915 resultados para Oral History


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The discussion about some features of the general framework which allows the use of Oral History in Mathematics Education is the main theme of this paper. Also the conception about what Oral History is, its theoretical baskgrounds, some of its purposes and the range of its results to Math Education research community are considered, as well the link between such method and the narratives, focusing what narratives are and how narratives can be analysed. A brief description of specific themes and researches developed in such approach, in Brazil, ends this article.


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The main intention of this paper is to present how a Research Group in Mathematics Education – known as GHOEM, “Oral History and Math Education” Research Group – is taking Oral History into account in Mathematics Education researches, sometimes challenging and expanding this specific methodological approach in order to better answer questions in Math Education field. The composition of such group, as frequently occurs in a research community, is dynamic. So, the works taken into consideration in this paper were those written by researchers which were GHOEM members at the time they published their results.


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What is known today as “Oral History” is a research methodology which, in Brazil, has been widely used in the field of cultural studies by sociologists, anthropologists, and historians. Oral History was first introduced in Brazil with studies in social psychology and then spread to many other academic spheres, with the field of mathematics education being one of the most recent to adopt this method as one of its theoretical-methodological references. Topics such “What Oral History is” and “How Oral History can be implemented in mathematics education” are the foci of this paper.


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Se propone la descripción y el análisis del empleo de la transmisión oral en la narrativa española actual como un recurso para configurar la memoria de la Guerra Civil española y del franquismo. Para ello se atendió especialmente a las estrategias que intervienen en la representación de la oralidad en relación con los diálogos y los relatos orales, entre otros procedimientos a través de los cuales se transmite el pasado traumático dentro de la ficción. Ha sido analizada la representación de la oralidad en la producción narrativa ficcional de diversos autores españoles de finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI que han abordado la temática de la Guerra Civil en una situación particular en cuanto al surgimiento de replanteos y debates acerca del tratamiento del conflicto bélico. Los objetivos generales que guiaron el trabajo han sido indagar la presencia y la función de la transmisión oral en la literatura, profundizar el estudio de la oralidad como voz emergente de colectivos sociales desplazados y analizar la funcionalidad del empleo de la oralidad en textos representativos de la narrativa española contemporánea. A su vez, más específicamente, se propuso profundizar en el estudio de la ficcionalización de la transmisión oral como un artificio para la construcción de la memoria en la narrativa española actual, vincular las posibilidades de transmisión de la historia de la Guerra Civil española con medios propios de la historia oral en la literatura -especialmente en la novela-, problematizar determinadas perspectivas sobre el testimonio en la medida en que son literaturizadas para una concepción de la memoria de la Guerra Civil, de la posguerra y de la dictadura, y estudiar algunas miradas contemporáneas acerca de la Guerra Civil y del franquismo desde el campo de la narrativa como un correlato de ciertos reclamos sociales de la actualidad respecto del pasado reciente. Para esto fueron analizadas diversas propuestas que surgieron esencialmente desde la literatura -con algún detenimiento en un texto fílmico- para abordar el pasado traumático y se consideraron las técnicas de transmisión empleadas para la narración ficcional de aspectos largamente silenciados por la historia oficial. El corpus central de textos literarios ha quedado conformado por O lapis do carpinteiro y Os libros arden mal, de Manuel Rivas, Guárdame bajo tierra, de Ramón Saizarbitoria, Soldados de Salamina, de Javier Cercas, Home sen nome, de Suso de Toro, y Mala gente que camina, de Benjamín Prado. Como corpus complementario, se tornó pertinente incorporar un capítulo que articula un texto fílmico (Muerte en El Valle, de Christina Hardt) con un texto literario (Las esquinas del aire. En busca de Ana María Martínez Sagi, de Juan Manuel de Prada). Esto, que en principio puede parecer un apartamiento del corpus central, favoreció el análisis del tratamiento del testimonio desde la estetización de un texto fílmico o literario. Al realizar la selección, se estudiaron, junto con autores que escriben y publican en castellano, algunos textos escritos originariamente en lenguas minorizadas (gallego y euskera)


