977 resultados para ONE-ELECTRON ATOM


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The “peroxy” intermediate (P form) of bovine cytochrome c oxidase was prepared by reaction of the two-electron reduced mixed-valence CO complex with 18O2 after photolytic removal of CO. The water present in the reaction mixture was recovered and analyzed for 18O enrichment by mass spectrometry. It was found that approximately one oxygen atom (18O) per one equivalent of the P form was present in the bulk water. The data show that the oxygen–oxygen dioxygen bond is already broken in the P intermediate and that one oxygen atom can be readily released or exchanged with the oxygen of the solvent water.


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Quinone reductase [NAD(P)H:(quinone acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC], also called DT diaphorase, is a homodimeric FAD-containing enzyme that catalyzes obligatory NAD(P)H-dependent two-electron reductions of quinones and protects cells against the toxic and neoplastic effects of free radicals and reactive oxygen species arising from one-electron reductions. These two-electron reductions participate in the reductive bioactivation of cancer chemotherapeutic agents such as mitomycin C in tumor cells. Thus, surprisingly, the same enzymatic reaction that protects normal cells activates cytotoxic drugs used in cancer chemotherapy. The 2.1-A crystal structure of rat liver quinone reductase reveals that the folding of a portion of each monomer is similar to that of flavodoxin, a bacterial FMN-containing protein. Two additional portions of the polypeptide chains are involved in dimerization and in formation of the two identical catalytic sites to which both monomers contribute. The crystallographic structures of two FAD-containing enzyme complexes (one containing NADP+, the other containing duroquinone) suggest that direct hydride transfers from NAD(P)H to FAD and from FADH2 to the quinone [which occupies the site vacated by NAD(P)H] provide a simple rationale for the obligatory two-electron reductions involving a ping-pong mechanism.


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We study numerically the dynamics of a one-electron wavepacket in a two-dimensional random lattice with long-range correlated diagonal disorder in the presence of a uniform electric field. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation is used for this purpose. We find that the wavepacket displays Bloch-like oscillations associated with the appearance of a phase of delocalized states in the strong correlation regime. The amplitude of oscillations directly reflects the bandwidth of the phase and allows us to measure it. The oscillations reveal two main frequencies whose values are determined by the structure of the underlying potential in the vicinity of the wavepacket maximum.


