505 resultados para Ovulation.


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Progesterone receptors appear in granuloma cells of preovulatory follicles after the midcycle gonadotropin surge, suggesting important local actions of progesterone during ovulation in primates. Steroid reduction and replacement during the gonadotropin surge in macaques was used to evaluate the role of progesterone in the ovulatory process. Animals received gonadotropins to induce development of multiple preovulatory follicles, followed by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) administration (day 0) to promote oocyte (nuclear) maturation, ovulation, and follicular luteinization. On days 0-2, animals received no further treatment; a steroid synthesis inhibitor, trilostane (TRL); TRL + R5020; or TRL + dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHT). On day 3, ovulation was confirmed by counting ovulation sites and collecting oviductal oocytes. The meiotic status of oviductal and remaining follicular oocytes was evaluated. Peak serum estradiol levels, the total number of large follicles, and baseline serum progesterone levels at the time of hCG administration were similar in all animals. Ovulation sites and oviductal oocytes were routinely observed in controls. Ovulation was abolished in TRL. Progestin, but not androgen, replacement restored ovulation. Relative to controls, progesterone production was impaired for the first 6 days post-hCG in TRL, TRL + R5020, and TRL + DHT. Thereafter, progesterone remained low in TRL but recovered to control levels with progestin and androgen replacement. Similar percentages of mature (metaphase II) oocytes were collected among groups. Thus, steroid reduction during the gonadotropin surge inhibited ovulation and luteinization, but not reinitiation of oocyte meiotic maturation, in the primate follicle. The data are consistent with a local receptor-mediated role for progesterone in the ovulatory process.


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Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that plasminogen activation plays a crucial role in degradation of the follicular wall during ovulation. However, single-deficient mice lacking tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), or PA inhibitor type 1(PAI-1) gene function were recently found to have normal reproduction, although mice with a combined deficiency of tPA and uPA were significantly less fertile. To investigate whether the reduced fertility of mice lacking PA gene function is due to a reduced ovulation mechanism, we have determined the ovulation efficiency in 25-day-old mice during gonadotropin-induced ovulation. Our results reveal that ovulation efficiency is normal in mice with a single deficiency of tPA or uPA but reduced by 26% in mice lacking both physiological PAs. This result suggests that plasminogen activation plays a role in ovulatory response, although neither tPA nor uPA individually or in combination is obligatory for ovulation. The loss of an individual PA seems to be functionally complemented by the remaining PA but this compensation does not appear to involve any compensatory up-regulation. Our data imply that a functionally redundant mechanism for plasmin formation operates during gonadotropin-induced ovulation and that PAs together with other proteases generate the proteolytic activity required for follicular wall degradation.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Incessant ovulation is thought to be one of the primary causes of epithelial ovarian cancer. However, the effects of ovulation at different ages and of the various exposures or events that suppress ovulation have not been established. We used data from an Australian case-control study of 791 ovarian cancer cases and 853 controls to examine the effect of ovulation on ovarian cancer risk. The total number of lifetime ovulations was calculated using information provided in a monthly contraceptive/reproductive calendar, as well as incorporating other information such as average menstrual cycle length. An increase of I year's worth of ovulation was associated with a 6% increase in risk of ovarian cancer (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4-8%). Ovulations in the 20-29-year age group were associated with the greatest risk, with a 20% increase in risk associated with each year of ovulation during this age period (95% Cl = 13-26%). When the effects of different exposures that suppress ovulation were compared, there was an indication that some factors may have a greater effect than others. These findings support the theory that incessant ovulation is a major contributor to the occurrence of ovarian cancer and suggest that ovulations during the 20s may be those most associated with disease risk. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Using immunohistochemistry and RNA analyses we examined the fate of components of a newly identified matrix that develops between granulosa cells (focimatrix, abbreviated from focal intraepithelial matrix) and of the follicular basal lamina in ovulating bovine ovarian follicles. Pre- and postovulatory follicles were generated by treatment with estradiol (Day 1), progesterone (Days 1-10), and prostaglandin analogue (Day 9) with either no further treatment (Group 1, n = 6) and or with 25 mg porcine LH (Day 11, Group 2, n = 8 or Day 10, Group 3, n = 8) and ovariectomy on Day 12 (12-14 hr post LH in Group 2, 38-40.5 hr in Group 3). In the time frame examined no loss of follicular basal lamina laminin chains beta 2 and gamma 1 or nidogen 1 was observed. In the follicular basal lamina collagen type IV alpha 1 and perlecan were present prior to ovulation; after ovulation collagen type IV alpha 1 was discontinuously distributed and perlecan was absent. Versican in the theca interna adjacent to the follicular basal lamina in preovulatory follicles was not observed post ovulation, however, the granulosa cells then showed strong cytoplasmic staining for versican. Expression of versican isoforms V0, V1, and V3 was detected at all stages. Focimatrix was observed in preovulatory follicles. It contained collagen type IV alpha 1, laminins beta 2 and gamma 1, nidogen 1 and perlecan and underwent changes in composition similar to that of the follicular basal lamina. In conclusion focimatrix and the follicular basal lamina are degraded at ovulation. Individual components are lost at different times.


