285 resultados para Nys, Gudrun M. S
Anatomical features of the aortic arch such as its steepness, the take-off angles and the distances between its supra-aortic branches can influence the feasibility and difficulty of interventional and/or surgical maneuvers. These anatomical characteristics were assessed by means of 3D multiplanar reconstruction of thoracic angio-computed tomography scans of 92 living patients (79 males, 13 females, mean age 69.4 ± 9.9 years) carried out for various indications (gross pathology of the thoracic aorta excluded). There was a significant variation of all measured parameters between the subjects - a standard aortic arch (i.e. with all measured parameters within 2 SD) does not seem to exist. There were no significant differences between genders but some of the parameters correlated significantly to age.
Measurement of bladder wall thickness (BWT) using transvaginal ultrasound has previously been shown to discriminate between women with confirmed detrusor overactivity and those with urodynamic stress incontinence. Aim of the current study was to determine if vaginally measured BWT correlates with urodynamic diagnoses in a female population.
Gross dissection for demonstrating anatomy of the human pelvis has traditionally involved one of two approaches, each with advantages and disadvantages. Classic hemisection in the median plane through the pelvic ring transects the visceral organs but maintains two symmetric pelvic halves. An alternative paramedial transection compromises one side of the bony pelvis but leaves the internal organs intact. The authors propose a modified technique that combines advantages of both classical dissections. This novel approach involves dividing the pubic symphysis and sacrum in the median plane after shifting all internal organs to one side. The hemipelvis without internal organs is immediately available for further dissection of the lower limb. The hemipelvis with intact internal organs is ideal for showing the complex spatial relationships of the pelvic organs and vessels relative to the intact pelvic floor.
Pelvic organ prolapse affects approximately 50% of parous women over 50 years of age and has a lifetime risk of 30-50%. Vault descent or prolapse occurs in about 20% after hysterectomy and can have a negative effect on sexual function. Sacrocolpopexy is the gold standard of surgical treatment for apical prolapse in fit, sexually active patients. Few data exist which determine sexual function after sacrocolpopexy.
A major concern with the use of continuous peripheral nerve block is the difficulty encountered in placing the catheters close enough to the nerves to accomplish effective analgesia. The aim of this study was to investigate if a self-coiling catheter would remain close to the sciatic nerve once introduced through needles placed under ultrasound guidance and if contrast dye injected through the pigtail catheter made direct contact to the nerves.
Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) account for the majority of end-stage renal disease in children (50%). Previous studies have mapped autosomal dominant loci for CAKUT. We here report a genome-wide search for linkage in a large pedigree of Somalian descent containing eight affected individuals with a non-syndromic form of CAKUT.
Pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition among women with a prevalence of 11% and may affect the anterior, posterior, or apical compartment with a negative impact on sexual function.
Experimental tissue fusion benefits from the selective heating of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) under high frequency irradiation. However, the metabolic pathways of SPIONs for tissue fusion remain unknown. Hence, the goal of this in vivo study was to analyze the distribution of SPIONs in different organs by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histological analysis after a SPION-containing patch implantation.
The White Paper is a review of leading scientific knowledge on the role of knowledge management, institutions and economics in monitoring and assessment of land degradation and desertification. It provides key recommendations for more effective policies and actions for combating desertification both withn the UNCCD and beyond. This White Paper is the result of an international collaboration and consultation led jointly by the Association of DesertNet International and the United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), of the Dryland Science for Development Consortium (DSD). The findings were presented at the First UNCCD Scientific Conference held during the COP-9 in Buenos Aires, 2009.
Much research has focused on desertification and land degradation assessments without putting sufficient emphasis on prevention and mitigation, although the concept of sustainable land management (SLM) is increasingly being acknowledged. A variety of SLM measures have already been applied at the local level, but they are rarely adequately recognised, evaluated, shared or used for decision support. WOCAT (World Overview of Technologies and Approaches) has developed an internationally recognised, standardised methodology to document and evaluate SLM technologies and approaches, including spatial distribution, allowing the sharing of SLM knowledge worldwide. The recent methodological integration into a participatory process allows now analysing and using this knowledge for decision support at the local and national level. The use of the WOCAT tools stimulates evaluation (self-evaluation as well as learning from comparing experiences) within SLM initiatives where all too often there is not only insufficient monitoring but also a lack of critical analysis. The comprehensive questionnaires and database system facilitate to document, evaluate and disseminate local experiences of SLM technologies and their implementation approaches. This evaluation process - in a team of experts and together with land users - greatly enhances understanding of the reasons behind successful (or failed) local practices. It has now been integrated into a new methodology for appraising and selecting SLM options. The methodology combines a local collective learning and decision approach with the use of the evaluated global best practices from WOCAT in a concise three step process: i) identifying land degradation and locally applied solutions in a stakeholder learning workshop; ii) assessing local solutions with the standardised WOCAT tool; iii) jointly selecting promising strategies for implementation with the help of a decision support tool. The methodology has been implemented in various countries and study sites around the world mainly within the FAO LADA (Land Degradation Assessment Project) and the EU-funded DESIRE project. Investments in SLM must be carefully assessed and planned on the basis of properly documented experiences and evaluated impacts and benefits: concerted efforts are needed and sufficient resources must be mobilised to tap the wealth of knowledge and learn from SLM successes.