806 resultados para OMEGA LIMITS
Nivelrikko on koirilla yleinen sairaus. Sen hoitoon yleisesti käytettävien tulehduskipulääkkeiden rinnalle etsitään hoitomuotoja tulehduskipulääkkeiden pitkäaikaiskäytöstä johtuvien haittavaikutusten takia. Tutkimuksemme tavoite oli selvittää omega-3-rasvahappojen käytön hyötyä nivelrikkoisten koirien hoidossa. Tutkimuksen alkuhetkellä tutkimusta vastaavasta aiheesta koirilla ei ollut tehty. Ihmisillä reumatoidin artriitin hoidossa omega-3-rasvahapoilla on todettu olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia, joten siihen viitaten myös nivelrikkoisilla koirilla saattaisi olla hyötyä omega-3-rasvahappojen käytöstä. Omega-3-rasvahapoilla on todettu olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia useisiin tulehduksellisiin sairauksiin. Tutkimushypoteesimme oli, että kalaöljyä syövän ryhmän kohtisuora maksimaalinen voima askelvoimalevyllä kasvaisi ja ryhmän arvioitu kivuliaisuus laskisi tutkimuksen aikana. Tutkimamme tuote oli omega-3-rasvahapporavintolisä (Doils® Nivelet, Nutraceuticoils, Belgia). Tutkimus oli satunnaistettu, kaksoissokkoutettu ja kontrolloitu kliininen tutkimus. Tutkimukseen haettiin koiria ilmoitusten perusteella. Alkukyselyn ja seulontakäynnin perusteella tutkimuksen aloitti 77 koiraa. Seulontakäynnillä koirille tehtiin kliininen yleistutkimus, ortopedinen tutkimus, suppea neurologinen tutkimus, röntgenkuvaus, askelvoimalevymittaus sekä verinäytteenotto. Koirat kävivät varsinaisen tutkimuksen aikana kahdella lähikäynnillä. Molemmilla kerroilla koirille suoritettiin röntgenkuvausta lukuun ottamatta samat toimenpiteet kuin seulontakäynnillä. Tutkimuksen aikana omistajat täyttivät kyselykaavakkeita yhteensä seitsemän kertaa. Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin nivelrikkoisten koirien kipua sekä omistajan että eläinlääkärin arvioiden avulla sekä askelvoimalevyn avulla. Arviointimenetelmistä saatuja tuloksia olivat omistajan täyttämästä kyselykaavakkeesta kipuindeksin kyselyn tulokset, liikkumisvaikeuksista kertova VAS, elämänlaadusta kertova VAS, varakipulääkkeiden käyttö, vertailevat kysymykset, omistajan arvio valmisteen tehosta ja koiran ryhmästä, eläinlääkärin arvio sekä askelvoimalevyltä saadut kaksi muuttujaa (kohtisuora maksimaalinen voima ja impulssi). Tutkimustuloksissa havaittiin omega-3-rasvahappojen käytössä nivelrikkoisten koirien hoidossa pieni hyöty. Kalaöljyryhmän ja lumeryhmän välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa. Ryhmien sisällä havaittiin muutamia tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia. Kipuindeksin muutos paremmaksi kalaöljyryhmässä tutkimuksen aikana oli vahvasti tilastollisesti merkitsevä muutos (p=0,002). Myös askelvoimalevyn kohtisuoran maksimaalisen voiman parantuminen oli vahvasti tilastollisesti merkitsevä muutos kalaöljyä syöneessä ryhmässä(p=0,001). Myös lumeryhmässä oli kipuindeksissä ja askelvoimalevyn kohtisuorassa maksimaalisessa voimassa havaittavissa tilastollisesti merkitsevä trendi (p=0,07 & p=0,059), mutta p-arvot eivät yltäneet tilastolliseen merkitsevyyteen. Suuremmalla otoskoolla näissä muuttujissa olisi voitu havaita joko tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ryhmien välillä tai sitten olisimme voineet osoittaa molemmissa ryhmissä tapahtuneen positiivisia eli parantavia muutoksia. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu sivuvaikutuksia kalaöljyryhmässä. Tutkimustulokset todistivat tutkimushypoteesimme heikosti todeksi. Omega-3-rasvahappoja voisi siis hyvin käyttää koirilla, joille ei sovi kipulääkkeet.
