895 resultados para Nicotine Withdrawal


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Background and objective: Cefepime was one of the most used broad-spectrum antibiotics in Swiss public acute care hospitals. The drug was withdrawn from market in January 2007, and then replaced by a generic since October 2007. The goal of the study was to evaluate changes in the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics after the withdrawal of the cefepime original product. Design: A generalized regression-based interrupted time series model incorporating autocorrelated errors assessed how much the withdrawal changed the monthly use of other broad-spectrum antibiotics (ceftazidime, imipenem/cilastin, meropenem, piperacillin/ tazobactam) in defined daily doses (DDD)/100 bed-days from January 2004 to December 2008 [1, 2]. Setting: 10 Swiss public acute care hospitals (7 with\200 beds, 3 with 200-500 beds). Nine hospitals (group A) had a shortage of cefepime and 1 hospital had no shortage thanks to importation of cefepime from abroad. Main outcome measures: Underlying trend of use before the withdrawal, and changes in the level and in the trend of use after the withdrawal. Results: Before the withdrawal, the average estimated underlying trend (coefficient b1) for cefepime was decreasing by -0.047 (95% CI -0.086, -0.009) DDD/100 bed-days per month and was significant in three hospitals (group A, P\0.01). Cefepime withdrawal was associated with a significant increase in level of use (b2) of piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem/cilastin in, respectively, one and five hospitals from group A. After the withdrawal, the average estimated trend (b3) was greatest for piperacillin/tazobactam (+0.043 DDD/100 bed-days per month; 95% CI -0.001, 0.089) and was significant in four hospitals from group A (P\0.05). The hospital without drug shortage showed no significant change in the trend and the level of use. The hypothesis of seasonality was rejected in all hospitals. Conclusions: The decreased use of cefepime already observed before its withdrawal from the market could be explained by pre-existing difficulty in drug supply. The withdrawal of cefepime resulted in change in level for piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem/cilastin. Moreover, an increase in trend was found for piperacillin/tazobactam thereafter. As these changes generally occur at the price of lower bacterial susceptibility, a manufacturers' commitment to avoid shortages in the supply of their products would be important. As perspectives, we will measure the impact of the changes in cost and sensitivity rates of these antibiotics.


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Rapport de synthèse : l .Objectif Evaluer l'effet qu'ont les consignes d'utilisation régulière d'un spray nasal à la nicotine sur leur véritable utilisation durant les 3 premières semaines d'un sevrage tabagique. Un objectif secondaire est d'évaluer l'effet des consignes d'utilisation régulière du spray durant les premières semaines de sevrage tabagique sur le taux de succès à 6 mois par rapport à un groupe pouvant utiliser le spray « ad libitum ». 2. Méthode II s'agit d'une étude ouverte, randomisée contrôlée, incluant 50 patients présentant une dépendance nicotinique forte, se trouvant en phase de préparation selon le modèle transthéorique du changement de Prochaska et Di Clemente, recrutés au sein de la consultation «stop tabac » de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne. Dans le groupe «contrôle », les patients ont été instruits à utiliser le spray « ad libitum », soit dès qu'apparaissaient des envies irrésistibles de fumer, tandis que le groupe «intervention » a reçu pour consigne d'utiliser le spray au moins 1 fois par heure dès le lever, voire plus en cas d'envie de fumer. L'utilisation du spray nasal a été enregistrée par un dispositif électronique fixé sur le spray (MDILogTM) durant les 3 premières semaines d'utilisation. Durant le suivi, l'abstinence tabagique a été vérifiée par une mesure du taux de CO expiré par un appareil spécifique (Bedfont Smokerlyzer). L'abstinence tabagique a été considérée comme un succès si le taux de CO était s 10 ppm (particules par million). 3. Résultats Un patient a été perdu durant le suivi. Au moment de la randomisation, le groupe «intervention » comprenait plus de femmes, des patients ayant un nombre plus grand de précédentes tentatives d'arrêt du tabagisme, plus de co-morbidités psychiatriques, mais moins de co-morbidités somatiques que le groupe «contrôle ». Dans les 2 groupes, les participants ont utilisé le spray nasal plus de 8 fois par jour (minimum demandé dans le groupe intervention). L'utilisation moyenne du spray était de 13,6 doses/jour pour le groupe «intervention » et de 1 l,l doses/jour pour le groupe contrôle. Ajusté aux différences entre les 2 groupes, la différence entre les doses plus importantes utilisées dans le groupe «intervention »par rapport à celles du groupe « ad libitum »reste non significative durant la première (0.8 ; CI 95% -5.1 ; 6,7), la deuxième (4.0 ; CI 95% -1.9 ; 9.9) et la troisième semaine (3.0 ; CI 95% -2.5 ; 8.5). De même, le fait d'instruire le patient à utiliser chaque heure le spray nasal durant les premières semaines n'a pas eu d'impact sur le taux de succès à 6 mois (RR = 0.69 ; CI 95% 0.34 ; 1.39). 4. Conclusions Cette étude négative montre que les différences d'utilisation du spray nasal nicotinique sont plus dépendantes des caractéristiques individuelles du patient que des recommandations d'utilisation du thérapeute. Les patients présentant un syndrome de dépendance à la nicotine forte utilisent spontanément de manière importante le spray nasal nicotinique, indépendamment des recommandations données. Pour les patients présentant un syndrome de dépendance à la nicotine forte, les recommandations par le thérapeute d'utiliser le spray nasal dès l'apparition d'envies de fumer semblent être la manière de faire la plus adéquate.


