865 resultados para PATIENT CARE TEAM


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O estudo de abordagem qualitativa teve como objetivo compreender as relações sociais entre o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) e a equipe de Saúde da Família (SF), nesse sentido, destaca-se a articulação das ações e a interação entre trabalhadores. Foram realizadas 23 observações participantes e 11 entrevistas semiestruturadas com uma equipe de SF em um município do interior de São Paulo, Brasil. Identificou-se que o ACS, como elo, desenvolve ações operacionais para agilizar o trabalho da equipe. Como laços de ligação, desempenham ações articuladas ao trabalho da equipe, interagindo com os trabalhadores, construindo planos assistenciais em comum, aproximando equipe e comunidade, adequando ações de cuidado às necessidades das pessoas. Na prática comunicativa, ao falarem de si, falam da própria comunidade, pois é seu representante e porta-voz na equipe. Concluiu-se que o Agente Comunitário de Saúde pode ser um trabalhador estratégico se suas ações compreenderem uma dimensão mais política e social do trabalho em saúde.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a percepção da equipe multiprofissional sobre ruído ambiente em uma unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com delineamento qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas abertas com 43 profissionais que atuavam na unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal. As entrevistas gravadas foram transcritas e realizou-se a análise temática. RESULTADOS: Apreenderam-se quatro núcleos temáticos: Como a equipe percebe o ruído na unidade; O que gera ruído na unidade; Os efeitos do ruído nos bebês, trabalhadores, familiares e acompanhantes; Como reduzir o ruído na unidade. CONCLUSÃO: A equipe tem conhecimento sobre o ruído na unidade, apontando possibilidades e limitações para sua redução.


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O estudo objetivou investigar o conhecimento e a utilização de estratégias de comunicação no cuidado da dimensão emocional do paciente sob cuidados paliativos. Com abordagem quantitativa, foi realizado entre agosto/2008 e julho/2009, junto a 303 profissionais de saúde que trabalhavam ou tinham contato frequente com estes pacientes, por meio da aplicação de questionário. Os dados sofreram tratamento estatístico descritivo e analítico. Os profissionais denotaram desconhecimento de estratégias de comunicação, evidenciando-se diferença significativa (p-valor 0,0011) na comparação entre sujeitos com e sem formação prévia em cuidados paliativos, denotando que quem possui capacitação paliativista conhece/utiliza mais estratégias comunicacionais na atenção à dimensão emocional de seus pacientes. As estratégias mais citadas pelos sujeitos foram: escuta ativa, reafirmações verbais de solicitude, uso de perguntas abertas e toque afetivo. Conclui-se que há pouco conhecimento e utilização insatisfatória de estratégias de comunicação, pelos profissionais de saúde no cuidado à dimensão emocional de pacientes sob cuidados paliativos.


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INTRODUCTION: Actual 5-year survival rates of 10-18% have been reported for patients with resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PC), but the use of multimodality therapy was uncommon in these series. We evaluated long-term survival and patterns of recurrence in patients treated for PC with contemporary staging and multimodality therapy. METHODS: We analyzed 329 consecutive patients with PC evaluated between 1990 and 2002 who underwent resection. Each received a multidisciplinary evaluation and a standard operative approach. Pre- or postoperative chemotherapy and/or chemoradiation were routine. Surgical specimens of 5-year survivors were re-reviewed. A multivariate model of factors associated with long-term survival was constructed. RESULTS: Patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy (n = 302; 92%), distal (n = 20; 6%), or total pancreatectomy (n = 7; 2%). A total of 108 patients (33%) underwent vascular reconstruction, 301 patients (91%) received neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy, 157 specimens (48%) were node positive, and margins were microscopically positive in 52 patients (16%). Median overall survival and disease-specific survival was 23.9 and 26.5 months. Eighty-eight patients (27%) survived a minimum of 5 years and had a median overall survival of 11 years. Of these, 21 (24%) experienced recurrence, 7 (8%) after 5 years. Late recurrences occurred most frequently in the lungs, the latest at 6.7 years. Multivariate analysis identified disease-negative lymph nodes (P = .02) and no prior attempt at resection (P = 0.01) as associated with 5-year survival. CONCLUSIONS: Our 27% actual 5-year survival rate for patients with resected PC is superior to that previously reported, and it is influenced by our emphasis on detailed staging and patient selection, a standardized operative approach, and routine use of multimodality therapy.


