934 resultados para Optical loss


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A reliable validation based on the optical flow visualization for numerical simulations of complex flowfields is addressed in this paper. Several test cases, including two-dimensional, axisymmetric and three-dimensional flowfields, were presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the validation and gain credibility of numerical solutions of complex flowfields. In the validation, images of these flowfields were constructed from numerical results based on the principle of the optical flow visualization, and compared directly with experimental interferograms. Because both experimental and numerical results are of identical physical representation, the agreement between them can be evaluated effectively by examining flow structures as well as checking discrepancies in density. The study shows that the reliable validation can be achieved by using the direct comparison between numerical and experiment results without any loss of accuracy in either of them.


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The design and development of a plastic optical fiber (POF) macrobend temperature sensor is presented. The sensor has a linear response versus temperature at a fixed bend radius, with a sensitivity of 1.92.10(-3) (degrees C)(-1). The sensor system used a dummy fiber-optic sensor for reference purposes having a resolution below 0.3 degrees C. A comprehensive experimental analysis was carried out to provide insight into the effect of different surrounding media on practical macro-bend POF sensor implementation. Experimental results are successfully compared with bend loss calculations.


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Technology scaling has enabled drastic growth in the computational and storage capacity of integrated circuits (ICs). This constant growth drives an increasing demand for high-bandwidth communication between and within ICs. In this dissertation we focus on low-power solutions that address this demand. We divide communication links into three subcategories depending on the communication distance. Each category has a different set of challenges and requirements and is affected by CMOS technology scaling in a different manner. We start with short-range chip-to-chip links for board-level communication. Next we will discuss board-to-board links, which demand a longer communication range. Finally on-chip links with communication ranges of a few millimeters are discussed.

Electrical signaling is a natural choice for chip-to-chip communication due to efficient integration and low cost. IO data rates have increased to the point where electrical signaling is now limited by the channel bandwidth. In order to achieve multi-Gb/s data rates, complex designs that equalize the channel are necessary. In addition, a high level of parallelism is central to sustaining bandwidth growth. Decision feedback equalization (DFE) is one of the most commonly employed techniques to overcome the limited bandwidth problem of the electrical channels. A linear and low-power summer is the central block of a DFE. Conventional approaches employ current-mode techniques to implement the summer, which require high power consumption. In order to achieve low-power operation we propose performing the summation in the charge domain. This approach enables a low-power and compact realization of the DFE as well as crosstalk cancellation. A prototype receiver was fabricated in 45nm SOI CMOS to validate the functionality of the proposed technique and was tested over channels with different levels of loss and coupling. Measurement results show that the receiver can equalize channels with maximum 21dB loss while consuming about 7.5mW from a 1.2V supply. We also introduce a compact, low-power transmitter employing passive equalization. The efficacy of the proposed technique is demonstrated through implementation of a prototype in 65nm CMOS. The design achieves up to 20Gb/s data rate while consuming less than 10mW.

An alternative to electrical signaling is to employ optical signaling for chip-to-chip interconnections, which offers low channel loss and cross-talk while providing high communication bandwidth. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of building compact and low-power optical receivers. A novel RC front-end is proposed that combines dynamic offset modulation and double-sampling techniques to eliminate the need for a short time constant at the input of the receiver. Unlike conventional designs, this receiver does not require a high-gain stage that runs at the data rate, making it suitable for low-power implementations. In addition, it allows time-division multiplexing to support very high data rates. A prototype was implemented in 65nm CMOS and achieved up to 24Gb/s with less than 0.4pJ/b power efficiency per channel. As the proposed design mainly employs digital blocks, it benefits greatly from technology scaling in terms of power and area saving.

As the technology scales, the number of transistors on the chip grows. This necessitates a corresponding increase in the bandwidth of the on-chip wires. In this dissertation, we take a close look at wire scaling and investigate its effect on wire performance metrics. We explore a novel on-chip communication link based on a double-sampling architecture and dynamic offset modulation technique that enables low power consumption and high data rates while achieving high bandwidth density in 28nm CMOS technology. The functionality of the link is demonstrated using different length minimum-pitch on-chip wires. Measurement results show that the link achieves up to 20Gb/s of data rate (12.5Gb/s/$\mu$m) with better than 136fJ/b of power efficiency.