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During chronic infection, pathogen-specific CD8(+) T cells upregulate expression of molecules such as the inhibitory surface receptor PD-1, have diminished cytokine production and are thought to undergo terminal differentiation into exhausted cells. Here we found that T cells with memory-like properties were generated during chronic infection. After transfer into naive mice, these cells robustly proliferated and controlled a viral infection. The reexpanded T cell populations continued to have the exhausted phenotype they acquired during the chronic infection. Thus, the cells underwent a form of differentiation that was stably transmitted to daughter cells. We therefore propose that during persistent infection, effector T cells stably differentiate into a state that is optimized to limit viral replication without causing overwhelming immunological pathology.


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INTRODUCTION: To determine if mulling, the process of adding tobacco to cannabis for its consumption, exposes young cannabis users to significant levels of nicotine. METHODS: This observational study performed in 2009-2010 among Swiss youths aged 16-25 years involved the completion of a self-administrated questionnaire and the collection of a urine sample on the same day. Measures of urinary cotinine were blindly performed using liquid chromatography coupled-mass spectrometry. A total of 197 eligible participants were divided in 3 groups based on their consumption profile in the past 5 days: 70 abstainers (ABS) not having used cigarettes or cannabis, 57 cannabis users adding tobacco to the cannabis they smoke (MUL) but not having smoked cigarettes, and 70 cigarette smokers (CIG) not having smoked cannabis. RESULTS: Exposure to nicotine was at its lowest among ABS with a mean (SE) cotinine level of 3.2 (1.4) ng/ml compared, respectively, with 214.6 (43.8) and 397.9 (57.4) for MUL and CIG (p < .001). While consumption profile appeared as the only significant factor of influence when examining nicotine exposure from the ABS and MUL participants on multivariate analysis, it did not result in substantial differences among MUL and CIG groups. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary cotinine levels found among MUL are high enough to indicate a significant exposure to nicotine originating from the mulling process. In line with our results, health professionals should pay attention to mulling as it is likely to influence cannabis and cigarette use as well as the efficacy of cessation interventions.


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New ways of consuming tobacco or nicotine have recently been developed attracting smokers not only because of their novelty but also because they hope that it will decrease their health risks or will help them in smoking banned places. The objective of this paper is to review the current state of knowledge concerning the waterpipe, oral tobacco, nasal snuff, the electronic cigarette and tobacco heating devices. Although some products seem less harmful than cigarettes, we cannot encourage people to use them because we still do not have sufficient scientific data regarding their safety. Moreover, most of these products are addictive and we still do not know if they will play a role in harm reduction.


