960 resultados para Osteoclast Differentiation


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This article reports the use of the GsuI restriction enzyme to differentiate genotypes of Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV), based on an 18-nucleotide deletion of S1-coding region found in one of the two genotypes. It was concluded that this assay can be used as a rapid tool for BCoV genotypes differentiation.


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Xylella fastidiosa is a Gram negative plant pathogen causing many economically important diseases, and analyses of completely sequenced X. fastidiosa genome strains allowed the identification of many prophage-like elements and possibly phage remnants, accounting for up to 15% of the genome composition. To better evaluate the recent evolution of the X. fastidiosa chromosome backbone among distinct pathovars, the number and location of prophage-like regions on two finished genomes (9a5c and Temecula1), and in two candidate molecules (Ann1 and Dixon) were assessed. Based on comparative best bidirectional hit analyses, the majority (51%) of the predicted genes in the X. fastidiosa prophage-like regions are related to structural phage genes belonging to the Siphoviridae family. Electron micrograph reveals the existence of putative viral particles with similar morphology to lambda phages in the bacterial cell in planta. Moreover, analysis of microarray data indicates that 9a5c strain cultivated under stress conditions presents enhanced expression of phage anti-repressor genes, suggesting switches from lysogenic to lytic cycle of phages under stress-induced situations. Furthermore, virulence-associated proteins and toxins are found within these prophage-like elements, thus suggesting an important role in host adaptation. Finally, clustering analyses of phage integrase genes based on multiple alignment patterns reveal they group in five lineages, all possessing a tyrosine recombinase catalytic domain, and phylogenetically close to other integrases found in phages that are genetic mosaics and able to perform generalized and specialized transduction. Integration sites and tRNA association is also evidenced. In summary, we present comparative and experimental evidence supporting the association and contribution of phage activity on the differentiation of Xylella genomes.


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Objective: To evaluate the effects of local administration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) located within liposomes on recruitment of osteoclasts during mechanical force in rats. Materials and Methods: An orthodontic elastic band was inserted between the left upper first and second molars, to move mesially the first molar. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 8): EGF (2 ng/mu L) located within liposomes (group 1), liposomes only (group 2), soluble EGF (2 ng/mu L; group 3), or vehicle alone (group 4). The solutions were injected into the region of the root furcation of the left first molar after elastic band insertion. Tooth movement was measured using a plaster model of the maxilla, and the number of osteoclasts recruited at the pressure side of the first molar was histologically evaluated. Results: Intergroup analysis showed that there was no significant difference between group 2 and group 4 (P >.05) and between group 1 and group 3 (P >.05). However, group 1 and group 3 exhibited greater differences in tooth movement than group 2 and group 4 (P <.05). On the other hand, group 1 showed greater tooth movement than groups 2 and 4 with statistical significance (P <.01). The increase in the number of osteoclasts in group 1 was significantly higher than in the other groups (P <.05). Conclusion: Exogenous EGF-liposome administration has an additive effect when compared with soluble EGF on the rate of osteoclast recruitment, producing faster bone resorption and tooth movement.


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Introduction: The successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become a central issue in modern neuroscience. In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) lentivirus. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 50 young rats, into one neurogenic area (hippocampus), and into another nonneurogenic area (striatum). Animals were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells coexpressing NeuN (neuronal specific nuclear protein) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate neurons positive for microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), and neurofilament 200 (NF200) in vitro. Electrophysiology confirmed expression of voltage-gated ionic channels. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells survived for up to 12 weeks, migrated away from the graft, and gave rise to mature neurons able to synthesize neurotransmitters. By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration. Induction of neuronal differentiation with increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the culture medium before implantation favored differentiation in vivo. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs is strongly dependent upon a permissive microenvironment. Identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow for the integration of stem cells into nonpermissive areas of the central nervous system.


