1000 resultados para Orbital mechanics


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Measurements of the growth of artificially generated turbulent spots and intermittency distribution in the transition region on a circular cylinder in axial flow show that the instability Reynolds number of 11,000 has a marked effect on the properties. In particular, it is found that the spot production in the initial region when a single turbulent spot has not yet wrapped around the cylinder and the propagation is essentially two-dimensional, is significantly altered. But the transition in the downstream or latter region, where most of the turbulent spots propagate onedimensionally (like the turbulent plugs in a pipe), is not affected. When the radius Reynolds number is more than 11,000, the intermittency law in the initial region is essentially the same as in twodimensional flow on a flat plate and in the latter region it is the one-dimensional flow in a pipe, the demarcation between the two regions being quite sharp.


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Ab initio RHF/4-31G level molecular orbital calculations have been carried out on dimethoxymethane as a model compound for the acetal moiety in methyl pyranosides. The calculations are consistent with the predictions of the anomeric effect and the exo-anomeric effect. They reproduce very successfully the differences in molecular geometry observed by x-ray and neutron diffraction of single crystals of the methyl cy-D- and methyl 0-D-pyranosides. Calculations carried out at the 6-3 1G* level for methanediol confirm the earlier calculations at the 4-31G level, with smaller energy differences between the four staggered conformations.


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Due to the advent of varied types of masonry systems a comprehensive failure mechanism of masonry essential for the understanding of its behaviour is impossible to be determined from experimental testing. As masonry is predominantly used in wall structures a biaxial stress state dominates its failure mechanism. Biaxial testing will therefore be necessary for each type of masonry, which is expensive and time consuming. A computational method would be advantageous; however masonry is complex to model which requires advanced computational modelling methods. This thesis has formulated a damage mechanics inspired modelling method and has shown that the method effectively determines the failure mechanisms and deformation characteristics of masonry under biaxial states of loading.


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X-ray LIII-absorption edges of platinum in nine octahedral complexes have been recorded using a bent crystal spectrograph. The edge features of the discontinuities have been interpreted with the help of qualitative molecular orbital diagrams. A correlation between the energy separation of the first two absorption maxima and the spectrochemical series of the ligands has been arrived at.


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We explore the semi-classical structure of the Wigner functions ($\Psi $(q, p)) representing bound energy eigenstates $|\psi \rangle $ for systems with f degrees of freedom. If the classical motion is integrable, the classical limit of $\Psi $ is a delta function on the f-dimensional torus to which classical trajectories corresponding to ($|\psi \rangle $) are confined in the 2f-dimensional phase space. In the semi-classical limit of ($\Psi $ ($\hslash $) small but not zero) the delta function softens to a peak of order ($\hslash ^{-\frac{2}{3}f}$) and the torus develops fringes of a characteristic 'Airy' form. Away from the torus, $\Psi $ can have semi-classical singularities that are not delta functions; these are discussed (in full detail when f = 1) using Thom's theory of catastrophes. Brief consideration is given to problems raised when ($\Psi $) is calculated in a representation based on operators derived from angle coordinates and their conjugate momenta. When the classical motion is non-integrable, the phase space is not filled with tori and existing semi-classical methods fail. We conjecture that (a) For a given value of non-integrability parameter ($\epsilon $), the system passes through three semi-classical regimes as ($\hslash $) diminishes. (b) For states ($|\psi \rangle $) associated with regions in phase space filled with irregular trajectories, ($\Psi $) will be a random function confined near that region of the 'energy shell' explored by these trajectories (this region has more than f dimensions). (c) For ($\epsilon \neq $0, $\hslash $) blurs the infinitely fine classical path structure, in contrast to the integrable case ($\epsilon $ = 0, where $\hslash $ )imposes oscillatory quantum detail on a smooth classical path structure.