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Purpose: To investigate the effect of Lycii fructus polysaccharides (LFPS) on ovulation failure. Methods: A rat model of ovulation failure was established by intragastric administration of hydroxyurea (300 mg/kg). Rats with ovulation failure then received LFPS via oral administration at doses of 100, 200, or 400 mg/kg. The body, uterus and ovary of each rat were weighed using electronic scales. The hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis hormones, including estradiol (E2) level, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) activity, and luteinizing hormone (LH) activity in the serum of each rat were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The levels of pro-apoptotic proteins (Fas, FasL, FADD, c-caspase-8, c-caspase-10, c-caspase-3, c-caspase-6, and c-caspase-7) in the ovarian tissue of each rat were detected by western blot. Results: Hydroxyurea reduced significantly (p < 0.01) uterus and ovary indices (uterus or ovary weight/body weight) (0.119 and 0.026 %), E2 level (3.42 pmol/L), and FSH and LH activities (2.28 and 2.76 U/L), compared with those in the normal group (0.169 and 0.039 %; 6.72 pmol/L; 2.76 and 3.75 U/L). Hydroxyurea increased significantly (p < 0.01) the levels of the above-mentioned pro-apoptotic proteins relative to those in the normal group. LFPS (100, 200, or 400 mg/kg) reversed significantly (p < 0.05 or 0.01) the effect of hydroxyurea on all of the above indices. Conclusion: LFPS exhibits a protective effect on hydroxyurea-induced ovulation failure by regulating the HPO axis hormones and death receptor-mediated apoptotic pathway.


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Avaliaram-se os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos com a falha na desova de matrinxãs (Brycon amazonicus), submetidas à indução hormonal por extrato bruto de hipófise de carpa. Para tal, após a extrusão, os ovários foram coletados e analisados histomorfometricamente. Nas fêmeas que não desovaram (FNDs), a maioria dos ovócitos vitelogênicos remanescentes nos ovários atingiu a maturação final, apresentando quebra de vesícula germinativa, mas não foram ovulados (NOs). Consequentemente, estas fêmeas apresentaram frequências mais baixas de folículos pós ovulatórios (5%) quando comparadas com a que desovou (FD) (23%). Com relação aos NOs, os valores se inverteram e a frequência destes nas FNDs (21%) foi maior do que na FD (3%). Estes dados indicam que as falhas na desova desta espécie estão provavelmente relacionadas com a ovulação, uma vez que a maturação final dos ovócitos ocorre de forma similar tanto nas FNDs como na FD. Os dados sugerem que as substâncias que promovem a ovulação, como as prostaglandinas, podem aumentar o sucesso de desova em peixes reofílicos.


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Based on the reports of unsuccessful ovulation in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) by fish farmers and researchers undertaking artificial reproduction programs, we evaluated the use of prostaglandin F (PGF) to improve pacu ovulation. This study was conducted during two spawning seasons (2009/2010 and 2010/2011) with two samplings in the first season and one sampling in the second season. A total of 45 females was sampled in this study. The control group was injected with carp pituitary extract (crude extract, 6 mg/kg), and the treatment group received PGF (2 mL per fish in the 2009/2010 season and 5 mL per fish in the 2010/2011 season) in addition to the crude extract. In both seasons, 100% (N = 4, 2009/2010 first sampling; N = 5, 2009/2010 second sampling; and N = 3, 2010/2011) of the PGF-treated fish spawned. In contrast, 53.0% (N = 9) and 83.3% (N = 10) of the control fish spawned in the first and second samplings of the 2009/2010 season, respectively, and only 25.0% (N = 1) spawned in the 2010/2011 season. Fecundity, fertility, and hatching rates did not differ (P > 0.05) between the treated and control fish. Based on oocyte volume frequency analysis, ovaries of the control fish had more (P < 0.05) vitellogenic oocytes with germinal vesicle breakdown that remained unovulated after spawning, whereas more (P < 0.05) of previtellogenic oocytes were present in the ovaries of the PGF-treated fish. In conclusion, administration of exogenous prostaglandin may improve the outcome of hormonally induced spawning in tropical migratory fish. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The age at first ovulation is influenced by several factors, and nutrition has an essential role on it. Lipids provide essential fatty acids that are positively associated to reproductive aspects. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of lipid inclusion and restricted intake on age and weight at the first ovulation and the serum progesterone (P4) concentration at the sixth day after first ovulation. The restricted intake imposed in this study did not delay the age at fist ovulation. The greater lipid intake did not favor reproductive parameters. Serum P4 did not increase with the soybean inclusion in the die.


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We prospectively follow up 80 mentally healthy women at menacme age, with chronic epilepsy and had had least one seizure in the month preceding the study. We selected 59 patients from whom we were able to observe at least three regular menstrual cycles with seizures. We defined regular, irregular cycle, perimenstrual and ovulation period. According to our concepts we have got 19, 30 and 6 patients with respectively severe, moderate and mild exacerbation of perimenstrual seizures. Using our definitions 6, 20 and 17 patients showed severe, moderate and mild accentuation of seizures during ovulation, while 15 patients showed no ovulatory accentuation. Our attention was drawn to the great number of perimenstrual and ovulatory exacerbation of seizures, according to our criteria. From 55 patients with perimenstrual accentuation of seizures 44 (74.54%) showed exacerbation during the ovulatory period. In our opinion, these data speak out in favor of the hormonal theory to explain these occurrences. We discuss these data based on the avaiable literature. We think the strogen peak is probably the main cause of the increased frequency of epileptic seizures during the ovulation period. New studies, documenting objectively the ovulation and seizures are mandatory to clarify the relationship of these aspects of the female endocrine reproductive physiology in epileptics.