significant association with autistic traits and/or ASC diagnosis. Of these, 19 genes showed nominally significant association with AQ/EQ. In the sex steroid group, this included ESR2 and CYP11B1. In the neural connectivity group, this included HOXA1, NTRK1, and NLGN4X. In the socio-responsivity behavior group, this included MAOB, AVPR1B, and WFS1. Fourteen genes showed nominally significant association with AS. In the sex steroid group, this included CYP17A1 and CYP19A1. In the socio-emotional behavior group, this included OXT. Six genes were nominally associated in both experiments, providing a partial replication. Eleven genes survived family wise error rate (FWER) correction using permutations across both experiments, which is greater than would be expected by chance. CYP11B1 and NTRK1 emerged as significantly associated genes in both experiments, after FWER correction (P<0.05). This is the first candidate-gene association study of AS and of autistic traits. The most promising candidate genes require independent replication and fine mapping.


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We examined the relationship between blood antioxidant enzyme activities, indices of inflammatory status and a number of lifestyle factors in the Caerphilly prospective cohort study of ischaemic heart disease. The study began in 1979 and is based on a representative male population sample. Initially 2512 men were seen in phase I, and followed-up every 5 years in phases II and III; they have recently been seen in phase IV. Data on social class, smoking habit, alcohol consumption were obtained by questionnaire, and body mass index was measured. Antioxidant enzyme activities and indices of inflammatory status were estimated by standard techniques. Significant associations were observed for: age with α-1-antichymotrypsin (p<0.0001) and with caeruloplasmin, both protein and oxidase (p<0.0001); smoking habit with α-1-antichymotrypsin (p<0.0001), with caeruloplasmin, both protein and oxidase (p<0.0001) and with glutathione peroxidose (GPX) (p<0.0001); social class with α-1-antichymotrypsin (p<0.0001), with caeruloplasmin both protein (p<0.001) and oxidase (p<0.01) and with GPX (p<0.0001); body mass index with α-1-antichymotrypsin (p<0.0001) and with caeruloplasmin protein (p<0.001). There was no significant association between alcohol consumption and any of the blood enzymes measured. Factor analysis produced a three-factor model (explaining 65.9% of the variation in the data set) which appeared to indicate close inter-relationships among antioxidants.


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Cortical motor simulation supports the understanding of others' actions and intentions. This mechanism is thought to rely on the mirror neuron system (MNS), a brain network that is active both during action execution and observation. Indirect evidence suggests that alpha/beta suppression, an electroencephalographic (EEG) index of MNS activity, is modulated by reward. In this study we aimed to test the plasticity of the MNS by directly investigating the link between alpha/beta suppression and reward. 40 individuals from a general population sample took part in an evaluative conditioning experiment, where different neutral faces were associated with high or low reward values. In the test phase, EEG was recorded while participants viewed videoclips of happy expressions made by the conditioned faces. Alpha/beta suppression (identified using event-related desynchronisation of specific independent components) in response to rewarding faces was found to be greater than for non-rewarding faces. This result provides a mechanistic insight into the plasticity of the MNS and, more generally, into the role of reward in modulating physiological responses linked to empathy.


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Animal studies find that prenatal stress is associated with increased physiological and emotional reactivity later in life, mediated via fetal programming of the HPA axis through decreased glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene expression. Post-natal behaviours, notably licking and grooming in rats, cause decreased behavioural indices of fear and reduced HPA axis reactivity mediated via increased GR gene expression. Post-natal maternal behaviours may therefore be expected to modify prenatal effects, but this has not previously been examined in humans. We examined whether, according to self-report, maternal stroking over the first weeks of life modified associations between prenatal depression and physiological and behavioral outcomes in infancy, hence mimicking effects of rodent licking and grooming. From a general population sample of 1233 first time mothers recruited at 20 weeks gestation we drew a stratified random sample of 316 for assessment at 32 weeks based on reported inter-partner psychological abuse, a risk to child development. Of these 271 provided data at 5, 9 and 29 weeks post delivery. Mothers reported how often they stroked their babies at 5 and 9 weeks. At 29 weeks vagal withdrawal to a stressor, a measure of physiological adaptability, and maternal reported negative emotionality were assessed. There was a significant interaction between prenatal depression and maternal stroking in the prediction of vagal reactivity to a stressor (p = .01), and maternal reports of infant anger proneness (p = .007) and fear (p = .043). Increasing maternal depression was associated with decreasing physiological adaptability, and with increasing negative emotionality, only in the presence of low maternal stroking. These initial findings in humans indicate that maternal stroking in infancy, as reported by mothers, has effects strongly resembling the effects of observed maternal behaviours in animals, pointing to future studies of the epigenetic, physiological and behavioral effects of maternal stroking.