Escherichia coli RNA polymerase is a multi-subunit enzyme containing alpha(2)beta beta'omega sigma, which transcribes DNA template to intermediate RNA product in a sequence specific manner. Although most of the subunits are essential for its function, the smallest subunit omega (average molecular mass similar to 10,105 Da) can be deleted without affecting bacterial growth. Creating a mutant of the omega subunit can aid in improving the understanding of its role. Sequencing of rpoZ gene that codes for omega subunit from a mutant variant suggested a substitution mutation at position 60 of the protein: asparagine (N) -> aspartic acid (D). This mutation was verified at the protein level by following a typical mass spectrometry (MS) based bottom-up proteomic approach. Characterization of in-gel trypsin digested samples by reverse phase liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) enabled in ascertaining this mutation. Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) of triply charged (M + 3H)(3+)] tryptic peptides (residues 53-67]), EIEEGLINNQILDVR from wild-type and EIEEGLIDNQILDVR from mutant, facilitated in unambiguously determining the site of mutation at residue 60.
This review briefly surveys the conformational properties of guest omega-amino acid residues when incorporated into host alpha-peptide sequences. The results presented focus primarily on the use of beta- and gamma-residues in alphaomega sequences. The insertion of additional methylene groups into peptide backbones enhances the range of accessible conformations, introducing additional torsional variables. A nomenclature system, which permits ready comparisons between alpha-peptides and hybrid sequences, is defined. Crystal structure determination of hybrid peptides, which adopt helical and beta-hairpin conformations permits the characterization of backbone conformational parameters for beta- and gamma-residues inserted into regular alpha-polypeptide structures. Substituted beta- and gamma-residues are more limited in the range of accessible conformation than their unsubstituted counterparts. The achiral beta,beta-disubstituted gamma-amino acid, gabapentin, is an example of a stereochemically constrained residue in which the torsion angles about the C-beta-C-gamma (theta(1)) and C-alpha-C-beta (theta(2)) bonds are restricted to the gauche conformation. Hybrid sequences permit the design of novel hydrogen bonded rings in peptide structures.
A molecular theory of dielectric relaxation in a dense binary dipolar liquid is presented. The theory takes into account the effects of intra- and interspecies intermolecular interactions. It is shown that the relaxation is, in general, nonexponential. In certain limits, we recover the biexponential form traditionally used to analyze the experimental data of dielectric relaxation in a binary mixture. However, the relaxation times are widely different from the prediction of the noninteracting rotational diffusion model of Debye for a binary system. Detailed numerical evaluation of the frequency-dependent dielectric function epsilon-(omega) is carried out by using the known analytic solution of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) model for the two-particle direct correlation function for a polar mixture. A microscopic expression for both wave vector (k) and frequency (omega) dependent dielectric function, epsilon-(k,omega), of a binary mixture is also presented. The theoretical predictions on epsilon-(omega) (= epsilon-(k = 0, omega)) have been compared with the available experimental results. In particular, the present theory offers a molecular explanation of the phenomenon of fusing of the two relaxation channels of the neat liquids, observed by Schallamach many years ago.
If the solar dynamo operates in a thin layer of 10,000-km thickness at the interface between the convection zone and the radiative core, using the facts that the dynamo should have a period of 22 years and a half-wavelength of 40 deg in the theta-direction, it is possible to impose restrictions on the values which various dynamo parameters are allowed to have. It is pointed out that the dynamo should be of alpha-sq omega nature, and kinematical calculations are presented for free dynamo waves and for dynamos in thin rectangular slabs with appropriate boundary conditions. An alpha-sq omega dynamo is expected to produce a significant poloidal field which does not leak to the solar surface. It is found that the turbulent diffusity eta and alpha-coefficient are restricted to values within about a factor of 10, the median values being eta of about 10 to the 10th sq cm/sec and alpha of about 10 cm/sec. On the basis of mixing length theory, it is pointed out that such values imply a reasonable turbulent velocity of the order 30 m/s, but rather small turbulent length scales like 300 km.