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Neospora caninum is an intracellular parasite that causes major economic impact on cattle raising farms, and infects a wide range of warm-blooded hosts worldwide. Innate immune mechanisms that lead to protection against this parasite are still unknown. In order to investigate whether myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is required for resistance against N. caninum, genetically deficient mice (MyD88(-/-)) and wild type littermates were infected with live tachyzoites and the resistance to infection was evaluated. We found that sub-lethal tachyzoite doses induced acute mortality of MyD88(-/-) mice, which succumbed to infection due to uncontrolled parasite replication. Higher parasitism in MyD88(-/-) mice was associated with the lack of IL-12 production by dendritic cells, delayed IFN-gamma responses by NKT, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes, and production of high levels of IL-10. MyD88(-/-) mice replenished with IL-12 and IFN-gamma abolished susceptibility as the animals survived throughout the experimental period. We conclude that protective IFN-gamma-mediated immunity to N. caninum is dependent on initial MyD88 signaling, in a mechanism triggered by production of IL-12 by dendritic cells. Further knowledge on Toll-like receptor recognition of N. caninum antigens is encouraged, since it could generate new prophylactic and therapeutic tools to control parasite burden.


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Among catfish species of the genus Rhamdia reported for the Brazilian territory, R. quelen is the most widespread, being found in nearly all hydrographic basins of Brazil. Nowadays, R. quelen is a synonym for at least 47 other species in this genus, its taxonomic status still being controversial. The available cytogenetic reports show a wide variation in the karyotypic macrostructure, with the frequent presence of supernumerary chromosomes. The remarkable cytogenetic variability associated with taxonomic issues in this species indicates that R. quelen is actually a species complex. In order to carry out a wide comparative cytogenetic study in R. quelen from southern and southeastern Brazil and examine a species complex, we analyzed the chromosomes of 14 populations from the main hydrographic basins of these two regions. Using classic and molecular cytogenetic techniques, we found seven distinct karyotypic formulae, all bearing 2n = 58 chromosomes. Supernumerary chromosomes were present in most of the populations; their number, size and C-banding pattern allowed us to differentiate populations with similar karyotypic compositions. We examined patterns of chromosomal evolution as well as the probable mechanisms involved in the origin and morphological differentiation of their supernumerary chromosomes.


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Changes in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) play a central role in neuronal differentiation. However, Ca(2+) signaling in this process remains poorly understood and it is unknown whether embryonic and adult stem cells share the same signaling pathways. To clarify this issue, neuronal differentiation was analyzed in two cell lines: embryonic P19 carcinoma stem cells (CSCs) and adult murine bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We studied Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum via intracellular ryanodine-sensitive (RyR) and IP(3)-sensitive (IP(3)R) receptors. We observed that caffeine, a RyR agonist, induced a [Ca(2+)](i) response that increased throughout neuronal differentiation. We also demonstrated a functional coupling between RyRs and L-but not with N-, P-, or Q-type Ca(v)1 Ca(2+) channels, both in embryonal CSC and adult MSC. We also found that agonists of L-type channels and of RyRs increase neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation, while antagonists of these channels have the opposite effect. Thus, our data demonstrate that in both cell lines RyRs control internal Ca(2+) release following voltage-dependent Ca(2+) entry via L-type Ca(2+) channels. This study shows that both in embryonal CSC and adult MSC [Ca(2+)](i) is controlled by a common pathway, indicating that coupling of L-type Ca(2+) channels and RyRs may be a conserved mechanism necessary for neuronal differentiation.


