929 resultados para PALM TREE PEROXIDASE


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The mechanisms that maintain tree diversity in tropical rain forests are still in debate. Variations in forest structural components produce forest microenvironmental heterogeneity, which in turn may affect plant performance and have been scarcely analyzed in the Amazon. Palms are widespread in the Neotropical rainforests and have relatively well known taxonomy, apart from being ecologically and economically important. The understanding of how palms respond to variation in the forest structural components may help to explain their abundance and richness in a given area. In this study, we describe a palm community and analyze how it is affected by forest microenvironmental heterogeneity. In a pristine "Terra Firme" forest at Reserva Ducke, Manaus, we recorded all adult palm trees in twenty 100 × 10 m plots. In the same plots we recorded the variation in canopy openness, the leaflitter thickness and counted all non-palm forest trees. A total of 713 individuals in 29 palm species were found. The three most abundant species were Astrocaryum sciophilum (Miq.) Pulle, A. gynacanthum Mart. and Attalea attaleoides (Barb. Rodr.) Wess. Boer. The most locally abundant species were also very frequent or occurred in a larger number of plots. There were no significant effects of litter depth, forest canopy openness and forest tree abundance on palm richness. However, in areas where leaf litter was thicker a significant lower number of palm trees occurred. In microsites where proportionally more incident light was reaching the forest understory, due to higher canopy opening, significantly more palm trees were present.


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Enzymatic senescence processes and browning of fresh cut vegetables negatively affect their sensory properties and nutritional value and finally result in the rejection of affected products by consumers. In order to prevent quality decay, the combined effects of natural antioxidants and storage temperature on peroxidase activity and sensory attributes (overall visual quality, browning and odor) of individual and mixed vegetables for soup (butternut squash, leek and celery) were evaluated. Fresh cut vegetables were treated with antioxidant solutions as tea tree essential oil (15 μl/mL), propolis extract (15 μl/mL) and gallic acid (2 mg/mL) and stored at optimal (5 °C) and abusive (15 °C) temperature for a maximum of 14 days. The application of natural preservatives, plus optimal storage conditions, exerted significant inhibitory effects in peroxidase activity of squash, celery and mixed vegetables throughout the storage. Furthermore, propolis treatment applied on mixed vegetables retarded browning appearance and preserved the visual quality for a longer period when compared to untreated product.


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This study was undertaken to isolate ligninase-producing white-rot fungi for use in the extraction of fibre from pineapple leaf agriwaste. Fifteen fungal strains were isolated from dead tree trunks and leaf litter. Ligninolytic enzymes (lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), and laccase (Lac)), were produced by solid-state fermentation (SSF) using pineapple leaves as the substrate. Of the isolated strains, the one showing maximum production of ligninolytic enzymes was identified to be Ganoderma lucidum by 18S ribotyping. Single parameter optimization and response surface methodology of different process variables were carried out for enzyme production. Incubation period, agitation, and Tween-80 were identified to be the most significant variables through Plackett-Burman design. These variables were further optimized by Box-Behnken design. The overall maximum yield of ligninolytic enzymes was achieved by experimental analysis under these optimal conditions. Quantitative lignin analysis of pineapple leaves by Klason lignin method showed significant degradation of lignin by Ganoderma lucidum under SSF


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We examined the relationships between topography, soil properties and tree species composition in a Neotropical swamp forest in southeastern Brazil. Plots were sampled in the forest, encompassing three different soil ground water regimes along the topographical declivity. All non-climbing plant individuals with trunk height >1.3 m were sampled. A canonical correspondence analysis-CCA-of the species-environmental relationships grouped tree species according to drainage and chemical soil conditions. A total of 86 species were found, being 77 species in the inferior, 40 species in the intermediate and 35 species in the superior topographic section. Some species were among the 10 most abundant ones, both in the overall sampled area and in each topographical section, with alternation events occurring only with their abundance position. However, substantial differences in floristic composition between sections were detected in a fine spatial scale, due to higher number of species, diversity index (H′) and species unique (exclusives) in the inferior topographic section. These higher values can be attributed to its higher spatial heterogeneity that included better drained and seasonally waterlogged soils, higher soil fertility and lower acidity. The increase of the soil water saturation and the uniform conditions derived from the superficial water layer has led to a lower number of species and an increase on the palm trees abundance in the intermediate and superior sections. Our results showed that at a small spatial scale niche differentiation must be an important factor related to the increase of the local diversity. The wide distribution of the most abundant species in the studied area and the increase of local diversity corroborate the pattern of distribution of species in larger scales of swamp forests, in which the most abundant species repeat themselves in high densities in different remnants. However, the floristic composition of each remnant is strongly variable, contributing to the increase of regional diversity. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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The effectiveness of seed dispersal by vertebrates has been analysed by examining both quantitative and qualitative components (Jordano & Schupp 2000, Schupp et al. 2010). While the quantitative component is relatively easily assessed in the field (e.g. visitation rate, number of fruits eaten per visit), the qualitative component (e.g. fate of dispersed seeds, seed treatment in the digestive system of the disperser) is rarely studied under natural conditions, because it is difficult to measure the effects on seeds once ingested by the dispersers (Cortes et al. 2009). © Cambridge University Press 2012.