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O trabalho em equipe representa estratégia para superação da frágil articulação entre profissionais, sendo potencializado pela prática colaborativa entre agentes e gestão participativa. Entretanto, os arranjos organizacionais não favorecem a interação entre os profissionais e dificultam o trabalho em equipe. A magnitude dos agravos cardiovasculares por serviços regulados e estruturados, pautados num enfoque multiprofissional em saúde, a carência de publicações científicas sobre trabalho em equipe na atenção hospitalar, a potência do trabalho em equipe para responder às demandas reais de saúde justificam investigações a respeito do trabalho em equipe de saúde em Unidade Coronariana, particularizando a compreensão de aspectos que dificultam e facilitam esse trabalho. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o trabalho em equipe, desenvolvido em unidade hospitalar de alta densidade tecnológica, segundo a perspectiva da equipe de saúde. É um estudo descritivo, utilizando dados qualitativos e quantitativos, realizado em Unidade Coronariana de um Hospital público, de ensino, de nível terciário, referência para atendimento de alta densidade tecnológica. A população constituiu-se de profissionais da equipe multiprofissional que atuavam na referida unidade há, pelo menos, um ano, sendo excluídos aqueles que se encontravam afastados do trabalho à época da coleta dos dados e os não localizados após três tentativas para agendamento da entrevista. Utilizou-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico, e os dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se em análise de conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 45 profissionais da equipe de saúde, sendo 20 técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem; 11 médicos; nove enfermeiros; quatro fisioterapeutas e um psicólogo. Das entrevistas, emergiram 49 situações, das quais 38 (77,6%) receberam referências negativas e 11 (22,4%), positivas; 385 comportamentos, sendo 209 (54,2%) positivos e 176 (45,8%) negativos; além de 182 consequências que receberam 131 (71,9%) referências negativas e 51 (28,1%) positivas. As referências positivas indicam aspectos que facilitam o trabalho em equipe e as negativas, aqueles que dificultam. Foram considerados facilitadores do trabalho em equipe colaborar/relacionar-se com os outros profissionais, desenvolver assistência ao paciente conforme a competência profissional, relacionamento entre agentes pautado na prática colaborativa e comunicação. Aspectos como baixa colaboração entre profissionais, gerenciamento inadequado de agentes, despreparo profissional no atendimento à parada cardiorrespiratória/emergência, divergências nas condutas terapêuticas, limitação de recursos materiais e agir de maneira descomprometida com o trabalho dificultam o trabalho em equipe. Conclui-se que, apesar do predomínio de situações e consequências negativas relativas à dinâmica do trabalho em equipe nessa Unidade Coronariana, a ênfase em comportamentos positivos, favoráveis ao trabalho em equipe, evidencia investimento e esforço para superar dificuldades, na perspectiva da potência do trabalho em equipe para atingir a finalidade do trabalho em saúde. A partir dos resultados, acredita-se que aspectos relativos à formação/capacitação profissional e à organização do serviço precisam favorecer o trabalho em equipe, estando a centralidade do processo de trabalho dessa equipe nas relações entre agentes


