Grazed pastures are the backbone of the Brazilian livestock industry and grasses of the genus Brachiaria (syn. Urochloa) are some of most used tropical forages in the country. Although the dependence on the forage resource is high, grazing management is often empirical and based on broad and non-specific guidelines. Mulato II brachiariagrass (Convert HD 364, Dow AgroSciences, São Paulo, Brazil) (B. brizantha × B. ruziziensis × B. decumbens), a new Brachiaria hybrid, was released as an option for a broad range of environmental conditions. There is no scientific information on specific management practices for Mulato II under continuous stocking in Brazil. The objectives of this research were to describe and explain variations in carbon assimilation, herbage accumulation (HA), plant-part accumulation, nutritive value, and grazing efficiency (GE) of Mulato II brachiariagrass as affected by canopy height and growth rate, the latter imposed by N fertilization rate, under continuous stocking. An experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, during two summer grazing seasons. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, corresponding to three steady-state canopy heights (10, 25 and 40 cm) maintained by mimicked continuous stocking and two growth rates (imposed as 50 and 250 kg N ha-1 yr-1), with three replications. There were no height × N rate interactions for most of the responses studied. The HA of Mulato II increased linearly (8640 to 13400 kg DM ha-1 yr-1), the in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) decreased linearly (652 to 586 g kg-1), and the GE decreased (65 to 44%) as canopy height increased. Thus, although GE and IVDOM were greatest at 10 cm height, HA was 36% less for the 10- than for the 40-cm height. The leaf carbon assimilation was greater for the shortest canopy (10 cm), but canopy assimilation was less than in taller canopies, likely a result of less leaf area index (LAI). The reductions in HA, plant-part accumulation, and LAI, were not associated with other signs of stand deterioration. Leaf was the main plant-part accumulated, at a rate that increased from 70 to 100 kg DM ha-1 d-1 as canopy height increased from 10 to 40 cm. Mulato II was less productive (7940 vs. 13380 kg ha-1 yr-1) and had lesser IVDOM (581 vs. 652 g kg-1) at the lower N rate. The increase in N rate affected plant growth, increasing carbon assimilation, LAI, rates of plant-part accumulation (leaf, stem, and dead), and HA. The results indicate that the increase in the rate of dead material accumulation due to more N applied is a result of overall increase in the accumulation rates of all plant-parts. Taller canopies (25 or 40 cm) are advantageous for herbage accumulation of Mulato II, but nutritive value and GE was greater for 25 cm, suggesting that maintaining ∼25-cm canopy height is optimal for continuously stocked Mulato II.
Contribution from Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering.
The livestock system in Brazil mainly uses the pastures as source of food to cattle, and the marandu palisade grass is one of the main forage crop plants. In order to supply the demand of these animals in amount of forage, it is necessary to adopt management strategies aimed at increased forage production with adequate characteristics to animal intake. In this context, is requiered to identify management strategies of defoliation that improve tillering of marandu palisade grass during the seasons. There is a chance that the maintenance of lower marandu palisade grass during the fall and winter compared to spring and summer, increase the incidence of light at the base of the plants and, indeed, encourage tillering and modify the structure of the pasture compared to maintain marandu palisade grass with constant height along these stations.
We conducted a field experiment near Abelardo Luz, Santa Catarina, from October 2012 to April 2014, to evaluate the effect interaction of nitrogen fertilization and height of canopy over the N nutrition of corn subsequently grown to pasture. The data belonging to this thesis are related to the first two production cycles obtained in sorghum pasture (2012/2013), oat (2013) and corn crop (2013/2014). In the evaluation of forage sorghum and oat it was used the same experimental design, consisting of randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement (2 x 2) with three replications. The first factor was considered canopy height (Low and High) and the second factor was the fertilization of cover crop pasture (0 and 200 kg N.ha-1). In phase I and II, the combination of factors evaluators were prepared in the same experimental unit. For corn crop the design was a randomized complete block in a factorial design (2X2X4X6) with three replications. Factors considered in corn were: canopy height of pasture (Low and High), nitrogen application times (NG - nitrogen in the grains and NP - nitrogen in pasture), nitrogen fertilization in corn (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg N.ha-1) and time (46, 53, 60, 67, 76 and 103 days after sowing the maize). In phases I and II, in general the use of N in the pasture increased the productive potential of the pasture and animal management and canopy height has changed the dynamics of structural components and botanical pasture. In cold conditions for long periods and not acclimatized plants the adoption of high nitrogen fertilization and height high grazing pasture leave vulnerable to damage caused by the freezing of plants. The anticipation of nitrogen fertilization on pasture positively affects the corn crop by increasing the accumulated dry matter and N content in the plant. Nitrogen nutritional content of corn with the anticipation of fertilization in pasture is suitable for obtaining high crop production in integrated crop-livestock system. When used nitrogen only coverage in corn sufficiency level in the nitrogen nutrition is achieved with the use of 100 kg N.ha-1. With the use of 200 kg N ha -1 NG and NP no difference in nitrogen content and nitrogen nutrition index.
