943 resultados para P300 latency
OBJECTIVE: To compare the individual latency distributions of motor evoked potentials (MEP) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) to the previously reported results in healthy subjects (Firmin et al., 2011). METHODS: We applied the previously reported method to measure the distribution of MEP latencies to 16 patients with MS. The method is based on transcranial magnetic stimulation and consists of a combination of the triple stimulation technique with a method originally developed to measure conduction velocity distributions in peripheral nerves. RESULTS: MEP latency distributions in MS typically showed two peaks. The individual MEP latency distributions were significantly wider in patients with MS than in healthy subjects. The mean triple stimulation delay extension at the 75% quantile, a proxy for MEP latency distribution width, was 7.3ms in healthy subjects and 10.7ms in patients with MS. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with MS, slow portions of the central motor pathway contribute more to the MEP than in healthy subjects. The bimodal distribution found in healthy subjects is preserved in MS. SIGNIFICANCE: Our method to measure the distribution of MEP latencies is suitable to detect alterations in the relative contribution of corticospinal tract portions with long MEP latencies to motor conduction.
Experiments were designed to investigate the suitability of a combination of a short manual teat stimulation with a short latency period before teat cup attachment to induce and maintain oxytocin release and milk ejection without interruption. In Experiment 1, seven dairy cows in mid lactation were manually pre-stimulated for 15, 30 or 45 s, followed by either 30 s or 45 s of latency period. It was shown that all treatments induced a similar release of oxytocin without interruption until the end of milking. In particular, the latency period of up to 45 s did not cause a transient decrease of oxytocin concentration. In Experiment 2, milking characteristics were recorded in seven cows each in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively. Because the course of milk ejection depends mainly on the degree of udder filling, individual milkings were classified based on the actual degree of udder filling which differs between lactational stages but also between morning and evening milkings. All animals underwent twelve different udder preparation treatments, i.e. 15, 30, or 45 s of pre-stimulation followed by latency periods of 0, 30, 45, or 60 s. Milking characteristics were recorded. Total milk yield, main milking time and average milk flow rate did not differ between treatments if the degree of udder filling at the start of milking was >40% of the maximum storage capacity. However, if the udder filling was <40%, main milking time was decreased with the duration of a latency period up to 45 s, independent of duration of pre-stimulation. Average milk flow at an udder filling of <40% was highest after a pre-stimulation of 45 s followed by a latency period of another 45 s. In contrast, average milk flow reached its lowest values at a pre-stimulation of 15 s without additional latency period. However, average milk flow after a 15-s pre-stimulation increased with increasing latency period. In conclusion, a very short pre-stimulation when followed by a latency period up to 45 s before teat cup attachment remains a suitable alternative for continuous stimulation to induce milk ejection.
Here we demonstrate that a combination of tenofovir, emtricitabine, and raltegravir effectively suppresses peripheral and systemic HIV replication in humanized BLT mice. We also demonstrate that antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated humanized BLT mice harbor latently infected resting human CD4+ T cells that can be induced ex vivo to produce HIV. We observed that the levels of infected resting human CD4+ T cells present in BLT mice are within the range of those observed circulating in patients undergoing suppressive ART. These results demonstrate the potential of humanized BLT mice as an attractive model for testing the in vivo efficacy of novel HIV eradication strategies.
Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to trace changes in brain activity related to progress in second language learning. Twelve English-speaking exchange students learning German in Switzerland were recruited. ERPs to visually presented single words from the subjects' native language (English), second language (German) and an unknown language (Romansh) were measured before (day 1) and after (day 2) 5 months of intense German language learning. When comparing ERPs to German words from day 1 and day 2, we found topographic differences between 396 and 540 ms. These differences could be interpreted as a latency shift indicating faster processing of German words on day 2. Source analysis indicated that the topographic differences were accounted for by shorter activation of left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) on day 2. In ERPs to English words, we found Global Field Power differences between 472 and 644 ms. This may due to memory traces related to English words being less easily activated on day 2. Alternatively, it might reflect the fact that--with German words becoming familiar on day 2--English words loose their oddball character and thus produce a weaker P300-like effect on day 2. In ERPs to Romansh words, no differences were observed. Our results reflect plasticity in the neuronal networks underlying second language acquisition. They indicate that with a higher level of second language proficiency, second language word processing is faster and requires shorter frontal activation. Thus, our results suggest that the reduced IFG activation found in previous fMRI studies might not reflect a generally lower activation but rather a shorter duration of activity.