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Smoking influences body weight such that smokers weigh less than non-smokers and smoking cessation often leads to weight increase. The relationship between body weight and smoking is partly explained by the effect of nicotine on appetite and metabolism. However, the brain reward system is involved in the control of the intake of both food and tobacco. We evaluated the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting body mass index (BMI) on smoking behavior, and tested the 32 SNPs identified in a meta-analysis for association with two smoking phenotypes, smoking initiation (SI) and the number of cigarettes smoked per day (CPD) in an Icelandic sample (N=34,216 smokers). Combined according to their effect on BMI, the SNPs correlate with both SI (r=0.019, P=0.00054) and CPD (r=0.032, P=8.0 × 10(-7)). These findings replicate in a second large data set (N=127,274, thereof 76,242 smokers) for both SI (P=1.2 × 10(-5)) and CPD (P=9.3 × 10(-5)). Notably, the variant most strongly associated with BMI (rs1558902-A in FTO) did not associate with smoking behavior. The association with smoking behavior is not due to the effect of the SNPs on BMI. Our results strongly point to a common biological basis of the regulation of our appetite for tobacco and food, and thus the vulnerability to nicotine addiction and obesity.


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Despite the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in alcohol-dependent patients, little effort has been directed toward reducing the prevalence of smoking in these patients. It seems reasonable to develop nicotine addiction treatments for alcohol-dependent patients based on the smoker's stage of change. To assess the stage of change for tobacco consumption and possible quitting barriers in alcohol-dependent patients, 88 consecutively admitted inpatients of a Swiss university-affiliated alcohol withdrawal clinic were interviewed with a semistructured schedule. More than half of the alcohol-dependent smokers (50.7%) considered the possibility of smoking cessation or had already decided to stop, although the majority (83.1%) were highly dependent smokers. Positive reinforcers were factors influencing motivation both to stop smoking as well as to continue smoking, whereas negative reinforcers had no influence. As recovering alcoholic patients are often interested in smoking cessation and the introduction of nicotine treatment interventions has been shown not to jeopardize the outcome of alcohol treatment, alcohol treatment programs should include counseling for smoking cessation. Education and training for staff is essential, as their beliefs and habits remain an important barrier.


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Suicide by self-poisoning is rather common around the world. This paper presents an exceptional complex suicide in which nicotine was applied in the form of self-made patches soaked with an extraction from fine-cut tobacco. In addition, the 51-year-old suicide victim took a lethal dose of diphenhydramine. Toxicological analysis also revealed the presence of tetrazepam in subtherapeutic concentrations. The scene of death suggested an autoerotic accident at first, as the body was tied with tapes, cables and handcuffs. As a result of the entire investigations, the fatality had to be classified as a suicidal intoxication by nicotine and diphenhydramine.


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To develop the understanding of innovation processes conceptualized in terms of asso- ciation through the "sociology of translation" (cf. actor-network theory) studies, this article analyses innovation processes in terms of dissociation and detachment mechanisms, exami- ning innovation through "withdrawal;" that is, innovation based on reducing or withdrawing use of a practice-"subtracting," "detaching"-a given artefact. Specifically, it focuses on the shift to farming techniques that have eliminated ploughing, bringing to light four major mechanisms constitutive of dissociation: centrifugal association; making entities and asso- ciations visible; making other entities and associations invisible; bringing together or "asso- ciating" new entities. The study helps refine our understanding of the detachment processes at work in innovation, shedding light in this particular case on transfers between public research institutes, industrial companies, farmers and citizens seeking to develop new farm production models.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Removal of colorectal polyps is routinely performed during withdrawal of the endoscope. However, polyps detected during insertion of the colonoscope may be missed at withdrawal. We aimed to evaluate whether polypectomy during both insertion and withdrawal increases polyp detection and removal rates compared with polypectomy at withdrawal only, and to assess the duration of both approaches. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were included into the study when the first polyp was detected, and randomized into two groups; in group A, polyps ≤ 10 mm in diameter were removed during insertion and withdrawal of the colonoscope, while in group B, these polyps were removed at withdrawal only. Main outcome measures were duration of colonoscopy, number of polyps detected during insertion but not recovered during withdrawal, technical ease, patient discomfort, and complications. RESULTS: 150 patients were randomized to group A and 151 to group B. Mean (± standard deviation [SD]) duration of colonoscopy did not differ between the groups (30.8 ± 15.6 min [A] vs. 28.5 ± 13.8 min [B], P = 0.176). In group A 387 polyps (mean 2.58 per colonoscopy) were detected and removed compared with 389 polyps detected (mean 2.58 per colonoscopy) in group B of which 376 were removed (13 polyps were missed, mean size [SD] 3.2 [1.3] mm; 7.3 % of patients). Patient tolerance was similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Removal of polyps ≤ 10 mm during withdrawal only is associated with a considerable polyp miss rate. We therefore recommend that these polyps are removed during both insertion and withdrawal.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the predictive value of residual venous obstruction (RVO) for recurrent venous thrombo-embolism (VTE) in a study using D-dimer to predict outcome. DESIGN: This is a multicentre randomised open-label study. METHODS: Patients with a first episode of idiopathic VTE were enrolled on the day of anticoagulation discontinuation when RVO was determined by compression ultrasonography in those with proximal deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower limbs. D-dimer was measured after 1 month. Patients with normal D-dimer did not resume anticoagulation while patients with abnormal D-dimer were randomised to resume anticoagulation or not. The primary outcome measure was recurrent VTE over an 18-month follow-up. RESULTS: A total of 490 DVT patients were analysed (after excluding 19 for different reasons and 118 for isolated pulmonary embolism (PE)). Recurrent DVT occurred in 19% (19/99) of patients with abnormal D-dimer who did not resume anticoagulation and 10% (31/310) in subjects with normal D-dimer (adjusted hazard ratio: 2.1; p = 0.02). Recurrences were similar in subjects either with (11%, 17/151) or without RVO (13%, 32/246). Recurrent DVT rates were also similar for normal D-dimer, with or without RVO, and for abnormal D-dimer, with or without RVO. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated D-dimer at 1 month after anticoagulation withdrawal is a risk factor for recurrence, while RVO at the time of anticoagulation withdrawal is not.