This study was developed with the aim of evaluating the performance and land use efficiency of different arrangements of intercropping with maize and forage. The field experiment was conducted in Tangar da Serra/MT. The experimental design was a randomized block in factorial scheme 3x2 + 1, were as three arrangements of intercropping, two species of forage and an additional treatment with maize monoculture in four replication. In maize monoculture and intercropping were evaluated: plant height and ear insertion height, plant population, weight of 100 grains, productivity, number of grain rows and number of grain per row. In forages intercropping with maize were evaluated plant population and dry matter accumulation. The arrangements with Maize + Forage sown in the line and Maize + Forage sown in two rows between rows with the species Urochloa hybrid promoted best corn yields. The modality and species affect both the productivity of maize as forages species. Grain yield of maize is higher in monoculture. The higher dry matter accumulation of Urochloa hybrid occurs in the Maize + Forage sown in one row between rows, while, for the Urochloa brizantha the arrangements studied do not affect their yields. The arrangement with best land use efficiency is Maize + Forage sown in two rows between rows for both study forage species.
O experimento de campo foi conduzido no Núcleo de Produção Animal (NUPRAN) da Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste do Paraná (UNICENTRO) com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do tamanho de partícula (pequena: entre 0,2 e 0,6 cm ou grande: entre 1,0 e 2,0 cm) e da altura de corte das plantas de milho para ensilagem (baixo:15 cm ou alto: 39 cm), sobre perdas, valor nutritivo das silagens e desempenho animal em confinamento, constituindo-se os tratamentos: T1 – silagem de partícula pequena com altura de corte baixo; T2 – silagem de partícula grande com altura de corte baixo; T3 – silagem de partícula pequena com altura de corte alto; e T4 – silagem de partícula grande com altura de corte alto. Foram utilizados 36 novilhos inteiros da raça Charolês, com idade média de doze meses e com peso vivo médio inicial de 355 kg. O confinamento compreendeu 84 dias de avaliação. As silagens foram fornecidas ad libitum em dietas com uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 67:33. A colheita à altura de 15,2 cm propiciou incremento (P<0,05) de 7,1% na produção de matéria seca ensilável em relação à altura de corte de 38,6 cm. A silagem de milho produzida a partir de plantas cortadas à 38,6 cm apresentou menores teores de fibra em detergente neutro e maior concentração de energia digestível. Partículas de tamanho pequeno determinaram maior eficiência de compactação da massa ensilada, diminuindo gradientes de temperatura entre meio ambiente e silagem e de pH na desensilagem, frente às silagens de partículas grandes. A silagem com tamanho de partícula grande resultou em maiores (P<0,05) perdas físicas na desensilagem e durante a alimentação dos animais confinados. Embora a colheita das plantas de milho a 38,6 cm tenha melhorado o valor nutritivo da silagem, as variáveis relativas ao consumo de alimentos, ao ganho de peso médio diário e à conversão alimentar não foram afetadas (P>0,05). Mesmo reduzindo o tempo de ruminação dos animais (P<0,05), recomenda-se a inclusão de silagem de milho colhida à altura de 38,6 cm com tamanho de partícula pequena na dieta de bovinos jovens em confinamento, por proporcionar melhor lucratividade no sistema de produção. O uso de silagens de milho colhidas às alturas tanto de 15,2 cm ou de 38,6 cm, porém com tamanho de partícula pequena na produção de superprecoce resulta em maior rendimento de carcaça e menores perdas no resfriamento.
The Grass, have high relation for C/N and a fascicule root system, is an alternative for use in the system of tillage (SPD) in northeastern Brazil. This work had the objective to assess the effects of three plants and grass cover on the components of production of the corn crop in no-tillage system and accumulation of biomass of their grass. The design was randomized blocks with four replications, with each plot area of 112 m2 (5,6 x 20,0m). The treatments consisted of the corn cultivation, DKB-333-B, about three grass species (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria humidicola and Tifton in the system of tillage and a witness, without vegetation. The B. decumbens provided higher income to the corn crop, producing 5708 kg ha-1, didn't differ of the witness. The use of grass as cover plants are a viable alternative to the SPD of the corn crop, adding value by producing two crops (corn and grass), and protect the soil against erosion and produce forage for ruminants during the between-season.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi obter informações que possam favorecer o entendimento da atuação dos compostos alelopáticos sobre o banco de sementes do solo e sobre a seleção de plantas invasoras e indicar espécies que favoreçam a renovação dos pastos. Assim, soluções de solo de uma área de pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu formada há mais de cinco anos foram extraídas para avaliar os efeitos alelopáticos dessa espécie sobre a germinação, a dormência de sementes e o vigor de plântulas de B. brizantha cv. Marandu, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, Sida rhombifolia e Peschiera fuchsiaefolia. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido no Laboratório de Matologia do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da FCA/UNESP - campus de Botucatu-SP. O substrato de germinação foi umedecido com 12 mL dos seguintes tratamentos: solução do solo de uma área cultivada com B. brizantha; solução do solo de uma área sem B. brizantha (mata nativa); água destilada; solução de polietilenoglicol com potencial osmótico idêntico ao da solução do solo sob B. brizantha; e solução de polietilenoglicol com potencial osmótico idêntico ao da solução de solo de uma mata nativa. A porcentagem de sementes normais, mortas, anormais e dormentes de B. brizantha não foi influenciada por nenhuma das soluções testadas, o que evidencia a não-ocorrência de efeito auto-alelopático. Foram verificados possíveis efeitos alelopáticos negativos sobre a porcentagem e velocidade de germinação de P. maximum cv. Tanzânia e sobre o crescimento radicular de S. rhombifolia. Esta última também se mostrou sensível ao efeito alelopático da solução de solo de mata, que promoveu redução no crescimento radicular. P. fuchsiaefolia não foi afetada por nenhuma das soluções testadas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)