111 resultados para Osteogénesis imperfecta
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Hypomineralized first molar often in combination with hypomineralized incisors (MIH - molar incisor hypomineralization) is a common finding in everyday practice. In this condition, hypomineralized dental enamel is fragile and soft, and it can break easily leading to an exposed dentin, and causing dental sensitivity and progression of caries lesions. The prevalence of MIH range from 3.6 to 25% in North of Europe that consider this condition a public health problem. No conclusive information was reported about the etiologic factors of MIH, however, systemic causes seem to be of importance. Several aetiological factors are mentioned as the cause of this condition and they are frequently associated with complications during pregnancy and childhood diseases during the first three years of life. MIH is frequently misinterpreted as fluorosis, hypoplasia or amelogénesis imperfect, however, this condition presents defined clinical aspects that can distinct it from the other defects.
Superficial stains and irregularities of the enamel are generally what prompt patients to seek dental intervention to improve their smile. These stains or defects may be due to hypoplasia, amelogenesis imperfecta, mineralized white spots, or fluorosis, for which enamel microabrasion is primarily indicated. Enamel microabrasion involves the use of acidic and abrasive agents, such as with 37% phosphoric acid and pumice or 6% hydrochloric acid and silica, applied to the altered enamel surface with mechanical pressure from a rubber cup coupled to a rotatory mandrel of a low-rotation micromotor. If necessary, this treatment can be safely combined with bleaching for better esthetic results. Recent studies show that microabrasion is a conservative treatment when the enamel wear is minimal and clinically imperceptible. The most important factor contributing to the success of enamel microabrasion is the depth of the defect, as deeper, opaque stains, such as those resulting from hypoplasia, cannot be resolved with microabrasion, and require a restorative approach. Surface enamel alterations that result from microabrasion, such as roughness and microhardness, are easily restored by saliva. Clinical studies support the efficacy and longevity of this safe and minimally invasive treatment. The present article presents the clinical and scientific aspects concerning the microabrasion technique, and discusses the indications for and effects of the treatment, including recent works describing microscopic and clinical evaluations.
The replacement of the calcified cartilage by bone tissue during the endochondral ossification of the mandibular condyle is dependent of the resorbing activity of osteoclats. After partial resorption, calcified cartilage septa are covered by a primary bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts. Osteoadherin (OSAD) is a small proteoglycan present in bone matrix but absent in cartilage during the endochondral ossification. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of alendronate, a drug known to inhibit bone resorption by osteoclasts, on the endochondral ossification of the mandibular condyle of young rats, by evaluating the distribution of osteoclasts and the presence of OSAD in the bone matrix deposited. Wistar newborn rats (n = 45) received daily injections of alendronate (n = 27) or sterile saline solution as control (n = 18) from the day of birth until the ages of 4, 14 and 30 days. At the days mentioned, the mandibular condyles were collected and processed for transmission electron microscopy analysis. Specimens were also submitted to tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) histochemistry and ultrastructural immunodetection of OSAD. Alendronate treatment did not impede the recruitment and fusion of osteoclasts at the ossification zone during condyle growth, but they presented inactivated phenotype. The trabeculae at the ossification area consisted of cartilage matrix covered by a layer of primary bone matrix that was immunopositive to OSAD at all time points studied. Apparently, alendronate impeded the removal of calcified cartilage and maturation of bone trabeculae in the mandibular ramus, while in controls they occurred normally. These findings highlight for giving attention to the potential side-effects of bisphosphonates administered to young patients once it may represent a risk of disturbing maxillofacial development.
Osteogenesis imperffecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of heritable connetive tissue diseases, quantity and/or qualitative defect in type 1 collagen syntesis; sometimes and in some types it can be associated to dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI), a hereditary disorder in dentin formation that comprises a group of autosomal dominant genetic conditions characterized by abnormal dentine structure affecting either the primary or both the primary and secondary dentitions. Aim: the aim of this study was to assess the correlation between OI and DI from both a clinical and histological point of view, clarifying the structural and ultrastructural changes. Eighteen children (&-15 years aged) with diagnosis of OI were examined for dental alterations referable to DI; for each patient, the OI type (I, III, IV) was recorded. Extracted or normally exfolied teeth were subjected to a histological examination.Results: a total of eleven patients had abnormal discolourations referable to DI: five patients were affected by OI type I, three by OI III, and three patients by OI type IV. The discolourations, yellow/brown or oplaescent grey, could not be related to the different types of OI. Histological exam of primary teeth showed severe pathological change in dentin, structured into four diffeent layers. A collagen defect due to odontoblast dysfunction was theorized to be on the base of the histological changes. Conclusions: there is no correlation between the type of OI and the type of discolouration. The underlying dentinal defect seems to be related to an odontoblast dysfunction.
OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively, over at least 5 years, the incidences of technical and biological complications and failures in young adult patients with birth defects affecting the formation of teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All insurance cases with a birth defect that had crowns and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) inserted more than 5 years ago were contacted and asked to participate in a reexamination. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 19.3 years (range 16.6-24.7 years) when prosthetic treatment was initiated. Over the median observation period of 15.7 years (range 7.4-24.9 years) and considering the treatment needs at the reexamination, 19 out of 33 patients (58%) with reconstructions on teeth remained free from all failures or complications. From the patients with FDPs and single unit crowns (SCs) on implants followed over a median observation period of 8 years (range 4.6-15.3 years), eight out of 17% or 47% needed a retreatment or repair at some point due to a failure or a complication. From the three groups of patients, the cases with amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta demonstrated the highest failure and complication rates. In the cases with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) or hypodontia/oligodontia, 71% of the SCs and 73% of the FDPs on teeth (FDP T) remained complication free over a median observation period of about 16 years. Sixty-two percent of the SCs and 64% of the FDPs on implants remained complication free over 8 years. Complications occurred earlier with implant-supported reconstructions. CONCLUSIONS: Because healthy, pristine teeth can be left unprepared, implant-supported SCs and FDPs are the treatment choice in young adults with birth defects resulting in tooth agenesis and in whom the edentulous spaces cannot be closed by means of orthodontic therapy. However, the trend for earlier and more frequent complications with implant-supported reconstructions in young adults, expecting many years of function with the reconstructions, has to be weighed against the benefits of keeping teeth unprepared. In cases with CLAP in which anatomical conditions render implant placement difficult and in which teeth adjacent to the cleft require esthetic corrections, the conventional FDP T still remains the treatment of choice.
OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively the cumulative costs for the long-term oral rehabilitation of patients with birth defects affecting the development of teeth. METHODS: Patients with birth defects who had received fixed reconstructions on teeth and/or implants > or =5 years ago were asked to participate in a comprehensive clinical, radiographic and economic evaluation. RESULTS: From the 45 patients included, 18 were cases with a cleft lip and palate, five had amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta and 22 were cases with hypodontia/oligodontia. The initial costs for the first oral rehabilitation (before the age of 20) had been covered by the Swiss Insurance for Disability. The costs for the initial rehabilitation of the 45 cases amounted to 407,584 CHF (39% for laboratory fees). Linear regression analyses for the initial treatment costs per replaced tooth revealed the formula 731 CHF+(811 CHF x units) on teeth and 3369 CHF+(1183 CHF x units) for reconstructions on implants (P<.001). Fifty-eight percent of the patients with tooth-supported reconstructions remained free from failures/complications (median observation 15.7 years). Forty-seven percent of the patients with implant-supported reconstructions remained free from failures/complications (median observation 8 years). The long-term cumulative treatment costs for implant cases, however, were not statistically significantly different compared with cases reconstructed with tooth-supported fixed reconstructions. Twenty-seven percent of the initial treatment costs were needed to cover supportive periodontal therapy as well as the treatment of technical/biological complications and failures. CONCLUSION: Insurance companies should accept to cover implant-supported reconstructions because there is no need to prepare healthy teeth, fewer tooth units need to be replaced and the cumulative long-term costs seem to be similar compared with cases restored on teeth.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the types and numbers of cases, gestational age at specific prenatal diagnosis and diagnostic accuracy of the diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias in a prenatal population from a single tertiary center. METHODS: This was a retrospective database review of type, prenatal and definitive postnatal diagnoses and gestational age at specific prenatal diagnosis of all cases of skeletal dysplasias from a mixed referral and screening population between 1985 and 2007. Prenatal diagnoses were grouped into 'correct ultrasound diagnosis' (complete concordance with postnatal pediatric or pathological findings) or 'partially correct ultrasound diagnosis' (skeletal dysplasias found postnatally to be a different one from that diagnosed prenatally). RESULTS: We included 178 fetuses in this study, of which 