966 resultados para Nested-PCR


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Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen affecting around 3% of the human population. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are approximately 2 to 3 million HCV chronic carriers. There are few reports of HCV prevalence in Rondonia State (RO), but it was estimated in 9.7% from 1999 to 2005. The aim of this study was to characterize HCV genotypes in 58 chronic HCV infected patients from Porto Velho, Rondonia (RO), Brazil. Methods: A fragment of 380 bp of NS5B region was amplified by nested PCR for genotyping analysis. Viral sequences were characterized by phylogenetic analysis using reference sequences obtained from the GenBank (n = 173). Sequences were aligned using Muscle software and edited in the SE-AL software. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation (MCMC) to obtain the MCC tree using BEAST v. 1.5.3. Results: From 58 anti-HCV positive samples, 22 were positive to the NS5B fragment and successfully sequenced. Genotype 1b was the most prevalent in this population (50%), followed by 1a (27.2%), 2b (13.6%) and 3a (9.0%). Conclusions: This study is the first report of HCV genotypes from Rondonia State and subtype 1b was found to be the most prevalent. This subtype is mostly found among people who have a previous history of blood transfusion but more detailed studies with a larger number of patients are necessary to understand the HCV dynamics in the population of Rondonia State, Brazil.


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Background: The Brazilian population is mainly descendant from European colonizers, Africans and Native Americans. Some Afro-descendants lived in small isolated communities since the slavery period. The epidemiological status of HBV infection in Quilombos communities from northeast of Brazil remains unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the HBV genotypes circulating inside a Quilombo isolated community from Maranhao State, Brazil. Methods: Seventy-two samples from Frechal Quilombo community at Maranhao were collected. All serum samples were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg). HBsAg positive samples were submitted to DNA extraction and a fragment of 1306 bp partially comprising HBsAg and polymerase coding regions (S/POL) was amplified by nested PCR and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Viral isolates were genotyped by phylogenetic analysis using reference sequences from each genotype obtained from GenBank (n = 320). Sequences were aligned using Muscle software and edited in the SE-AL software. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to obtain the MCC tree using BEAST v.1.5.3. Results: Of the 72 individuals, 9 (12.5%) were HBsAg-positive and 4 of them were successfully sequenced for the 1306 bp fragment. All these samples were genotype A1 and grouped together with other sequences reported from Brazil. Conclusions: The present study represents the first report on the HBV genotypes characterization of this community in the Maranhao state in Brazil where a high HBsAg frequency was found. In this study, we reported a high frequency of HBV infection and the exclusive presence of subgenotype A1 in an Afro-descendent community in the Maranhao State, Brazil.


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The aim of this study was to investigate HIV-1 molecular diversity and the epidemiological profile of HIV-1-infected patients from Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. A nested PCR followed by sequencing of a 302-base pair fragment of the env gene (C2-V3 region) was performed in samples from HIV-1-positive patients. A total of 45 sequences were aligned with final manual adjustments. The phylogenetic analyses showed a higher prevalence of HIV-1 subtype B in the studied population (97.8%) with only one sample yielding an F1 subtype. The viral genotyping prediction showed that CCR5 tropism was the most prevalent in the studied cohort. Geno2pheno analysis showed that R5 and CXCR4 prediction were 69% and 31%, respectively. There was no statistical significance, either in viral load or in CD4(+) T cell count when R5 and X4 prediction groups were compared. Moreover, the GPGR tetramer was the most common V3 loop core motif identified in the HIV-1 strains studied (34.1%) followed by GWGR, identified in 18.1% of the samples. The high level of B subtype in this Brazilian population reinforces the nature of the HIV epidemic in Brazil, and corroborates previous data obtained in the Brazilian HIV-infected population.


