993 resultados para Orbitales moleculares
Espécies do gênero Psidium, como goiabeira e araçazeiros, são economicamente importantes e têm como área de diversidade genética primária o Brasil. Foram determinadas as relações genéticas, com base no marcador AFLP, para acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) de Psidium da Embrapa Semiárido, para orientar trabalhos de melhoramento e de manejo de recursos genéticos do gênero. Foram analisados 88 acessos, sendo 64 de goiabeira e 24 de araçazeiros, coletados em dez Estados brasileiros, adotando-se para agrupamento o dendrograma UPGMA, considerando a matriz de similaridade do coeficiente de Jaccard de 149 bandas polimórficas de AFLP de 16 combinações dos iniciadores EcoRI e MseI. A análise da variância de dados moleculares foi realizada considerando a variação entre e dentro das populações de goiabeira dos dez Estados. O dendrograma apresentou boa definição, com coeficiente de correlação cofenética de 0,94. Foram observados dois grandes grupos: um formado por acessos de goiabeira e outro com acessos de araçazeiros, com inclusão de alguns acessos de goiabeira. Foram observados agrupamentos específicos no dendograma apenas para os indivíduos de goiabeira coletados em Goiás e Roraima. Os acessos estudados apresentaram similaridade variando de 28 a 98%, evidenciando a alta variabilidade genética dos mesmos. A variação entre acessos foi estimada em 0,16 (ΦST), indicando diferenciação genética moderada entre as populações de goiabeira dos dez Estados. Para aumentar a variabilidade genética do BAG estudado, sugere-se a coleta de um número maior de acessos nos Estados de Goiás e Roraima, dado o alto índice de similaridade entre os acessos provenientes destes Estados, bem como coletas amplas em outros Estados brasileiros. Sugerem-se ainda cruzamentos entre os poucos acessos de goiabeira posicionados no grupo dos araçazeiros para o desenvolvimento de híbridos interespecificos no gênero Psidium.
A seleção genômica ampla (genome wide selection - GWS) foi proposta como uma forma de aumentar a eficiência e acelerar o melhoramento genético, enfatizando a predição simultânea dos efeitos genéticos de grande número de marcadores genéticos de DNA dispersos em todo o genoma de um organismo, de forma a capturar os efeitos de todos os locos e explicar a variação genética de um caráter quantitativo. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho aplicar o princípio da GWS no melhoramento do cajueiro, estimando simultaneamente os efeitos de 238 marcadores avaliados em 74 indivíduos de uma família de irmãos completos, visando a explicar grande porcentagem da variação genotípica total do caráter peso da amêndoa e a aumentar a eficiência do melhoramento do cajueiro. Verificou-se que a capacidade preditiva e a acurácia são praticamente maximizadas na análise com 70 marcadores de maiores efeitos. O aumento do número de marcadores não aumenta linearmente a acurácia da GWS pelo método RR-BLUP. Os 70 marcadores de maiores efeitos capturam 74% da variação genotípica total e propiciam alta acurácia seletiva (86%) da seleção para o peso de amêndoas, enquanto os cinco marcadores de maiores efeitos capturam apenas 19% da variação genotípica total e propiciam acurácia seletiva de apenas 44%. Assim, a seleção assistida (MAS), baseada em poucos (cinco) marcadores de efeitos significativos, propicia eficiência muito inferior à GWS. Os valores genéticos genômicos preditos na população de validação cruzada aproximam-se bem dos valores fenotípicos observados, com correlação de 0,79. A estimação simultânea dos efeitos dos marcadores, segundo o conceito da GWS, é uma alternativa interessante, visando a aumentar a eficiência do melhoramento do cajueiro.
Recentlly, we have proposed the representation of lanthanides within AM1 as sparkles for the purpose of obtaing ground state geometries of their complexes. We tested our quantum chemical sparkle model (SMLC/AM1) for the prediction of the crystallographic structure of complexes with coordination number nine, eight and seven. A technique is introduced for the theoretical prediction of eletronic spectra of the organic part of lanthanide complexes by replacing the metal ion by a point charge with the ligands held in their positions as determined by the SMLC/AM1, and by computing the theoretical spectra via the intermediate neglect of differential overlap/spectroscopic-configuration interaction (INDO/S-CI).
This paper describes the construction of a kit of molecular model for illustration of molecular structure in chemical class using cheap materials. The atoms were represented by plastic spheres and the bonds between the atoms were made from plastic straws which were cut in the required length using a scale of 1.6 cm corresponding to 100 pm. Examples of adaptations made in this kit for didactical application are given.
For economical and ecological reasons, synthetic chemists are confronted with the increasing obligation of optimizing their synthetic methods. Maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs in the production of molecules and macromolecules constitutes, therefore, one of the most exciting challenges of synthetic chemistry. The ideal synthesis should produce the desired product in 100% yield and selectivity, in a safe and environmentally acceptable process. In this highlight the concepts of atom economy, molecular engineering and biphasic organometallic catalysis, which address these issues at the molecular level for the generation of "green" technologies, are introduced and discussed.