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The jucara's palm (Euterpe edulis), native to the Atlantic Forest is one of the palms most exploited for the removal of heart palm and the tree was removed in large areas. The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of the methodology of "minimally processed" in jucara's palm. The raw material was obtained by COOPERAGUA, Sete Barras (SP) through a Sustainable Management Plan culminating in a permit issued by IBAMA, Forestry Foundation and DPRN. The process began with the withdrawal of external sheaths and cut, with subsequent immersion in a solution of sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5 - 200 ppm), sanitize with a chlorine solution and soak in brine acidified to wait until the filling. The cuttings were placed in polyethylene bags containing acidified solution at concentrations A 0.225%, B 0.375%, C 0.6%, D 0.825% determined by titration curve. The staining became clearer in treatments C and D, due to more acidity, resulting in higher inactivation of enzymes. Even with these positive results, were concluded that minimal processing of jucara is not effective due to the blackout, preventing its commercialization. To stop it requires the bleaching step, which does not characterize it as minimally processed.


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Euterpe edulis is an endangered species due to palm heart overharvesting, the most important non-timber forest product of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and fruit exploitation has been introduced as a low impacting alternative. However, E. edulis is a keystone species for frugivores birds, and even the impact of fruit exploitation needs to be better investigated. Since this species occurs over contrasting habitats, the establishment of site-specific standards and limits for exploitation may also be essential to achieve truly sustainable management. In this context, we sought to investigate how soil chemical composition would potentially affect E. edulis (Arecaceae) palm heart and fruit exploitation considering current standards of management. We studied natural populations found in Restinga Forest and Atlantic Rainforest remnants established within Natural Reserves of Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil, where 10.24 ha permanent plots, composed of a grid of 256 subplots (20 m x 20 m), were located. In each of these subplots, we evaluated soil chemical composition and diameter at breast height of E. edulis individuals. Additionally, we evaluated fruit yield in 2008 and 2009 in 20 individuals per year. The Atlantic Rainforest population had a much higher proportion of larger diameter individuals than the population from the Restinga Forest, as a result of habitat-mediated effects, especially those related to soil. Sodium and potassium concentration in Restinga Forest soils, which have strong negative and positive effect on palm growth, respectively, played a key role in determining those differences. Overall, the number of fruits that could be exploited in the Atlantic Rainforest was four times higher than in Restinga Forest. If current rules for palm heart and fruit harvesting were followed without any restriction to different habitats, Restinga Forest populations are under severe threat, as this study shows that they are not suitable for sustainable management of both fruits and palm heart. Hence, a habitat-specific approach of sustainable management is needed for this species in order to respect the demographic and ecological dynamics of each population to be managed. These findings suggest that any effort to create general management standards of low impacting harvesting may be unsuccessful if the species of interest occur over a wide range of ecosystems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Negative density dependence (NDD) of recruitment is pervasive in tropical tree species. We tested the hypotheses that seed dispersal is NDD, due to intraspecific competition for dispersers, and that this contributes to NDD of recruitment. We compared dispersal in the palm Attalea butyracea across a wide range of population density on Barro Colorado Island in Panama and assessed its consequences for seed distributions. We found that frugivore visitation, seed removal and dispersal distance all declined with population density of A. butyracea, demonstrating NDD of seed dispersal due to competition for dispersers. Furthermore, as population density increased, the distances of seeds from the nearest adult decreased, conspecific seed crowding increased and seedling recruitment success decreased, all patterns expected under poorer dispersal. Unexpectedly, however, our analyses showed that NDD of dispersal did not contribute substantially to these changes in the quality of the seed distribution; patterns with population density were dominated by effects due solely to increasing adult and seed density.


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Reducing the gap between water-limited potential yield and actual yield in oil palm production systems through intensification is seen as an important option for sustainably increasing palm oil production. Simulation models can play an important role in quantifying water-limited potential yield, and therefore the scope for intensification, but no oil palm model exists that is both simple enough and at the same time incorporates sufficient plant physiological knowledge to be generally applicable across sites with different growing conditions. The objectives of this study therefore were to develop a model (PALMSIM) that simulates, on a monthly time step, the potential growth of oil palm as determined by solar radiation and to evaluate model performance against measured oil palm yields under optimal water and nutrient management for a range of sites across Indonesia and Malaysia. The maximum observed yield in the field matches the corresponding simulated yield for dry bunch weight with a RMSE of 1.7 Mg ha?1 year?1 against an observed yield of 18.8 Mg ha?1. Sensitivity analysis showed that PALMSIM is robust: simulated changes in yield caused by modifying the parameters by 10% are comparable to other tree crop model evaluations. While we acknowledge that, depending on the soils and climatic environment, yields may be often water limited, we suggest a relatively simple physiological approach to simulate potential yield, which can be usefully applied to high rainfall environments and is considered as a first step in developing an oil palm model that also simulates water-limited potential yield. To illustrate the application possibil- ities of the model, PALMSIM was used to create a potential yield map for Indonesia and Malaysia by sim- ulating the growth and yield at a resolution of 0.1?. This map of potential yield is considered as a first step towards a decision support tool that can identify potentially productive, but at the moment degraded sites in Indonesia and Malaysia. ?


