961 resultados para Optic Lobes
PURPOSE: Tuberculous optic neuropathy may follow infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis or administration of the bacille Calmette-Guerin. However, this condition is not well described in the ophthalmic literature. METHODS: Ophthalmologists, identified through professional electronic networks or previous publications, collected standardized clinical data relating to 62 eyes of 49 patients who they had managed with tuberculous optic neuropathy. RESULTS: Tuberculous optic neuropathy was most commonly manifested as papillitis (51.6 %), neuroretinitis (14.5 %), and optic nerve tubercle (11.3 %). Uveitis was an additional ocular morbidity in 88.7 % of eyes. In 36.7 % of patients, extraocular tuberculosis was present. The majority of patients (69.4 %) had resided in and/or traveled to an endemic area. Although initial visual acuity was 20/50 or worse in 62.9 % of 62 eyes, 76.7 % of 60 eyes followed for a median of 12 months achieved visual acuities of 20/40 or better. Visual field defects were reported for 46.8 % of eyes, but these defects recovered in 63.2 % of 19 eyes with follow-up. CONCLUSION: Visual recovery from tuberculous optic neuropathy is common, if the diagnosis is recognized and appropriate treatment is instituted. A tuberculous etiology should be considered when evaluating optic neuropathy in persons from endemic areas.
In young people, the most frequent cause of isolated monocular visual loss due to an optic neuropathy is optic neuritis. We present the case of a 27 year old woman who presented monocular visual loss, excruciating orbital pain and unusual temporal headache. The initial diagnosis of optic neuritis revealed later to be a posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (PION). In this case, PION was the first unique presentation of a non-traumatic carotid dissection, and it was followed 24h later by an ischemic stroke. Sudden monocular visual loss associated with a new-onset headache are clinical symptoms that should immediately prompt to a carotid dissection.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the percent decussation of pupil input fibers in humans and to explain the size and range of the log unit relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) in patients with optic tract lesions. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTROLS: Five patients with a unilateral optic tract lesion. METHODS: The pupil response from light stimulation of the nasal hemifield, temporal hemifield, and full field of each eye of 5 patients with a unilateral optic tract lesion was recorded using computerized binocular infrared pupillography. Six stimulus light intensities, separated by 0.5-log unit steps, were used; 12 stimulus repetitions were given for each stimulus condition. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: For each stimulus condition, the pupil response of each eye was characterized by plotting the mean pupil contraction amplitude as a function of stimulus light intensity. The percentage of decussating afferent pupillomotor input fibers was calculated from the ratio of the maximal pupil contractions elicited from each eye. The RAPD was determined pupillographically from full-field stimulation to each eye. RESULTS: In all patients, the pupil response from the functioning temporal hemifield ipsilateral to the tract lesion was greater than that from the functioning contralateral nasal hemifield. This temporal-nasal asymmetry increased with increasing stimulus intensity and was similar in hemifield and full-field stimuli, eventually saturating at maximal light intensity. The log unit RAPD did not correlate with the estimated percentage of decussating pupil fibers, which ranged from 54% to 67%. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with a unilateral optic tract lesion, the pupillary responses from full-field stimulation to each eye are the same as comparing the functioning temporal field with the functioning nasal field. The percentage of decussating fibers is reflected in the ratio of the maximal pupil contraction amplitudes resulting from stimulus input between the two eyes. The RAPD that occurs in this setting reflects the difference in light sensitivity between the intact temporal and nasal hemifields. Its magnitude does not correlate with the difference in the number of crossed and uncrossed axons, but its sidedness contralateral to the side of the optic tract lesion is consistent with the greater percentage of decussating pupillomotor input.
