152 resultados para Okinawa


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Living planktonic foraminifera (PF) samples from the Okinawa Trough of the northwestern Pacific Ocean were taken for DNA analysis. The SSU rDNA sequences of two PF species, Globigerina sp. and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata collected at Station WP01, were obtained and compared with those from the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Only small differences (< 0.7%-1.2% for P. obliquiloculata, and 0.3% for Globigerina sp.) were found between samples from the north- and south-western Pacific Ocean areas and this molecular evidence supported that these micropaleontological species are the same species, which implies that the West Pacific Ocean circulation system influences the planktonic foraminiferal gene communication.


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The monthly and annual mean freshwater, heat and salt transport through the open boundaries of the South and East China Seas derived from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model is reported. The model has 1/6degrees resolution for the seas adjacent to China and 30 resolution for the global ocean. The model results are in fairly good agreement with the existing estimates based on measurements. The computation shows that the flows passing through the South China Sea contribute volume, heat and salt transport of 5.3 Sv, 0.57 PW and 184 Ggs(-1), respectively (about 1/4) to the Indonesian Throughflow, indicating that the South China Sea is an important pathway of the Pacific to Indian Ocean throughflow. The volume, heat and salt transport of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea is 25.6 Sv, 2.32 PW and 894 Ggs(-1), respectively. Less than 1/4 of this transport passes through the passage between Iriomote and Okinawa. The calculation of heat balance indicates that the South China Sea absorbs net heat flux from the sun and atmosphere with a rate of 0.08 PW, while the atmosphere gains net heat flux from the Baohai, Yellow and East China Seas with a rate of 0.05 PW.