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A formação em serviço realizada pelo programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (RMS) é uma estratégia educativa que visa a mudança do perfil dos profissionais da saúde para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Dentre as profissões que compõem as residências, a terapia ocupacional foi eleita como foco deste estudo com o objetivo de conhecer e refletir sobre os desafios e tendências do processo de educação profissional e interprofissional na perspectiva de tutores, preceptores e residentes terapeutas ocupacionais. A metodologia eleita foi a abordagem qualitativa com realização de entrevistas e análise de conteúdo para a elaboração dos resultados e discussão. Foram realizadas 17 entrevistas em três programas de RMS de diferentes municípios do estado de São Paulo com cenários educativos realizados na atenção hospitalar e na atenção básica. Duas categorias empíricas foram identificadas nos resultados: (i) \"Residência multiprofissional de saúde como dispositivo de mudança\" dividida em duas subcategorias: \"Trabalho em equipe\" e \"Trabalho na perspectiva do SUS\" e (ii) \"Singularidades na formação do terapeuta ocupacional em RMS\" agrupada nas subcategorias: \"Particularidades da inserção profissional do terapeuta ocupacional nos cenários educativos\", \"Produção de identidades e a fragmentação da atuação do terapeuta ocupacional nas RMS\" e \"Terapia ocupacional e as práticas colaborativas e interprofissionais no SUS\". A pesquisa permitiu conhecer o potencial de mudanças dos programas de RMS em relação à formação dos residentes e à disseminação de práticas em saúde, colaborativas em equipe e sob a perspectiva do SUS. Os resultados apontaram a singularidade do processo formativo de terapeutas ocupacionais nas RMS que sofrem impactos pela insuficiente contratação de profissionais nos serviços, pelo desconhecimento do papel profissional do terapeuta ocupacional e pela fragmentação da atuação profissional nos cenários de prática; experiências que geram insegurança de residentes e profissionais quanto aos limites da atuação profissional e interprofissional no trabalho em equipe. O foco da terapia ocupacional nas atividades e cotidianos das pessoas no processo do cuidado em saúde e a mediação do cuidado de pessoas com deficiência e transtornos mentais foram identificados como contribuições da terapia ocupacional para as práticas colaborativas e interprofissionais no SUS. Conclui-se que o potencial de mudanças dos programas para a atuação dos residentes como futuros profissionais está diretamente relacionado com as estratégias pedagógicas desenvolvidas nos cenários educativos. A formação de terapeutas ocupacionais nas RMS depende das características dos cenários educativos, no que se refere a sua organização e interação interprofissional pré-existente, à suficiência do número de preceptores, à consolidação de fluxos assistenciais e ao (re)conhecimento da Terapia Ocupacional pelos demais profissionais dos serviços. Por fim, os participantes afirmaram a importância da RMS para a aprendizagem de saberes e práticas - próprios da profissão, comuns aos profissionais de saúde e construídos em equipe de forma colaborativa - com o propósito da qualificação do cuidado em saúde


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Background: Tracheal intubation is extremely distressing, painful, and may influence heart rate and blood pressure. Sedatives, analgesics, and muscle relaxants are not commonly used for intubation in neonates. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of lidocaine spray as a non-intravenous drug before neonatal intubation on blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and time of intubation. Patients and Methods: In a randomized, controlled study each neonate was randomly assigned to one of the two study groups by staffs who were not involved in the infant's care. The allocation concealment was kept in an opaque sealed envelope, and the investigators, the patient care team, and the assessors were blinded to the treatment allocation. The selected setting was NICU unit of a teaching hospital in Ilam city, Iran and participants were 60 neonates with indication of tracheal intubation with gestational age >30 weeks. Patients in the treatment group received lidocaine spray and the placebo group received spray of normal saline prior to intubation. Main outcome measurements were the mean rates of blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, intubation time and lidocaine side effects were measured before and after intubation. Results: Totally 60 newborns including 31 boys and 29 girls were entered into the study (drug group n = 30; placebo group n = 30). Boy/girl ratio in treatment and placebo groups were 1.3 and 0.88, respectively. Mean age ± SD of participants was 34.1 ± 24.8 hours (treatment: 35.3 ± 25.7; placebo: 32.9 ± 24.3; P < 0.0001). Mean weight ± SD of neonates was 2012.5 ± 969 g. Application of lidocaine spray caused a significant reduction of mean intubation time among treatment group compared with placebo group (treatment: 15.03 ± 2.2 seconds; placebo: 18.3 ± 2.3 seconds; P < 0.0001). Mean blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation rate, among neonates in treatment group was reduced after intubation compared with their relevant figures before intubation; however, their differences were not statistically significant except for mean oxygen saturation rate that was reduced significantly in placebo group. No side effects were observed during study. Conclusions: Though the current study revealed some promising results in the application of lidocaine spray during neonatal intubation without any considerable side effects; however, the current investigation could only be considered as a pilot study for further attempts in different locations with higher sample sizes and in different situations.