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Proceedings of the International Coconut Forum held in Cairns, Australia, 22-24 November 2005. Coconut is one of the most important crops grown in the humid tropics, with more than 11 million farmers, mostly smallholders with low income, growing the palm in 90 countries. These proceedings document the vast range of topics covered in the forum, including R&D, business and government, and regional and international agency interests.


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Although Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) plays a pivotal role in the ecology and economy of the Amazon, and occurs in a variety of habitats, little is known about the influence of habitat on the reproductive biology of this palm. My dissertation focuses on the reproductive biology of M. flexuosa in three habitats in Roraima, Brazil: undisturbed forest, undisturbed forest-savanna ecotone, and savanna disturbed by plantations of the exotic tree, Acacia mangium. First, I calculated sex ratios and linked precipitation patterns with phenology. Sex ratios were female-biased. Precipitation was negatively associated with flowering, and positively associated with fruiting. Habitat appears to have no significant influence on phenology of M. flexuosa, although short-term climate variation may affect phenology of this species. Second, I examined floral biology, observed floral visitors, and performed exclusion experiments to determine the pollination system of M. flexuosa. Fruit set did not differ significantly between the visitor exclusion treatment and the control, but was significantly lowest in the wind + visitor exclusion treatment, suggesting that this dioecious palm is anemophilous, independent of habitat. Third, I identified the abiotic and biotic factors explaining variation in fruit mass, seed mass, seed number per fruit, and total fruit yield among habitats. Soil moisture and flooding during the wet season were the best predictors of fruit and seed output. The number of leaves, diameter at breast height, and height were all accurate predictors of reproductive output, but crown volume did not accurately predict fruit yields. Results re-evaluate traditional assumptions about wind-pollination in the tropics, and highlight abiotic and biotic factors responsible for variation in reproductive output of M. flexuosa, with implications for effective management of this palm. Finally, I interviewed harvesters and vendors to document the traditional knowledge and market dynamics of the fruit of M. flexuosa, buriti. Traditional knowledge corroborated results from scientific studies. Vendors argued that the price of buriti must increase, and must fluctuate with varying supply. With appropriate economic incentives to vendors/harvesters, Roraima may expand its market infrastructure for buriti, effectively stimulating the regional economy and practicing sustainable harvesting.


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Artrópodos associados à copa de árvores, principalmente palmeiras, são pouco conhecidos no Cerrado. Para descrever a estrutura da comunidade de artrópodos à copa de Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) foram amostradas 150 palmeiras em seis veredas” do Distrito Federal, de áreas silvestres, rurais e periurbanas na estação chuvosa. Os artrópodos presentes nos ninhos abandonados de aves, refúgios de mamíferos, folhas e matéria orgânica foram coletados manualmente, fixados em etanol 70% e separados em ordem, família, morfoespécie e guildas alimentares. As características das palmeiras medidas foram altura da estipe, diâmetro da copa, número de folhas e de ninhos de aves nas palmeiras. Foram coletados 3.862 indivíduos, pertencentes a 15 ordens, 45 famílias e 135 morfoespécies. As ordens mais abundantes foram Coleoptera (28,6%), Blattodea (21,8%), Collembola (11,4%) e Hemiptera (10,2%). As famílias Blaberidae, Tenebrionidae, Entomobryidae, Reduviidae, Oniscidae, Staphylinidae, Carabidae e Formicidae representaram 82,1% de todos os indivíduos coletados. A maioria das morfoespécies foi pouco abundante, 71 (52,6%) apresentaram uma abundância média igual ou menor que 1 indivíduo/palmeira. Coleoptera compreendeu o maior número de morfoespécies (43,7%) seguida de Araneae (20,0%). A análise das guildas alimentares mostrou prevalência de predadores e hematófagos (36,0%). A riqueza e a abundância de artrópodos foram menores no ambiente periurbano. O número de ninhos de aves apresentou correlação positiva com abundância e riqueza, o que não ocorreu com as medidas das palmeiras. A importância de M. flexuosa para a manutenção da artropodofauna nas “veredas” no bioma Cerrado é discutida. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT