119 resultados para OVERCROWDING


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo discute aspectos do processo de saúde e doença entre crianças assistidas em um abrigo infantil de Belém, entre 2004 a 2005. Os dados foram coletados em fontes documentais e por meio de entrevista com técnicos da instituição. De um total de 287 crianças, constatou-se que 49,47% apresentavam doenças, deficiências e lesões corporais quando do seu encaminhamento ao abrigo, que podem ser associadas à situação de pobreza e negligência familiar experimentadas desde o nascimento. Em relação ao período de permanência na instituição, verificou-se que as crianças contraíram doenças infecto-contagiosas (42,5%) e manifestaram problemas de ordem emocional (18,83%), que podem estar relacionados às características ambientais da instituição proporção adulto/criança inadequada (1:8), superlotação do espaço (75/mês). Os resultados permitem concluir que a condição de saúde das crianças traduz as situações de privação material e emocional a que foram submetidas no convívio com a família e ao longo de sua permanência no abrigo. Nesses termos, os processos de saúde e doença são discutidos a partir de uma perspectiva ecológica, que reconhece fatores biológicos, sociais e culturais que constituem a família e o abrigo como contextos de desenvolvimento da criança institucionalizada.


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A Saúde do trabalhador pode ser entendida como uma condição concreta e dinâmica da qual o trabalhador dispõe para traçar e perseguir seus objetivos em direção ao bem-estar físico, psíquico e social, sendo influenciada pelas condições e organização do trabalho no contexto ao qual está inserido. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar e analisar o processo de trabalho no sistema Prisional e de que forma podem estar influenciando nos modos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores prisionais do Pará, possibilitando a ocorrência de sofrimento psíquico. Constitui-se em um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa que teve como instrumento de pesquisa a observação participante ou direta com entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os servidores prisionais selecionados. A análise do processo de trabalho e as formas que podem influenciar nos modos de subjetivação do servidor prisional para que este se mantenha saudável ou doente, foram baseados na interpretação dos resultados, que foram consubstanciados nos dados coletados na entrevista e na observação participante, na escuta e na interpretação das falas dos trabalhadores do Centro de Recuperação de Castanhal de acordo com a abordagem da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, por ser uma clínica que busca desenvolver o campo da saúde mental e trabalho. Os principais resultados foram: (I) que o estabelecimento penal apresentou condições de infra-estrutura inadequadas e precárias, necessitando de reformas constantes, falta de equipamentos para desenvolver o trabalho, o número insuficiente de recursos humanos e a convivência com a superlotação prisional, que não difere do restante das prisões brasileiras. (II) o processo de trabalho observado é exaustivo, pelo número insuficiente de recursos humanos, carga horária exaustiva e cobrança para desenvolver um bom trabalho mesmo diante das condições encontradas. (III) servidores penitenciários vulneráveis e expostos ao sofrimento psíquico pela condição do trabalho; pelo tipo de vínculo trabalhista temporário que a grande maioria se encontra; pelo estigma e desvalorização neste tipo de trabalho. Onde estes para manterem-se saudáveis diante das ameaças do meio utilizam-se de estratégias defensivas, como o afastamento subjetivo, em que o servidor deixa de pensar e falar sobre o trabalho. (IV) Diante do exposto sobre a condição e dinâmica do trabalho vejo um otimismo por parte dos servidores, quanto à possibilidade de construir-se um processo de saúde do trabalhador no sistema carcerário brasileiro, acreditando na implementação de políticas públicas viáveis, para o sistema penitenciário, proporcionando ao trabalhador melhores condições de saúde.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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The demand for health services can be understood as an application needs the user has. The inability to use the outpatient services and limited supply of these make it possible for users to browse sites that focus attention on a greater possibility of entry doors, in which first-aid centers and hospital emergency match this profile, distorting the flow of patients in the network through an inverse demand of the movement hierarchy. Added to this, the burden of care in these services results in overcrowding and poor quality of care. Evaluate the demand of the visits occurred in the Emergency Room of the Hospital of the Medical School of Botucatu / UNESP (PS - HC - FMB / UNESP) during June-July 2010. A transversal, descriptive and retrospective. For data collection sheet was used in the proposed Service unit and the data it was filled out the form with the necessary items for the search. Made an exploratory analysis and frequency distributions for categorical variables of the form. Females predominated (56%) and aged 61 years or older with 30%. 96.5% were owned by DRS VI, and 62.5% of Botucatu. The attendance by the physician on duty and corresponded to 57.7% among the 23 medical specialties, Gastric (7.0%), Cardiology (4.5%), Medical (4.4%), urology (4.2%) and Pulmonology (4.1%) were the ones that stood out. The medical procedures performed that stood out were X-ray (46.4%) and electrocardiogram (ECG) (42.3%) and in most specialty care occurred, only the daily consultation with the patient. It was possible to characterize, so the demand for PS - HC - FMB / UNESP for the period June- July 2010, The predominance of the elderly shows that come along with aging diseases and addictions, causing a greater need for health services. Moreover, this study showed that the high number of visits is related to both the daily demands that the tertiary hospital has the same transformation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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At global level, the population is increasingly concentrating in the cities. In Europe, around 75% of the population lives in urban areas and, according to the European Environmental Agency (2010), urban population is foreseen to increase up to 80 % by 2020. At the same time, the quality of life in the cities is declining and urban pollution keeps increasing in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, waste, noise, and lack of greenery. Many of European cities struggle to cope with social, economic and environmental problems resulting from pressures such as overcrowding or decline, social inequity, health problems related to food security and pollution. Nowadays local authorities try to solve these problems related to the environmental sustainability through various urban logistics measures, which directly and indirectly affect the urban food supply system, thus an integrated approach including freight transport and food provisioning policies issues is needed. This research centres on the urban food transport system and its impact on the city environmental sustainability. The main question that drives the research analysis is "How the urban food distribution system affects the ecological sustainability in modern cities?" The research analyses the city logistics project for food transport implemented in Parma, Italy, by the wholesale produce market. The case study investigates the renewed role of the wholesale market in the urban food supply chain as commercial and logistic operator, referring to the concept of food hub. Then, a preliminary analysis on the urban food transport for the city of Bologna is presented. The research aims at suggesting a methodological framework to estimate the urban food demand, the urban food supply and to assess the urban food transport performance, in order to identify external costs indicators that help policymakers in evaluating the environmental sustainability of different logistics measures