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Emerging evidence suggests that the hypocretinergic system is involved in addictive behavior. In this study, we investigated the role of these hypothalamic neuropeptides in anxiety-like responses of nicotine and stress-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking behavior. Acute nicotine (0.8 mg/kg, s.c.) induced anxiogenic-like effects in the elevated plus-maze and activated the paraventricular nucleus of thehypothalamus (PVN) as revealed by c-Fos expression. Pretreatment with the hypocretin receptor 1 (Hcrtr-1) antagonist SB334867 orpreprohypocretin gene deletion blocked both nicotine effects. In the PVN, SB334867 also prevented the activation of corticotrophinreleasing factor (CRF) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) neurons, which expressed Hcrtr-1. In addition, an increase of the percentage of c-Fos-positive hypocretin cells in the perifornical and dorsomedial hypothalamic (PFA/DMH) areas was found after nicotine (0.8 mg/kg,s.c.) administration. Intracerebroventricular infusion of hypocretin-1 (Hcrt-1) (0.75 nmol/1 l) or footshock stress reinstated a previouslyextinguished nicotine-seeking behavior. The effects of Hcrt-1 were blocked by SB334867, but not by the CRF1 receptor antagonistantalarmin. Moreover, SB334867 did not block CRF-dependent footshock-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking while antalarmin was effective in preventing this nicotine motivational response. Therefore, the Hcrt system interacts with CRF and AVP neurons in the PVN and modulates the anxiogenic-like effects of nicotine whereas Hcrt and CRF play a different role in the reinstatement of nicotineseeking.Indeed, Hcrt-1 reinstates nicotine-seeking through a mechanism independent of CRF activation whereas CRF mediates the reinstatement induced by stress.


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There are some rationales for developing anticonvulsants for the treatment of substance abuse. The blockade of the AMPA/kainate subtype of glutamate receptor by topiramate may be of particular interest, as preclinical studies of withdrawal from opioids suggest that whilst AMPA-receptor antagonists may not be able to prevent tolerance or dependence from developing, they may ameliorate both physical and emotional consequences of withdrawal. Methods. Ten consecutively admitted patients treated with topiramate were compared in a retrospective naturalistic drug utilization observation study with 10 consecutively admitted patients treated with clonidine and with 10 consecutively admitted patients treated with a carbamazepine/ mianserin combination. Results. In 9 cases of the clonidine group and in 7 carbamazepine/mianserin treated patients the dose had been reduced, whereas this occurred in only 2 topiramate treated patients (p < 0.01). Patients in the topiramate group received less p.r.n. myorelaxant medication than the two other groups, and there was a significant difference between the three groups with regard to p.r.n. analgesics (p < 0.05), topiramate and clonidine treated patients receiving fewer analgesics than the carbamazepine/mianserin group. Conclusions. Compared to clonidine and carbamazepine/mianserin, a detoxification scheme using high initial and then decreasing doses of topiramate appeared to be appropriate for most patients and as associated with less analgesic and myorelaxant comedication, indicating a more promising efficacy at the used doses