999 resultados para Nordeste argentino
Corría 1968. Yo era un estudiante enamorado de las ampularias, y alguien me regaló una separata del trabajo de María Isabel Hylton Scott titulado “Estudio morfológico y taxonómico de los ampulláridos de la República Argentina”. Hoy soy un profesor e investigador jubilado, … enamorado de las ampularias ¿Qué pasó en el medio? Por diversas circunstancias de mi vida comencé mi carrera estudiando roedores. Pero como canta un tango, “siempre se vuelve al primer amor” y dos décadas después (hacia 1990) conseguí algo de financiación para estudiar uno de estos extraordinarios animales: Pomacea canaliculata. Esto fue para mí un nuevo comienzo: poco a poco fui dejando mis estudios en ratones silvestres, y formando un grupo dedicado a esta ampularia ¡Fue un cambio de phylum! Pecado difícilmente perdonable en un ambiente científico cada vez más competitivo, pero que me llenó de satisfacción, por lo que me felicito de haberlo cometido. Desde entonces he dirigido a siete doctorandos en distintos aspectos de la morfología y la ecofisiología de este animal (Albrecht, 1998; Vega, 2005; Gamarra-Luques, 2007; Koch, 2008; Giraud-Billoud, 2009; Cueto, 2011; Giraud-Billoud, 2011), y sus tesis tienen al menos dos cosas en común: P. canaliculata casi siempre en el título, y el trabajo de Hylton Scott (1957) siempre citado en la bibliografía. Ella, “la doctora”, la “decana de los zoólogos argentinos” (como escribió Cazzaniga, 1991) fue para nosotros, atrevidos que no la conocimos personalmente, a quien llamábamos por sobrenombre “Doña Marisa”, y lo seguimos haciendo. Lo sigo haciendo yo, porque aunque jubilado “en los papeles”, sigo trabajando detrás de sus pasos. Hoy tengo un doctorando (C. Rodríguez) trabajando en P. canaliculata , el octavo de mis tesistas en esta especie, y deseo que no sea el último. Una revisión de la biología de ampuláridos actualmente en prensa en Malacologia (Hayes et al., 2015) cita repetidas veces el trabajo que hoy reedita ProBiota. Los autores provienen de un amplio “mundo”, porque “el mundo” de los ampuláridos se ha extendido antropocóricamente a lo que hoy es Estados Unidos, Europa, China y Japón. Esto no lo podría haber soñado Doña Marisa cuando comenzó sus pacientes estudios de la embriología de P. canaliculata hace ochenta años (Hylton Scott, 1934). Y si algún cientómetra quisiera calcular la vida media de sus citas, se encontraría con algo sorprendente: que la curva temporal de éstas no va decayendo ¡sino creciendo! Hoy no puedo imaginarme a mí mismo, como investigador, si no me hubiera topado con esa separata de cien páginas, escritas en un castellano elegante y hoy amarillentas, a las que guardo como un tesoro (porque las que usamos son sus fotocopias). Por eso, al acercarse los 25 años de la muerte de esta gran cordobesa (y platense por adopción) le propuse a mi amigo Hugo L. López esta reedición, que el aceptó con entusiasmo. Y también le propuse a mi alumno G. I. Prieto, excelente dibujante, que le diera nueva vida a una vieja foto de Doña Marisa que fue publicada por Cazzaniga (1992). Los que conocieron a “la doctora” personalmente, podrán decir si Prieto logró revivir su penetrante mirada. Creo que sí. Alfredo Castro-Vazquez
En el Atlántico argentino es posible reconocer zonas dinde distintas aguas con característica propias se encuentran. Ello ocasiona que aguas ricas en nutrientes sean movidas hacia la superficie, dando base a una alta producción biológica. Se describen la generación de frentes de mareas, se caracterizan por ejemplo, los frentes marinos, el frente del talud continental, el de la península de Valdés (prov. Chubut, Argentina), y el frente estuarial del Río de la Plata. Este trabajo de divulgación científica analiza la importancia ecológica de los frentes y además las posibilidades que brindan nuevas tecnologías satelitales que contribuirán a mejorar la comprensión del funcionamiento de los sistemas.
The present work deals with the biological study of the squid Illex illecebrosus argentinus of the Buenos Aires area (Argentina) in the southwest Atlantic ocean. According to recent research (Voss, pers. comm.) the squid obtained in commercial fishing in the waters off Buenos Aires Province (Castellanos), which in proper of the S.W. Atlantic. The material studied comes from commercial fishing done in in two sectors: one ranging from 36~' to 37~' S, and the other from 39~' to 42~' S in latitude, while both extend from 55~' to 62~' W in longitude. The fishing area varies during the years, being located more towards the North in summer and more towards the South in winter, following the fishing of hake. The number of individuals studied was 186. Their total length ranged from 195 mm to 670 mm for both sexes. The sampling showed that the males had lesser length and weight than the females: that is, a secondary sexual dimorphism was observed. At the length of 240 mm the squid reaches its sexual maturity. Sexual activity is observed the year around, but not simultaneously for the whole population, that is to say, spawning does not take place en masse but, on the contrary, it occurs during a prolonged period. In summer, from December to March, the greatest spawning period is observed. This takes place in the same habitat for the whole squid population. The squid herein studied is a cold water species, the water temperature ranging from 5~' to 12~' C in the sites of the largest catches. The squid is caught at depths ranging from 7 to 250 meters with a trawl net. In Patagonian waters, somewhat smaller individual are caught with 'poteras' at depths ranging from 1 to 8 fathoms.
The present paper deals on the histological description of the hake ovary made on the basis of gonad observations of 394 females during the period April 1966 March 1967. The material was obtained from weekly sampling of commercial catches carried out at the Institute of Marine Biology (Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina). The anatomical and histological description of the standard ovary and the adopted terminology are given. The maturation process is divided into five periods, from ovocyte formation to yolked ovocyte formation, with its histological description. Ovary changes are analyzed on detail. The following conclusions were outlined: 1. Analysis demonstrated that although some specimens were totally spawned others, at the end of the spawning period, retaining a great number of ovocytes in different maturity stages. Therefore, postspawners have been classified as follows: Postspawned II : This stages is characterized by the empty ovarian structure, with ovocytes in stage II, which will remain in the resting phase untill next spawning season. Postspawned III and IV: Their main characteristics are: tissue destruction, bloody residuals and remaining ovocytes in stage III and IV, respectively. 2. Some transformations were found in ovaries of postspawned III and IV. They are classified as follows, according to its origin and structure: Developed from follicular cell membrane – a) Glandular formations, b) Epiteloid formations - Originated from remaining ovocytes, c) Ovocyte disintegration, d) Ovocyte with follicular cell infiltration. 3. All those structures derived from postpawners III and IV have a temporary character and will be reabsorbed. Their presence delay the recuperation of the organ and its reproductive functions. Consequently, the possibility of those structures acting as control mechanisms is suggested. 4. Transformations pointed out in paragraph Nº 2 prevent the possibility of consecutive spawning originated from the remaining ovocytes (II and IV). 5. No structures originated from postspawners III and IV were found during summer season. 6. Reproductive cycle of hake has been described monthly. It was observed that maturing ovaries predominate in summer (November-December).
The paper deals with the spawning cycle of the hake, Merluccius merluccius hubbsi in the fishing area of the Argentine fleet, SW Atlantic (35°- 46° L. S.: 53°- 63° L.W.; 30-160 fathoms depth). It was made on the basis of the weekly sampling of the commercial catch in the period January 1965 - March 1968. The results have been compared with those of the exploratory surveys made by the United Nations Fisheries Development Program (República Argentina - FAO). The histological study, which was made with 741 specimens, was most intensive in females than in males. The results have been compared with the sexual stage determinations of both sexes in the total samples during the period before mentioned. The conclusions are: 1. The analysis of the ovocytes frequency distributions showed a period of resting or slow recuperation (April - August) with a mode of 120 ~k and one of rapid transformation (October - December) from 120 μ tíll 830 ~k. After December it appears again the mode of 120 ~k which indicated the reserve stock. 2. The maturity factor shows in both sexes a period of low values , 0,52 to 2% (April - September) and, another with higher values (October - March). In the first period the values are concentrated, while in the second one a large dispersion is observed produced by the rapidity of the growth process of the gonads. It is more evident between November and December. 3. The liver weight variations, compared with the degree of ingestion and the values of the maturity factor, in time, demonstrated that: a) after two periods of abundant ingestion (March - April and October- November) there are two increases of the liver index; b) the increase of the Iiver index has a direct relation to the maturity factor; c) at the end of the summer season, when the values of the maturity factor decrease, those of the liver index are still high. This demonstrates that the hake does not arrive exhausted at the end of the spawning season and that a rapid recuperation for a new spawning by part of the stock is possible. 4. Females predominate in the samples during most of the year. In the period October - December, when sexual activation occurs, as it is demonstrated by the high values of the maturity factor, proportions are nearly 1 :1, and males at times are more numerous than females. 5. The analisys of the advaneed maturity stages, in relation to total length shows that in the hake, Iike in other fishes, the largest ones mature first. This applies for both sexes. 6. The study of the maturity factor values and the sexual stages of the samples allows the recognition of two spawning periods, the main one in summer (October - March) and another in winter (June - July). 7. Part of the summer spawners, with a rapid recuperation, should be able to spawn again in winter. This indicates that the hake population, acording to our samples, has two different possibilities of spawning. 8. After analysis of the frequency percentages composition of mature specimens it is concluded that during the summer season, when hake is fished in shallow waters and in a wide area (38°– 43° L.S.) the fleet is fishing on the spawning stocks. Some winter spawners specimens have been found at 37°- 38° L.S. and in waters of more than 100 fathoms depth. 9. A new maturity scale of seven stages is proposed, instead of the one of six stages now in use. The new added stage corresponds to the postspawners during its resting period.
Detecção do melon yellowing associated virus (MYaV) em áreas produtoras de melão na Região Nordeste.
A região do município de Valente, importante produtor de sisal no nordeste do Estado da Bahia, vem apresentando desde a década de 70, mudanças qualitativas nas formas de organização social e de trabalho permitindo o aumento do capital social e melhorias no patrimônio familiar. Neste contexto este trabalho foi executado, originando-se da demanda da Secretaria de Apoio aos Sistemas Estaduais (SSE), da Embrapa, e valendo-se da cartografia digital e de produtos orbitais, para caracterização sócio-econômica e agroecológica de dez municípios da região nordeste da Bahia.
Solos do nordeste do Estado de São Paulo; Sistema de Avaliação da Aptidão Agrícola das Terras; Mapeamento da Aptidão Agrícola das Terras do Nordeste do Estado de São Paulo.
Peso da parte aérea, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Peso de raízes, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de amido, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Peso da parte aérea, Lagarto; Peso de raízes, Lagarto; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Lagarto; Teor de amido, lagarto; Altura da planta, Lagarto; Altura da 1º ramificação, Lagarto; peso da parte aérea, Umbaúba; Peso de raíz, Umbaúba; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Umbaúba; Teor de amido, Umbaúba; Altura da planta, Umbaúba; Altura da 1º ramificação, Umbaúba; comprimento de raíz, Umbaúba; Ensaio de variedades e híbridos de mandioca; Avaliação de cultivares de mandioca no período 2004/2006; Peso da parte aérea, Nossa Senhora das Dores; peso de raízes, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Índice de colheita, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de matéria seca de raíz, Nossa Senhora das Dores; Teor de amido, Nossa Senhora das Dores
A irrigação constitui uma tecnologia indispensável no processo de produção da mangueira tanto em regiões semi-áridas, como em regiões de déficit hídrico prolongado. Entretanto, tem sido adotada por produtores, muitas vezes despreparados, que, por falta de orientação, não praticam seu manejo adequado, com perdas na produção potencial da cultura e nos custos com água e energia. O efeito potencial da irrigação contribui para os dois pontos mais importantes de uma economia globalizada: promove o aumento da produtividade e melhora a qualidade do produto. Este trabalho procura atualizar os conhecimentos sobre irrigação da mangueira, em condições Semi-áridas. O trabalho faz abordagem sobre aspectos de interesse direto do produtor, tais como sistemas de irrigação, necessidades hídricas da cultura e manejo de irrigação.