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Ocean color and sea surface temperature data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra satellite are used to study the cross-shelf circulation and transport of suspended sediments in the Yellow and the East China Seas. The ocean color images show a significant turbid water plume extending in the southeast direction from the Subei coasts of China to the shelf edge south of Cheju during fall-winter, suggesting significant cross-shelf currents in the Yellow Sea/East China Sea in winter. The currents transport suspended sediments from the area of the old Huanghe mouth into the Okinawa Trough. Part of the turbid plume joins the Yellow Sea Warm Current to enter the Yellow Sea trough in winter. The satellite images suggest that the time scales of cross-shelf transport and surface-to-subsurface descending of the suspended sediments are a few weeks. The turbid plume grows in fall, reaches its maximum expansion and intensity in winter-spring, and subsides in late spring. In summer, the plume becomes coastally trapped. Substantial interannual variations of the intensity and coverage of the turbid plume are indicated by the observations. In comparison, the Changjiang Diluted Water in summer only transports a small amount of the Changjiang suspended sediment to the outer shelf south of Cheju, which does not enter the Yellow Sea owing to the weak intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in summer. The dynamics of the cross-shelf circulation in the Yellow Sea in winter are hypothesized to be associated with (1) the convergence of the Yellow Sea Coastal Current and the Taiwan Warm Current off the Changjiang mouth and (2) the time-dependent forcing of the northerly wind bursts that drives the intrusion of the Yellow Sea Warm Current. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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作为大陆向大洋的过渡带,由于享有得天独厚的沉积环境,具有独特的构造特征以及与黑潮主流之间的密切关系,一直以来,冲绳海槽都是中外学者研究的重点靶区。2005年5月,由我国与法国联合主持的IMAGES 航次在台湾东北海域获取MD05-2908柱状岩芯(24º48.04′N,122 º29.35′E,水深为1275米),该柱状岩芯为一34.17米长高质量的连续沉积记录,岩性以深灰色粘土质粉砂为主,含水量较高,粘性、可塑性强,含有数层厚度不等的夹层。岩芯年龄模式依据17个AMS 14C定年数据建立,岩芯底部年代约6.8ka,为中全新世以来的沉积。在实验室对样品按照2cm的间隔进行分割后分别进行了粒度分析、粘土矿物提取与测试、碎屑矿物提取与鉴定、常微量元素和稀土元素分析等实验。 粒度分析结果显示,MD05-2908岩芯沉积物粒度垂向上总体比较均一,以细颗粒的粘土与粉砂质为主,但不同层位也稍有差别,表现为底部层位粒度较粗,含砂量较高,说明底部沉积环境比较复杂。粘土粒级(<2µm)矿物主要由四种粘土矿物和少量石英、长石碎屑组成。其中,粘土矿物相对含量变化中,伊利石(~68%)与绿泥石(~17%)构成主要成分,含有蒙皂石(~10%)和高岭石(~5%)。结合台湾东北外海表层沉积物的研究,利用粘土矿物伊利石/蒙皂石和绿泥石/高岭石比值得出岩芯粘土矿物主要为陆源碎屑粘土矿物,其源岩主要为台湾中央山脉的变质岩与台湾东部的沉积岩。重矿物分析共选取了41个层位,对63~250μm粒级的样品在实体镜和偏光显微镜下进行鉴定,结果显示,岩芯重矿物主要由绿泥石(29%)、普通角闪石(22%)、白云石(10%)、黑云母(8%)、绿帘石(7%)、白云母(7%)、褐铁矿(5%)等组成。稳定矿物少,矿物成熟度低。碎屑矿物风化程度低,磨蚀不明显,分选较差,表明沉积物来自于近源,后期改造作用不明显。常量元素分析结果表明,SiO2 、Al2O3和Fe2O3是岩芯沉积物中的最主要组分,这三种组分占沉积物总量的82%左右。 整个岩芯自下而上各常量组分变化不大,其平均值与东海陆架沉积物基本接近。微量元素变化比较明显, Ba、Cr、Cu、Zn元素的含量比东海陆架沉积物中的含量要高,而Sr的含量明显低于东海陆架。对常微量元素的R型因子分析表明,常量元素SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MgO和K2O,微量元素Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn、Pb、Rb和Mn可代表陆源物质;常量元素CaO和微量元素Sr、Ba可代表生物源物质。岩芯沉积物以陆源物质为主,生源物质的贡献起次要作用。岩芯沉积物中稀土元素总量平均为169.87×10-6,并且轻稀土含量均高于重稀土,LREE/HREE平均值为10.14,表明了轻稀土对稀土总量的贡献远高于重稀土,沉积物富集轻稀土,反映了沉积物的陆源特征。 岩芯MD05-2908中全新世以来平均5m/ka的高沉积速率主要源于丰富的物质供应和适宜的沉积环境。岩芯细粒级沉积物中,地球化学特征表明沉积物主要来源于陆源碎屑物质,粘土矿物特征与台湾东部陆源物质相同;粗粒级沉积物中,重矿物含量及矿物特征也表明岩芯沉积物粗颗粒组分主要来自于近源沉积。台湾宜兰境内的兰阳溪每年携带约一千万吨冲积物入海成为研究区重要的物质来源。由于受到黑潮的强烈影响,逆时针涡流及底层反向流的存在是岩芯高沉积速率重要控制因素。因此,利用动力分选的粉砂组分可以用来示踪古洋流强度,结果显示,6.8ka以来黑潮的强弱波动频繁,并表现出一定的旋回性变化,频谱分析表明,其具有的千年尺度周期(1500a)、百年尺度周期(604a、242a、192a、153a、133a)与十年尺度周期(22a)的周期性变化均与太阳辐射量变化有密切关系,因此,黑潮的强弱变化在大背景上是由太阳活动所控制的。 根据测年资料可以识别出岩芯存在5期快速堆积事件,这与区域性降水增加有关,降雨量增加导致陆源物质输入的增加。另外,岩芯位于大陆斜坡区,附近存在有三支海底峡谷,并且地震活动频繁,沉积在宜兰陆架及东海陆架处的浅海沉积物由于受到地震、风暴等活动的影响而受扰动崩塌、因重力作用而向低处输送,产生二次侵蚀并经由海底峡谷搬运到冲绳海槽南段堆积,使得沉积环境更为复杂,但同时也为冲绳海槽提供了丰富的物质供应。


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The vertical distribution and stage-specific abundance of Calanus sinicus were investigated on three key transects in the southern Yellow Sea and the northern East China Sea in August 1999. The results showed that in summer C. sinicus shrank its distribution area to the central cold (less than or equal to10degreesC) bottom water in the Yellow Sea, i.e. the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water, remaining in high abundance (345.7 ind m(-3)). In the northern East China Sea on a transect from the mouth of the Yangtze River to the Okinawa trench, only a few individuals appeared in the inner side and none had been found either in the upper layer or in the deep layer of the outer shelf area. The population of C. sinicus in YSCBW consisted of mainly adults (46.83%) and C5 (37.41%). C1-C4 only accounted for 15.76%. The low proportion of the earlier copepodite stages and the high female:male ratio (11.39) indicated that the reproduction of C. sinicus in YSCBW was at a very low level due to the low temperature and low food concentration. It is concluded that the dramatic decrease of C. sinicus population in the shelf area of China seas in summer is caused by the shrinkage of its distribution area and the YSCBW served as an oversummering site.