In this work the metal distribution and exchange constants between metal species and aquatic humic fractions with different molecular sizes were studied. The aquatic humic substances (AHS) were extracted by XAD-8 resin from water sample collected from Itapitanguí river, São Paulo State, Brazil. The AHS were fractionated in six fractions with different molecular sizes (>100 - <5 kDa) and characterized by several techniques. Molar ratios H/C suggested higher aromaticity for fractions F1 and F6 whereas molar ratios C/N didn´t show any differences regarding the humification degree between the fractions. The UV-Vis absorbance a254/a436 ratio showed higher results for F4 and F5, probably by less condensed features. FTIR studies showed high similarity in the functional groups in the fractions. The highest percentage of traces of Co, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni (determined by ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by fractions F3 and F4 with a greater amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In addition, the exchange constants, determined by ultrafiltration method, showed complexes AHS-Fe and AHS-Al with higher stability than complexes AHS-Co in all fractions.
Catalysis by solid acids has received much attention due to its importance in petroleum refining and petrochemical processes. Relatively few studies have focused on catalysis by bases and even les on using basic molecular sieves. This paper deals with the potential application of micro and mesoporous molecular sieves in base catalysis reactions. The paper is divided in two parts, the first one dedicated to the design of the catalysts and the second to some relevant examples of catalytic reactions, which find a huge field of applications essentially in the synthesis of fine chemicals. Here, recent developments in catalysis by basic molecular sieves and the perspectives of applications in correlated catalytic processes are described.
Glucosidases are involved in key steps in the processing of oligosaccharides by cleaving O-glucose residues. Since they catalyze breaking and transfer reactions of glucosidic groups for the normal growth and development of all the cells, defects or genetic deficiencies in these enzymes are associated with serious disorders of the carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, glucosidases represent important targets to develop inhibitors, owing to their potential activities against viruses, tumoral growth and metastasis, diabetes, Gaucher's disease and other syndromes associated with the lisosomal storage of glucoesphingolipids, and osteoarthritis. This paper presents a description of the biochemical pathways and mechanisms of alpha and beta-glucosidases, and the currently available drugs capable to inhibit these enzymes.
A simple method to obtain molecular Cartesian coordinates as a function of vibrational normal modes is presented in this work. The method does not require the definition of special matrices, like the F and G of Wilson, neither of group theory. The Eckart's conditions together with the diagonalization of kinetic and potential energy are the only required expressions. This makes the present approach appropriate to be used as a preliminary study for more advanced concepts concerning vibrational analysis. Examples are given for diatomic and triatomic molecules.
We present a theoretical study of molecular properties in C2H4···2HF, C2H2···2HF and C3H6···2HF trimolecular hydrogen-bonded complexes. From B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) calculations, the most important structural deformations are related to the C=C (C2H4), C≡C (C2H2), C-C (C3H6) and HF bond lengths. According to the Bader's atoms in molecules and CHELPG calculations, it was identified a tertiary interaction between the fluorine atom of the second hydrofluoric acid molecule and hydrogen atoms of the ethylene and acetylene within the C2H4···2HF and C2H2···2HF complexes, respectively. Additionally, the evaluation of the infrared spectrum characterized the new vibrational modes and bathochromic effect of the HF molecules.
The CBS-4M, CBS-QB3, G2, G2(MP2), G3 and G3(MP2) model chemistry methods have been used to calculate proton and electron affinities for a set of molecular and atomic systems. Agreement with the experimental value for these electronic properties is quite good considering the uncertainty in the experimental data. A comparison among the six theories using statistical analysis (average value, standard deviation and root-mean-square) showed a better performance of CBS-QB3 to obtain these properties.
The composite membranes prepared via incorporation of 12.5% of molecular sieves 3A, 4A, 5A and 13X into chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) (1:1). The composite membranes were immersed in the cross-linker sulfuric acid in order to acquire high proton conductivity for applications in electrolytes in PEMCF and DMF. The influence of the molecular sieves on the structural, optical, thermal, mechanical, morphologic and protonic conductivity properties and water/methanol swelling degree of membranes were investigated.
The development of new magnetic materials has attracted attention of researchers of different areas. In the last decades, a distinguished class of materials emerged in magnetism, in which the magnetic moment is delocalized over molecules. By varying the synthetic conditions it is possible to obtain a large variety of structures and properties using the same starting molecules. These materials have a great scientific appeal due to the possibility of presenting not only magnetic, but also optical or electrical transport properties. In this review we will present an overview of some molecular magnetic compounds, in particular molecular nanomagnets.
Composite methods using ONIOM and different basis sets have been used to calculate proton and electron affinities for a set of alcohols at QCISD(T)/6-311++G(2df,p) level of theory. The study was carried out considering HF, MP2 and DFT (25 exchange correlation functional) methods. The calculation performed at ONIOM2(QCISD(T)/6-311++G(2df,p):HF/6-31G(d))//ONIOM2(O3LYP/6-31G(d):HF/6-31G(d)) resulted in the smallest average absolute deviation for AP and AE, 4,75 kJ/mol e 0,43 eV, respectively.
Iodide potassium incorporated on mesoporous molecular sieves (SBA-15 and MCM-41) was used as heterogeneous catalysts in the transesterification of sunflower oil under different conditions of reaction time and ratio catalyst/oil (w/w). The results have showed that the system supported in SBA-15 has been more active than the supported in MCM-41, promoting a conversion to methyl esters of 84.98%.