838 resultados para Object Oriented
A lightweight Java application suite has been developed and deployed allowing collaborative learning between students and tutors at remote locations. Students can engage in group activities online and also collaborate with tutors. A generic Java framework has been developed and applied to electronics, computing and mathematics education. The applications are respectively: (a) a digital circuit simulator, which allows students to collaborate in building simple or complex electronic circuits; (b) a Java programming environment where the paradigm is behavioural-based robotics, and (c) a differential equation solver useful in modelling of any complex and nonlinear dynamic system. Each student sees a common shared window on which may be added text or graphical objects and which can then be shared online. A built-in chat room supports collaborative dialogue. Students can work either in collaborative groups or else in teams as directed by the tutor. This paper summarises the technical architecture of the system as well as the pedagogical implications of the suite. A report of student evaluation is also presented distilled from use over a period of twelve months. We intend this suite to facilitate learning between groups at one or many institutions and to facilitate international collaboration. We also intend to use the suite as a tool to research the establishment and behaviour of collaborative learning groups. We shall make our software freely available to interested researchers.
The locative project is in a condition of emergence, an embryonic state in which everything is still up for grabs, a zone of consistency yet to emerge. As an emergent practice locative art, like locative media generally, it is simultaneously opening up new ways of engaging in the world and mapping its own domain. (Drew Hemment, 2004) Artists and scientists have always used whatever emerging technologies existed at their particular time throughout history to push the boundaries of their fields of practice. The use of new technologies or the notion of ‘new’ media is neither particularly new nor novel. Humans are adaptive, evolving and will continue to invent and explore technological innovation. This paper asks the following questions: what role does adaptive and/or intelligent art play in the future of public spaces, and how does this intervention alter the relationship between theory and practice? Does locative or installation-based art reach more people, and does ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ art have a larger role to play in the beginning of this century? The speakers will discuss their current collaborative prototype and within the presentation demonstrate how software art has the potential to activate public spaces, and therefore contribute to a change in spatial or locative awareness. It is argued that the role and perhaps even the representation of the audience/viewer is left altered through this intervention. 1. A form of electronic imagery created by a collection of mathematically defined lines and/or curves. 2. An experiential form of art which engages the viewer both from within a specific location and in response to their intentional or unintentional input.
MAIDL, André Murbach; CARVILHE, Claudio; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2008.
Applications are subject of a continuous evolution process with a profound impact on their underlining data model, hence requiring frequent updates in the applications' class structure and database structure as well. This twofold problem, schema evolution and instance adaptation, usually known as database evolution, is addressed in this thesis. Additionally, we address concurrency and error recovery problems with a novel meta-model and its aspect-oriented implementation. Modern object-oriented databases provide features that help programmers deal with object persistence, as well as all related problems such as database evolution, concurrency and error handling. In most systems there are transparent mechanisms to address these problems, nonetheless the database evolution problem still requires some human intervention, which consumes much of programmers' and database administrators' work effort. Earlier research works have demonstrated that aspect-oriented programming (AOP) techniques enable the development of flexible and pluggable systems. In these earlier works, the schema evolution and the instance adaptation problems were addressed as database management concerns. However, none of this research was focused on orthogonal persistent systems. We argue that AOP techniques are well suited to address these problems in orthogonal persistent systems. Regarding the concurrency and error recovery, earlier research showed that only syntactic obliviousness between the base program and aspects is possible. Our meta-model and framework follow an aspect-oriented approach focused on the object-oriented orthogonal persistent context. The proposed meta-model is characterized by its simplicity in order to achieve efficient and transparent database evolution mechanisms. Our meta-model supports multiple versions of a class structure by applying a class versioning strategy. Thus, enabling bidirectional application compatibility among versions of each class structure. That is to say, the database structure can be updated because earlier applications continue to work, as well as later applications that have only known the updated class structure. The specific characteristics of orthogonal persistent systems, as well as a metadata enrichment strategy within the application's source code, complete the inception of the meta-model and have motivated our research work. To test the feasibility of the approach, a prototype was developed. Our prototype is a framework that mediates the interaction between applications and the database, providing them with orthogonal persistence mechanisms. These mechanisms are introduced into applications as an {\it aspect} in the aspect-oriented sense. Objects do not require the extension of any super class, the implementation of an interface nor contain a particular annotation. Parametric type classes are also correctly handled by our framework. However, classes that belong to the programming environment must not be handled as versionable due to restrictions imposed by the Java Virtual Machine. Regarding concurrency support, the framework provides the applications with a multithreaded environment which supports database transactions and error recovery. The framework keeps applications oblivious to the database evolution problem, as well as persistence. Programmers can update the applications' class structure because the framework will produce a new version for it at the database metadata layer. Using our XML based pointcut/advice constructs, the framework's instance adaptation mechanism is extended, hence keeping the framework also oblivious to this problem. The potential developing gains provided by the prototype were benchmarked. In our case study, the results confirm that mechanisms' transparency has positive repercussions on the programmer's productivity, simplifying the entire evolution process at application and database levels. The meta-model itself also was benchmarked in terms of complexity and agility. Compared with other meta-models, it requires less meta-object modifications in each schema evolution step. Other types of tests were carried out in order to validate prototype and meta-model robustness. In order to perform these tests, we used an OO7 small size database due to its data model complexity. Since the developed prototype offers some features that were not observed in other known systems, performance benchmarks were not possible. However, the developed benchmark is now available to perform future performance comparisons with equivalent systems. In order to test our approach in a real world scenario, we developed a proof-of-concept application. This application was developed without any persistence mechanisms. Using our framework and minor changes applied to the application's source code, we added these mechanisms. Furthermore, we tested the application in a schema evolution scenario. This real world experience using our framework showed that applications remains oblivious to persistence and database evolution. In this case study, our framework proved to be a useful tool for programmers and database administrators. Performance issues and the single Java Virtual Machine concurrent model are the major limitations found in the framework.
