716 resultados para Non-competitive labor markets


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The purpose of this paper is to essentially provide a theoretical framework to industrial policies, especially showing the reasons for preference of a theoretical framework that is not based on equilibrium, and not based on maximization. We sought to define these policies, highlighting their positive results – at least potentially – in terms of some parameters (production, efficiency, productivity, income, welfare etc.). In this sense, we defined industrial policy, also analyzing the reasons for the usual lack of concern with a more rigorous theoretical framework for industrial policies. Following that, we briefly discussed whether or not a certain theory can lay the foundation for these policies, also examining if such theories are important (or not) in empirical terms. In the fourth section, we investigated the possible use of industrial policies, emphasizing market failures, public goods, non-competitive markets, externalities and technological development. Finally, we discussed about evaluation approaches of industrial and technological policies, focusing with more detail on the challenges related to the evaluation of economic effects of industrial and technological policies, and the methodologies of evaluation of these policies.


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In my dissertation I investigated the influence of behavioral variation between and within ant colonies on group performance. In particular, I analyzed how evolution shapes behavior in response to ecological conditions, and whether within-group diversity improves productivity as suggested by theory. Our field and laboratory experiments showed that behavioral diverse groups are more productive. Different aggression levels within colonies were beneficial under competitive field situations, whereas diversity in brood care and exploratory behavior were favored in non-competitive laboratory situations. We then examined whether population density and social parasite presence shape aggression through phenotypic plasticity and/or natural selection. The importance of selection was indicated by the absence of density or parasite effects on aggression in a field manipulation. Indeed, more aggressive colonies fared better under high density and during parasite attack. When analyzing the proximate causes of individual behavioral variation, ovarian development was shown to be linked to division of labor and aggressiveness. Finally, our studies show that differences in the collective behavior can be linked to immune defense and productivity. My dissertation demonstrates that behavioral variation should be studied on multiple scales and when possible combined with physiological analyses to better understand the evolution of animal personalities in social groups.rn


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The investigation of the consequences of new technologies has a long standing tradition within economics. Particularly, labor economists are wondering how the introduction of new technologies, e.g. Personal Computers, have shaped labor markets. Former research has concentrated on the question of whether on-the-job use of PCs creates a wage bonus for employees. In this paper, we investigate whether the use of PCs increases employees’ probability of an upward shift in their employment status and whether it reduces the risk of involuntary labor market exits. We do so by applying event history analysis to the Swiss Labor Market Survey, a random sample of 3028 respondents, and by analyzing a Panel sub-sample of 650 respondents conducted recently in Switzerland. Our results show that on-the-job use of PCs was beneficial for employees in the past by increasing their probability of an upward shift by approximately 50%. The analysis also suggests that PC use reduces the risk and duration of unemployment. However, these latter results fail to reach statistical significance.


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This paper examines the relationship between house price levels, school performance, and the racial and ethnic composition of Connecticut school districts between 1995 and 2000. A panel of Connecticut school districts over both time and labor market areas is used to estimate a simultaneous equations model describing the determinants of these variables. Specifically, school district changes in price level, school performance, and racial and ethnic compositions depend upon each other, labor market wide changes in these variables, and the deviation of each school district from the overall metropolitan area. The specification is based on the differencing of dependent variables, as opposed to the use of level or fixed effects models and lagging level variables beyond the period over which change is considered; as a result the model is robust to persistence in the sample. Identification of the simultaneous system arises from the presence of multiple labor market areas in the sample, and the assumption that labor market changes in a variable due not directly influence the allocation of households across towns within a labor market area. We find that towns in labor markets that experience an inflow of minority households have greater increases in percent minority if those towns already ahve a substantial minoritypopulation. We find evidence that this sorting proces is reflected in housing price changes in the low priced segment of the housing market, not in the middle and upper segments.


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Labor market imperfections are commonly believed to be a major reason for imposing trade impediments. In this paper, I introduce labor market rigidities that are prevalent in continental European countries into the well-known protection for sale model proposed by Grossman and Helpman (1994). I show that contrary to commonly held views, imperfections in the labor market do not necessarily increase equilibrium trade protection. A testable equilibrium trade protection equation is also derived. The findings in this paper are hence particularly relevant for empirical tests of trade policy determinants in economies with more regulated labor markets.


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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En este trabajo se presentan algunos avances de un proyecto sobre empleo profesional de egresados de universidades públicas y privadas en México. Concretamente se describen los resultados de la fase de indagación cuantitativa de las características de la matrícula y el egreso de nivel universitario por área de estudio, carrera y régimen, de 1970 al 2005, para la población total a nivel nacional, así como algunas características de la participación laboral de nivel profesional. El trabajo se centra en la población de instituciones públicas y privadas por la presencia creciente de estas últimas en la atención de la demanda y para comprender un mercado laboral que parece cada vez más competido y diferenciado por origen institucional. Partimos del supuesto de que la exploración cuantitativa de la dinámica de la educación superior en México en los últimos 35 años, ofrece elementos para conocer algunas de las características de los mercados laborales de nivel profesional y sus niveles de tensión por saturación. En este sentido, la indagación cuantitativa del estudio es una dimensión, entre otras, que contribuye en cierta medida a la comprensión del papel de la educación en el mercado laboral y, en general, de la función social de la educación, dos de los objetivos más amplios del proyecto en el que se enmarca lo que aquí se expone


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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En este trabajo se presentan algunos avances de un proyecto sobre empleo profesional de egresados de universidades públicas y privadas en México. Concretamente se describen los resultados de la fase de indagación cuantitativa de las características de la matrícula y el egreso de nivel universitario por área de estudio, carrera y régimen, de 1970 al 2005, para la población total a nivel nacional, así como algunas características de la participación laboral de nivel profesional. El trabajo se centra en la población de instituciones públicas y privadas por la presencia creciente de estas últimas en la atención de la demanda y para comprender un mercado laboral que parece cada vez más competido y diferenciado por origen institucional. Partimos del supuesto de que la exploración cuantitativa de la dinámica de la educación superior en México en los últimos 35 años, ofrece elementos para conocer algunas de las características de los mercados laborales de nivel profesional y sus niveles de tensión por saturación. En este sentido, la indagación cuantitativa del estudio es una dimensión, entre otras, que contribuye en cierta medida a la comprensión del papel de la educación en el mercado laboral y, en general, de la función social de la educación, dos de los objetivos más amplios del proyecto en el que se enmarca lo que aquí se expone


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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En este trabajo se presentan algunos avances de un proyecto sobre empleo profesional de egresados de universidades públicas y privadas en México. Concretamente se describen los resultados de la fase de indagación cuantitativa de las características de la matrícula y el egreso de nivel universitario por área de estudio, carrera y régimen, de 1970 al 2005, para la población total a nivel nacional, así como algunas características de la participación laboral de nivel profesional. El trabajo se centra en la población de instituciones públicas y privadas por la presencia creciente de estas últimas en la atención de la demanda y para comprender un mercado laboral que parece cada vez más competido y diferenciado por origen institucional. Partimos del supuesto de que la exploración cuantitativa de la dinámica de la educación superior en México en los últimos 35 años, ofrece elementos para conocer algunas de las características de los mercados laborales de nivel profesional y sus niveles de tensión por saturación. En este sentido, la indagación cuantitativa del estudio es una dimensión, entre otras, que contribuye en cierta medida a la comprensión del papel de la educación en el mercado laboral y, en general, de la función social de la educación, dos de los objetivos más amplios del proyecto en el que se enmarca lo que aquí se expone


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This paper based on a primary survey of households (2004-05) in the slum clusters of Delhi examines whether migrants are likely to experience upward mobility in their place of destination or alternatively, if they merely transfer their poverty from rural areas to large cities. First, a simple bifurcation of population in terms of poor and non-poor sub-groups is examined along with the incidence of poverty across different categories of occupations and non-workers. Then, an explanation of the variations in per capita expenditure across households is provided, and a binomial logit model (poor/non-poor) is developed identifying the variables which raise (or reduce) the probability of being non-poor (or poor). Next, an estimate of the wellbeing (deprivation) index is derived from factor analysis of a large number of variables including demographic and economic aspects of households. Empirical findings suggest that while duration of migration and the wellbeing index do not have a definite relationship, migrant households who have been in the city for a very long time have a higher wellbeing index on average than those who migrated in the last ten years. This tends to support the view that migrants do not merely transfer rural poverty to urban areas, and further that population mobility yields improvement in the living standard, if only in the very long term. Implementation of "employment-cum-shelter" support schemes in the urban areas may contribute to their wellbeing.


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This paper explores migration from Bihar, one of the most underdeveloped states in India, by paying particular attention to social class (caste) and landholdings. After describing details of individual migrants, we present our preliminary findings on the determinants of migration, based on our field survey of 200 households in four villages in 2011. In terms of social class, Muslims are more likely to migrate, but Scheduled Castes do not show a high propensity to migrate as is stated in some of the existing literature where the underclass is said to be more mobile. In terms of landholdings, the probability that someone will migrate is high among the landless and smaller landholders but it decreases as the size of the landholding increases. However, as the size of the landholding increases still further, a reverse effect of landholding on decisions regarding migration moves in, with the decline in probability becoming less and less. This result confirms a non-linear relationship between landholdings and the decision to migrate. Some further research questions are raised in the paper.