P300 is an event-related potential that is elicited by an oddball paradigm. In several neuropsychiatric diseases, differences in latencies and amplitude compared to healthy subjects have been reported. Because of its clinical significance, several investigations have tried to elucidate the intracranial origins of the P300 component. In the present study we could demonstrate a network of P300 generators. Investigated were 15 healthy subjects with an acoustical oddball paradigm within a fMRI block design, which enabled us to exclude attention or acoustical processing effects. The inferior and middle frontal, superior temporal, lower parietal cortex, the insula and the anterior cingulum were significantly activated symmetrical in both hemispheres.
As the performance gap between microprocessors and memory continues to increase, main memory accesses result in long latencies which become a factor limiting system performance. Previous studies show that main memory access streams contain significant localities and SDRAM devices provide parallelism through multiple banks and channels. These locality and parallelism have not been exploited thoroughly by conventional memory controllers. In this thesis, SDRAM address mapping techniques and memory access reordering mechanisms are studied and applied to memory controller design with the goal of reducing observed main memory access latency. The proposed bit-reversal address mapping attempts to distribute main memory accesses evenly in the SDRAM address space to enable bank parallelism. As memory accesses to unique banks are interleaved, the access latencies are partially hidden and therefore reduced. With the consideration of cache conflict misses, bit-reversal address mapping is able to direct potential row conflicts to different banks, further improving the performance. The proposed burst scheduling is a novel access reordering mechanism, which creates bursts by clustering accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks. Subjected to a threshold, reads are allowed to preempt writes and qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of the bursts. A sophisticated access scheduler selects accesses based on priorities and interleaves accesses to maximize the SDRAM data bus utilization. Consequentially burst scheduling reduces row conflict rate, increasing and exploiting the available row locality. Using a revised SimpleScalar and M5 simulator, both techniques are evaluated and compared with existing academic and industrial solutions. With SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, bit-reversal reduces the execution time by 14% on average over traditional page interleaving address mapping. Burst scheduling also achieves a 15% reduction in execution time over conventional bank in order scheduling. Working constructively together, bit-reversal and burst scheduling successfully achieve a 19% speedup across simulated benchmarks.
Patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment are at high risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. Besides episodic memory dysfunction they show deficits in accessing contextual knowledge that further specifies a general spatial navigation task or an executive function (EF) virtual action planning. There has been only one previous work with virtual reality and the use of a virtual action planning supermarket for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. The authors of that study examined the feasibility and the validity of the virtual action planning supermarket (VAP-S) for the diagnosis of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and found that the VAP-S is a viable tool to assess EF deficits. In our study we employed the in-house platform of virtual action planning museum (VAP-M) and a sample of 25 MCI and 25 controls, in order to investigate deficits in spatial navigation, prospective memory and executive function. In addition, we used the morphology of late components in event-related potential (ERP) responses, as a marker for cognitive dysfunction. The related measurements were fed to a common classification scheme facilitating the direct comparison of both approaches. Our results indicate that both the VAP-M and ERP averages were able to differentiate between healthy elders and patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and agree with the findings of the virtual action planning supermarket (VAP-S). The sensitivity (specificity) was 100% (98%) for the VAP-M data and 87%(90%) for the ERP responses. Considering that ERPs have proven to advance the early detection and diagnosis of "presymptomatic AD", the suggested VAP-M platform appears as an appealing alternative.
Attentional blink (AB) refers to impaired identification of a target (T2) when this target follows a preceding target (T1) after about 150-450 ms within a stream of rapidly presented stimuli. Previous research on a possible relation between AB and mental ability (MA) turned out to be highly ambiguous. The present study investigated MA-related individual differences in consolidation of T2 in working memory during the AB as indicated by the P300 component of the event-related potential. Thirty high (HA) and 30 low MA (LA) female participants performed an AB task while their brain activity was recorded. The AB did not differ between the two groups. HA individuals exhibited a larger P300 amplitude and longer P300 latencies during the AB suggesting higher mental effort. This higher mental effort, however, did not result in better performance presumably because of more competition between target and distractor stimuli in HA than LA individuals.