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O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades e comportamento de polioxotungstatos (POM) do tipo Keggin com interesse em catálise oxidativa. Os estudos efectuados centraram-se no comportamento electroquímico dos aniões em meio não aquoso, na estabilidade das suas estruturas em diferentes meios, na sua capacidade de catalisar a oxidação de diferentes substratos orgânicos e na sua eficácia em oxidar, de forma selectiva, um modelo não fenólico da lenhina. Efectuou-se, igualmente, o estudo estrutural de diversos aniões pela técnica de EXAFS. Neste trabalho, prepararam-se e caracterizaram-se alguns dos sais de tetra-n-butilamónio (TBA) dos polioxotungstatos estudados: compostos de Keggin, TBAx[XW12O40], lacunares, TBAxHy[XW11O39], mono-substituídos, TBAxHy[XW11M(H2O)O39]·nH2O, com X= P e Si e M = CoII, NiII, ZnII, CuIl, RuIII, MnIII e FeIII e os compostos com mistura de átomos adenda TBAx[XW11VO40]·nH2O (X = P e Si). Seleccionou-se este conjunto de polioxotungstatos de forma a efectuar-se um estudo comparativo da influência da natureza do heteroátomo central (P e Si) e dos metais de transição M nas propriedades estudadas. O conjunto de sais de TBA dos silicotungstatos estudados mostraram ser isoestruturais, apresentando a mesma estrutura dos fosfotungstatos análogos. O comportamento electroquímico dos polioxotungstatos foi estudado em soluções de acetonitrilo por voltametria cíclica e electrólise a potencial controlado. Verificou-se a ocorrência de vários processos mono-electrónicos de oxi-redução, reversíveis ou quasi-reversíveis, associados aos átomos de WVI/V e a alguns dos metais de transição. Os metais em estado de oxidação +3 reduziram-se mais facilmente do que os átomos de WVI. O metal CuII apresentou um comportamento diferente dos outros metais de transição. Este metal, na estrutura do POM, reduziu-se a CuI, proporcionando a observação do anião [PW11CuIO39]6- pela primeira vez. A redução posterior do CuI conduziu à formação de Cu0, que se depositou na superfície do eléctrodo. A re-oxidação do cobre a CuII conduziu à reconstituição da estrutura do POM, nas condições estudadas. Constatou-se que a ocorrência de protões na fórmula molecular dos POMs influenciou o seu comportamento electroquímico. Para os compostos que apresentam protões, a redução dos átomos de tungsténio ocorreu a potenciais menos negativos do que para aqueles que não apresentam protões na sua fórmula. Para os primeiros observou-se a transferência global de um maior número de electrões no mesmo intervalo de potencial, originando soluções fortemente azuladas. Quando os catiões tetra-n-butilamónio foram substituídos por catiões de menor dimensão, como Li+ e Na+, ocorreu a formação de pares iónicos com os polianiões [PW12O40]3- e [SiW11VO40]5-, originando um aumento do potencial de redução. Não houve evidência da formação de pares iónicos com os catiões TBA+. Este foi o primeiro estudo sistemático do comportamento electroquímico dos aniões lacunares e mono-substituídos em meio não aquoso. Estudou-se a estrutura dos polioxotungstatos em sais de TBA e em soluções de acetonitrilo. A aplicação da técnica de EXAFS ao estudo deste tipo de compostos em solução foi realizada pela primeira vez. Pela análise estrutural nos sólidos verificou-se que, a natureza do metal de transição M e do átomo central X, na estrutura do POM, influenciam o tamanho dos vários octaedros que o constituem. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas estruturas dos polianiões em solução. A estabilidade da estrutura dos polioxometalatos na presença de um excesso de H2O2, em soluções de acetonitrilo/H2O foi analisada por espectroscopia de absorção de EXAFS, RMN de 31P, IV e espectrofotometria de absorção no UV-Vis. De uma forma geral, os POMs em que o átomo central da estrutura é o Si apresentaram maior estabilidade do que os POMs correspondentes com átomo de P no centro. Em solução de acetonitrilo, na ausência de H2O2, todos os aniões mostraram ser estáveis durante vários dias. Em solução, na presença de H2O2 em excesso (H2O2/POM = 1300), o anião lacunar [PW11O39]7- não é estável, transformando-se no anião de Venturello, {PO4[W(O)(O2)2]4}3-, após a formação de [PW12O40]3-, como produto intermediário. Em relação aos aniões substituídos [PW11M(H2O)O39]p-, M = MnIII, RuIII, FeIII, CoII e ZnII, verificou-se o seguinte na presença de H2O2: os aniões com MnIII e CoII transformaram-se no anião de Keggin, [PW12O40]3-. Os aniões de RuIII e FeIII mantiveram as suas estruturas e o anião de ZnII decompôs-se em {HPO4[W(O)(O2)2]2}2- e fosfato. Para estes casos de não estabilidade estrutural, o processo de decomposição foi mais rápido na presença de maiores conteúdos de água. Pela análise de EXAFS, na presença de um menor excesso de H2O2 (H2O2/POM = 70) e apenas 8% de parte aquosa, verificou-se que os aniões substituídos por MnIII mantiveram a sua estrutura, embora o ligando H2O, coordenado ao Mn, tivesse sido substituído por um grupo oxo no polianião [SiW11Mn(H2O)O39]5-, e por um grupo peroxo no polianião [PW11Mn(H2O)O39]4-. O anião com RuIII, nestas condições, também mostrou substituir o seu ligando H2O por um grupo peroxo ou hidrogenoperoxo. Os polioxotungstatos mono-substituídos e lacunares mostraram ser catalisadores eficientes para a oxidação de cis-cicloocteno, geraniol e ciclooctano com H2O2. A maior novidade deste trabalho residiu na actividade catalítica apresentada pelos silicotungstatos estudados, contrariando o que é referido na literatura. Outro aspecto inovador foi o elevado valor de conversão obtido para a oxidação de ciclooctano. Este substrato foi oxidado com 74% de conversão, após 2h de reacção e com 80% de selectividade para o hidroperóxido de ciclooctilo, na presença do anião [PW11Fe(H2O)O39]4-. Os restantes produtos de reacção foram o ciclooctanol e a ciclooctanona. Os silicotungstatos apresentaram maior selectividade para o hidroperóxido de ciclooctilo do que os fosfotungstatos. O geraniol foi completamente oxidado após 3h de reacção, com 82% de selectividade para o 2,3-epoxigeraniol, na presença do anião [PW11Mn(H2O)O39]4-. O cis-cicloocteno foi oxidado ao seu epóxido, com 92% de conversão ao fim de 5h de reacção, na presença do anião lacunar [PW11O39]7-. O estudo da capacidade oxidativa do anião [SiW11VO40]5- foi analisada utilizando-se um modelo não fenólico da lenhina, a anisoína. Estudaram-se as condições favoráveis à obtenção de uma reacção selectiva para o anisilo, de forma a poder estudar-se a cinética da reacção. A estequiometria da reacção mostrou ser de 1:2 anisoína/POM. As ordens de reacção foram determinadas pelo método das velocidades iniciais e, a partir destes resultados, conheceu-se que o POM não estava envolvido no passo que limita a velocidade da reacção, sendo esta limitada pela transformação da anisoína. O estudo realizado sobre o efeito isotópico sugeriu que o passo que limitou a velocidade de reacção correspondeu à enolação da anisoína. Desta forma, observou-se pela primeira vez, que o POM oxida um modelo não fenólico da lenhina por via de enolação.


