931 resultados para On-line test


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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O trabalho indica alguns sites a serem considerados como alternativa para acesso gratuito a livros on-line disponíveis na Internet e destinados à área médica.


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Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica detêm um papel de crescente importância para a tomada de decisão ao nível do ordenamento do território, conforme o que a própria legislação evidencia. Existe uma carência de uniformização da informação para que possa existir um cruzamento eficiente e uma disponibilização mais facilitada à população e às diversas entidades. As instituições públicas, como é o caso do Instituto de Conservação e Florestas (ICNF I.P.), reconhecem esta necessidade, pelo que se propôs uma série de tarefas, para a concretização deste estágio, no sentido de a colmatar. Este instituto detém um papel de especial relevo na conservação do património natural assim como no ordenamento das áreas protegidas para que se possa usufruir das mesmas, sob um ponto de vista cada vez mais ecológico e promotor de desenvolvimento sustentável. A elaboração de um instrumento de gestão territorial, como se pode classificar a Carta de Desporto de Natureza (CDN), acarreta grande responsabilidade e exige um forte empenho, não apenas no envolvimento da população e das entidades que dele fruirão, mas no cumprimento da legislação existente quer para as atividades quer para o próprio território, no sentido da sua proteção, preservação e promoção de usos adequados. Neste trabalho procurou-se cumprir todas estas disposições sempre com o objetivo de, ao se construir normas de uniformização e ao se elaborar um exemplo de CDN para um território com tanto valor como é a Reserva Natural do Estuário do Tejo, tornar acessível a informação sobre esta área protegida. A intensão é também promover a motivação para a prática de um desporto natureza, saudável e em equilíbrio com o ambiente. O desafio não se ficou por aqui, havendo também a procura de utilização de Free Open Source Software, para que o processo de utilização e disponibilização informação SIG seja cada vez mais acessível e direta.


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An ion chromatography procedure, employing an IonPac AC15 concentrator column was used to investigate on line preconcentration for the simultaneous determination of inorganic anions and organic acids in river water. Twelve organic acids and nine inorganic anions were separated without any interference from other compounds and carry-over problems between samples. The injection loop was replaced by a Dionex AC15 concentrator column. The proposed procedure employed an auto-sampler that injected 1.5 ml of sample into a KOH mobile phase, generated by an Eluent Generator, at 1.5 mL min-1, which carried the sample to the chromatographic columns (one guard column, model AG-15, and one analytical column, model AS15, with 250 x 4mm i.d.). The gradient elution concentrations consisted of a 10.0 mmol l-1 KOH solution from 0 to 6.5 min, gradually increased to 45.0 mmol l-1 KOH at 21 min., and immediatelly returned and maintained at the initial concentrations until 24 min. of total run. The compounds were eluted and transported to an electro-conductivity detection cell that was attached to an electrochemical detector. The advantage of using concentrator column was the capability of performing routine simultaneous determinations for ions from 0.01 to 1.0 mg l-1 organic acids (acetate, propionic acid, formic acid, butyric acid, glycolic acid, pyruvate, tartaric acid, phthalic acid, methanesulfonic acid, valeric acid, maleic acid, oxalic acid, chlorate and citric acid) and 0.01 to 5.0 mg l-1 inorganic anions (fluoride, chloride, nitrite, nitrate, bromide, sulfate and phosphate), without extensive sample pretreatment and with an analysis time of only 24 minutes.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Design de Comunicação de Moda


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Tradução e Comunicação Multilingue


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2008


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Matrix effects, which represent an important issue in liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry or tandem mass spectrometry detection, should be closely assessed during method development. In the case of quantitative analysis, the use of stable isotope-labelled internal standard with physico-chemical properties and ionization behaviour similar to the analyte is recommended. In this paper, an example of the choice of a co-eluting deuterated internal standard to compensate for short-term and long-term matrix effect in the case of chiral (R,S)-methadone plasma quantification is reported. The method was fully validated over a concentration range of 5-800 ng/mL for each methadone enantiomer with satisfactory relative bias (-1.0 to 1.0%), repeatability (0.9-4.9%) and intermediate precision (1.4-12.0%). From the results obtained during validation, a control chart process during 52 series of routine analysis was established using both intermediate precision standard deviation and FDA acceptance criteria. The results of routine quality control samples were generally included in the +/-15% variability around the target value and mainly in the two standard deviation interval illustrating the long-term stability of the method. The intermediate precision variability estimated in method validation was found to be coherent with the routine use of the method. During this period, 257 trough concentration and 54 peak concentration plasma samples of patients undergoing (R,S)-methadone treatment were successfully analysed for routine therapeutic drug monitoring.