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The angular-momentum flux from an inspiralling binary system of compact objects moving in quasi-elliptical orbits is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order using the multipolar post-Minkowskian wave generation formalism. The 3PN angular-momentum flux involves the instantaneous, tail, and tail-of-tails contributions as for the 3PN energy flux, and in addition a contribution due to nonlinear memory. We average the angular-momentum flux over the binary's orbit using the 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of elliptical orbits. The averaged angular-momentum flux provides the final input needed for gravitational-wave phasing of binaries moving in quasi-elliptical orbits. We obtain the evolution of orbital elements under 3PN gravitational radiation reaction in the quasi-elliptic case. For small eccentricities, we give simpler limiting expressions relevant for phasing up to order e(2). This work is important for the construction of templates for quasi-eccentric binaries, and for the comparison of post-Newtonian results with the numerical relativity simulations of the plunge and merger of eccentric binaries.


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Data on the influence of unilateral vocal fold paralysis on breathing, especially other than information obtained by spirometry, are relatively scarce. Even less is known about the effect of its treatment by vocal fold medialization. Consequently, there was a need to study the issue by combining multiple instruments capable of assessing airflow dynamics and voice. This need was emphasized by a recently developed medialization technique, autologous fascia injection; its effects on breathing have not previously been investigated. A cohort of ten patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis was studied before and after autologous fascia injection by using flow-volume spirometry, body plethysmography and acoustic analysis of breathing and voice. Preoperative results were compared with those of ten healthy controls. A second cohort of 11 subjects with unilateral vocal fold paralysis was studied pre- and postoperatively by using flow-volume spirometry, impulse oscillometry, acoustic analysis of voice, voice handicap index and subjective assessment of dyspnoea. Preoperative peak inspiratory flow and specific airway conductance were significantly lower and airway resistance was significantly higher in the patients than in the healthy controls (78% vs. 107%, 73% vs. 116% and 182% vs. 125% of predicted; p = 0.004, p = 0.004 and p = 0.026, respectively). Patients had a higher root mean square of spectral power of tracheal sounds than controls, and three of them had wheezes as opposed to no wheezing in healthy subjects. Autologous fascia injection significantly improved acoustic parameters of the voice in both cohorts and voice handicap index in the latter cohort, indicating that this procedure successfully improved voice in unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Peak inspiratory flow decreased significantly as a consequence of this procedure (from 4.54 ± 1.68 l to 4.21 ± 1.26 l, p = 0.03, in pooled data of both cohorts), but no change occurred in the other variables of flow-volume spirometry, body-plethysmography and impulse oscillometry. Eight of the ten patients studied by acoustic analysis of breathing had wheezes after vocal fold medialization compared with only three patients before the procedure, and the numbers of wheezes per recorded inspirium and expirium increased significantly (from 0.02 to 0.42 and from 0.03 to 0.36; p = 0.028 and p = 0.043, respectively). In conclusion, unilateral vocal fold paralysis was observed to disturb forced breathing and also to cause some signs of disturbed tidal breathing. Findings of flow volume spirometry were consistent with variable extra-thoracic obstruction. Vocal fold medialization by autologous fascia injection improved the quality of the voice in patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis, but also decreased peak inspiratory flow and induced wheezing during tidal breathing. However, these airflow changes did not appear to cause significant symptoms in patients.


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Tribology of small inorganic nanoparticles in suspension in a liquid lubricant is often impaired because these particles agglomerate even when organic dispersants are used. In this paper we use lateral force microscopy to study the deformation mechanism and dissipation under traction of two extreme configurations (1) a large MoS2 particle (similar to 20 mu m width) of about 1 mu m height and (2) an agglomerate (similar to 20 mu m width), constituting 50 nm MoS2 crystallites, of about 1 mu m height. The agglomerate records a friction coefficient which is about 5-7 times that of monolithic particle. The paper examines the mechanisms of material removal for both the particles using continuum modeling and microscopy and infers that while the agglomerate response to traction can be accounted for by the bulk mechanical properties of the material, intralayer and interlayer basal planar slips determine the friction and wear of monolithic particles. The results provide a rationale for selection of layered particles, for suspension in liquid lubricants.