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The mixed double-decker Eu\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP) (1) was obtained by base-catalysed tetramerisation of 4,5-dicyanobenzo-15-crown-5 using the half-sandwich complex Eu(TPP)(acac) (acac = acetylacetonate), generated in situ, as the template. For comparative studies, the mixed triple-decker complexes Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP)2 (2) and Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4]2(TPP) (3) were also synthesised by the raise-by-one-story method. These mixed ring sandwich complexes were characterised by various spectroscopic methods. Up to four one-electron oxidations and two one-electron reductions were revealed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). As shown by electronic absorption and infrared spectroscopy, supramolecular dimers (SM1 and SM3) were formed from the corresponding double-decker 1 and triple-decker 3 in the presence of potassium ions in MeOH/CHCl3.


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The electrochemical characteristics of a series of heteroleptic tris(phthalocyaninato) complexes with identical rare earths or mixed rare earths (Pc)M(OOPc)M(OOPc) [M = Eu...Lu, Y; H2Pc = unsubstituted phthalocyanine, H2(OOPc) = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] and (Pc)Eu(OOPc)Er(OOPc) have been recorded and studied comparatively by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Up to five quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and four one-electron reductions have been revealed. The half-wave potentials of the first, second and fifth oxidations depend on the size of the metal center, but the fifth changes in the opposite direction to that of the first two. Moreover, the difference in redox potentials of the first oxidation and first reduction for (Pc)M(OOPc)M(OOPc), 0.85−0.98 V, also decreases linearly along with decreasing rare earth ion radius, clearly showing the rare earth ion size effect and indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the triple-deckers connected by smaller lanthanides. This order follows the red-shift seen in the lowest energy band of triple-decker compounds. The electronic differences between the lanthanides and yttrium are more apparent for triple-decker sandwich complexes than for the analogous double-deckers. By comparing triple-decker, double-decker and mononuclear [ZnII] complexes containing the OOPc ligand, the HOMO−LUMO gap has been shown to contract approximately linearly with the number of stacked phthalocyanine ligands.


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The electrochemistry of homoleptic substituted phthalocyaninato rare earth double-decker complexes M(TBPc)2 and M(OOPc)2 [M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2TBPc = 3(4),12(13),21(22),30(31)-tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine, H2OOPc = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] has been comparatively studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and three or four quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-deckers of two series of substituted complexes, respectively. For comparison, unsubstituted bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues M(Pc)2 (M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2Pc = phthalocyanine) have also been electrochemically investigated. Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and up to five quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-decker compounds. The three bis(phthalocyaninato)cerium compounds display one cerium-centered redox wave between the first ligand-based oxidation and reduction. The half-wave potentials of the first and second oxidations and first reduction for double-deckers of the tervalent rare earths depend on the size of the metal center. The difference between the redox potentials of the second and third reductions for MIII(Pc)2, which represents the potential difference between the first oxidation and first reduction of [MIII(Pc)2]−, lies in the range 1.08−1.37 V and also gradually diminishes along with the lanthanide contraction, indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the double-deckers connected by the smaller, lanthanides. This corresponds well with the red-shift of the lowest energy band observed in the electronic absorption spectra of reduced double-decker [MIII(Pc′)2]− (Pc′ = Pc, TBPc, OOPc).