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Dengue epidemics have been reported in Brazil since 1985. The scenery has worsened in the last decade because several serotypes are circulating and producing a hyper-endemic situation, with an increase of DHF/DSS cases as well as the number of fatalities. Herein, we report dengue virus surveillance in mosquitoes using a Flavivirus genus-specific RT-Hemi-Nested-PCR assay. The mosquitoes (Culicidae, n = 1700) collected in the Northeast, Southeast and South of Brazil, between 1999 and 2005, were grouped into 154 pools. Putative genomes of DENV-1, -2 and -3 were detected in 6 mosquito pools (3.8%). One amplicon of putative DENV-1 was detected in a pool of Haemagogus leucocelaenus suggesting that this virus could be involved in a sylvatic cycle. DENV-3 was found infecting 3 pools of larvae of Aedes albopictus and the nucleotide sequence of one of these viruses was identified as DENV-3 of genotype III, phylogenetically related to other DENV-3 isolated in Brazil. This is the first report of a nucleotide sequence of DENV-3 from larvae of Aedes albopictus.


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Background: Severe outcomes have been described for both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax infections. The identification of sensitive and reliable markers of disease severity is fundamental to improving patient care. An intense pro-inflammatory response with oxidative stress and production of reactive oxygen species is present in malaria. Inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and antioxidant agents such as superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD-1) are likely candidate biomarkers for disease severity. Here we tested whether plasma levels of SOD-1 could serve as a biomarker of severe vivax malaria. Methodology/Principal Findings: Plasma samples were obtained from residents of the Brazilian Amazon with a high risk for P. vivax transmission. Malaria diagnosis was made by both microscopy and nested PCR. A total of 219 individuals were enrolled: non-infected volunteers (n = 90) and individuals with vivax malaria: asymptomatic (n = 60), mild (n = 50) and severe infection (n = 19). SOD-1 was directly associated with parasitaemia, plasma creatinine and alanine amino-transaminase levels, while TNF-alpha correlated only with the later enzyme. The predictive power of SOD-1 and TNF-alpha levels was compared. SOD-1 protein levels were more effective at predicting vivax malaria severity than TNF-alpha. For discrimination of mild infection, elevated SOD-1 levels showed greater sensitivity than TNF-alpha (76% vs. 30% respectively; p < 0.0001), with higher specificity (100% vs. 97%; p < 0.0001). In predicting severe vivax malaria, SOD-1 levels exhibited higher sensitivity than TNF-alpha (80% vs. 56%, respectively; p < 0.0001; likelihood ratio: 7.45 vs. 3.14; p, 0.0001). Neither SOD-1 nor TNF-alpha could discriminate P. vivax infections from those caused by P. falciparum. Conclusion: SOD-1 is a powerful predictor of disease severity in individuals with different clinical presentations of vivax malaria.


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Background: Despite governmental and private efforts on providing malaria control, this disease continues to be a major health threat. Thus, innovative strategies are needed to reduce disease burden. The malaria vectors, through the injection of saliva into the host skin, play important role on disease transmission and may influence malaria morbidity. This study describes the humoral immune response against Anopheles (An.) darlingi saliva in volunteers from the Brazilian Amazon and addresses the association between levels of specific antibodies and clinical presentation of Plasmodium (P.) vivax infection. Methods: Adult volunteers from communities in the Rondonia State, Brazil, were screened in order to assess the presence of P. vivax infection by light microscopy and nested PCR. Non-infected volunteers and individuals with symptomatic or symptomless infection were randomly selected and plasma collected. An. darlingi salivary gland sonicates (SGS) were prepared and used to measure anti-saliva antibody levels. Plasma interleukin (IL)-10 and interferon (IFN)-gamma levels were also estimated and correlated to anti-SGS levels. Results: Individuals infected with P. vivax presented higher levels of anti-SGS than non-infected individuals and antibody levels could discriminate infection. Furthermore, anti-saliva antibody measurement was also useful to distinguish asymptomatic infection from non-infection, with a high likelihood ratio. Interestingly, individuals with asymptomatic parasitaemia presented higher titers of anti-SGS and lower IFN-gamma/IL-10 ratio than symptomatic ones. In P. vivax-infected asymptomatic individuals, the IFN-gamma/IL-10 ratio was inversely correlated to anti-SGS titers, although not for while in symptomatic volunteers. Conclusion: The estimation of anti-An. darlingi antibody levels can indicate the probable P. vivax infection status and also could serve as a marker of disease severity in this region of Brazilian Amazon.