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The survey approachs the issue of health and the problem of its effective protection in a context of deprivation of liberty and coercion, which is the prison. The theoretical reflection born from the reform of the Legislative Decree 230/99 which marked the transition from an employee by the Prison Health within prison a fully integrated in the National Health Service. The comparison between an institution of health promotion and institution of punishment which may operate on the same subject held produces multiple attrits, making their relationship problematic. The work shows the daily difficulties in the management of prison health within the institution, physician-patient between different health care roles, and between the latter and prison workers. The coexistence, in fact, is not always harmonious though quite often it is common sense and the willingness of operators to reduce barriers: overcrowding, limited resources and insufficient staff make the application of the rule and therefore the right to goal a difficult to be pursued. It is designed for a scheme of semi-structured interview essay is divided into 3 sections covering: "staff and its functions", "health reform" and "health of the prisoner"; questions were directed to doctors, nurses and psychologists engaged inside the prison of Rimini with the specific aim of examining the ambivalent relationship between the demand for health care in prisons and the need for security and a clear - albeit partial - point of view. We tried to reconstruct the situation of prison health care through the perception of prison operators, capturing the problematic issues that deal on both issues is instrumental to the experience of persons detained by analyzing, in terms of operators , what happens inside of a prison institution in everyday health care.


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Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA and their housing conditions are officially characterized by a “ temporary status” , a situation which has lasted the past sixty years. This article explores this time-paradox by focusing on the host governments’ and UNRWA’s policies affecting the refugees’ housing conditions. After having reviewed available literature, this contribution analyses the current housing situation. Drawing on data from a recent survey, the authors provide insights on areas where intervention is needed. In all UNRWA’s fields of operation, overcrowding, lack of public spaces, humidity and structural defects are the main sources of housing discomfort that camp refugees endure. Host countries’ restrictions as well as the incapacity or unwillingness of larger urban municipalities to incorporate refugee camps in their master plans are among the main obstacles to the refugees’ housing development. Rehabilitation and self-help re-housing programs may offer substantial incentives for housing improvement. The success of such programs depends, among several factors, on the host governments’ good will to provide UNRWA with authorizations, financial support, and land, as well as on the capacity of involving the refugee communities in projects’ planning and implementation.