Efficacy of optic nerve sheath decompression (ONSD) in treating non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) is not clear. We retrospectively analyzed the records of 91 patients with NAION, who were examined during a two-year period, and compared the final Snellen visual acuities of eyes treated with ONSD with those of eyes that did not have surgery. Seven of 18 eyes with ONSD (39%) demonstrated increased visual acuity of two or more lines; whereas 23 of 71 eyes without surgery (32%) had increased acuity. The ONSD group and no surgery group were further subdivided into eyes with progressive visual loss and nonprogressive visual loss. No statistically significant differences in visual outcome between groups were found. We did not find the high frequency of visual improvement that has been reported in some studies of ONSD for NAION.
We report on the growth of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on X-cut LiNbO3 single crystals. The use of double CeO2/YSZ buffer layers allows a single in-plane orientation of YBa2Cu3O7, and results in superior superconducting properties. In particular, surface resistance Rs values of 1.4 m¿ have been measured at 8 GHz and 65 K. The attainment of such low values of Rs constitutes a key step toward the incorporation of high Tc materials as electrodes in photonic and acoustic devices.
We compared the pupil responses originating from outer versus inner retinal photoreception between patients with isolated hereditary optic neuropathy (HON, n = 8) and healthy controls (n = 8). Three different testing protocols were used. For the first two protocols, a response function of the maximal pupil contraction versus stimulus light intensity was generated and the intensity at which half of the maximal pupil contraction, the half-max intensity, was determined. For the third protocol, the pupil size after light offset, the re-dilation rate and re-dilation amplitude were calculated to assess the post-light stimulus response. Patients with HON had bilateral, symmetric optic atrophy and significant reduction of visual acuity and visual field compared to controls. There were no significant mean differences in the response curve and pupil response parameters that reflect mainly rod, cone or melanopsin activity between patients and controls. In patients, there was a significant correlation between the half-max intensity of the red light sequence and visual field loss. In conclusion, pupil responses derived from outer or inner retinal photoreception in HON patients having mild-to moderate visual dysfunction are not quantitatively different from age-matched controls. However, an association between the degree of visual field loss and the half-max intensity of the cone response suggests that more advanced stages of disease may lead to impaired pupil light reflexes.
Background:Microcystic macular edema can occur after optic neuropathies of various etiologies, and is easily demonstrated by OCT. We report a cohort of patients with microcystic macular edema. Patients and Methods: All patients with optic neuropathy and microcystic macular edema were enrolled. Demographics, visual function, retinal angiographies and OCT parameters were studied. Results: Nineteen patients (23 eyes) exhibited microcystic macular edema: 10 men/9 women, aged 17-91 years. Etiologies of optic nerve atrophy were compressive (5), inflammatory (4), glaucoma (3), ischemic (3), trauma (2), degenerative (1), and hereditary (1). Median visual acuity was 4/10 (NLP-12/10). Fluorescein angiography showed no leakage. Topography of the microcystic macular edema correlated with near infrared images but with visual field defects in only 26 %. OCT parameters were all abnormal. Conclusions: Microcystic macular edema is a non-specific manifestation from an optic neuropathy of any etiology. The precise mechanism leading to microcystic macular edema remains unknown but trans-synaptic retrograde degeneration with Müller cells dysfunction is likely.
We examined the effect of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) on the activity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) using the pupil as proxy. Eighteen patients with AION (10 unilateral, 8 bilateral) and 29 age-matched control subjects underwent chromatic pupillometry. Red and blue light stimuli increasing in 0.5 log steps were presented to each eye independently under conditions of dark and light adaptation. The recorded pupil contraction was plotted against stimulus intensity to generate scotopic and photopic response curves for assessment of synaptically-mediated ipRGC activity. Bright blue light stimuli presented monocularly and binocularly were used for melanopsin activation. The post-stimulus pupil size (PSPS) at the 6th second following stimulus offset was the marker of intrinsic ipRGC activity. Finally, questionnaires were administered to assess the influence of ipRGCs on sleep. The pupil response and PSPS to all monocularly-presented light stimuli were impaired in AION eyes, indicating ipRGC dysfunction. To binocular light stimulation, the PSPS of AION patients was similar to that of controls. There was no difference in the sleep habits of the two groups. Thus after ischemic injury to one or both optic nerves, the summated intrinsic ipRGC activity is preserved when both eyes receive adequate light exposure.