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Sugarcane yellow leaf syndrome caused serious damage to crops in the Sao Paulo State, Brazil, in the 1990`s. The syndrome was also reported in other countries and investigations into the etiology revealed an association between the disease and virus and/or phytoplasma. The disease is potentially important and occurs endemically in that State, and for this reason the present study was conducted in order to demonstrate the occurrence of phytoplasma in three traditional sugarcane-producing areas, in Sao Paulo State, through molecular detection From naturally infected plants. Symptomatic plants belonging to varieties SP71-6163, SP71-6180 and SP89-1115 were sampled from Piracicaba, Jau and Ribeirao Preto, and total DNA was extracted from foliar tissues. Nested PCR was conducted with primer pairs P1/ Tint-16F2n/R2, and the amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis on agarose gels. Amplified DNA fragments of 1.2 kb evidenced the presence of phytoplasma in 36% of symptomatic plants and revealed its Occurrence in all sampled regions. The results demonstrated that phytoplasma is associated with the disease and that it is important to keep a safe inspection of nurseries and monitoring plants in the field, as well as to Select Sugarcane genotypes with a good level of resistance in breeding programs.


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Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less prokaryotes and phloem-inhabitants associated with diseases that affect several crops. Passion fruit is a tropical plant species cultivated in various Brazilian regions. Diseases are among the factors that may cause damage to this crop, and witches` broom is a very important one. This disease, associated with a phytoplasma, has been reported only in Brazil, where it was described in Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco States at the beginning of the 1980`s. In 2005-2006, symptomatic plants Suspected of phytoplasma infection were sampled in areas located in Sao Paulo, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe and Bahia. Amplification of DNA fragments of 1.2kb from nested PCR primed by the pairs 16mF2/mR1 and 16F2n/R2 revealed the presence of phytoplasma in the tissue of plants from all sampled regions. Molecular detection of the agent allowed confirmation of the diagnosis based on the symptomatology; demonstrated the strong association between diseased plants and a phytoplasma, confirming previous investigations based on electron microscopy;, and revealed the present occurrence of the agent in the States of Bahia, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe, and Sao Paulo.