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This work was undertaken to provide further insight into the role of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in skeletal muscle regeneration, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Rats were treated or not with rapamycin, an mTORC1 inhibitor. Soleus muscles were then subjected to cryolesion and analyzed 1, 10, and 21 days later. A decrease in soleus myofiber cross-section area on post-cryolesion days 10 and 21 was accentuated by rapamycin, which was also effective in reducing protein synthesis in these freeze-injured muscles. The incidence of proliferating satellite cells during regeneration was unaltered by rapamycin, although immunolabeling for neonatal myosin heavy chain (MHC) was weaker in cryolesion+rapamycin muscles than in cryolesion-only muscles. In addition, the decline in tetanic contraction of freeze-injured muscles was accentuated by rapamycin. This study indicates that mTORC1 plays a key role in the recovery of muscle mass and the differentiation of regenerating myofibers, independently of necrosis and satellite cell proliferation mechanisms. Muscle Nerve 42: 778-787,2010


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Neozygites tanajoae is an entomopathogenic fungus which has been used for biocontrol of the cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa, CGM) in Africa. Establishment and dispersal of Brazilian isolates which have been introduced into some African countries in recent years to improve CGM control was followed with specific PCR assays. Two primer pairs, NEOSSU_F/NEOSSU_R and 8DDC_F/8DDC_R, were used to differentiate isolates collected from several locations in Brazil and from three countries in Africa, Benin, Ghana and Tanzania. The first primer pair enabled the species-specific detection of Neozygites tanajoae, while the second differentiated the Brazilian isolates from those of other geographical origin. PCR assays were designed for detection of fungal DNA in the matrix of dead infested mites since N. tanajoae is difficult to isolate and culture on selective artificial media. Our results show that all isolates (Brazilian and African) that sporulated on mummified mites were amplified with the first primer pair confirming their Neozygites tanajoae identity. The second pair amplified DNA from all the Brazilian isolates, but did not amplify any DNA samples from the African isolates. None of the two primers showed amplification neither from any of the non-sporulating mite extracts nor from the dead uninfected mites used as negative controls. We confirmed that the two primer pairs tested are suitable for the detection and differential identification of N. tanajoae isolates from Brazil and Africa and that they are useful to monitor the establishment and spread of the Brazilian isolates of N. tanajoae introduced into Benin or into other African countries for improvement of CGM biocontrol.


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P>Brazilian Santa Ines (SI) sheep are very well-adapted to the tropical conditions of Brazil and are an important source of animal protein. A high rate of twin births was reported in some SI flocks. Growth and Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) are the first two genes expressed by the oocyte to be associated with an increased ovulation rate in sheep. All GDF9 and BMP15 variants characterized, until now, present the same phenotype: the heterozygote ewes have an increased ovulation rate and the mutated homozygotes are sterile. In this study, we have found a new allele of GDF9, named FecGE (Embrapa), which leads to a substitution of a phenylalanine with a cysteine in a conservative position of the mature peptide. Homozygote ewes presenting the FecGE allele have shown an increase in their ovulation rate (82%) and prolificacy (58%). This new phenotype can be very useful in better understanding the genetic control of follicular development; the mechanisms involved in the control of ovulation rate in mammals; and for the improvement of sheep production.