Background:Microcystic macular edema can occur after optic neuropathies of various etiologies, and is easily demonstrated by OCT. We report a cohort of patients with microcystic macular edema. Patients and Methods: All patients with optic neuropathy and microcystic macular edema were enrolled. Demographics, visual function, retinal angiographies and OCT parameters were studied. Results: Nineteen patients (23 eyes) exhibited microcystic macular edema: 10 men/9 women, aged 17-91 years. Etiologies of optic nerve atrophy were compressive (5), inflammatory (4), glaucoma (3), ischemic (3), trauma (2), degenerative (1), and hereditary (1). Median visual acuity was 4/10 (NLP-12/10). Fluorescein angiography showed no leakage. Topography of the microcystic macular edema correlated with near infrared images but with visual field defects in only 26 %. OCT parameters were all abnormal. Conclusions: Microcystic macular edema is a non-specific manifestation from an optic neuropathy of any etiology. The precise mechanism leading to microcystic macular edema remains unknown but trans-synaptic retrograde degeneration with Müller cells dysfunction is likely. Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Das mikrozystische Makulaödem kann im Rahmen einer Optikusatrophie jeglicher Ätiologie auftreten und ist leicht mit dem OCT zu erkennen. Wir berichten über eine Patientenkohorte mit mikrozystischem Makulaödem. Patienten und Methoden: Alle Patienten mit einer Optikusneuropathie und einem mikrozystischen Makulaödem wurden in diese Studie eingeschlossen. Die Demografie, die Sehfunktion, die Netzhautangiografie und die OCT-Parameter wurden untersucht. Ergebnisse: Neunzehn Patienten (23 Augen) hatten ein mikrozystisches Makulaödem: 10 Männer/9 Frauen im Alter von 17 bis 91 Jahren. Die Ursachen der Optikusatrophie waren Kompressionen (5), Entzündungen (4), Glaukom (3), Ischämien (3), Traumata (2), Degenerationen (1) und genetisch (1). Der mittlere Visus war 0,4 (keine Lichtwahrnehmung 1,2). In der Fluoreszenzangiografie fand sich keine Leckage. Das OCT des mikrozystischen Makulaödems korrelierte immer mit den Infrarot-Bildern (Nahaufnahme), jedoch nur in 26 % mit den Gesichtsfelddefekten. Alle OCT-Parameter waren abnormal. Schlussfolgerungen: Das mikrozystische Makulaödem ist eine unspezifische Manifestation einer Optikusneuropathie jeglicher Ätiologie. Der genaue Mechanismus, der zu einem mikrozystischen Makulaödem führt, ist unbekannt, eine trans-synaptische retrograde Degeneration mit Dysfunktion der Müller-Zellen ist jedoch wahrscheinlich.
In recent years, massive protostars have turned out to be a possible population of high-energy emitters. Among the best candidates is IRAS 16547-4247, a protostar that presents a powerful outflow with clear signatures of interaction with its environment. This source has been revealed to be a potential high-energy source because it displays non-thermal radio emission of synchrotron origin, which is evidence of relativistic particles. To improve our understanding of IRAS 16547-4247 as a high-energy source, we analyzed XMM-Newton archival data and found that IRAS 16547-4247 is a hard X-ray source. We discuss these results in the context of a refined one-zone model and previous radio observations. From our study we find that it may be difficult to explain the X-ray emission as non-thermal radiation coming from the interaction region, but it might be produced by thermal Bremsstrahlung (plus photo-electric absorption) by a fast shock at the jet end. In the high-energy range, the source might be detectable by the present generation of Cherenkov telescopes, and may eventually be detected by Fermi in the GeV range.