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We report a theoretical study of the multiple oxidation states (1+, 0, 1−, and 2−) of a meso,meso-linked diporphyrin, namely bis[10,15,20-triphenylporphyrinatozinc(II)-5-yl]butadiyne (4), using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT). The origin of electronic transitions of singlet excited states is discussed in comparison to experimental spectra for the corresponding oxidation states of the close analogue bis{10,15,20-tris[3‘,5‘-di-tert-butylphenyl]porphyrinatozinc(II)-5-yl}butadiyne (3). The latter were measured in previous work under in situ spectroelectrochemical conditions. Excitation energies and orbital compositions of the excited states were obtained for these large delocalized aromatic radicals, which are unique examples of organic mixed-valence systems. The radical cations and anions of butadiyne-bridged diporphyrins such as 3 display characteristic electronic absorption bands in the near-IR region, which have been successfully predicted with use of these computational methods. The radicals are clearly of the “fully delocalized” or Class III type. The key spectral features of the neutral and dianionic states were also reproduced, although due to the large size of these molecules, quantitative agreement of energies with observations is not as good in the blue end of the visible region. The TDDFT calculations are largely in accord with a previous empirical model for the spectra, which was based simplistically on one-electron transitions among the eight key frontier orbitals of the C4 (1,4-butadiyne) linked diporphyrins.


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This PhD project has expanded the knowledge in the area of profluorescent nitroxides with regard to the synthesis and characterisations of novel profluorescent nitroxide probes as well as physical characterisation of the probe molecules in various polymer/physical environments. The synthesis of the first example of an azaphenalene-based fused aromatic nitroxide TMAO, [1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2,3-dihydro-2-azaphenalen-2-yloxyl, was described. This novel nitroxide possesses some of the structural rigidity of the isoindoline class of nitroxides, as well as some properties akin to TEMPO nitroxides. Additionally, the integral aromatic ring imparts fluorescence that is switched on by radical scavenging reactions of the nitroxide, which makes it a sensitive probe for polymer degradation. In addition to the parent TMAO, 5 other azaphenalene derivatives were successfully synthesised. This new class of nitroxide was expected to have interesting redox properties when the structure was investigated by high-level ab initio molecular orbitals theory. This was expected to have implications with biological relevance as the calculated redox potentials for the azaphenalene ring class would make them potent antioxidant compounds. The redox potentials of 25 cyclic nitroxides from four different structural classes (pyrroline, piperidine, isoindoline and azaphenalene) were determined by cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile. It was shown that potentials related to the one electron processes of the nitroxide were influenced by the type of ring system, ring substituents or groups surrounding the moiety. Favourable comparisons were found between theoretical and experimental potentials for pyrroline, piperidine and isoindoline ring classes. Substitution of these ring classes, were correctly calculated to have a small yet predictable effect on the potentials. The redox potentials of the azaphenalene ring class were underestimated by the calculations in all cases by at least a factor of two. This is believed to be due to another process influencing the redox potentials of the azaphenalene ring class which is not taken into account by the theoretical model. It was also possible to demonstrate the use of both azaphenalene and isoindoline nitroxides as additives for monitoring radical mediated damage that occurs in polypropylene as well as in more commercially relevant polyester resins. Polymer sample doped with nitroxide were exposed to both thermo-and photo-oxidative conditions with all nitroxides showing a protective effect. It was found that isoindoline nitroxides were able to indicate radical formation in polypropylene aged at elevated temperatures via fluorescence build-up. The azaphenalene nitroxide TMAO showed no such build-up of fluorescence. This was believed to be due to the more labile bond between the nitroxide and macromolecule and the protection may occur through a classical Denisov cycle, as is expected for commercially available HAS units. Finally, A new profluorescent dinitroxide, BTMIOA (9,10-bis(1,1,3,3- tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl-5-yl)anthracene), was synthesised and shown to be a powerful probe for detecting changes during the initial stages of thermo-oxidative degradation of polypropylene. This probe, which contains a 9,10-diphenylanthracene core linked to two nitroxides, possesses strongly suppressed fluorescence due to quenching by the two nitroxide groups. This molecule also showed the greatest protective effect on thermo-oxidativly aged polypropylene. Most importantly, BTMIOA was found to be a valuable tool for imaging and mapping free-radical generation in polypropylene using fluorescence microscopy.