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An erratum is presented to correct the propagation loss of the freestanding optical fibers fabricated in glass chip. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Researchers have spent decades refining and improving their methods for fabricating smaller, finer-tuned, higher-quality nanoscale optical elements with the goal of making more sensitive and accurate measurements of the world around them using optics. Quantum optics has been a well-established tool of choice in making these increasingly sensitive measurements which have repeatedly pushed the limits on the accuracy of measurement set forth by quantum mechanics. A recent development in quantum optics has been a creative integration of robust, high-quality, and well-established macroscopic experimental systems with highly-engineerable on-chip nanoscale oscillators fabricated in cleanrooms. However, merging large systems with nanoscale oscillators often require them to have extremely high aspect-ratios, which make them extremely delicate and difficult to fabricate with an "experimentally reasonable" repeatability, yield and high quality. In this work we give an overview of our research, which focused on microscopic oscillators which are coupled with macroscopic optical cavities towards the goal of cooling them to their motional ground state in room temperature environments. The quality factor of a mechanical resonator is an important figure of merit for various sensing applications and observing quantum behavior. We demonstrated a technique for pushing the quality factor of a micromechanical resonator beyond conventional material and fabrication limits by using an optical field to stiffen and trap a particular motional mode of a nanoscale oscillator. Optical forces increase the oscillation frequency by storing most of the mechanical energy in a nearly loss-less optical potential, thereby strongly diluting the effects of material dissipation. By placing a 130 nm thick SiO2 pendulum in an optical standing wave, we achieve an increase in the pendulum center-of-mass frequency from 6.2 to 145 kHz. The corresponding quality factor increases 50-fold from its intrinsic value to a final value of Qm = 5.8(1.1) x 105, representing more than an order of magnitude improvement over the conventional limits of SiO2 for a pendulum geometry. Our technique may enable new opportunities for mechanical sensing and facilitate observations of quantum behavior in this class of mechanical systems. We then give a detailed overview of the techniques used to produce high-aspect-ratio nanostructures with applications in a wide range of quantum optics experiments. The ability to fabricate such nanodevices with high precision opens the door to a vast array of experiments which integrate macroscopic optical setups with lithographically engineered nanodevices. Coupled with atom-trapping experiments in the Kimble Lab, we use these techniques to realize a new waveguide chip designed to address ultra-cold atoms along lithographically patterned nanobeams which have large atom-photon coupling and near 4π Steradian optical access for cooling and trapping atoms. We describe a fully integrated and scalable design where cold atoms are spatially overlapped with the nanostring cavities in order to observe a resonant optical depth of d0 ≈ 0.15. The nanodevice illuminates new possibilities for integrating atoms into photonic circuits and engineering quantum states of atoms and light on a microscopic scale. We then describe our work with superconducting microwave resonators coupled to a phononic cavity towards the goal of building an integrated device for quantum-limited microwave-to-optical wavelength conversion. We give an overview of our characterizations of several types of substrates for fabricating a low-loss high-frequency electromechanical system. We describe our electromechanical system fabricated on a Si3N4 membrane which consists of a 12 GHz superconducting LC resonator coupled capacitively to the high frequency localized modes of a phononic nanobeam. Using our suspended membrane geometry we isolate our system from substrates with significant loss tangents, drastically reducing the parasitic capacitance of our superconducting circuit to ≈ 2.5$ fF. This opens up a number of possibilities in making a new class of low-loss high-frequency electromechanics with relatively large electromechanical coupling. We present our substrate studies, fabrication methods, and device characterization.


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A 2-D SW-banyan network is introduced by properly folding the 1-D SW-banyan network, and its corresponding optical setup is proposed by means of polarizing beamsplitters and 2-D phase spatial light modulators. Then, based on the characteristics and the proposed optical setup, the control for the routing path between any source-destination pair is given, and the method to determine whether a given permutation is permissible or not is discussed. Because the proposed optical setup consists of only optical polarization elements, it is compact in structure, its corresponding energy loss and crosstalk are low, and its corresponding available number of channels is high. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Based on the optical characteristics of PLZT electro-optic ceramic, two kinds of electro-optic deflectors, triangular electrode structure and optical phased array technology, are studied in detail by using transverse electro-optic effect. Theoretically, the electro-optic deflection characteristics and mechanisms of the deflectors are analyzed. Experimentally, the optical characteristics of ceramic wafer, such as the phase modulation, the hysteresis and the electro-induced loss characteristics, are measured firstly, and then the beam deflection experiments are designed to verify the theoretical results. Moreover, the effect of temperature on the performance of triangular electrode deflector is investigated. The characteristics of both deflectors are also compared and illuminated. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Thermodynamical fluctuations in temperature and position exist in every physical system, and show up as a fundamental noise limit whenever we choose to measure some quantity in a laboratory environment. Thermodynamical fluctuations in the position of the atoms in the dielectric coatings on the mirrors for optical cavities at the forefront of precision metrology (e.g., LIGO, the cavities which probe atomic transitions to define the second) are a current limiting noise source for these experiments, and anything which involves locking a laser to an optical cavity. These thermodynamic noise sources scale physical geometry of experiment, material properties (such as mechanical loss in our dielectric coatings), and temperature. The temperature scaling provides a natural motivation to move to lower temperatures, with a potential huge benefit for redesigning a room temperature experiment which is limited by thermal noise for cryogenic operation.

We design, build, and characterize a pair of linear Fabry-Perot cavities to explore limitations to ultra low noise laser stabilization experiments at cryogenic temperatures. We use silicon as the primary material for the cavity and mirrors, due to a zero crossing in its linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) at 123 K, and other desirable material properties. We use silica tantala coatings, which are currently the best for making high finesse low noise cavities at room temperature. The material properties of these coating materials (which set the thermal noise levels) are relatively unknown at cryogenic temperatures, which motivates us to study them at these temperatures. We were not able to measure any thermal noise source with our experiment due to excess noise. In this work we analyze the design and performance of the cavities, and recommend a design shift from mid length cavities to short cavities in order to facilitate a direct measurement of cryogenic coating noise.

