996 resultados para Ospina, Mariano, pres. New Granada, 1805-1885.


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OBJECTIVE the objective in this study was to describe the strategies developed by digestive stoma patients to cope with their situation. METHOD a qualitative and descriptive study was undertaken, involving 21 stoma patients living in the provinces of Málaga and Granada (Spain). The informants were selected in accordance with criteria of appropriateness and diversity, through intentional sampling. The data were collected by means of semistructured interviews. RESULTS the content analysis revealed three categories around which the distinct strategies were developed: Self-care, Adaptation to the bodily change and Self-help. CONCLUSION the strategies developed are focusing on achieving the effective management of the stoma and are closely linked with the achievement of autonomy. Discovering the strategies applied is fundamental for the nursing professionals to offer high-quality care, centered on people and their process.


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Hodgkin's lymphoma represents one of the most frequent lymphoproliferative syndromes, especially in young population. Although HL is considered one of the most curable tumors, a sizeable fraction of patients recur after successful upfront treatment or, less commonly, are primarily resistant. This work tries to summarize the data on clinical, histological, pathological, and biological factors in HL, with special emphasis on the improvement of prognosis and their impact on therapeutical strategies. The recent advances in our understanding of HL biology and immunology show that infiltrated immune cells and cytokines in the tumoral microenvironment may play different functions that seem tightly related with clinical outcomes. Strategies aimed at interfering with the crosstalk between tumoral Reed-Sternberg cells and their cellular partners have been taken into account in the development of new immunotherapies that target different cell components of HL microenvironment. This new knowledge will probably translate into a change in the antineoplastic treatments in HL in the next future and hopefully will increase the curability rates of this disease.


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The genus Heterostylum Macquart and five Neotropical species (H. ferrugineum (Fabricius, 1805), H. hirsutum (Thunberg, 1827), H. rufum (Olivier, 1789), H. haemorrhoicum (Loew, 1863) and H. pallipes Bigot, 1892) are redescribed. The other species, recently redescribed or described are only diagnosed, except for H. deani Painter, 1930, whose spermathecae are described and illustrated for the first time. The main characters of the external morphology were photographed and the male genitalia and female spermathecae illustrated. An identification key to all included species is also presented.


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Pterotaenia fasciata is commonly recorded in rural areas in Argentina, but during a Diptera survey study developed in a reservoir which retains storm water from polluted canals in an urban area of Taboão da Serra municipality, SP, Brazil, we could capture P. fasciata adults. Enteric bacteria Escherichia coli T. Escherich, 1885 and Proteus sp. were isolated from P. fasciata collected in traps inside the reservoir and around it. Fecal coliforms and E. coli were found in the water of the reservoir. These records suggest that a high abundance of this species at urban areas with inadequate sewage canals should reveal these muscoid dipterans as mechanical vectors of enteric bacteria.


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Dicrepidius brasilianus sp. nov., from Pará and Mato Grosso is described and illustrated. This is the second species of this genus recorded from Brazil. D. ramicornis (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) is widely distributed from south of United States to south of Brazil. From Brazil, it was recorded from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina states, but now other records are included. A comparison between the two Brazilian species and a discussion, including intraspecific variations, are presented.


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Revision of the Neotropical species of Empididae (Diptera) described by Mario Bezzi. IX. The species described in Atrichopleura Bezzi and the description of a new species. Four Neotropical species of Empididae described by Bezzi in Atrichopleura Bezzi, 1909 are redescribed: A. crassa (lectotype, pres. desig.), A. hirtipes (lectotype, pres. desig.), A. nitida (lectotype, pres. desig.), A. schnusei (lectotype, pres. desig.). Atrichopleura bezzii sp. nov. is described from among syntypes of A. schnusei.


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c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in numerous signal transduction pathways. The kinase,SH3 and SH2 domains of c-Src are attached to the membrane-anchoring SH4 domain through the flexible Unique domain. Here we show intra- and intermolecular interactions involving the Unique and SH3 domains suggesting the presence of a previously unrecognized additional regulation layer in c-Src. We have characterized lipid binding by the Unique and SH3 domains, their intramolecular interaction and its allosteric modulation by a SH3-binding peptide or by Calcium-loaded calmodulin binding to the Unique domain. We also show reduced lipid binding following phosphorylation at conserved sites of the Unique domain. Finally, we show that injection of full-length c-Src with mutations that abolish lipid binding by the Unique domain causes a strong in vivo phenotype distinct from that of wild-type c-Src in a Xenopus oocyte model system, confirming the functional role of the Unique domain in c-Src regulation.