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The Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (AMA-1) is a well-characterized and functionally important merozoite protein and is currently considered a major candidate antigen for a malaria vaccine. Previously, we showed that AMA-1 has an influence on cellular immune responses of malaria-naive subjects, resulting in an alternative activation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells and induction of a pro-inflammatory response by stimulated PBMCs. Although there is evidence, from human and animal malaria model systems that cell-mediated immunity may contribute to both protection and pathogenesis, the knowledge on cellular immune responses in vivax malaria and the factors that may regulate this immunity are poorly understood. In the current work, we describe the maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells of P. vivax naturally infected individuals and the effect of P. vivax vaccine candidate Pv-AMA-1 on the immune responses of the same donors. We show that malaria-infected subjects present modulation of DC maturation, demonstrated by a significant decrease in expression of antigen-presenting molecules (CD1a, HLA-ABC and HLA-DR), accessory molecules (CD40, CD80 and CD86) and Fc gamma RI (CD64) receptor (P <= 0.05). Furthermore, Pv-AMA-1 elicits an upregulation of CD1a and HLA-DR molecules on the surface of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (P=0.0356 and P=0.0196, respectively), and it is presented by AMA-1-stimulated DCs. A significant pro-inflammatory response elicited by Pv-AMA-1-pulsed PBMCs is also demonstrated, as determined by significant production of TNF-alpha, IL-12p40 and IFN-gamma (P <= 0.05). Our results suggest that Pv-AMA-1 may partially revert DC down-modulation observed in infected subjects, and exert an important role in the initiation of pro-inflammatory immunity that might contribute substantially to protection. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a thermodimorphic human pathogenic fungus that causes paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), which is the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America. Differentiation from the mycelial to the yeast form (M-to-Y) is an essential step for the establishment of PCM. We evaluated the involvement of mitochondria and intracellular oxidative stress in M-to-Y differentiation. M-to-Y transition was delayed by the inhibition of mitochondrial complexes III and IV or alternative oxidase (AOX) and was blocked by the association of AOX with complex III or IV inhibitors. The expression of P. brasiliensis aox (Pbaox) was developmentally regulated through M-to-Y differentiation, wherein the highest levels were achieved in the first 24 h and during the yeast exponential growth phase; Pbaox was upregulated by oxidative stress. Pbaox was cloned, and its heterologous expression conferred cyanide-resistant respiration in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli and reduced oxidative stress in S. cerevisiae cells. These results reinforce the role of PbAOX in intracellular redox balancing and demonstrate its involvement, as well as that of other components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes, in the early stages of the M-to-Y differentiation of P. brasiliensis.


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The relative importance of factors that may promote genetic differentiation in marine organisms is largely unknown. Here, contributions to population structure from biogeography, habitat distribution, and isolation by distance were investigated in Axoclinus nigricaudus, a small subtidal rock reef fish, throughout its range in the Gulf of California. A 408 basepair fragment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced from 105 individuals. Variation was significantly partitioned between many pairs of populations. Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance, and general linear models substantiated a major break between two putative biogeographic regions. This genetic discontinuity coincides with an abrupt change in ecological characteristics (including temperature and salinity) but does not coincide with known oceanographic circulation patterns. Geographic distance and the nature of habitat separating populations (continuous habitat along a shoreline, discontinuous habitat along a shoreline, and open water) also contributed to population structure in general linear model analyses. To verify that local populations are genetically stable over time, one population was resampled on four occasions over eighteen months; it showed no evidence of a temporal component to diversity. These results indicate that having a planktonic life stage does not preclude geographically partitioned genetic variation over relatively small geographic distances in marine environments. Moreover, levels of genetic differentiation among populations of Axoclinus nigricaudus cannot be explained by a single factor, but are due to the combined influences of a biogeographic boundary, habitat, and geographic distance.


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Dendritic cells (DC) can be generated by culture of adherent peripheral blood (PB) cells in the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-4 (IL-4). There is controversy as to whether these DC arise from proliferating precursors or simply from differentiation of monocytes. DC were generated from myeloid-enriched PB non-T cells or sorted monocytes. DC generated from either population functioned as potent antigen-presenting cells. Uptake of [H-3]-thymidine was observed in DC cultured from myeloid-enriched non-T cells. Addition of lipopolysaccharide or tumor necrosis factor-alpha led to maturation of the DC, but did not inhibit proliferation. Ki67(+) cells were observed in cytospins of these DC, and by double staining were CD3(-)CD19(-)CD11c(-)CD40(-) and myeloperoxidase(+), suggesting that they were myeloid progenitor cells. Analysis of the starting population by flow cytometry demonstrated small numbers of CD34(+)CD33(-)CD14(-) progenitor cells, and numerous granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units were generated in standard assays. Thus, production of DC in vitro from adherent PB cells also enriches for progenitor cells that are capable of proliferation after exposure to GM-CSF. Of clinical importance, the yield of DC derived in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 cannot be expanded beyond the number of starting monocytes. (C) 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.