In addition, we measure the cavities (frequency dependent) photo-thermal response. This can help characterize thermooptic noise in the coatings, which is poorly understood at cryogenic temperatures. We also explore the feasibility of using the cavity to do macroscopic quantum optomechanics such as ground state cooling.


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In this paper, a refractive index pro. le design enabling us to obtain a. at modal field around the fibre centre is investigated. The theoretical approach for designing such multilayer large flattened mode (LFM) optical fibres is presented. A comparison is made between the properties of a three-layer LFM structure and a standard step-index pro. le with the same core size. The obtained results indicate that the effective area of the LFM fibre is about twice as large as that of the standard step-index fibre, but the LFM fibre has less effective ability to filter out the higher order modes than the standard step-index fibre with the same bending radius.


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Fields in subwavelength-diameter terahertz hollow optical fiber (STHOF) can be intensified by large discontinuity of the electric field at high index contrast interfaces. The influences of fiber geometry and refractive index of the dielectric region on the fiber characteristics, such as power distribution, enhancement factor, have been discussed in detail. By appropriate design, the intensity in the central region of STHOF may be enhanced by a factor of greater than 1.5 compared with subwavelength-diameter terahertz fiber without the central hole and the loss can be reduced. For its compact structure and simple fabrication process, the fiber may be very useful in many miniaturized high performance and novel terahertz photonic devices. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of an apodizer with two parallel taper refractive surfaces is theoretically investigated for high-density optical storage. The apodizer may modulate an incident Gaussian beam into an annular beam. Simulation shows that with the increasing inner radius of the modulated beam, the focal spot shrinks obviously. The depolarization effect gets strong simultaneously, which induces the circular symmetry loss of the focal spot. In this process, pattern density of the orthogonal and longitudinal diffractive fields increases remarkably.


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A novel metallized azo dye has been synthesized. The absorption spectra of the thin film and thermal characteristic are measured. Static optical recording properties with and without the Bi mask layer super-resolution near-field structure (Super-RENS) of the metal-azo dye are investigated. The results show that the metal-azo dye film has a broad absorbance band in the region of 450-650 nm and the maximum absorbance wavelength is located at 603 nm. It is also found that the new metallized azo dye occupies excellent thermal stability, initiatory decomposition temperature is at 270 degrees C and the mass loss is about 48% in a narrow temperature region (15 degrees C). The complex refractive index N (N = n + ik) is measured. High refractive index (n = 2.45) and low extinction coefficient (k = 0.2) at the recording wavelength 650nm are attained. Static optical recording tests with and without Super-RENS are carried out using a 650nm semiconductor diode laser with recording power of 7mW and laser pulse duration of 200ns. The AFM images show that the diameter of recording mark on the dye film with the Bi mask layer is reduced about 42%, compared to that of recorded mark on the dye film without Super-RENS. It is indicated that Bi can well performed as a mask layer of the dye recording layer and the metallized azo dye can be a promising candidate for recording media with the super-resolution near-field structure.


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We report on the fabrication and characterization of low-loss planar and stripe waveguides in a Nd3+-doped glass by 6 MeV oxygen-ion implantation at a dose of 1x10(15) ions/cm(2). The dark mode spectroscopy of the planar waveguide was measured using a prism coupling arrangement. The refractive index profile of the planar waveguide was reconstructed from a code based on the reflectivity calculation method. The results indicate that a refractive index enhanced region as well as an optical barrier have been created after the ion beam processing. The near-field mode profiles of the stripe waveguide were obtained by an end-fire coupling arrangement, by which three quasitransverse electric modes were observed. After annealing, the propagation losses of the planar and stripe waveguides were reduced to be similar to 0.5 and similar to 1.8 dB/cm, respectively. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Two kinds of silanes, 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO) and 3-trimethoxysililpropylmethacrylate (TMSPM), were used to prepare ormosil waveguide films by the sol-gel method. Thirty percent Ti(OBu)(4) and 70% silane were contained in the precursor sets. The properties of films were measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer (UV-vis), atomic force microscopy (AFM), m-line and scattering-detection method. The films from GLYMO and TMSPM precursors exhibit similar thickness (2.58 mu m for GLYMO, 2.51 mu m for TMSPM) and refractive index (1.5438 for GLYMO, 1.5392 for TMSPM, lambda=632.8 nm), but the film from TMSPM precursor has higher propagation loss (1.024 dB/cm, lambda=632.8 nm) than the film prepared from GLYMO (0.569 dB/cm, lambda=632.8 nm). Furthermore, the film prepared from TMSPM is easy to be opaque and cracks during coating whereas the same phenomenon was not found for the film prepared with GLYMO. It is confirmed that GLYMO is a better precursor than TMSPM for waveguide film preparation. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.