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The Great Lakes watershed is home to over 40 million people, and the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem is vital to the overall economic, societal, and environmental health of the U.S. and Canada. However, environmental issues related to them are sometimes overlooked. Policymakers and the public face the challenges of balancing economic benefits with the need to conserve and/or replenish regional natural resources to ensure long term prosperity. From the literature review, nine critical stressors of ecological services were delineated, which include pollution and contamination, agricultural erosion, non-native species, degraded recreational resources, loss of wetlands habitat, climate change, risk of clean water shortage, vanishing sand dunes, and population overcrowding; this list was validated through a series of stakeholder discussions and focus groups in Grand Rapids. Focus groups were conducted in Grand Rapids to examine the awareness of, concern with, and willingness to expend resources on these stressors. Stressors that the respondents have direct contact with tend to be the most important. The focus group results show that concern related to pollution and contamination is much higher than for any of the other stressors. Low responses to climate change result in recommendations for outreach programs.


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Context. Healthcare utilization of elder cardiovascular patients in United States will increase in near future, due to an aging population. This trend could burden urban emergency centers, which have become a source of primary care. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to determine the association of age, gender, ethnicity, insurance and other presenting variables on hospital admission in an emergency center for elder cardiovascular patients. ^ Design, setting and participants. An anonymous retrospective review of emergency center patient login records of an urban emergency center in the years 2004 and 2005 was conducted. Elder patients (age ≥ 65 years) with cardiovascular disease (ICD91 390-459) were included. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify independent factors for hospital admission. Four major cardiovascular reasons for hospitalisation – ischemic heart disease, heart failure, hypertensive disorders and stroke were analysed separately. ^ Results. The number of elder patients in the emergency center is increasing, the most common reason for their visit was hypertension. Majority (59%) of the 12,306 elder patients were female. Forty five percent were uninsured and 1,973 patients had cardiovascular disease. Older age (OR 1.10; CI 1.02-1.19) was associated with a marginal increase in hospital admission in elder stroke patients. Elder females compared to elder males were more likely to be hospitalised for ischemic heart disease (OR 2.71; CI 1.22-6.00) and heart failure (OR 1.58; CI 1.001-2.52). Furthermore, insured elder heart failure patients (OR 0.54; CI 0.31-0.93) and elder African American heart failure patients (OR 0.32; CI 0.13-0.75) were less likely to be hospitalised. Ambulance use was associated with greater hospital admissions in elder cardiovascular patients studied, except for stroke. ^ Conclusion. Appropriate health care distribution policies are needed for elder patients, particularly elder females, uninsured, and racial/ethnic minorities. These findings could help triage nurse evaluations in emergency centers to identify patients who were more likely to be hospitalised to offer urgent care and schedule appointments in primary care clinics. In addition, health care plans could be formulated to improve elder primary care, decrease overcrowding in emergency centers, and decrease elder healthcare costs in the future. ^


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El litoral atlántico bonaerense asiste en la actualidad a numerosas problemáticas ambientales, derivadas principalmente de un proceso de organización territorial que se ha llevado a cabo paralelamente al desarrollo y la creciente masificación de la actividad turística en nuestro país. La ausencia de un ordenamiento en cuanto al avance de la actividad, y el impacto que esta pudiera tener a futuro, avasallada por la lógica de acumulación de capital, han sido los factores desencadenantes de distintos conflictos, entre ellos la erosión costera. En el presente trabajo se hará un abordaje de la problemática en la localidad de Mar del Tuyú, cabecera del Partido de la Costa, enfatizando en indagar cómo se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de organización del espacio litoral, para intentar desentrañar las herencias territoriales que han inducido la problemática mencionada.