992 resultados para PHOSPHOLIPASE A(2) HOMOLOG
Envenomation via snakebites is an important public health problem in many tropical and subtropical countries that, in addition to mortality, can result in permanent sequelae as a consequence of local tissue damage, which represents a major challenge to antivenom therapy. Venom phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) and PLA(2)-like proteins play a leading role in the complex pathogenesis of skeletal muscle necrosis, nevertheless their precise mechanism of action is only partially understood. Recently, detailed structural information has been obtained for more than twenty different members of the PLA(2)-like myotoxin subfamily. In this review, we integrate the available structural, biochemical and functional data on these toxins and present a comprehensive hypothesis for their myotoxic mechanism. This process involves an allosteric transition and the participation of two independent interaction sites for docking and disruption of the target membrane, respectively, leading to a five-step mechanism of action. Furthermore, recent functional and structural studies of these toxins complexed with ligands reveal diverse neutralization mechanisms that can be classified into at least three different groups. Therefore, the data summarized here for the PLA(2)-like myotoxins could provide a useful molecular basis for the search for novel neutralizing strategies to improve the treatment of envenomation by viperid snakes. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
PrTX-I, a non-catalytic and myotoxic Lys49-PLA(2) from Bothrops pirajai venom has been crystallized alone and in complex with bromophenacyl bromide (BPB), alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocopherol acetate inhibitors. These crystals have shown to diffract X-rays between 2.34 and 1.65 angstrom resolution. All complexes crystals are isomorphous and belong to the space group P2(1) whereas native PrTX-I crystals belong to the P3(1)21.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Human Secreted Group IIA Phospholipase A(2) (hsPIA2GIIA) presents potent bactericidal activity, and is considered to contribute to the acute-phase immune response. Hydrolysis of inner membrane phospholipids is suggested to underlie the bactericidal activity, and we have evaluated this proposal by comparing catalytic activity with bactericidal and liposome membrane damaging effects of the G30S, H48Q and D49K h5PLA2GIIA mutants. All mutants showed severely impaired hydrolytic activities against mixed DOPC:DOPG liposome membranes, however the bactericidal effect against Micrococcus luteus was less affected, with 50% killing at concentrations of 1, 3, 7 and 9 mu g/mL for the wild-type, D49K, H48Q and G30S mutants respectively. Furthermore, all proteins showed Ca2+-independent damaging activity against Liposome membranes demonstrating that in addition to the hydrolysis-dependent membrane damage, the hsPLA2GIIA presents a mechanism for permeabilization of phospholipid bilayers that is independent of catalytic activity, which may play a role in the bactericidal function of the protein (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) are key enzymes in membrane metabolism. The release of fatty acids and lysophospholipids by PLA(2) activates several intra-cellular second messenger cascades that regulate a wide variety of physiological responses. The aim of the present study is to describe a radioenzymatic assay to determine the activity of three main PLA(2) subtypes in platelets, namely extracellular calcium-dependent PLA(2) (sPLA(2)) and intracellular calcium-dependent (cPLA(2)) and calcium-independent PLA(2) (iPLA(2)). The differentiation of these distinct PLA(2) subtypes was based on the enzyme substrate preference (arachdonic acid or palmitoyl acid) and calcium concentration. Our results indicate that this new assay is feasible, precise and specific to measure the activity of the aforementioned subtypes of PLA(2). Therefore, this protocol can be used to investigate modifications of PLA(2) homeostasis in distinct biological models addressing the pathophysiology of many medical and neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Suramin is a polysulphonated naphthylurea with inhibitory activity against the human secreted group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA2GIIA), and we have investigated suramin binding to recombinant hsPLA2GIIA using site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The changes in suramin binding affinity of 13 cationic residue mutants of the hsPLA2GIIA was strongly correlated with alterations in the inhibition of membrane damaging activity of the protein. Suramin binding to hsPLA2GIIA was also studied by MD simulations, which demonstrated that altered intermolecular potential energy of the suramin/mutant complexes was a reliable indicator of affinity change. Although residues in the C-terminal region play a major role in the stabilization of the hsPLA2GIIA/suramin complex, attractive and repulsive hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with residues throughout the protein together with the adoption of a bent suramin conformation, all contribute to the stability of the complex. Analysis of the h5PLA2GIIA/suramin interactions allows the prediction of the properties of suramin analogues with improved binding and higher