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An efficient and statistically robust solution for the identification of asteroids among numerous sets of astrometry is presented. In particular, numerical methods have been developed for the short-term identification of asteroids at discovery, and for the long-term identification of scarcely observed asteroids over apparitions, a task which has been lacking a robust method until now. The methods are based on the solid foundation of statistical orbital inversion properly taking into account the observational uncertainties, which allows for the detection of practically all correct identifications. Through the use of dimensionality-reduction techniques and efficient data structures, the exact methods have a loglinear, that is, O(nlog(n)), computational complexity, where n is the number of included observation sets. The methods developed are thus suitable for future large-scale surveys which anticipate a substantial increase in the astrometric data rate. Due to the discontinuous nature of asteroid astrometry, separate sets of astrometry must be linked to a common asteroid from the very first discovery detections onwards. The reason for the discontinuity in the observed positions is the rotation of the observer with the Earth as well as the motion of the asteroid and the observer about the Sun. Therefore, the aim of identification is to find a set of orbital elements that reproduce the observed positions with residuals similar to the inevitable observational uncertainty. Unless the astrometric observation sets are linked, the corresponding asteroid is eventually lost as the uncertainty of the predicted positions grows too large to allow successful follow-up. Whereas the presented identification theory and the numerical comparison algorithm are generally applicable, that is, also in fields other than astronomy (e.g., in the identification of space debris), the numerical methods developed for asteroid identification can immediately be applied to all objects on heliocentric orbits with negligible effects due to non-gravitational forces in the time frame of the analysis. The methods developed have been successfully applied to various identification problems. Simulations have shown that the methods developed are able to find virtually all correct linkages despite challenges such as numerous scarce observation sets, astrometric uncertainty, numerous objects confined to a limited region on the celestial sphere, long linking intervals, and substantial parallaxes. Tens of previously unknown main-belt asteroids have been identified with the short-term method in a preliminary study to locate asteroids among numerous unidentified sets of single-night astrometry of moving objects, and scarce astrometry obtained nearly simultaneously with Earth-based and space-based telescopes has been successfully linked despite a substantial parallax. Using the long-term method, thousands of realistic 3-linkages typically spanning several apparitions have so far been found among designated observation sets each spanning less than 48 hours.


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In quantum theory, symmetry has to be defined necessarily in terms of the family of unit rays, the state space. The theorem of Wigner asserts that a symmetry so defined at the level of rays can always be lifted into a linear unitary or an antilinear antiunitary operator acting on the underlying Hilbert space. We present two proofs of this theorem which are both elementary and economical. Central to our proofs is the recognition that a given Wigner symmetry can, by post-multiplication by a unitary symmetry, be taken into either the identity or complex conjugation. Our analysis often focuses on the behaviour of certain two-dimensional subspaces of the Hilbert space under the action of a given Wigner symmetry, but the relevance of this behaviour to the larger picture of the whole Hilbert space is made transparent at every stage.


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The (overall trans) addition of hydrogen chloride to cyclohex-1- enecarbonitrile in anhydrous alcoholic media proceeds to give cis-2-chlorocyclohexanecarboxylate (together with some cis-2- chlorocyclohexanecarboxamide): no corresponding products with the trans-configuration are detectable. In anhydrous ether the addition proceeds to give a single isomer, presumably cis-, of 2-chlorocyclohexanecarbonitrile, indicating that the configuration of the products may not be equilibrium-controlled in alcoholic media. An examination of the steric factors indicates that the transition state for protonation of the presumed intermediate, 2-chlorocyclohexylidenemethylideneimine, leading to cis-product is favoured if interaction between the lateral π-orbital of the C-N double bond and the lone-pairs on the chlorine atom at the 2-position is large. Consideration of interactions in the transition states meets Zimmerman's criticism that invoking A1, 3 interaction existing in ground states to explain product configuration takes insufficient account of the Curtin-Hammett principle.