998 resultados para Nitrato pela cenoura


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The effects of chloride and nitrate anions and their respective concentrations, as well as urea presence, on solid phase morphologies were investigated. Zinc hydroxide carbonate was prepared by aging diluted zinc salt solution in presence of urea at 90ºC. Samples were identified by X-ray powder diffractograms showing the characteristic patterns of hydrozincite. The crystallinity was correlated with the concentrations of reagents. Spherulitic-type aggregates and single acicular particles were obtained from diluted chloride and nitrate solutions while porous aggregates of uniform size were formed from solutions with high chloride and urea concentrations.


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In this study, a comparison of two methods, the Selective UV Spectrophotometrical Method and Reduction with Hidrazine Method, for the determination of Nitrate ion in groundwater, was carried out. For this purpose, the results from all the drinking water collectings of the city of Olavarría, Argentina, were employed. Both methods present significant different means, but they don´t present significant differences in their variances.


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The objective of this paper was to determine nitrate and nitrite anions in toasted fish skin tea, which the population of southern Rio Grande do Sul believes to have pharmacological properties for trating asthma. Two methods were compared, an official and one described by Guozhen et al., that has the advantage of not needing reduction of nitrate to nitrite on a Cd column. The samples were the skin of the fish species Balistes capriscus (peixe porco) and Menticirrhus littoralis (papa-terra), both crude and toasted, as traditionally used. The method of Guozhen et al. was used due to its performance (detection limit 0.005 µmol/L NO3- and 0.02 µmol/L - NO2- and mean recuperation of 100 and 97% respectively for each anion) and results similar to those of the official methods under conditions used by the population, the estimated daily intake, of the teas is equivalent to 0.03 to 0.05 mg of nitrate and 0.007 to 0.014 mg of nitrite. These values are in accord with safety recommendations and don't represent a health risk.


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This paper evaluates the occurrence of nitrate and ammonium in the Barreiras aquifer in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará State, Brazil. The results show that some wells display ammonium and nitrate concentrations above or close to the limits of water potability regulations. The main cause of the pollution of these waters is related the local disposal of domestic effluents and/or leakage from pipes of old sewage systems.


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Wet and dry (dust) deposition was measured in the Serra dos Órgãos National Park. VWM pH was 5.3. Non-sea-salt (nss) SO4(2-) comprised 97% of total SO4(2-). The molar ratio [2(nss-SO4(2-)) + NO3-]/[NH4+ + H+] was 1.1, suggesting that pH is predominantly controlled by H2SO4, HNO3, and NH3. Wet deposition of NH4+, NO3-, and nss-SO4(2-) was respectively 0.59, 0.25, and 0.30 kmol ha-1 yr-1. Assuming that dry deposition of N can comprise 30-50% of its total (dry + wet) deposition, the latter is estimated to be 1.2-1.7 kmol ha-1 yr-1 (17-24 kg N ha-1 yr-1).


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Samplings of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) were carried out between the months of March and April of 2007, simultaneously in two areas of Londrina, an urban (Historical Museum) and other rural (Farm School-UEL). PM was collected using the cascade impactor consisting of four impaction stages (0.25 to 10 μm). The results indicated that the fine fraction (PM2.5) represented a significant portion of the mass of PM10 (70 and 67% in the urban and rural places, respectively). Cl-, NO3- and SO4(2-) were determined by ion chromatography and the size distribution is presented. Natural and anthropogenic sources were suggested to the ionic components in the fine and coarse mode of PM.


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A simple, precise, rapid and low-cost conductometric titration method for the determination of metformin hydrochloride (MET) in pharmaceuticals using silver nitrate as titrant is proposed. The method was based on the chemical reaction between the chloride of metformin hydrochloride molecule and Ag(I) ions, yielding the precipitate AgCl(s). The method was applied for MET determination in three pharmaceuticals and the obtained results with proposed method were in close agreement with those results obtained using an official method of the British Pharmacopoeia, at a 95% confidence level.


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Argentation chromatography is used to increase the selectivity of the chromatographic process, chiefly in the resolution of complex mixtures of nonpolar substances. Although efficient, this technique generates residues containing heavy metal which makes its discarding through common procedures impracticable. In the present work a simple method for recycling of silica, and also silver, from argentation chromatography is described. This procedure uses initially a treatment of H2O2/HNO3, with subsequent treatment with H2O2/H2SO4 , allowing an efficient recycling of both components. This methodology is simple, costless, removes impurities efficiently, and does not modify retention parameters nor specific surface in a significant way.