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Tissue damage resulting from the extracellular production of HOCl (hypochlorous acid) by the MPO (myeloperoxidase)-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system of activated phagocytes is implicated as a key event in the progression of a number of human inflammatory diseases. Consequently, there is considerable interest in the development of therapeutically useful MPO inhibitors. Nitroxides are well established antioxidant compounds of low toxicity that can attenuate oxidative damage in animal models of inflammatory disease. They are believed to exert protective effects principally by acting as superoxide dismutase mimetics or radical scavengers. However, we show here that nitroxides can also potently inhibit MPO-mediated HOCl production, with the nitroxide 4-aminoTEMPO inhibiting HOCl production by MPO and by neutrophils with IC50 values of approx. 1 and 6 μM respectively. Structure–activity relationships were determined for a range of aliphatic and aromatic nitroxides, and inhibition of oxidative damage to two biologically-important protein targets (albumin and perlecan) are demonstrated. Inhibition was shown to involve one-electron oxidation of the nitroxides by the compound I form of MPO and accumulation of compound II. Haem destruction was also observed with some nitroxides. Inhibition of neutrophil HOCl production by nitroxides was antagonized by neutrophil-derived superoxide, with this attributed to superoxide-mediated reduction of compound II. This effect was marginal with 4-aminoTEMPO, probably due to the efficient superoxide dismutase-mimetic activity of this nitroxide. Overall, these data indicate that nitroxides have considerable promise as therapeutic agents for the inhibition of MPO-mediated damage in inflammatory diseases.


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The redox potentials of 25 cyclic nitroxides from four different structural classes (pyrrolidine, piperidine, isoindoline, and azaphenalene) were determined experimentally by cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile, and also via high-level ab initio molecular orbital calculations. It is shown that the potentials are influenced by the type of ring system, ring substituents and/or groups surrounding the radical moiety. For the pyrrolidine, piperidine, and isoindolines there is excellent agreement (mean absolute deviation of 0.05 V) between the calculated and experimental oxidation potentials; for the azaphenalenes, however, there is an extraordinary discrepancy (mean absolute deviation of 0.60 V), implying that their one-electron oxidation might involve additional processes not considered in the theoretical calculations. This recently developed azaphenalene class of nitroxide represents a new variant of a nitroxide ring fused to an aromatic system and details of the synthesis of five derivatives involving differing aryl substitution are also presented.


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We report on the use of the hydrogen bond accepting properties of neutral nitrone moieties to prepare benzylic-amide-macrocycle-containing [2]rotaxanes in yields as high as 70 %. X-Ray crystallography shows the presence of up to four intercomponent hydrogen bonds between the amide groups of the macrocycle and the two nitrone groups of the thread. Dynamic 1H NMR studies of the rates of macrocycle pirouetting in nonpolar solutions indicate that amide-nitrone hydrogen bonds are particularly strong, ~1.3 and ~0.2 kcal mol-1 stronger than similar amide-ester and amide-amide interactions, respectively. In addition to polarizing the N-O bond through hydrogen bonding, the rotaxane structure affects the chemistry of the nitrone groups in two significant ways: The intercomponent hydrogen bonding activates the nitrone groups to electrochemical reduction, a one electron reduction of the rotaxane being stablized by a remarkable 400 mV (8.1 kcal mol-1) with respect to the same process in the thread; encapsulation, however, protects the same functional groups from chemical reduction with an external reagent (and slows down electron transfer to and from the electroactive groups in cyclicvoltammetry experiments). Mechanical interlocking with a hydrogen bonding molecular sheath thus provides a route to an encapsulated polarized functional group and radical anions of significant kinetic and thermodynamic stability.