This article examines the changes in interparticle forces brought about on prolonged contact (1 year period) of a bentonite clay with artificial seawater. The study is undertaken with the purpose of identifying the physico-chemical factors that impart a nonswelling character to smectite clays deposited in marine environments. Results show that equilibration of the bentonite clay with artificial seawater (total pore salinity approximately 42 gL-1) for a 1 year period does not lead to any mineralogical changes in the clay specimens; however, their exchangeable cation positions become prominently dominated by magnesium ions. The consistency limits of the seawater-equilibrated bentonite was determined on stepwise leaching to lower salinities. The predominance of diffuse double-layer repulsion forces in the pore salt concentration range of 42 gL-1 to 1.1 gL-1 caused an increase in the liquid limits of the seawater-equilibrated bentonite specimens on reducing the salinity in the corresponding range (42 gL-1 to 1.1 gL-1). The attraction forces, however, prevail over the repulsion forces at salt concentrations <1.1 gL-1 and cause a decrease in liquid limit of the clay specimens with reduction in pore salinity, which is typical of nonswelling clays. The attraction forces cause aggregation of the clay unit layers into domains that break down on sodium saturation of the clay specimens. It is inferred that the physico-chemical factors responsible for the nonswelling character of the seawater-equilibrated bentonite specimens at pore salt concentrations below 1.1 gL-1 are inadequate to explain the nonswelling character of smectite-rich Ariake marine clays. The lower consistency limits of the Ariake marine clays in comparison to the nonswelling character, seawater-equilibrated bentonite specimens is attributed to a relative deficiency of interparticle forces in the Ariake marine clay.
This paper studies the long-time behavior of the empirical distribution of age and normalized position of an age-dependent supercritical branching Markov process. The motion of each individual during its life is a random function of its age. It is shown that the empirical distribution of the age and the normalized position of all individuals alive at time t converges as t -> infinity to a deterministic product measure.
We have measured the internal friction and speed of sound in several polycrystalline alloys, using compound torsional oscillators at frequencies between 60 kHz and 100 kHz and temperatures between 50 mK and 100 K. By combining these data with existing elastic and thermal data on similar alloys, we find that those alloys which can undergo diffusionsless phase transitions, such as Ti:Nb, Ti:V, or Zr:Nb in certain ranges of composition have glasslike excitations, since they have elastic properties which agree in magnitude and temperature dependence with those of amorphous solids. By contrast, crystalline continuous solution alloys, such as Nb:Ta, or alloys with diffusive phase transitions, such as high-pressure quenched Al94Si6, have the same elastic properties as are known for crystals.