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El projecte Statmedia 3 ha consolidat definitivament la proposta de les assignatures Bioestadística de Biologia, Anàlisi de dades de Ciències Ambientals i d’Estadística Matemàtica de la Diplomatura renovant una part del material creat amb Statmedia 2. S’han inclòs a més Matemàtiques d’Ambientals i Introducció a la Probabilitat del Grau d’Estadística. L’anterior MQD abastava només pràctiques mentre que aquest projecte permet una oferta diversa d’activitats individualitzades. La individualització consisteix en que cada estudiant rep una proposta de cas personalitzada amb dades diferents. Les activitats poden ser programades presencialment o no, però la clau de l’èxit de l’activitat és que l’alumne obtingui reconeixement del seu treball en l’avaluació continuada. La valoració que fan als alumnes de Statmedia és molt bo, i observem que es produeix una millora en els resultats acadèmics. Statmedia 3 ha implicat un important esforç en la vessant informàtica del projecte, la barreja de tecnologies que utilitzem son punteres: Ajax, servlets i applets Java... Hem posat a punt un assistent on-line per dissenyar documents i planificar activitats que facilita la tasca dels professors. La nostre participació en primera línea del procés de convergència a l’EEES ens ha permès anticipar alguns canvis, i s’ha traduït en que el claustre del Departament d’Estadística assumís que Statmedia és una metodologia essencial dels seus plans docents. El projecte continua en un quart projecte MQD consecutiu, on desplegarem la nova tecnologia implementada. L’objectiu principal serà dotar a les assignatures dels 7 graus on participa el departament d’activitats individualitzades en forma de casos pràctics, problemes i proves diverses. La col·lecció de material emmagatzemada en la nostra biblioteca, forjada després de quasi deu anys de treball continuat, juntament amb l’experiència acumulada de com utilitzar Statmedia de la forma més eficient han començat a ser explotades en els nous graus aquest mateix curs 2009-2010.


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The process of on-line generation of ultrapure dialysis fluid is a core prerequisite for the safe execution of modern renal replacement therapies such as on-line hemodiafiltration and high-flux hemodialysis. In these extracorporeal treatments with variable degrees of convection, significant volumes of plasma water are removed and replaced with dialysis fluid, which must occur without causing harm to the patient. Historically, on-line generation of sterile and pyrogen-free physiological substitution fluid by the process of membrane ultrafiltration of fresh dialysis fluid has its origin in hemofiltration, a purely convective therapy. Development of this and later therapies is described in the historical context of a successful effort over decades to overcome the above formidable challenge, which was provided jointly by pioneering clinical investigators and a resourceful dialysis industry.


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Creació d'un entorn web que consisteix en un sistema per fer consultes en línia a bases de dades d'imatges. Aquestes consultes es fan per contingut, a partir de mètodes creats pel grup de recerca CAT (Color and Texture) del CVC (Centre de Visió per Computador). L'aplicació web permet afegir nous mètodes que els membres del grup han programat amb Matlab.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of unusual writing positions on a person's signature, in comparison to a standard writing position. Ten writers were asked to sign their signature six times, in each of four different writing positions, including the standard one. In order to take into consideration the effect of the day-to-day variation, this same process was repeated over 12 sessions, giving a total of 288 signatures per subject. The signatures were collected simultaneously in an off-line and on-line acquisition mode, using an interactive tablet and a ballpoint pen. Unidimensional variables (height to width ratio; time with or without in air displacement) and time-dependent variables (pressure; X and Y coordinates; altitude and azimuth angles) were extracted from each signature. For the unidimensional variables, the position effect was assessed through ANOVA and Dunnett contrast tests. Concerning the time-dependent variables, the signatures were compared by using dynamic time warping, and the position effect was evaluated through classification by linear discriminant analysis. Both of these variables provided similar results: no general tendency regarding the position factor could be highlighted. The influence of the position factor varies according to the subject as well as the variable studied. The impact of the session factor was shown to cover the impact that could be ascribed to the writing position factor. Indeed, the day-to-day variation has a greater effect than the position factor on the studied signature variables. The results of this study suggest guidelines for best practice in the area of signature comparisons and demonstrate the importance of a signature collection procedure covering an adequate number of sampling sessions, with a sufficient number of samples per session.


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El projecte té la finalitat de crear una aplicació en la plataforma Java pel departament de Documentació de l’empresa UNIT4 Ibérica, per tal de poder crear i desenvolupar les ajudes on-line dels productes que tenen actualment en el mercat. S’ha desenvolupat a les oficines que té UNIT4 Ibérica a Barberà del Vallès.