The goal of the present study was to examine the suitability of a short pre-stimulation (P) for 15 s followed by a latency period (L) of 30 s before cluster attachment for machine milking. In addition we tested the effect of a periodic reduction of the vacuum under the teat (VR) during the massage phase from 43 kPa to 12-15 kPa on milking characteristics and teat tissue condition. The study was carried out in 9 cows in a cross-over design. Animals were milked twice daily, and each of the 4 treatment combinations was used for six subsequent milkings (P+L vs. continuous P, and standard pulsation vs. VR, respectively). Milk flow was recorded during all experimental milkings. Longitudinal ultrasound cross sections of the teat were performed by B-mode ultrasound after the last milking of each treatment at 0, 5, and 15 min after the end of milking, respectively. None of the evaluated milking characteristics (total milk yield, main milking time, peak flow rate, average milk flow) differed between treatments. Teat measures as obtained by ultrasound cross sections showed no significant difference if individual treatments were compared at the three time points individually. However, teat wall thickness (TWT) tended to be smaller in VR vs. non-VR treatments at 5 min after milking (P=0·05). In conclusion, teat preparation consisting of a short stimulation followed by a latency period represents a similarly efficient pre-stimulation as a continuous pre-stimulation. VR seems to reduce the load on the teat tissue during milking and thus reduces the development of oedema and hence a less pronounced increase of TWT while milking characteristics are similar with or without VR.
The mental speed approach explains individual differences in intelligence by faster information processing in individuals with higher compared to lower intelligence - especially in elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs). One of the most examined ECTs is the Hick paradigm. The present study aimed to contrast reaction time (RT) and P3 latency in a Hick task as predictors of intelligence. Although both, RT and P3 latency, are commonly used as indicators of mental speed, it is also known that they measure different aspects of information processing. Participants were 113 female students. RT and P3 latency were measured while participants completed the Hick task with four levels of complexity. Intelligence was assessed with Cattell's Culture Fair Test. A RT factor and a P3 factor were extracted by employing a PCA across complexity levels. There was no significant correlation between the factors. Commonality analysis was used to determine the proportions of unique and shared variance in intelligence explained by the RT and P3 latency factors. RT and P3 latency explained 5.5% and 5% of unique variance in intelligence. However, the two speed factors did not explain a significant portion of shared variance. This result suggests that RT and P3 latency in the Hick paradigm are measuring different aspects of information processing that explain different parts of variance in intelligence.
Histone acetylation is a central event in transcriptional activation. The importance of this modification in mammalian development is highlighted by knockout studies that revealed loss of the histone acetyltransferases GCN5, p300, or CBP results in embryonic lethality. Furthermore, early embryogenesis is sensitive to the dosage of p300 and CBP since double p300 +/−CBP+/− heterozygotes die in utero, although either single heterozygote survives. PCAF and GCN5 physically interact with p300 and CBP in vitro. To determine whether these two groups of HATs interact functionally in vivo, we created mice lacking one or more allele of p300, GCN5 or PCAF. As expected, we found that mice heterozygous for any one of these null alleles are viable. The majority of GCN5 p300 double heterozygotes also survive to adulthood with no apparent abnormalities. However, a portion of these mice die prior to birth. These embryos are developmentally stunted and exhibit increased apoptosis compared to wild type or single GCN5 or p300 heterozygous littermates at E8.5. Tissue specification is unaffected in these embryos but organ formation is compromised. In contrast, no abnormalities were observed in mice harboring mutations in both PCAF and p300 , emphasizing the specificity of HAT functions in mammalian development. ^ Since GCN5 null embryos die early in embryogenesis because of a marked increase in apoptosis, studies of its function and mechanism in late development and in tissue specific differentiation are precluded. Here, we also report the establishment of a GCN5 null embryonic stem cell line and a conditional floxGCN5 mouse line, which will serve as powerful genetic tools to examine in depth the function of GCN5 in mammalian development and in adult tissues. ^
We present a novel framework for encoding latency analysis of arbitrary multiview video coding prediction structures. This framework avoids the need to consider an specific encoder architecture for encoding latency analysis by assuming an unlimited processing capacity on the multiview encoder. Under this assumption, only the influence of the prediction structure and the processing times have to be considered, and the encoding latency is solved systematically by means of a graph model. The results obtained with this model are valid for a multiview encoder with sufficient processing capacity and serve as a lower bound otherwise. Furthermore, with the objective of low latency encoder design with low penalty on rate-distortion performance, the graph model allows us to identify the prediction relationships that add higher encoding latency to the encoder. Experimental results for JMVM prediction structures illustrate how low latency prediction structures with a low rate-distortion penalty can be derived in a systematic manner using the new model.
In this paper we present a FEC scheme based on simple LDGM codes to protect packetized multimedia streams. We demonstrate that simple LDGM codes working with a limited number of packets (small values of k) obtain recovery capabilities, against bursty packet losses, that are similar to those of other more complex FEC-based schemes designed for this type of channels.