784 resultados para Oz (Imaginary place)
Following the thalidomide tragedy, pharmacological research in pregnant women focused primarily on drug safety for the unborn child and remains only limited regarding the efficacy and safety of treatment for the mother. Significant physiological changes during pregnancy may yet affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs and thus compromise its efficacy and/or safety. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) would maximize the potential effectiveness of treatments, while minimizing the potential risk of toxicity for the mother and the fetus. At present, because of the lack of concentration-response relationship studies in pregnant women, TDM can rely only on individual assessment (based on an effective concentration before pregnancy) and remains reserved only to unexpected situations such as signs of toxicity or unexplained inefficiency.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Le cinquantenaire des Sources chrétiennes, qui a été célébré à Rome, Paris et Lyon en octobre, novembre et décembre 1993, a été l'occasion de faire une évaluation en profondeur de ce qui est en jeu dans la patrologie en cette fin du XXème siècle.
Le "data mining", ou "fouille de données", est un ensemble de méthodes et de techniques attractif qui a connu une popularité fulgurante ces dernières années, spécialement dans le domaine du marketing. Le développement récent de l'analyse ou du renseignement criminel soulève des problèmatiques auxqwuelles il est tentant de d'appliquer ces méthodes et techniques. Le potentiel et la place du data mining dans le contexte de l'analyse criminelle doivent être mieux définis afin de piloter son application. Cette réflexion est menée dans le cadre du renseignement produit par des systèmes de détection et de suivi systématique de la criminalité répétitive, appelés processus de veille opérationnelle. Leur fonctionnement nécessite l'existence de patterns inscrits dans les données, et justifiés par les approches situationnelles en criminologie. Muni de ce bagage théorique, l'enjeu principal revient à explorer les possibilités de détecter ces patterns au travers des méthodes et techniques de data mining. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, une recherche est actuellement menée au Suisse à travers une approche interdisciplinaire combinant des connaissances forensiques, criminologiques et computationnelles.
Des paroles bibliques qui ouvrent un horizon: place de la Bible dans l'accompagnement (1ère partie).
Le mycophénolate mofétil est un immunosuppresseur, utilisé en transplantation d'organes solides depuis 1993. Il agit par inhibition de la synthèse de novo des bases puriques, voie essentielle permettant la prolifération des lymphocytes B et T. Des mécanismes immunologiques impliquant les lymphocytes interviennent dans un bon nombre de glomérulopathies primitives ou associées à des maladies auto-immunes systémiques. il a paru ainsi logique de prescrire ce médicament dans ces maladies où les traitements immunosuppresseurs classiques se caractérisent par une efficacité imprévisible et une toxicité souvent importante. Les résultats thérapeutiques les plus convaincants ont été obtenus dans les néphrites lupiques prolifératives et les vasculites pauci-immunes.
The question of the place of psychotherapy in psychiatric public care is posed in this article. We will address this question first by presenting two clinical and research programmes which were implemented in a clinical psychiatric unit, section Karl Jaspers (Service of General Psychiatry) of the Department of Psychiatry CHUV, in Lausanne with the collaboration of the University Institute of Psychotherapy. The first one puts forward psychodynamic psychotherapy of depressed inpatients; the clinical programme and the research questions on efficacy of this treatment are discussed. The second focuses on the early treatment of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, in particular in its research question on the effect of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship in this process. We conclude by underlining the convergences of the two programmes.
Young hooded rats were trained to escape onto a hidden platform after swimming in a pool of opaque water. Subjects 21, 28, 35, 42, and 64 days of age on the first training day were given 28 trials on 5 consecutive days. Half of the rats were required to localize the platform in relation to external room cues only ("place only" condition) and the other half were helped by the presence of a visible cue on the platform ("cue + place" condition). A deficiency in place navigation was observed in the 21- and 28-day groups; they showed slow escape and took circuitous routes more often than older rats. This deficiency was related to a poor spatial bias toward the training position when the subjects were allowed to swim for 30 s in the absence of the platform, at the end of the 28-trial training period (probe trial). The 35-day group showed adult-like learning ability in both training conditions, but failed to show searching behavior during the probe trial after having been trained in the presence of the proximal cue. Only rats older than 40 days showed typical adult behavior such as swimming directly toward the platform from any starting position and localized searching around the absent platform's position during the probe trial, no matter what the training conditions were. These results suggest that central nervous system structures responsible for place learning in the rat are functional from around 32 days of age, but fail to trigger searching behavior following cued training before the sixth week.