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Associations between low birth weight and prenatal anxiety and later psychopathology may arise from programming effects likely to be adaptive under some, but not other, environmental exposures and modified by sex differences. If physiological reactivity, which also confers vulnerability or resilience in an environment-dependent manner, is associated with birth weight and prenatal anxiety, it will be a candidate to mediate the links with psychopathology. From a general population sample of 1,233 first-time mothers recruited at 20 weeks gestation, a sample of 316 stratified by adversity was assessed at 32 weeks and when their infants were aged 29 weeks (N = 271). Prenatal anxiety was assessed by self-report, birth weight from medical records, and vagal reactivity from respiratory sinus arrhythmia during four nonstressful and one stressful (still-face) procedure. Lower birth weight for gestational age predicted higher vagal reactivity only in girls (interaction term, p = .016), and prenatal maternal anxiety predicted lower vagal reactivity only in boys (interaction term, p = .014). These findings are consistent with sex differences in fetal programming, whereby prenatal risks are associated with increased stress reactivity in females but decreased reactivity in males, with distinctive advantages and penalties for each sex.


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Background Mothers' self-reported stroking of their infants over the first weeks of life modifies the association between prenatal depression and physiological and emotional reactivity at 7 months, consistent with animal studies of the effects of tactile stimulation. We now investigate whether the effects of maternal stroking persist to 2.5 years. Given animal and human evidence for sex differences in the effects of prenatal stress we compare associations in boys and girls. Method From a general population sample of 1233 first-time mothers recruited at 20 weeks gestation we drew a random sample of 316 for assessment at 32 weeks, stratified by reported inter-partner psychological abuse, a risk indicator for child development. Of these mothers, 243 reported at 5 and 9 weeks how often they stroked their infants, and completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) at 2.5 years post-delivery. Results There was a significant interaction between prenatal anxiety and maternal stroking in the prediction of CBCL internalizing (p = 0.001) and anxious/depressed scores (p < 0.001). The effects were stronger in females than males, and the three-way interaction prenatal anxiety × maternal stroking × sex of infant was significant for internalizing symptoms (p = 0.003). The interactions arose from an association between prenatal anxiety and internalizing symptoms only in the presence of low maternal stroking. Conclusions The findings are consistent with stable epigenetic effects, many sex specific, reported in animal studies. While epigenetic mechanisms may be underlying the associations, it remains to be established whether stroking affects gene expression in humans.


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Sweetness is generally a desirable taste, however consumers can be grouped into sweet likers and dislikers according to optimally preferred sucrose concentrations. Understanding the levels of sweetness in products that are acceptable and unacceptable to both consumer groups is important to product development and for influencing dietary habits. The concentrations at which sucrose decreases liking (the rejection threshold; RjT) in liquid and semi-solid matrices were investigated in this study. Thirty six consumers rated their liking of 5 sucrose aqueous solutions; this identified 36% sweet likers (SL) whose liking ratings increased with increasing sucrose and 64% sweet dislikers (SD) whose liking ratings decreased above 6% (w/v) sucrose. We hypothesized that SL and SD would have different RjT for sucrose in products. This was tested by preparing 8 levels of sucrose in orange juice and orange jelly and presenting each against the lowest level in forced choice preference tests. In orange juice, as sucrose increased from 33g/L to 75g/L the proportion of people preferring the sweeter sample increased in both groups. However, at higher sucrose levels, the proportion of consumers preferring the sweet sample decreased. For SD, a RjT was reached at 380 g/L, whereas a significant RjT for SL was not reached. RjT in jelly were not reached as the sweetness in orange jelly was significantly lower than for orange juice (p<0.001). Despite statistically significant differences in rated sweetness between SL and SD (p=0.019), the extent of difference between the two groups was minor. The results implied that sweet liker status was not substantially related to differences in sweetness perception. Self-reported dietary intake of carbohydrate, sugars and sucrose were not significantly affected by sweet liker status. However the failure to find an effect may be due to the small sample size and future studies within a larger, more representative population sample are justifiable from the results of this study.