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The effect of sodium nitrate application in the reduction of biogenic sulphide was evaluated through a 2k complete factorial design, using as variable response the production of sulfide at intervals of incubation of 7, 14 and 28 days. The most effective condition for reducing the sulphide production (final concentrations from 0.4 to 1.6 mg S2- L-1) was obtained with an initial population of sulphate-reducing bacteria and nitrate-reducing bacteria of 10(4) MPN mL-1 and 427.5 mg L-1 nitrate. The results also suggested that the applications of nitrate to control the process of souring should follow a continuous scheme.


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Systematic studies were undertaken in the intra zeolitic media to better understand the ability of zeolite type LTA in occluded nitrogen used in fertilizer and soil conditioning. We have measured the dry matter production from the cultivation of corn in a greenhouse for about 40 days, and also the amounts of nitrogen absorbed, retained and lost by leaching. The dry matter production in the cultivation with different concentrations of nitrogen occluded in the zeolite, was more efficient than the traditional fertilizer, which demonstrated better use of nitrogen to reduce leaching losses, which implies a possible reduction of costs for nitrogen.


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The present paper describes a simple, low-costly and environmentally friendly procedure for reduction of 4-(dimethylamino)benzaldehyde using carrot bits in water. This interdisciplinary experiment can be used to introduce the concepts of biocatalysis and green chemistry to undergraduate students.


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A queima das folhas da cenoura (Daucus carota) pode ser causada pelos fungos Alternaria dauci e Cercospora carotae. Com vistas à adoção de um sistema de previsão para a doença, avaliou-se a freqüência de cada patógeno em quatro cultivos de cenoura estabelecidos em Passo Fundo, RS, no período de agosto/98 a dezembro/99. As variáveis analisadas foram a incidência dos fungos em sementes e plântulas, sua freqüência a partir de lesões em folhas e pecíolos e o número de propágulos capturados no ar com coletores de esporos. As incidências dos fungos em sementes de nove cultivares variaram de zero a 5,75% para A. dauci e de zero a 1,25% para C. carotae. Apenas A. dauci foi detectado em plântulas cultivadas em casa-de-vegetação, em percentuais de 3,7 (cultivar Forto) e 17,1% (cultivar Gigante Flakker). O fungo A. dauci esteve presente o ano todo nos cultivos no campo, sendo isolado a partir de 81% das lesões foliares e de 81,9% das em pecíolos. Por outro lado, C. carotae ocorreu de junho a dezembro, com freqüências de 40,4% em folhas e 33,4% em pecíolos. O número de conídios de A. dauci capturados no ar atingiu 207/semana/cm² no início da colheita. Alternaria dauci mostrou-se o principal agente causal da queima das folhas nas condições locais, devendo ser priorizado na adoção de estratégias de controle para a doença.


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Através de quatro experimentos realizados em campo, no período de setembro/98 a dezembro/99, avaliou-se a aplicabilidade de dois sistemas de previsão no controle da queima das folhas da cenoura (Daucus carotae). Seis esquemas de aplicação de fungicida (protetor ou sistêmico), baseados no acúmulo de valores diários de severidade (VDS) para Alternaria dauci ou equivalentes de infecção (EI) para Cercospora carotae, foram comparados a dois calendários fixos de tratamento e uma testemunha sem fungicida. Enquanto o número de VDS registrados por um coletor eletrônico (Colpam) variou de 25 a 94 por ciclo da cultura, nenhum EI foi detectado ao longo dos quatro experimentos. Com a adoção do sistema de VDS, o número de aplicações do fungicida protetor clorotalonil diminuiu de 7,5 (fixo, sete dias) para 3,5 (VDS 3-5), 2,7 (VDS 6-8) e dois (VDS 9-11) por cultivo. Nas mesmas condições, o fungicida sistêmico metconazole foi aplicado 3,7 (fixo, 14 dias), 2,5 (VDS 3-5), 1,7 (VDS 6-8) e 1,5 (VDS 9-11) vezes. A relação entre a área abaixo da curva de progresso de doença (AACPD) e o peso de raiz foi significativa em dois experimentos (P = 0,005 e 0,016). Quanto ao rendimento de raízes, o limiar de 3-5 VDS igualou-se ao esquema de calendário fixo em 3/4 das situações. Portanto, nas condições locais, o controle da queima das folhas pelo sistema de VDSs está condicionado ao limite de 3-5 VDS e à utilização de fungicidas sistêmicos com eficácia igual ou superior à do metconazole.


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A black root rot in carrot (Daucus carotae), caused by Chalara elegans, is reported for the first time in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.