109 resultados para OSI


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High ³⁷Ar activity concentration in soil gas is proposed as a key evidence for the detection of underground nuclear explosion by the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. However, such a detection is challenged by the natural background of ³⁷Ar in the subsurface, mainly due to Ca activation by cosmic rays. A better understanding and improved capability to predict ³⁷Ar activity concentration in the subsurface and its spatial and temporal variability is thus required. A numerical model integrating ³⁷Ar production and transport in the subsurface is developed, including variable soil water content and water infiltration at the surface. A parameterized equation for ³⁷Ar production in the first 15 m below the surface is studied, taking into account the major production reactions and the moderation effect of soil water content. Using sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification, a realistic and comprehensive probability distribution of natural ³⁷Ar activity concentrations in soil gas is proposed, including the effects of water infiltration. Site location and soil composition are identified as the parameters allowing for a most effective reduction of the possible range of ³⁷Ar activity concentrations. The influence of soil water content on ³⁷Ar production is shown to be negligible to first order, while ³⁷Ar activity concentration in soil gas and its temporal variability appear to be strongly influenced by transient water infiltration events. These results will be used as a basis for practical CTBTO concepts of operation during an OSI.


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Issues called Tetrak (tract)


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The project described in this thesis investigates the needs of a group of people working cooperatively in an OSI environment, and recommends tools and services to meet these needs. The project looks specifically at Services for Activities in Group Editing, and is identified as the `SAGE' project. The project uses case studies to identify user requirements and to determine common functionalities for a variety of group editing activities. A prototype is implemented in an X.400 environment to help refine user requirements, as a source of new ideas and to test the proposed functionalities. The conceptual modelling follows current CCITT proposals, but a new classification of group activities is proposed: Informative, Objective and Supportive application groups. It is proposed that each of these application groups have their own Service Agent. Use of this classification allows the possibility of developing three sets of tools which will cover a wide range of group activities, rather than developing tools for individual activities. Group editing is considered to be in the Supportive application group. A set of additional services and tools to support group editing are proposed in the context of the CCITT draft on group communication, X.gc. The proposed services and tools are mapped onto the X.400 series of recommendations, with the Abstract Service Definition of the operational objects defined, along with their associated component files, by extending the X.420 protocol functionality. It is proposed that each of the Informative, Objective and Supportive application groups should be implemented as a modified X.420 inter-personal messaging system.


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AMS subject classification: 90C05, 90A14.


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We study InGaAs QD laser operating simultaneously at ground (GS) and excited (ES) states under 30ns pulsed-pumping and distinguish three regimes of operation depending on the pump current and the carrier relaxation pathways. An increased current leads to an increase in ES intensity and to a decrease in GS intensity (or saturation) for low pump range, as typical for the cascade-like pathway. Both the GS and ES intensities are steadily increased for high current ranges, which prove the dominance of the direct capture pathway. The relaxation oscillations are not pronounced for these ranges. For the mediate currents, the interplay between the both pathways leads to the damped large amplitude relaxation oscillations with significant deviation of the relaxation oscillation frequency from the initial value during the pulse.


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Mechanical conditioning has been shown to promote tissue formation in a wide variety of tissue engineering efforts. However the underlying mechanisms by which external mechanical stimuli regulate cells and tissues are not known. This is particularly relevant in the area of heart valve tissue engineering (HVTE) owing to the intense hemodynamic environments that surround native valves. Some studies suggest that oscillatory shear stress (OSS) caused by steady flow and scaffold flexure play a critical role in engineered tissue formation derived from bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSCs). In addition, scaffold flexure may enhance nutrient (e.g. oxygen, glucose) transport. In this study, we computationally quantified the i) magnitude of fluid-induced shear stresses; ii) the extent of temporal fluid oscillations in the flow field using the oscillatory shear index (OSI) parameter, and iii) glucose and oxygen mass transport profiles. Noting that sample cyclic flexure induces a high degree of oscillatory shear stress (OSS), we incorporated moving boundary computational fluid dynamic simulations of samples housed within a bioreactor to consider the effects of: 1) no flow, no flexure (control group), 2) steady flow-alone, 3) cyclic flexure-alone and 4) combined steady flow and cyclic flexure environments. We also coupled a diffusion and convention mass transport equation to the simulated system. We found that the coexistence of both OSS and appreciable shear stress magnitudes, described by the newly introduced parameter OSI-t , explained the high levels of engineered collagen previously observed from combining cyclic flexure and steady flow states. On the other hand, each of these metrics on its own showed no association. This finding suggests that cyclic flexure and steady flow synergistically promote engineered heart valve tissue production via OSS, so long as the oscillations are accompanied by a critical magnitude of shear stress. In addition, our simulations showed that mass transport of glucose and oxygen is enhanced by sample movement at low sample porosities, but did not play a role in highly porous scaffolds. Preliminary in-house in vitro experiments showed that cell proliferation and phenotype is enhanced in OSI-t environments.