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Over the past decade, an exciting area of research has emerged that demonstrates strong links between specific nursing care activities and patient outcomes. This body of research has resulted in the identification of a set of "nursing-sensitive outcomes"(NSOs). These NSOs may be interpreted with more meaning when they are linked to evidence-based best practice guidelines, which provide a structured means of ensuring care is consistent among all health care team members, across geographic locations, and across care settings. Uptake of evidence-based best practices at the point of care has been shown to have a measurable positive impact on processes of care and patient outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic, narrative review of the literature regarding the clinical effectiveness of nursing management strategies on stroke patient outcomes sensitive to nursing interventions. Subsequent investigation will explore current applications of nursing-sensitive outcomes to patients with stroke, and identify and validate measurable NSOs within stroke care delivery.


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Purpose: To assess the contribution of the advanced breast cancer (ABC) multidisciplinary team meetings (MDMs) to patient care and clinical outcomes.

Methods: Members of ABC MDMs at two health services completed questionnaires in November 2007. The questionnaire asked about the performance of the MDMs and their contribution to improvement in patient care in five domains: medical management, psychosocial care, palliative care, care in the community, and benefits for team members. A final section covered the perceived value and importance of the MDM in patient management. Descriptive statistics (frequencies, mean, and standard deviation) were used to summarize the performance, improvement, and importance scores.

Results: A total of 27 multidisciplinary team members (73%) completed the questionnaire. The MDM performed best in medical management (mean performance score out of 5 [M] = 3.78) and palliative care (M = 3.77). These were also the areas that were most improved through the MDM. Benefits to team members and care in the community (both M = 3.05) ranked lowest by both measures. The MDM provided the most benefit for patient management in the areas of "awareness of services available" (M = 4.32), "efficiency of referrals" (M = 4.27) and "supportive care for patients" (M=4.27). "Awareness of services available," "psychological care for patients," and "continuity of care" were considered the most important (M = 4.64).

The study provides evidence that MDMs make an important contribution to the logistical and medical management of patients with advanced breast cancer.


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Australian nurses prepare for specialty practice by undertaking postgraduate theoretical and clinical education in partnership models between universities and hospitals. In our global healthcare system, nurses require advanced critical thinking and strong communication skills to provide safe, high quality patient care. Yet, few education programs focus on developing these skills. Team-Based Learning (TBL) is a specific educational strategy that encourages and rewards students to think critically and solve clinical problems individually and in teams. The aim of this study was to investigate critical care nursing students' perceptions and experiences of TBL after it was introduced into the second half of their postgraduate specialty course. Following Ethics Committee approval, thirty-two students were invited to participate in an extended response questionnaire on their perceptions of TBL as part of a larger study. Data were analyzed thematically. Postgraduate students perceived their professional growth was accelerated due to the skills and knowledge acquired through TBL. Four themes underpinned the development and accelerated acquisition of specialty nurse attributes due to TBL: Engagement, Learning Effectiveness, Critical Thinking, and Motivation to Participate. Team-Based Learning offered deep and satisfying learning experiences for students. The early acquisition of advanced critical thinking, teamwork and communication skills, and specialty practice knowledge empowered nurses to provide safe patient care with confidence.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Critical incident reporting alone does not necessarily improve patient safety or even patient outcomes. Substantial improvement has been made by focusing on the further two steps of critical incident monitoring, that is, the analysis of critical incidents and implementation of system changes. The system approach to patient safety had an impact on the view about the patient's role in safety. This review aims to analyse recent advances in the technique of reporting, the analysis of reported incidents, and the implementation of actual system improvements. It also explores how families should be approached about safety issues. RECENT FINDINGS: It is essential to make as many critical incidents as possible known to the intensive care team. Several factors have been shown to increase the reporting rate: anonymity, regular feedback about the errors reported, and the existence of a safety climate. Risk scoring of critical incident reports and root cause analysis may help in the analysis of incidents. Research suggests that patients can be successfully involved in safety. SUMMARY: A persisting high number of reported incidents is anticipated and regarded as continuing good safety culture. However, only the implementation of system changes, based on incident reports, and also involving the expertise of patients and their families, has the potential to improve patient outcome. Hard outcome criteria, such as standardized mortality ratio, have not yet been shown to improve as a result of critical incident monitoring.