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Research related to carbon geochemistry and biogeochemistry in the East China Sea is reviewed in this paper. The East China Sea is an annual net sink for atmospheric CO, and a large net source of dissolved inorganic carbon to the ocean. The sea absorbs CO, from the atmosphere in spring and summer and releases it in autumn and winter. The East China Sea is a CO, sink in summer because Changjiang River freshwater flows into it. The net average sea-air interface carbon flux of the East China Sea is estimated to be about 4.3 X 10(6) t/y. Vertical carbon transport is mainly in the form of particulate organic carbon in spring; more than 98% of total carbon is transported in this form in surface water, and the number exceeds 68% in water near the bottom. In the southern East China Sea, the average particulate organic carbon inventory was about one-tenth that of the dissolved organic carbon. Research indicates that the southern Okinawa Trough is an important site for particulate organic carbon export from the shelf. The annual cross-shelf exports are estimated to be 414 and 106 Gmol/y for dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon, respectively. Near-bottom transport could be the key process for shelf-to-deep sea export of biogenic and lithogenic particles.


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In this thesis I present the work done during my PhD. The Thesis is divided into two parts; in the first one I present the study of mesoscopic quantum systems whereas in the second one I address the problem of the definition of Markov regime for quantum system dynamics. The first work presented is the study of vortex patterns in (quasi) two dimensional rotating Bose Einstein condensates (BECs). I consider the case of an anisotropy trapping potential and I shall show that the ground state of the system hosts vortex patterns that are unstable. In a second work I designed an experimental scheme to transfer entanglement from two entangled photons to two BECs. This work is meant to propose a feasible experimental set up to bring entanglement from microscopic to macroscopic systems for both the study of fundamental questions (quantum to classical transition) and technological applications. In the last work of the first part another experimental scheme is presented in order to detect coherences of a mechanical oscillator which is assumed to have been previously cooled down to the quantum regime. In this regime in fact the system can rapidly undergo decoherence so that new techniques have to be employed in order to detect and manipulate their states. In the scheme I propose a micro-mechanical oscillator is coupled to a BEC and the detection is performed by monitoring the BEC with a negligible back-action on the cantilever. In the second part of the thesis I give a definition of Markov regime for open quantum dynamics. The importance of such definition comes from both the mathematical description of the system dynamics and from the understanding of the role played by the environment in the evolution of an open system. In the Markov regime the mathematical description can be simplified and the role of the environment is a passive one.


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In this thesis, a magneto-optical trap setup is used to laser cool and confine a cloud of 85Rb. The cloud typically contains 108 atoms in a 1 mm3 volume at a temperature in the region of the Doppler Limit (146 _K for 85Rb). To study the cold cloud, a subwavelength optical fibre - a nanofibre, or ONF - is positioned inside the cloud. The ONF can be used in two ways. Firstly, it is an efficient fluorescence collection tool for the cold atoms. Loading times, lifetimes and temperatures can be measured by coupling the atomic fluorescence to the evanescent region of the ONF. Secondly, the ONF is used as a probe beam delivery tool using the evanescent field properties of the device, allowing one to perform spectroscopy on few numbers of near-surface atoms. With improvements in optical density of the cloud, this system is an ideal candidate in which to generate electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light. A theoretical study of the van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between an atom and a dielectric surface is also presented in this work in order to understand their effects in the spectroscopy of near-surface atoms.


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This thesis is centred on two experimental fields of optical micro- and nanofibre research; higher mode generation/excitation and evanescent field optical manipulation. Standard, commercial, single-mode silica fibre is used throughout most of the experiments; this generally produces high-quality, single-mode, micro- or nanofibres when tapered in a flame-heated, pulling rig in the laboratory. Single mode fibre can also support higher transverse modes, when transmitting wavelengths below that of their defined single-mode regime cut-off. To investigate this, a first-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam, LG01 of 1064 nm wavelength and doughnut-shaped intensity profile is generated free space via spatial light modulation. This technique facilitates coupling to the LP11 fibre mode in two-mode fibre, and convenient, fast switching to the fundamental mode via computer-generated hologram modulation. Following LP11 mode loss when exponentially tapering 125μm diameter fibre, two mode fibre with a cladding diameter of 80μm is selected fir testing since it is more suitable for satisfying the adiabatic criteria for fibre tapering. Proving a fruitful endeavour, experiments show a transmission of 55% of the original LP11 mode set (comprising TE01, TM01, HE21e,o true modes) in submicron fibres. Furthermore, by observing pulling dynamics and progressive mode-lass behaviour, it is possible to produce a nanofibre which supports only the TE01 and TM01 modes, while suppressing the HE21e,o elements of the LP11 group. This result provides a basis for experimental studies of atom trapping via mode-interference, and offers a new set of evanescent field geometries for sensing and particle manipulation applications. The thesis highlights the experimental results of the research unit’s Cold Atom subgroup, who successfully integrated one such higher-mode nanofibre into a cloud of cold Rubidium atoms. This led to the detection of stronger signals of resonance fluorescence coupling into the nanofibre and for light absorption by the atoms due to the presence of higher guided modes within the fibre. Theoretical work on the impact of the curved nanofibre surface on the atomic-surface van der Waals interaction is also presented, showing a clear deviation of the potential from the commonly-used flat-surface approximation. Optical micro- and nanofibres are also useful tools for evanescent-field mediated optical manipulation – this includes propulsion, defect-induced trapping, mass migration and size-sorting of micron-scale particles in dispersion. Similar early trapping experiments are described in this thesis, and resulting motivations for developing a targeted, site-specific particle induction method are given. The integration of optical nanofibres into an optical tweezers is presented, facilitating individual and group isolation of selected particles, and their controlled positioning and conveyance in the evanescent field. The effects of particle size and nanofibre diameter on pronounced scattering is experimentally investigated in this systems, as are optical binding effects between adjacent particles in the evanescent field. Such inter-particle interactions lead to regulated self-positioning and particle-chain speed enhancements.