Object-oriented modeling is spreading in current simulation of wastewater treatments plants through the use of the individual components of the process and its relations to define the underlying dynamic equations. In this paper, we describe the use of the free-software OpenModelica simulation environment for the object-oriented modeling of an activated sludge process under feedback control. The performance of the controlled system was analyzed both under normal conditions and in the presence of disturbances. The object-oriented described approach represents a valuable tool in teaching provides a practical insight in wastewater process control field.
These are the instructions for a programming assignment of the subject Programming 3 taught at University of Alicante in Spain. The objective of the assignment is to build an object-oriented version of Conway's game of life in Java. The assignment is divided into four sub-assignments.
With recent advances in remote sensing processing technology, it has become more feasible to begin analysis of the enormous historic archive of remotely sensed data. This historical data provides valuable information on a wide variety of topics which can influence the lives of millions of people if processed correctly and in a timely manner. One such field of benefit is that of landslide mapping and inventory. This data provides a historical reference to those who live near high risk areas so future disasters may be avoided. In order to properly map landslides remotely, an optimum method must first be determined. Historically, mapping has been attempted using pixel based methods such as unsupervised and supervised classification. These methods are limited by their ability to only characterize an image spectrally based on single pixel values. This creates a result prone to false positives and often without meaningful objects created. Recently, several reliable methods of Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) have been developed which utilize a full range of spectral, spatial, textural, and contextual parameters to delineate regions of interest. A comparison of these two methods on a historical dataset of the landslide affected city of San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala has proven the benefits of OOA methods over those of unsupervised classification. Overall accuracies of 96.5% and 94.3% and F-score of 84.3% and 77.9% were achieved for OOA and unsupervised classification methods respectively. The greater difference in F-score is a result of the low precision values of unsupervised classification caused by poor false positive removal, the greatest shortcoming of this method.
As users continually request additional functionality, software systems will continue to grow in their complexity, as well as in their susceptibility to failures. Particularly for sensitive systems requiring higher levels of reliability, faulty system modules may increase development and maintenance cost. Hence, identifying them early would support the development of reliable systems through improved scheduling and quality control. Research effort to predict software modules likely to contain faults, as a consequence, has been substantial. Although a wide range of fault prediction models have been proposed, we remain far from having reliable tools that can be widely applied to real industrial systems. For projects with known fault histories, numerous research studies show that statistical models can provide reasonable estimates at predicting faulty modules using software metrics. However, as context-specific metrics differ from project to project, the task of predicting across projects is difficult to achieve. Prediction models obtained from one project experience are ineffective in their ability to predict fault-prone modules when applied to other projects. Hence, taking full benefit of the existing work in software development community has been substantially limited. As a step towards solving this problem, in this dissertation we propose a fault prediction approach that exploits existing prediction models, adapting them to improve their ability to predict faulty system modules across different software projects.
Code patterns, including programming patterns and design patterns, are good references for programming language feature improvement and software re-engineering. However, to our knowledge, no existing research has attempted to detect code patterns based on code clone detection technology. In this study, we build upon the previous work and propose to detect and analyze code patterns from a collection of open source projects using NiPAT technology. Because design patterns are most closely associated with object-oriented languages, we choose Java and Python projects to conduct our study. The tool we use for detecting patterns is NiPAT, a pattern detecting tool originally developed for the TXL programming language based on the NiCad clone detector. We extend NiPAT for the Java and Python programming languages. Then, we try to identify all the patterns from the pattern report and classify them into several different categories. In the end of the study, we analyze all the patterns and compare the differences between Java and Python patterns.
This paper presents a method of formally specifying, refining and verifying concurrent systems which uses the object-oriented state-based specification language Object-Z together with the process algebra CSP. Object-Z provides a convenient way of modelling complex data structures needed to define the component processes of such systems, and CSP enables the concise specification of process interactions. The basis of the integration is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to that of CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to he used directly within the CSP part of the specification. In addition to specification, we also discuss refinement and verification in this model. The common semantic basis enables a unified method of refinement to be used, based upon CSP refinement. To enable state-based techniques to be used fur the Object-Z components of a specification we develop state-based refinement relations which are sound and complete with respect to CSP refinement. In addition, a verification method for static and dynamic properties is presented. The method allows us to verify properties of the CSP system specification in terms of its component Object-Z classes by using the laws of the the CSP operators together with the logic for Object-Z.