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The gibbon genome exhibits extensive karyotypic diversity with an increased rate of chromosomal rearrangements during evolution. In an effort to understand the mechanistic origin and implications of these rearrangement events, we sequenced 24 synteny breakpoint regions in the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys, NLE) in the form of high-quality BAC insert sequences (4.2 Mbp). While there is a significant deficit of breakpoints in genes, we identified seven human gene structures involved in signaling pathways (DEPDC4, GNG10), phospholipid metabolism (ENPP5, PLSCR2), beta-oxidation (ECH1), cellular structure and transport (HEATR4), and transcription (ZNF461), that have been disrupted in the NLE gibbon lineage. Notably, only three of these genes show the expected evolutionary signatures of pseudogenization. Sequence analysis of the breakpoints suggested both nonclassical nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and replication-based mechanisms of rearrangement. A substantial number (11/24) of human-NLE gibbon breakpoints showed new insertions of gibbon-specific repeats and mosaic structures formed from disparate sequences including segmental duplications, LINE, SINE, and LTR elements. Analysis of these sites provides a model for a replication-dependent repair mechanism for double-strand breaks (DSBs) at rearrangement sites and insights into the structure and formation of primate segmental duplications at sites of genomic rearrangements during evolution.


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Esta publicación aborda, de manera monográfica, el tema del asesoramiento en educación. Han transcurrido prácticamente treinta años desde que a finales de los 70 y principios de los 80 surgieran en nuestro país los Servicios de Orientación Educativa y Vocacional (SOEV), que junto a los Institutos de Orientación Educativa y Profesional (IOEP) y los Equipos Multiprofesionales (EM) dan origen –en los 90– a los actuales Equipos de Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica (EOEP). Han pasado veinticinco años desde el nacimiento en España –a mediados de los 80– de los Centros de Profesores (CEP). Inspirados en los ‘Teachers Centers’ británicos, los CEP vienen a cubrir las necesidades de formación permanente del profesorado como respuesta a la inoperancia de los Institutos de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) del momento. Han sido, pues, treinta años de lo que ha venido a llamarse asesoramiento institucional, esto es, asesoramiento organizado y estructurado, ofertado desde sistemas de apoyo a la escuela, dando cabida en u actuación a multitud de iniciativas y prácticas de apoyo entre las que se encuentran las de asesoramiento, entremezclándose y confundiéndose a veces como prácticas de orientación, a veces como formación, o simplemente como actividades de asistencia y colaboración entre profesionales para la resolución de necesidades y problemas en el seno de nuestras escuelas. Y tal ha sido su diversidad y tipología, su riqueza y amplitud, que se han invertido no pocos esfuerzos, debates y ríos de tinta para comprender y definir, clasificar y etiquetar un ingente y variopinto conjunto de prácticas que convenimos en llamar, de asesoramiento


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Many people would like to believe that nationalism is a thing of the past, a dinosaur belonging to some bygone, uncivilized era. Such a belief is not borne out by recent history, however. Nationalism occupies the political forum with as much force as ever. Yet, in many ways, it remains a mystery to us. The purpose of this study is to explore individual motivations involved in the rise of nationalism, in addition to the role of structural factors. The linkage employed in this exploration is the psychosocial phenomenon of self-identity, including emotions and self-esteem. We demonstrate how individual, socially-constructed self-identity accounts for why some people embrace nationalism while others eschew it. The methodology employed was theoretical and historical analyses of secondary sources and indepth interviews with subjects who had some connection with former Yugoslavia, the country utilized to test the new model. Our analyses yielded the result that current conceptualizations of nationalism from an exclusively macro or micro perspective are unsatisfactory; we require a more comprehensive approach wherein the two perspectives are integrated. Such an integration necessitates a bridge: hence, our new model, which rests on the psychosocial premise, offers a more useful conceptual tool for the understanding of nationalism. We conclude that nationalism is first and foremost a matter relating to individual social self-identity which takes place within a particular context where oppositional forces emerge from structural factors and our membership in a particular group becomes paramount.


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Report year irregular.


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Reprinted from the Buffalo Historical Society Publications.