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Background: The relationship between CETP and postprandial hyperlipemia is still unclear. We verified the effects of varying activities of plasma CETP on postprandial lipemia and precocious atherosclerosis in asymptomatic adult women. Methods: Twenty-eight women, selected from a healthy population sample (n = 148) were classified according to three CETP levels, all statistically different: CETP deficiency (CETPd <= 4.5%, n = 8), high activity (CETPi >= 23.8, n = 6) and controls (CTL, CETP >= 4.6% and <= 23.7%, n = 14). After a 12 h fast they underwent an oral fat tolerance test (40 g of fat/m(2) of body surface area) for 8 hours. TG, TG-rich-lipoproteins (TRL), cholesterol and TRL-TG measurements (AUC, AUIC, AR, RR and late peaks) and comparisons were performed on all time points. Lipases and phospholipids transfer protein (PLTP) were determined. Correlation between carotid atherosclerosis (c-IMT) and postprandial parameters was determined. CETP TaqIB and I405V and ApoE-epsilon 3/epsilon 2/epsilon 4 polymorphisms were examined. To elucidate the regulation of increased lipemia in CETPd a multiple linear regression analysis was performed. Results: In the CETPi and CTL groups, CETP activity was respectively 9 and 5.3 higher compared to the CETPd group. Concentrations of all HDL fractions and ApoA-I were higher in the CETPd group and clearance was delayed, as demonstrated by modified lipemia parameters (AUC, AUIC, RR, AR and late peaks and meal response patterns). LPL or HL deficiencies were not observed. No genetic determinants of CETP deficiency or of postprandial lipemia were found. Correlations with c-IMT in the CETPd group indicated postprandial pro-atherogenic associations. In CETPd the regression multivariate analysis (model A) showed that CETP was largely and negatively predicted by VLDL-C lipemia (R(2) = 92%) and much less by TG, LDL-C, ApoAI, phospholipids and non-HDL-C. CETP (model B) influenced mainly the increment in ApoB-100 containing lipoproteins (R(2) = 85% negatively) and phospholipids (R(2) = 13%), at the 6(th)h point. Conclusion: The moderate CETP deficiency phenotype included a paradoxically high HDL-C and its sub fractions (as earlier described), positive associations with c-IMT, a postprandial VLDL-C increment predicting negatively CETP activity and CETP activity regulating inversely the increment in ApoB100-containing lipoproteins. We hypothesize that the enrichment of TG content in triglyceride-rich ApoB-containing lipoproteins and in TG rich remnants increases lipoproteins` competition to active lipolysis sites, reducing their catabolism and resulting on postprandial lipemia with atherogenic consequences.


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Ferritin is a protein composed of heavy and light chains, non-covalently linked and which accommodates, in its core, thousands of atoms of iron. Furthermore, this protein represents the stock of iron in the body and it is characterized as an acute marker and predictor of diseases, such as iron deficiency anemia, hereditary hemochromatosis and others. Considering the variability of reference values and the analytical methods currently available, the aim of this work was to propose 95% confidence intervals for adults in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, after determining the average concentration of serum ferritin for both sexes, beyond its correlation with the age. We analyzed 385 blood samples, collected by venipuncture from individuals residing in the State, after 12-14 hours of fast. The populational sample had 169 men and 216 women between 18-59 years old, which filled a questionnaire on socioeconomic, food habits and accounts about previous and current diseases. The sample collections were itinerant and the results of erythrogram, fasting glucose, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, γ-glutamyl transferase, urea, creatinine, leukocyte count and platelets, beyond C-reactive protein, were issued to each participant, so that, after selection of the apparently healthy individuals, the dosage of serum ferritin was carried out. Statistical analysis was performed using the softwares SPSS 11.0 Windows version, Epi Info 3.3.2 and Graf instant pad (version 3.02), and the random population sample was single (finite population), for which the test of linear correlation and diagram of dispersion were also made. After selection of individuals and determination of serum ferritin, the most discrepant outliers were disregarded (N = 358, Men = 154/Women = 207) and the average value determined for the masculine sex individuals was 167,18 ng / dL; for the feminine sex individuals, the average value obtained was 81,55 ng / dL. Moreover, we found that 25% of men had values < 90,30 ng / dL; 50% ≤ 156,25 ng / dL and 75% ≤ 229,00 ng / dL. In the group of women, 25% had values < 38,80 ng / dL; 50% ≤ 65,00 ng / dL and 75% ≤ 119,00 ng / dL. Through the correlation coefficient (r = 0,23 with p = 0,003), it is possible to suggest the existence of positive linear correlation between age and serum ferritin for men. The correlation coefficient for women (r = 0,16 with p = 0,025) also confirms the existence of positive linear correlation between serum ferritin and age. Considering the analysis carried out and specific methods corroborating with the proposed benchmarks, we concluded that the average value found for men is higher than that found for women. Furthermore, this scenario rises with age for both sexes, and the 95% confidence intervals obtained were 74 ng/dL ≤ μ ≤ 89 ng/dL and 152ng/dL ≤ μ ≤183ng/dL for the feminine and masculine sex individuals respectively