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In questa tesi si è voluto interfacciare dispositivi di nuova generazione (Raspberry Pi), presenti in una topologia di rete già implementata, con dispositivi di vecchia generazione, come Router Cisco e Switch HP. Questi ultimi sono dispositivi fisici, mentre i Raspberry, tramite tool mininet e altre impostazioni, possono generare dispositivi virtuali. Si è quindi applicato un interfacciamento tra le due tipologie di apparati, creando una rete nuova, e adatta come caso a ricoprire le reti attuali, siccome questo è un esempio di come con poche modifiche si può intervenire su qualsiasi rete già operativa. Si sono quindi osservati i criteri generali su cui operano sia i router, che gli switch, e si sono osservati come questi interagiscono con un flusso di dati attraverso vari protocolli, alcuni rifacenti al modello ISO/OSI, altri all'OSPF.


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L'ambiente di questa tesi è quello del Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN), un'architettura di rete di telecomunicazioni avente come obiettivo le comunicazioni tra nodi di reti dette “challenged”, le quali devono affrontare problemi come tempi di propagazione elevati, alto tasso di errore e periodi di perdita delle connessioni. Il Bunde layer, un nuovo livello inserito tra trasporto e applicazione nell’architettura ISO/OSI, ed il protocollo ad esso associato, il Bundle Protocol (BP), sono stati progettati per rendere possibili le comunicazioni in queste reti. A volte fra la ricezione e l’invio può trascorrere un lungo periodo di tempo, a causa della indisponibilità del collegamento successivo; in questo periodo il bundle resta memorizzato in un database locale. Esistono varie implementazioni dell'architettura DTN come DTN2, implementazione di riferimento, e ION (Interplanetary Overlay Network), sviluppata da NASA JPL, per utilizzo in applicazioni spaziali; in esse i contatti tra i nodi sono deterministici, a differenza delle reti terrestri nelle quali i contatti sono generalmente opportunistici (non noti a priori). Per questo motivo all’interno di ION è presente un algoritmo di routing, detto CGR (Contact Graph Routing), progettato per operare in ambienti con connettività deterministica. È in fase di ricerca un algoritmo che opera in ambienti non deterministici, OCGR (Opportunistic Contact Graph Routing), che estende CGR. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di fornire una descrizione dettagliata del funzionamento di OCGR, partendo necessariamente da CGR sul quale è basato, eseguire dei test preliminari, richiesti da NASA JPL, ed analizzarne i risultati per verificare la possibilità di utilizzo e miglioramento dell’algoritmo. Sarà inoltre descritto l’ambiente DTN e i principali algoritmi di routing per ambienti opportunistici. Nella parte conclusiva sarà presentato il simulatore DTN “The ONE” e l’integrazione di CGR e OCGR al suo interno.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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This study was part of a larger scoping review and environmental scan conducted for Veterans Affairs Canada on the effects of operational stress injuries (OSIs) on the mental health and wellbeing of Veterans’ families. This paper focuses broadly on the relationships between combat (and/or deployment more generally), OSIs (primarily post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)), and the family. Based on the scoping review, the paper finds that existing research investigates the impacts of a Veteran’s OSI on the family, but also how various aspects of the family (such as family functioning, family support, etc.) can impact a Veteran living with an OSI.