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Se propone la descripción y el análisis del empleo de la transmisión oral en la narrativa española actual como un recurso para configurar la memoria de la Guerra Civil española y del franquismo. Para ello se atendió especialmente a las estrategias que intervienen en la representación de la oralidad en relación con los diálogos y los relatos orales, entre otros procedimientos a través de los cuales se transmite el pasado traumático dentro de la ficción. Ha sido analizada la representación de la oralidad en la producción narrativa ficcional de diversos autores españoles de finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI que han abordado la temática de la Guerra Civil en una situación particular en cuanto al surgimiento de replanteos y debates acerca del tratamiento del conflicto bélico. Los objetivos generales que guiaron el trabajo han sido indagar la presencia y la función de la transmisión oral en la literatura, profundizar el estudio de la oralidad como voz emergente de colectivos sociales desplazados y analizar la funcionalidad del empleo de la oralidad en textos representativos de la narrativa española contemporánea. A su vez, más específicamente, se propuso profundizar en el estudio de la ficcionalización de la transmisión oral como un artificio para la construcción de la memoria en la narrativa española actual, vincular las posibilidades de transmisión de la historia de la Guerra Civil española con medios propios de la historia oral en la literatura -especialmente en la novela-, problematizar determinadas perspectivas sobre el testimonio en la medida en que son literaturizadas para una concepción de la memoria de la Guerra Civil, de la posguerra y de la dictadura, y estudiar algunas miradas contemporáneas acerca de la Guerra Civil y del franquismo desde el campo de la narrativa como un correlato de ciertos reclamos sociales de la actualidad respecto del pasado reciente. Para esto fueron analizadas diversas propuestas que surgieron esencialmente desde la literatura -con algún detenimiento en un texto fílmico- para abordar el pasado traumático y se consideraron las técnicas de transmisión empleadas para la narración ficcional de aspectos largamente silenciados por la historia oficial. El corpus central de textos literarios ha quedado conformado por O lapis do carpinteiro y Os libros arden mal, de Manuel Rivas, Guárdame bajo tierra, de Ramón Saizarbitoria, Soldados de Salamina, de Javier Cercas, Home sen nome, de Suso de Toro, y Mala gente que camina, de Benjamín Prado. Como corpus complementario, se tornó pertinente incorporar un capítulo que articula un texto fílmico (Muerte en El Valle, de Christina Hardt) con un texto literario (Las esquinas del aire. En busca de Ana María Martínez Sagi, de Juan Manuel de Prada). Esto, que en principio puede parecer un apartamiento del corpus central, favoreció el análisis del tratamiento del testimonio desde la estetización de un texto fílmico o literario. Al realizar la selección, se estudiaron, junto con autores que escriben y publican en castellano, algunos textos escritos originariamente en lenguas minorizadas (gallego y euskera)


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Se propone la descripción y el análisis del empleo de la transmisión oral en la narrativa española actual como un recurso para configurar la memoria de la Guerra Civil española y del franquismo. Para ello se atendió especialmente a las estrategias que intervienen en la representación de la oralidad en relación con los diálogos y los relatos orales, entre otros procedimientos a través de los cuales se transmite el pasado traumático dentro de la ficción. Ha sido analizada la representación de la oralidad en la producción narrativa ficcional de diversos autores españoles de finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI que han abordado la temática de la Guerra Civil en una situación particular en cuanto al surgimiento de replanteos y debates acerca del tratamiento del conflicto bélico. Los objetivos generales que guiaron el trabajo han sido indagar la presencia y la función de la transmisión oral en la literatura, profundizar el estudio de la oralidad como voz emergente de colectivos sociales desplazados y analizar la funcionalidad del empleo de la oralidad en textos representativos de la narrativa española contemporánea. A su vez, más específicamente, se propuso profundizar en el estudio de la ficcionalización de la transmisión oral como un artificio para la construcción de la memoria en la narrativa española actual, vincular las posibilidades de transmisión de la historia de la Guerra Civil española con medios propios de la historia oral en la literatura -especialmente en la novela-, problematizar determinadas perspectivas sobre el testimonio en la medida en que son literaturizadas para una concepción de la memoria de la Guerra Civil, de la posguerra y de la dictadura, y estudiar algunas miradas contemporáneas acerca de la Guerra Civil y del franquismo desde el campo de la narrativa como un correlato de ciertos reclamos sociales de la actualidad respecto del pasado reciente. Para esto fueron analizadas diversas propuestas que surgieron esencialmente desde la literatura -con algún detenimiento en un texto fílmico- para abordar el pasado traumático y se consideraron las técnicas de transmisión empleadas para la narración ficcional de aspectos largamente silenciados por la historia oficial. El corpus central de textos literarios ha quedado conformado por O lapis do carpinteiro y Os libros arden mal, de Manuel Rivas, Guárdame bajo tierra, de Ramón Saizarbitoria, Soldados de Salamina, de Javier Cercas, Home sen nome, de Suso de Toro, y Mala gente que camina, de Benjamín Prado. Como corpus complementario, se tornó pertinente incorporar un capítulo que articula un texto fílmico (Muerte en El Valle, de Christina Hardt) con un texto literario (Las esquinas del aire. En busca de Ana María Martínez Sagi, de Juan Manuel de Prada). Esto, que en principio puede parecer un apartamiento del corpus central, favoreció el análisis del tratamiento del testimonio desde la estetización de un texto fílmico o literario. Al realizar la selección, se estudiaron, junto con autores que escriben y publican en castellano, algunos textos escritos originariamente en lenguas minorizadas (gallego y euskera)


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Previous research shows that during the period of Japanese American internment gardening became a popular activity for the interned. Primarily approached historically, little work has been conducted to archaeologically analyze the efforts of landscaping by former internees. Gardening activity can paint a better picture of Japanese American identity during the period of forced confinement. This research investigates internee gardens methodologically through surface survey, ground penetrating radar, excavation, oral history, soil chemistry, archaeobotany, and palynology. The thorough investigation of landscaping efforts of internees builds upon knowledge of expression within Japanese American relocation centers, as well as the understanding of a lineage of gardening as Japanese immigrant tradition. Using available materials, gardeners adapted both tradition and environment for the purpose of improving conditions under internment and maintaining an affiliation to heritage. My examination of internee landscaping better explains how many collectively maintained, adapted, and publicly expressed an ethnic identity.