176 had a prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of 'skeletal dysplasia'. In 160 cases the prenatal diagnosis of a skeletal dysplasia was confirmed; two cases with skeletal dysplasias identified postnatally had not been diagnosed prenatally, giving 162 fetuses with skeletal dysplasias in total. There were 23 different classifiable types of skeletal dysplasia. The specific diagnoses based on prenatal ultrasound examination alone were correct in 110/162 (67.9%) cases and partially correct in 50/162 (30.9%) cases, (160/162 overall, 98.8%). In 16 cases, skeletal dysplasia was diagnosed prenatally, but was not confirmed postnatally (n = 12 false positives) or the case was lost to follow-up (n = 4). The following skeletal dysplasias were recorded: thanatophoric dysplasia (35 diagnosed correctly prenatally of 40 overall), osteogenesis imperfecta (lethal and non-lethal, 31/35), short-rib dysplasias (5/10), chondroectodermal dysplasia Ellis-van Creveld (4/9), achondroplasia (7/9), achondrogenesis (7/8), campomelic dysplasia (6/8), asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia Jeune (3/7), hypochondrogenesis (1/6), diastrophic dysplasia (2/5), chondrodysplasia punctata (2/2), hypophosphatasia (0/2) as well as a further 7/21 cases with rare or unclassifiable skeletal dysplasias. CONCLUSION: Prenatal diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias can present a considerable diagnostic challenge. However, a meticulous sonographic examination yields high overall detection. In the two most common disorders, thanatophoric dysplasia and osteogenesis imperfecta (25% and 22% of all cases, respectively), typical sonomorphology accounts for the high rates of completely correct prenatal diagnosis (88% and 89%, respectively) at the first diagnostic examination.
OBJECTIVE In a large series of patients with cervical artery dissection (CeAD), a major cause of ischemic stroke in young and middle-aged adults, we aimed to examine frequencies and correlates of family history of CeAD and of inherited connective tissue disorders. METHODS We combined data from 2 large international multicenter cohorts of consecutive patients with CeAD in 23 neurologic departments participating in the CADISP-plus consortium, following a standardized protocol. Frequency of reported family history of CeAD and of inherited connective tissue disorders was assessed. Putative risk factors, baseline features, and 3-month outcome were compared between groups. RESULTS Among 1,934 consecutive patients with CeAD, 20 patients (1.0%, 95% confidence interval: 0.6%-1.5%) from 17 families (0.9%, 0.5%-1.3%) had a family history of CeAD. Family history of CeAD was significantly more frequent in patients with carotid location of the dissection and elevated cholesterol levels. Two patients without a family history of CeAD had vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with a mutation in COL3A1. This diagnosis was suspected in 2 additional patients, but COL3A1 sequencing was negative. Two patients were diagnosed with classic and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, one patient with Marfan syndrome, and one with osteogenesis imperfecta, based on clinical criteria only. CONCLUSIONS In this largest series of patients with CeAD to date, family history of symptomatic CeAD was rare and inherited connective tissue disorders seemed exceptional. This finding supports the notion that CeAD is a multifactorial disease in the vast majority of cases.
BACKGROUND Rare diseases in livestock animals are traditionally poorly diagnosed. Other than clinical description and pathological examination, the underlying causes have, for the most part, remained unknown. A single case of congenital skin fragility in cattle was observed, necropsy, histological and ultrastructural examinations were carried out and whole genome sequencing was utilized to identify the causative mutation. RESULTS A single purebred female Charolais calf with severe skin lesions was delivered full-term and died spontaneously after birth. The clinical and pathological findings exactly matched the gross description given by previous reports on epitheliogenesis imperfecta and epidermolysis bullosa (EB) in cattle. Histological and ultrastructural changes were consistent with EB junctionalis (EBJ). Genetic analysis revealed a previously unpublished ITGB4 loss-of-function mutation; the affected calf was homozygous for a 4.4 kb deletion involving exons 17 to 22, and the dam carried a single copy of the deletion indicating recessive inheritance. The homozygous mutant genotype did not occur in healthy controls of various breeds but some heterozygous carriers were found among Charolais cattle belonging to the affected herd. The mutant allele was absent in a representative sample of unrelated sires of the German Charolais population. CONCLUSION This is the first time in which a recessively inherited ITGB4 associated EBJ has been reported in cattle. The identification of heterozygous carriers is of importance in avoiding the transmission of this defect in future. Current DNA sequencing methods offer a powerful tool for understanding the genetic background of rare diseases in domestic animals having a reference genome sequence available.