L'objectiu és estudiar les característiques orientades a l'objecte de l'estàndard SQL: 1999 i posar-les a prova amb un producte comercial que les suporti.
Un objectif principal du génie logiciel est de pouvoir produire des logiciels complexes, de grande taille et fiables en un temps raisonnable. La technologie orientée objet (OO) a fourni de bons concepts et des techniques de modélisation et de programmation qui ont permis de développer des applications complexes tant dans le monde académique que dans le monde industriel. Cette expérience a cependant permis de découvrir les faiblesses du paradigme objet (par exemples, la dispersion de code et le problème de traçabilité). La programmation orientée aspect (OA) apporte une solution simple aux limitations de la programmation OO, telle que le problème des préoccupations transversales. Ces préoccupations transversales se traduisent par la dispersion du même code dans plusieurs modules du système ou l’emmêlement de plusieurs morceaux de code dans un même module. Cette nouvelle méthode de programmer permet d’implémenter chaque problématique indépendamment des autres, puis de les assembler selon des règles bien définies. La programmation OA promet donc une meilleure productivité, une meilleure réutilisation du code et une meilleure adaptation du code aux changements. Très vite, cette nouvelle façon de faire s’est vue s’étendre sur tout le processus de développement de logiciel en ayant pour but de préserver la modularité et la traçabilité, qui sont deux propriétés importantes des logiciels de bonne qualité. Cependant, la technologie OA présente de nombreux défis. Le raisonnement, la spécification, et la vérification des programmes OA présentent des difficultés d’autant plus que ces programmes évoluent dans le temps. Par conséquent, le raisonnement modulaire de ces programmes est requis sinon ils nécessiteraient d’être réexaminés au complet chaque fois qu’un composant est changé ou ajouté. Il est cependant bien connu dans la littérature que le raisonnement modulaire sur les programmes OA est difficile vu que les aspects appliqués changent souvent le comportement de leurs composantes de base [47]. Ces mêmes difficultés sont présentes au niveau des phases de spécification et de vérification du processus de développement des logiciels. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, la spécification modulaire et la vérification modulaire sont faiblement couvertes et constituent un champ de recherche très intéressant. De même, les interactions entre aspects est un sérieux problème dans la communauté des aspects. Pour faire face à ces problèmes, nous avons choisi d’utiliser la théorie des catégories et les techniques des spécifications algébriques. Pour apporter une solution aux problèmes ci-dessus cités, nous avons utilisé les travaux de Wiels [110] et d’autres contributions telles que celles décrites dans le livre [25]. Nous supposons que le système en développement est déjà décomposé en aspects et classes. La première contribution de notre thèse est l’extension des techniques des spécifications algébriques à la notion d’aspect. Deuxièmement, nous avons défini une logique, LA , qui est utilisée dans le corps des spécifications pour décrire le comportement de ces composantes. La troisième contribution consiste en la définition de l’opérateur de tissage qui correspond à la relation d’interconnexion entre les modules d’aspect et les modules de classe. La quatrième contribution concerne le développement d’un mécanisme de prévention qui permet de prévenir les interactions indésirables dans les systèmes orientés aspect.
In this paper we describe an exploratory assessment of the effect of aspect-oriented programming on software maintainability. An experiment was conducted in which 11 software professionals were asked to carry out maintenance tasks on one of two programs. The first program was written in Java and the second in AspectJ. Both programs implement a shopping system according to the same set of requirements. A number of statistical hypotheses were tested. The results did seem to suggest a slight advantage for the subjects using the object-oriented system since in general it took the subjects less time to answer the questions on this system. Also, both systems appeared to be equally difficult to modify. However, the results did not show a statistically significant influence of aspect-oriented programming at the 5% level. We are aware that the results of this single small study cannot be generalized. We conclude that more empirical research is necessary in this area to identify the benefits of aspect-oriented programming and we hope that this paper will encourage such research.
Based on literature review, electronic systems design employ largely top-down methodology. The top-down methodology is vital for success in the synthesis and implementation of electronic systems. In this context, this paper presents a new computational tool, named BD2XML, to support electronic systems design. From a block diagram system of mixed-signal is generated object code in XML markup language. XML language is interesting because it has great flexibility and readability. The BD2XML was developed with object-oriented paradigm. It was used the AD7528 converter modeled in MATLAB / Simulink as a case study. The MATLAB / Simulink was chosen as a target due to its wide dissemination in academia and industry. From this case study it is possible to demonstrate the functionality of the BD2XML and make it a reflection on the design challenges. Therefore, an automatic tool for electronic systems design reduces the time and costs of the design.