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"Adonde esten mis hijos alli que me entierren," presents the migration history of my great-aunt Aura Lila Callejas. This work utilizes the oral history method to examine one woman's migration experience in an attempt to identify various theoretical issues. Aura Lila's immigration experience sheds light on a number of different issues, including the reasons why people migrate and how they adapt to an entirely new and often frightening set of circumstances in the country of arrival. The oral history method has proven useful in presenting some of the ways in which structural factors combine with personal motivations to provide the impetus for Aura Lila's journey of international migration. My work with Aura Lila has also served to highlight some of the existing gaps in the current literature regarding Nicaraguans in the United States and the importance of the family within the overall process of migration. Finally, this work explores the nature of the relationship between the researcher and subject within the ethnographic process. While much of Aura Lila's story remains unique and specific to her family's history, her narrative can be related to the growing body of literature focusing on women's life histories.


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The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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This dissertation presents a comparative study of three factories in Cork Harbour area, Sunbeam Wolsey (1927-90), Irish Steel (1939-2001) and the Ford Marina Plant (1917-84). All three factories were significant industrial employers in both a domestic (Irish) and a local (Cork) context and are broadly representative of the Irish manufacturing industry that was developed under the policies of tariff protection introduced in the 1930s and gradually phased out between the late 1950s and the mid-1980s. Sunbeam Wolsey was a textile and clothing concern located on the north side of Cork City that possessed a borderline monopoly within its economic sector and was among the largest private employers of female labour in twentieth century Ireland. Irish Steel was the country’s only steel mill, located on Haulbowline island, a brief ferry-ride from the seaside town of Cobh, and was unusual in being one of the few manufacturing concerns operated as a nationalised industry under the auspices of the state. The Ford Marina plant predated the introduction of protectionism by more than a decade and began as the centre of the Ford empire’s tractor manufacturing business, before switching to the production of private motor vehicles for the Irish market in 1932. All three industries were closed or sold off when the state withdrew support, either in the form of tariff protection (Ford, Sunbeam) or direct funding (Irish Steel). While devoting much attention to the three firms, the central concern of this dissertation is not the companies themselves (though the economic history portion of the dissertation is substantial), but the workers they employed, examining the lives of these individuals both as members of the Irish working class, and, more specifically, as employees of the three factories under consideration. The project can be best described as a comparative factory study, comparing and contrasting the three workforces, focusing primarily on industrial relation and the experience of work. This dissertation utilises both documentary evidence and a significant quantity of oral testimony, breaking new ground by making the workplace the central focus of its investigation. The principal aims of the study are: 1. To document the lives of those who worked in these factories, capturing through oral testimony their subjective experiences of social class and factory life, as well as differences among narrators in terms of gender and status. In achieving this aim, the study will provide a broader social context for its detailed analysis of work and industrial relations in each firm. 2. To analyse the three workplaces and determine how and why each developed such distinct systems of industrial relations at the factory level, as well as to compare and contrast these systems. 3. To examine the nature of work in each factory and to determine how work and industrial relations in each firm developed over time, relating these changes both to internal and external factors. Additionally, the project will provide a comparative analysis of these changes.


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In a rapidly changing world, oral history - a recorded dialogue between an interviewer and interviewee - is becoming an increasingly valued method by which to describe past marine environments and to enhance our knowledge of ecological changes. Using case studies from the 1860s to the present day we demonstrate the important role that oral history plays in providing novel information for science and natural resource management: from testimonies of changes in fish size and abundance to descriptions of local environmental change. Whilst the interpretation and application of such research presents many challenges for resource management, the narratives that stem from oral history can often hold much greater meaning to the public or local stakeholders than scientific observations alone. Thus, oral history not only has an important role to play in filling knowledge gaps but also may help to generate greater acceptance of the magnitude of change being observed in marine environments.


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This article discusses a pilot project that adapted the methods of digital storytelling and oral history to capture a range of personal responses to the official Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples delivered by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on 13 February 2008. The project was an initiative of State Library of Queensland and resulted in a small collection of multimedia stories, incorporating a variety of personal and political perspectives. The article describes how the traditional digital storytelling workshop method was adapted for use in the project, and then proceeds to reflect on the outcomes and continuing life of the project. The article concludes by suggesting that aspects of the resultant model might be applied to other projects carried out by cultural institutions and community-based media organizations.


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"Qld Business Leaders Hall of Fame" is a research project that includes interviews with eminent Qlders that produced oral history interviews and digital stories about their life/company's achievements. This model was able to test and evaluate the use of oral history and digital storytelling for learning and community heritage purposes. Interviewees include; Sir John and Valmai Pidgeon, Joseph Saragossi, Robert Bryan, Clem Jones, Jim Kennedy, Sr Angela Mary, Castelmaine Perkins, Burns and Philp, Qantas, Don Argus & Steve Irwin.