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Purpose: The ubiquity and value of teams in healthcare are well acknowledged. However, in practice, healthcare teams vary dramatically in their structures and effectiveness in ways that can damage team processes and patient outcomes. The aim of this paper is to highlight these characteristics and to extrapolate several important aspects of teamwork that have a powerful impact on team effectiveness across healthcare contexts. Design/methodology/approach: The paper draws upon the literature from health services management and organisational behaviour to provide an overview of the current science of healthcare teams. Findings: Underpinned by the input-process-output framework of team effectiveness, team composition, team task, and organisational support are viewed as critical inputs that influence key team processes including team objectives, leadership and reflexivity, which in turn impact staff and patient outcomes. Team training interventions and care pathways can facilitate more effective interdisciplinary teamwork. Originality/value: The paper argues that the prevalence of the term "team" in healthcare makes the synthesis and advancement of the scientific understanding of healthcare teams a challenge. Future research therefore needs to better define the fundamental characteristics of teams in studies in order to ensure that findings based on real teams, rather than pseudo-like groups, are accumulated. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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In this age of evidence-based practice, nurses are increasingly expected to use research evidence in a systematic and judicious way when making decisions about patient care practices. Clinicians recognise the role of research when it provides valid, realistic answers in practical situations. Nonetheless, research is still perceived by some nurses as external to practice and implementing research findings into practice is often difficult. Since its conceptual platform in the 1960s, the emergence and growth of Nursing Development Units, and later, Practice Development Units has been described in the literature as strategic, organisational vehicles for changing the way nurses think about nursing by promoting and supporting a culture of inquiry and research-based practice. Thus, some scholars argue that practice development is situated in the gap between research and practice. Since the 1990s, the discourse has shifted from the structure and outcomes of developing practice to the process of developing practice, using a Practice Development methodology; underpinned by critical social science theory, as a vehicle for changing the culture and context of care. The nursing and practice development literature is dominated by descriptive reports of local practice development activity, typically focusing on reflection on processes or outcomes of processes, and describing perceived benefits. However, despite the volume of published literature, there is little published empirical research in the Australian or international context on the effectiveness of Practice Development as a methodology for changing the culture and context of care - leaving a gap in the literature. The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a Practice Development model for clinical practice review and change on changing the culture and context of care for nurses working in an acute care setting. A longitudinal, pre-test/post-test, non-equivalent control group design was used to answer the following research questions: 1. Is there a relationship between nurses' perceptions of the culture and context of care and nurses' perceptions of research and evidence-based practice? 2. Is there a relationship between engagement in a facilitated process of Practice Development and change in nurses' perceptions of the culture and context of care? 3. Is there a relationship between engagement in a facilitated process of Practice Development and change in nurses' perceptions of research and evidence-based practice? Through a critical analysis of the literature and synthesis of the findings of past evaluations of Nursing and Practice Development structures and processes, this research has identified key attributes consistent throughout the chronological and theoretical development of Nursing and Practice Development that exemplify a culture and context of care that is conducive to creating a culture of inquiry and evidence-based practice. The study findings were then used in the development, validation and testing of an instrument to measure change in the culture and context of care. Furthermore, this research has also provided empirical evidence of the relationship of the key attributes to each other and to barriers to research and evidence-based practice. The research also provides empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of a Practice Development methodology in changing the culture and context of care. This research is noteworthy in its contribution to advancing the discipline of nursing by providing evidence of the degree to which attributes of the culture and context of care, namely autonomy and control, workplace empowerment and constructive team dynamics, can be connected to engagement with research and evidence-based practice.


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The care of the mechanically ventilated patient is a fundamental component of a nurse's clinical practice in the intensive care unit (ICU). Published work relating to the numerous nursing issues of the care of the mechanically ventilated patient in the ICU is growing significantly, yet is fragmentary by nature. The purpose of this paper is to provide a single comprehensive examination of the evidence related to the care of the mechanically ventilated patient. In part one of this two-part paper, the evidence on nursing care of the mechanically ventilated patient was explored with specific focus on patient safety: particularly patient and equipment assessment. This article, part two, examines the evidence related to the mechanically ventilated patient's comfort: patient position, hygiene, management of stressors (such as communication, sleep disturbance and isolation), pain management and sedation.