We examine the exclusion limits set by the CDF and D0 experiments on the Standard Model Higgs boson mass from their searches at the Tevatron in the light of large theoretical uncertainties on the signal and background cross sections. We show that when these uncertainties are consistently taken into account, the sensitivity of the experiments becomes significantly lower and the currently excluded mass range M-H = 158-175 GeV could be entirely reopened. The necessary luminosity required to recover the current sensitivity is found to be a factor of two higher than the present one. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oligomeric copper(I) clusters are formed by the insertion reaction of copper(I) aryloxides into heterocumulenes. The effect of varying the steric demands of the heterocumulene and the aryloxy group on the nuclearity of the oligomers formed has been probed. Reactions with copper(I)2-methoxyphenoxide and copper(I)2-methylphenoxide with PhNCS result in the formation of hexameric complexes hexakis[N-phenylimino(aryloxy)methanethiolato copper(I)] 3 and 4 respectively. Single crystal X-ray data confirmed the structure of 3. Similar insertion reactions of CS2 with the copper(I) aryloxides formed by 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol and 2,6-dimethylphenol result in oligomeric copper(I) complexes 7 and 8 having the (aryloxy)thioxanthate ligand. Complex 7 was confirmed to be a tetramer from single crystal X-ray crystallography. Reactions carried out with 2-mercaptopyrimidine, which has ligating properties similar to N-alkylimino(aryloxy)methanethiolate, result in the formation of an insoluble polymeric complex 11. The fluorescence spectra of oligomeric complexes are helpful in determining their nuclearity. Ir has been shown that a decrease in the steric requirements of either the heterocumulene or aryloxy parts of the ligand can compensate for steric constraints acid facilitate oligomerization. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We consider a dense ad hoc wireless network comprising n nodes confined to a given two dimensional region of fixed area. For the Gupta-Kumar random traffic model and a realistic interference and path loss model (i.e., the channel power gains are bounded above, and are bounded below by a strictly positive number), we study the scaling of the aggregate end-to-end throughput with respect to the network average power constraint, P macr, and the number of nodes, n. The network power constraint P macr is related to the per node power constraint, P macr, as P macr = np. For large P, we show that the throughput saturates as Theta(log(P macr)), irrespective of the number of nodes in the network. For moderate P, which can accommodate spatial reuse to improve end-to-end throughput, we observe that the amount of spatial reuse feasible in the network is limited by the diameter of the network. In fact, we observe that the end-to-end path loss in the network and the amount of spatial reuse feasible in the network are inversely proportional. This puts a restriction on the gains achievable using the cooperative communication techniques studied in and, as these rely on direct long distance communication over the network.
Abstract—A new breed of processors like the Cell Broadband Engine, the Imagine stream processor and the various GPU processors emphasize data-level parallelism (DLP) and threadlevel parallelism (TLP) as opposed to traditional instructionlevel parallelism (ILP). This allows them to achieve order-ofmagnitude improvements over conventional superscalar processors for many workloads. However, it is unclear as to how much parallelism of these types exists in current programs. Most earlier studies have largely concentrated on the amount of ILP in a program, without differentiating DLP or TLP. In this study, we investigate the extent of data-level parallelism available in programs in the MediaBench suite. By packing instructions in a SIMD fashion, we observe reductions of up to 91 % (84 % on average) in the number of dynamic instructions, indicating a very high degree of DLP in several applications. I.
One characteristic feature of the athermal beta -> omega transformation is the short time scale of the transformation. So far, no clear understanding of this issue exists. Here we construct a model that includes contributions from a Landau sixth-order free energy density, kinetic energy due to displacement, and the Rayleigh dissipation function to account for the dissipation arising from the rapid movement of the parent product interface during rapid nucleation. We also include the contribution from omega-like fluctuations to local stress. The model shows that the transformation is complete on a time scale comparable to the velocity of sound. The estimated nucleation rate is several orders higher than that for diffusion-controlled transformations. The model predicts that the athermal omega phase is limited to a certain range of alloying composition. The estimated nucleation rate and the size of ``isothermal'' particles beyond 17% Nb are also consistent with experimental results. The model provides an explanation for the reprecipitation process of the omega particles in the ``cleared'' channels formed during deformation of omega-forming alloys. The model also predicts that acoustic emission should be detectable during the formation of the athermal phase. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report the formation omega phase in the remelted layers during laser cladding and remelting of quasicrystal forming Al65Cu23.3Fe11.7 alloy on pure aluminum. The omega phase is absent in the clad layers. In the remelted layer, the phase nucleates at the periphery of the primary icosahedral phase particles. A large number of omega phase particles forms enveloping the icosahedral phase growing into aluminum rich melt, which solidify as alpha-Al solid solution. On the other side it develops an interface with aluminum. A detailed transmission electron microscopic analysis shows that omega phase exhibits orientation relationship with icosahedral phase. The composition analysis performed using energy dispersive x-ray analyzer suggests that this phase has composition higher aluminum than the icosahedral phase. The analysis of the available phase diagram information indicates that the present results represent large departure from equilibrium conditions. A possible scenario of the evolution of the omega phase has been suggested.