affinities which may be candidates for novel phospholipase A(2) inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The Human Secreted Group IID Phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA2GIID) may be involved in the human acute immune response. Here we have demonstrated that the hsPLA2GIID presents bactericidal and Ca2+-independent liposome membrane-damaging activities and we have compared these effects with the catalytic activity of active-site mutants of the protein. All mutants showed reduced hydrolytic activity against DOPC:DOPG liposome membranes, however bactericidal effects against Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus were less affected, with the D49K mutant retaining 30% killing of the Gram-negative bacteria at a concentration of 10 mu g/mL despite the absence of catalytic activity. The H48Q mutant maintained Ca2+-independent membrane-damaging activity whereas the G30S and D49K mutants were approximately 50% of the wild-type protein, demonstrating that phospholipid bilayer permeabilization by the hsPLA2GIID is independent of catalytic activity. We suggest that this Ca2+-independent damaging activity may play a role in the bactericidal function of the protein. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
"Silent mating type information regulation 2 Type" 1 (SIRT1), das humane Homolog der NAD+-abhängigen Histondeacetylase Sir2 aus Hefe, besitzt Schlüsselfunktionen in der Regulation des Metabolismus, der Zellalterung und Apoptose. Letztere wird vor allem durch die Deacetylierung von p53 an Lys382 und der dadurch verringerten Transkription proapoptotischer Zielgene vermittelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die SIRT1 Regulation im Zusammenhang mit der DNA-Schadensantwort untersucht.rnIn der Apoptoseregulation übernimmt die Serin/Threonin-Kinase "Homeodomain interacting protein kinase" 2 (HIPK2) eine zentrale Rolle und daher wurde die SIRT1 Modifikation und Regulation durch HIPK2 betrachtet. Durch Phosphorylierung des Tumorsuppressorproteins p53 an Ser46 aktiviert HIPK2 das Zielprotein und induziert die Transkription proapoptotischer Zielgene von p53. Es wurde beschrieben, dass HIPK2 nach DNA-Schädigung über einen bisher unbekannten Mechnismus die Acetylierung von p53 potenzieren kann.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass SIRT1 von HIPK2 in vitro und in Zellen an Serin 27 und 682 phosphoryliert wird. Weiterhin ist die Interaktion von SIRT1 mit HIPK2 sowie die SIRT1 Phosphorylierung an Serin 682 durch DNA-schädigende Adriamycinbehandlung erhöht. Es gibt Hinweise, dass HIPK2 die Expression von SIRT1 reguliert, da HIPK2 RNA-Interferenz zur Erniedrigung der SIRT1 Protein- und mRNA-Mengen führt.rnEin weiterer interessanter Aspekt liegt in der Beobachtung, dass Ko-Expression von PML-IV, welches SIRT1 sowie HIPK2 in PML-Kernkörper rekrutiert, die SIRT1 Phosphorylierung an Serin 682 verstärkt. Phosphorylierung von SIRT1 an Serin 682 interferiert wiederum mit der SUMO-1 Modifikation, welche für die Lokalisation in PML-Kernkörpen wichtig ist.rnBemerkenswerterweise reduziert die DNA-schadendsinduzierte SIRT1 Phosphorylierung die Bindung des SIRT1 Ko-Aktivators AROS, beeinflusst aber nicht diejenige des Inhibitors DBC1. Dies führt zur Reduktion der enzymatischen Aktivität von SIRT1 und der darausfolgenden weniger effizienten Deacetylierung des Zielproteins p53.rnDurch die von mir in der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit erzielten Ergebnisse konnte ein neuer molekularer Mechanismus entschlüsselt werden, welcher die durch HIPK2 modulierte Acetylierung von p53 und die daran anschließende Induktion der Apoptose beschreibt.rnHIPK2-vermittelte SIRT1 Phosphorylierung resultiert in einer verminderten Deacetylasefunktion von SIRT1 und führt so zu einer verstärkten acetylierungsinduzierten Expression proapoptotischer p53 Zielgene.
Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-para-aminophenol (APAP), paracetamol) is a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic agent. Although considered safe at therapeutic doses, accidental or intentional overdose causes acute liver failure characterized by centrilobular hepatic necrosis with high morbidity and mortality. Although many molecular aspects of APAP-induced cell death have been described, no conclusive mechanism has been proposed. We recently identified TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and c-Jun kinase (JNK)-dependent activation of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim as an important apoptosis amplification pathway in hepatocytes. In this study, we, thus, investigated the role of TRAIL, c-JNK and Bim in APAP-induced liver damage. Our results demonstrate that TRAIL strongly synergizes with APAP in inducing cell death in hepatocyte-like cells lines and primary hepatocyte. Furthermore, we found that APAP strongly induces the expression of Bim in a c-JNK-dependent manner. Consequently, TRAIL- or Bim-deficient mice were substantially protected from APAP-induced liver damage. This study identifies the TRAIL-JNK-Bim axis as a novel target in the treatment of APAP-induced liver damage and substantiates its general role in hepatocyte death.
ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3-PUFAs) are known to exert anti-inflammatory effects in various disease models although their direct targets are only poorly characterized.