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Cyclic nitroxide radicals represent promising alternatives to the iodine-based redox mediator commonly used in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). To date DSSCs with nitroxide-based redox mediators have achieved energy conversion efficiencies of just over 5 % but efficiencies of over 15 % might be achievable, given an appropriate mediator. The efficacy of the mediator depends upon two main factors: it must reversibly undergo one-electron oxidation and it must possess an oxidation potential in a range of 0.600-0.850 V (vs. a standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) in acetonitrile at 25 °C). Herein, we have examined the effect that structural modifications have on the value of the oxidation potential of cyclic nitroxides as well as the reversibility of the oxidation process. These included alterations to the N-containing skeleton (pyrrolidine, piperidine, isoindoline, azaphenalene, etc.), as well as the introduction of different substituents (alkyl-, methoxy-, amino-, carboxy-, etc.) to the ring. Standard oxidation potentials were calculated using high-level ab initio methodology that was demonstrated to be very accurate (with a mean absolute deviation from experimental values of only 16 mV). An optimal value of 1.45 for the electrostatic scaling factor for UAKS radii in acetonitrile solution was obtained. Established trends in the values of oxidation potentials were used to guide molecular design of stable nitroxides with desired E° ox and a number of compounds were suggested for potential use as enhanced redox mediators in DSSCs. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Electrochemical processes in mesoporous TiO2-Nafion thin films deposited on indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes are inherently complex and affected by capacitance, Ohmic iR-drop, RC-time constant phenomena, and by potential and pH-dependent conductivity. In this study, large-amplitude sinusoidally modulated voltammetry (LASMV) is employed to provide access to almost purely Faradaic-based current data from second harmonic components, as well as capacitance and potential domain information from the fundamental harmonic for mesoporous TiO2-Nafion film electrodes. The LASMV response has been investigated with and without an immobilized one-electron redox system, ferrocenylmethyltrimethylammonium+. Results clearly demonstrate that the electron transfer associated with the immobilized ferrocene derivative follows two independent pathways i) electron hopping within the Nafion network and ii) conduction through the TiO2 backbone. The pH effect on the voltammetric response for the TiO2 reduction pathway (ii) can be clearly identified in the 2nd harmonic LASMV response with the diffusion controlled ferrocene response (i) acting as a pH independent reference. Application of second harmonic data derived from LASMV measurement, because of the minimal contribution from capacitance currents, may lead to reference-free pH sensing with systems like that found for ferrocene derivatives.


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Potenital pathways for the deactivation of hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) have been investigated by observing reactions of model compounds-based on 4-substituted derivatives of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl (TEMPO)-with hydroxyl radicals. In these reactions, dilute aqueous suspensions of photocatalytic nanoparticulate titanium dioxide were irradiated with UV light in the presence of water-soluble TEMPO derivatives. Electron spin resonance (ESR) and electrospray ionisation mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS) data were acquired to provide complementary structural elucidation of the odd-and even-electron products of these reactions and both techniques show evidence for the formation of 4-oxo-TEMPO (TEMPONE). TEMPONE formation from the 4-substituted TEMPO compounds is proposed to be initiated by hydrogen abstraction at the 4-position by hydroxyl radical. High-level ab initio calculations reveal a thermodynamic preference for abstraction of this hydrogen but computed activation barriers indicate that, although viable, it is less favoured than hydrogen abstraction from elsewhere on the TEMPO scaffold. If a radical is formed at the 4-position however, calculations elucidate two reaction pathways leading to TEMPONE following combination with either a second hydroxyl radical or dioxygen. An alternate mechanism for conversion of TEMPOL to TEMPONE via an alkoxyl radical intermediate is also considered and found to be competitive with the other pathways. ESI-MS analysis also shows an increased abundance of analogous 4-substituted piperidines during the course of irradiation, suggesting competitive modification at the 1-position to produce a secondary amine. This modification is confirmed by characteristic fragmentation patterns of the ionised piperidines obtained by tandem mass spectrometry. The conclusions describe how reaction at the 4-position could be responsible for the gradual depletion of HALS in pigmented surface coatings and secondly, that modification at nitrogen to form the corresponding secondary amine species may play a greater role in the stabilisation mechanisms of HALS than previously considered.