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Introduction: The 'scaly-foot gastropod' (Chrysomallon squamiferum Chen et al., 2015) from deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems of the Indian Ocean is an active mobile gastropod occurring in locally high densities, and it is distinctive for the dermal scales covering the exterior surface of its foot. These iron-sulfide coated sclerites, and its nutritional dependence on endosymbiotic bacteria, are both noted as adaptations to the extreme environment in the flow of hydrogen sulfide. We present evidence for other adaptations of the 'scaly-foot gastropod' to life in an extreme environment, investigated through dissection and 3D tomographic reconstruction of the internal anatomy.

Results: Our anatomical investigations of juvenile and adult specimens reveal a large unganglionated nervous system, a simple and reduced digestive system, and that the animal is a simultaneous hermaphrodite. We show that Chrysomallon squamiferum relies on endosymbiotic bacteria throughout post-larval life. Of particular interest is the circulatory system: Chrysomallon has a very large ctenidium supported by extensive blood sinuses filled with haemocoel. The ctenidium provides oxygen for the host but the circulatory system is enlarged beyond the scope of other similar vent gastropods. At the posterior of the ctenidium is a remarkably large and well-developed heart. Based on the volume of the auricle and ventricle, the heart complex represents approximately 4 % of the body volume. This proportionally giant heart primarily sucks blood through the ctenidium and supplies the highly vascularised oesophageal gland. Thus we infer the elaborate cardiovascular system most likely evolved to oxygenate the endosymbionts in an oxygen poor environment and/or to supply hydrogen sulfide to the endosymbionts.

Conclusions: This study exemplifies how understanding the autecology of an organism can be enhanced by detailed investigation of internal anatomy. This gastropod is a large and active species that is abundant in its hydrothermal vent field ecosystem. Yet all of its remarkable features-protective dermal sclerites, circulatory system, high fecundity-can be viewed as adaptations beneficial to its endosymbiont microbes. We interpret these results to show that, as a result of specialisation to resolve energetic needs in an extreme chemosynthetic environment, this dramatic dragon-like species has become a carrying vessel for its bacteria.


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Homomorphic encryption offers potential for secure cloud computing. However due to the complexity of homomorphic encryption schemes, performance of implemented schemes to date have been unpractical. This work investigates the use of hardware, specifically Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology, for implementing the building blocks involved in somewhat and fully homomorphic encryption schemes in order to assess the practicality of such schemes. We concentrate on the selection of a suitable multiplication algorithm and hardware architecture for large integer multiplication, one of the main bottlenecks in many homomorphic encryption schemes. We focus on the encryption step of an integer-based fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme. We target the DSP48E1 slices available on Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGAs to ascertain whether the large integer multiplier within the encryption step of a FHE scheme could fit on a single FPGA device. We find that, for toy size parameters for the FHE encryption step, the large integer multiplier fits comfortably within the DSP48E1 slices, greatly improving the practicality of the encryption step compared to a software implementation. As multiplication is an important operation in other FHE schemes, a hardware implementation using this multiplier could also be used to improve performance of these schemes.


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The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing a major change in both food and health patterns, with a connection between the two more than likely. Evidence for certain traditional Asia-Pacific foods as protective agents against chronic non-communicable disease and cardiovascular disease (CVD), in particular, is growing at a time when their usage diminishes. The nature of the evidence to establish relevant Asia-Pacific food-health linkages will include randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials, but is much more extensive and meaningful. Okinawans have probably achieved one of the most successful food cultures from a health point of view and serve as a reference point for the Asia-Pacific region. The expert working party has produced, in November 2000, the 'Okinawan Recommendations on Nutrition and CVD in the Asia-Pacific region'.


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Nine short stories that move between Victoria’s Little Desert, Sydney’s Kings Cross, Japan’s Inland Sea, Okinawa and Los Angeles, 19th century Budapest, post-war Berlin… and a fantastical landscape of a far-flung future, this collection is an exciting contribution to international and Australian writing about place.