Aggretin, a potent platelet activator, was isolated from Calloselasma rhodostoma venom, and 30-amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. Aggretin belongs to the heterodimeric snake C-type lectin family and is thought to activate platelets by binding to platelet glycoprotein alpha(2)beta(1). We now show that binding to glycoprotein (GP) Ib is also required. Aggretin-induced platelet activation was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb as well as by antibodies to alpha(2)beta(1). Binding of both of these platelet receptors to aggretin was confirmed by affinity chromatography. No binding of other major platelet membrane glycoproteins, in particular GPVI, to aggretin was detected. Aggretin also activates platelets from Fc receptor gamma chain (Fcgamma)-deficient mice to a greater extent than those from normal control mice, showing that it does not use the GPVI/Fcgamma pathway. Platelets from Fcgamma-deficient mice expressed fibrinogen receptors normally in response to collagen, although they did not aggregate, indicating that these platelets may partly compensate via other receptors including alpha(2)beta(1) or GPIb for the lack of the Fcgamma pathway. Signaling by aggretin involves a dose-dependent lag phase followed by rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins. Among these are p72(SYK), p125(FAK), and PLCgamma2, whereas, in comparison with collagen and convulxin, the Fcgamma subunit neither is phosphorylated nor coprecipitates with p72(SYK). This supports an independent, GPIb- and integrin-based pathway for activation of p72(SYK) not involving the Fcgamma receptor.
Few reported inhibitors of secretory phospholipase A(2) enzymes inhibit the IIa human isoform (hnpsPLA(2)-IIa) noncovalently at submicromolar concentrations. Herein, the simple chiral precursor D-tyrosine was derivastised to give a series of potent new inhibitors of hnpsPLA(2)-IIa. A 2.2-Angstrom crystal structure shows an inhibitor bound in the active site of the enzyme, chelated to a Ca2+ ion through carboxylate and amide oxygen atoms, H bonded through an amide NH group to His48, with multiple hydrophobic contacts and a T-shaped aromatic-group-His6 interaction. Antiinflammatory activity is also demonstrated for two compounds administered orally to rats.
Stable expression of human groups IIA and X secreted phospholipases A(2) (hGIIA and hGX) in CHO-K1 and HEK293 cells leads to serum- and interleukin-1beta-promoted arachidonate release. Using mutant CHO-K1 cell lines, it is shown that this arachidonate release does not require heparan sulfate proteoglycan- or glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins. It is shown that the potent secreted phospholipase A(2) inhibitor Me-Indoxam is cell-impermeable. By use of Me-Indoxam and the cell-impermeable, secreted phospholipase A(2) trapping agent heparin, it is shown that hGIIA liberates free arachidonate prior to secretion from the cell. With hGX-transfected CHO-K1 cells, arachidonate release occurs before and after enzyme secretion, whereas all of the arachidonate release from HEK293 cells occurs prior to enzyme secretion. Immunocytochemical studies by confocal laser and electron microscopies show localization of hGIIA to the cell surface and Golgi compartment. Additional results show that the interleukin-1beta-dependent release of arachidonate is promoted by secreted phospholipase A(2) expression and is completely dependent on cytosolic (group IVA) phospholipase A(2). These results along with additional data resolve the paradox that efficient arachidonic acid release occurs with hGIIA-transfected cells, and yet exogenously added hGIIA is poorly able to liberate arachidonic acid from mammalian cells.
The development of fibrosis in the chronically hypertensive heart is associated with infiltration of inflammatory cells and cardiac hypertrophy. In this study, an inhibitor of the proinflammatory enzyme, group IIA human secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)-IIA), has been found to prevent collagen deposition as an important component of cardiovascular remodeling in a rat model of developing chronic hypertension. Daily treatment of young male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with an sPLA2-IIA inhibitor (KH064, 5-(4-benzyloxyphenyl)-4S-(phenyl-heptanoylamino)-pentanoic acid, 5 mg/kg/day p.o.) prevented increases in the content of perivascular,(SHR 20.6 +/- 0.9%, n = 5; SHR+KH064 14.0 +/- 1.2%, n = 5) and interstitial (SHR 7.9 +/- 0.3%, n = 6; SHR+KH064 5.4 +/- 0.7%, n = 6) collagen in the left ventricle of rat hearts, but did not affect numbers of infiltrating monocytes/macrophages, left ventricular hypertrophy (SHR 2.88 +/- 0.08, n = 12; SHR+KH064 3.09 +/- 0.08 mg/g body weight, n = 9), increased systolic blood pressure, or thoracic aortic responses. This selective antifibrotic activity suggests that sPLA2-IIA may have an important but specific role in cardiac fibrosis, and that its inhibitors could be useful in dissecting molecular pathways leading to fibrotic conditions.
Flavonoids are potent anti-inflammatory compounds isolated from several plant extracts, and have been used experimentally against inflammatory processes. In this work, a PLA(2) isolated from the Crotalus durissus cascavella venom and rat paw oedema were used as a model to. study the effect of flavonoids on PLA(2). We observed that a treatment of PLA(2) with morin induces several modifications in the aromatic amino acids, with accompanying changes in its amino acid composition. In addition, results from circular dichroism spectroscopy and UV scanning revealed important structural modifications. Concomitantly, a considerable decrease in the enzymatic and antibacterial activities was observed, even though anti-inflammatory and neurotoxic activities were not affected. These apparent controversial results may be an indication that PLA(2) possess a second pharmacological site which does not affect or depend on the enzymatic activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.