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Symptoms resembling giant calyx, a graft-transmissible disease, were observed on 1-5% of eggplant (aubergine; Solanum melongena L.) plants in production fields in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Phytoplasmas were detected in 1 2 of 1 2 samples from symptomatic plants that were analysed by a nested PCR assay employing 16S rRNA gene primers R16mF2/R16mR1 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. RFLP analysis of the resulting rRNA gene products (1.2 kb) indicated that all plants contained similar phytoplasmas, each closely resembling strains previously classified as members of RFLP group 16SrIII (X-disease group). Virtual RFLP and phylogenetic analyses of sequences derived from PCR products identified phytoplasmas infecting eggplant crops grown in Piracicaba as a lineage of the subgroup 16SrIII-J, whereas phytoplasmas detected in plants grown in Braganca Paulista were tentatively classified as members of a novel subgroup 16SrIII-U. These findings confirm eggplant as a new host of group 16SrIII-J phytoplasmas and extend the known diversity of strains belonging to this group in Brazil.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping `hot spot` areas of PCM.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a frequent cause of acute and chronic hepatitis and a leading cause for cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV is classified in six major genotypes and more than 70 subtypes. In Colombian blood banks, serum samples were tested for anti-HCV antibodies using a third-generation ELISA. The aim of this study was to characterize the viral sequences in plasma of 184 volunteer blood donors who attended the ""Banco Nacional de Sangre de la Cruz Roja Colombiana,`` Bogota, Colombia. Three different HCV genomic regions were amplified by nested PCR. The first of these was a segment of 180 bp of the 5`UTR region to confirm the previous diagnosis by ELISA. From those that were positive to the 5`UTR region, two further segments were amplified for genotyping and subtyping by phylogenetic analysis: a segment of 380 bp from the NS5B region; and a segment of 391 bp from the E1 region. The distribution of HCV subtypes was: 1b (82.8%), 1a (5.7%), 2a (5.7%), 2b (2.8%), and 3a (2.8%). By applying Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, it was estimated that HCV-1b was introduced into Bogota around 1950. Also, this subtype spread at an exponential rate between about 1970 to about 1990, after which transmission of HCV was reduced by anti-HCV testing of this population. Among Colombian blood donors, HCV genotype 1b is the most frequent genotype, especially in large urban conglomerates such as Bogota, as is the case in other South American countries. J. Med. Virol. 82: 1889-1898, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Using enzyme immunoassays and Western blot (Wb) tests, HTLV serodiagnosis yields indeterminate results in a significant number of cases. Objective: To determine the prevalence of HTLV infection among HTLV-seroindeterminate individuals. Study design: We studied peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 65 anti-HTLV Wb-seroindeterminate individuals by attempting to amplify proviral DNA sequences (tax and pot) to identify HTLV-I and HTLV-2 infections. Results: These 65 specimens exhibited predominantly (43%) anti-HTLV antibodies to gag-coded antigens in the absence of anti-p24 on Wb analysis. Tax proviral sequences were detected in 6 (9.2%) samples. According to restricted fragment polymorphism analysis (RFLP), we identified HTLV-1 proviral DNA in 4 samples. HTLV-2 in one and sequences from both in another. Nested PCR for the pot region was positive in 3 (4.6%) specimens, which were also positive for tax sequences. After hybridization HTLV-1 infection was confirmed in 2 samples (3.1%) and HTLV-2 in another (1.5%). Detection of a single HTLV DNA sequence may be due to infection by defective provirus, but its significance remains undefined. In this cohort, no Wb reactivity pattern was predictive of proviral detection. HTLV-I infection was demonstrated in an individual who had Wb reactivity to gag-coded antigens only. Conclusions: This emphasizes the importance of clinical and laboratory follow-up of HTLV-seroindeterminate individuals from endemic areas. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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P>We have developed a two-step PCR assay that amplifies a region of the ceja-1 sequence that is specific for virulent strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. An internal region of the ceja-1 sequence was chosen for designing primers that were utilised in a single tube heminested PCR protocol to amplify DNA from six virulent strains. PCR specificity was determined by the absence of amplified products with genomic DNA from four non-virulent strains of P. brasiliensis and from eight fungal pathogens, one bacterium, two protozoa, one worm and mouse and human genomic DNA (leucocytes). The fact that the PCR product was only obtained with the genetic material from virulent isolates of P. brasiliensis suggested that this partial amplified sequence might be a marker of virulence for this fungus. The diagnostic potential of this PCR was confirmed by the successful amplification of this fragment with genomic DNA obtained in lymph node aspirate from a patient with paracoccidioidomycosis.


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In the present study, our aim was to investigate whether EBV DNA could be found in association with invasive and pre-invasive cervical cancer lesions. We hypothesize that EBV is not merely a commensal agent when present in malignant cervical lesions. DNA was extracted from cervical scrapings followed by nested PCR-based amplification. The patients were 66 women with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and 14 women with invasive cervical cancer. The control group consisted of 89 women with a normal Pap smear and colposcopy as well as a negative HPV DNA test. Analysis of our results, in conjunction with the work of other authors, leads us to propose that EBV is not merely a commensal agent when present in malignant cervical lesions. The presence of DNA from EBV is significantly associated with cervical cancer.


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The larynx is the most common site of malignancy in the upper aerodigestive tract. In Brazil, malignant laryngeal lesions represent 2% of all cancers, with similar to 3000 annual deaths. The association between human papillomavirus (HPV) and laryngeal cancer is still controversial. The aim of the present retrospective study was to determine the expression of galectin-3 immunoperoxidase in laryngeal carcinoma by examining paraffin-em bedded larynx biopsies from 65 patients, 10 in situ laryngeal carcinomas, 27 laryngeal carcinomas without metastases, and 28 with metastases. Twenty-eight cervical lymph nodes from patients with metastatic lesions were also evaluated. Nested PCR was performed to detect and type HPV DNA. Galectin-3 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry using a computer-assisted system. Among 65 patients, 55 (84.6%)were positive to beta-globin (internal control); 10 (15.4%) patients were beta-globin negative and were excluded from the HPV evaluation. Thus, 7 (12.7%) out of 55 patients were HPV positive and 48 (87.3%) out of 55 patients were HPV negative. High expression of galectin-3 was observed in invasive laryngeal tumors, suggesting that galectin-3 could be associated with the invasiveness and aggressiveness of laryngeal carcinomas. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:665-673, 2009)