1000 resultados para Neoplasias Nasales
O pseudomixoma peritoneal é uma condição patológica que acomete o peritoneo, caracterizada pela produção de grandes quantidades de líquido mucinoso, que progressivamente preenche a cavidade peritoneal, tendo em geral como origem tumores mucinosos apendiculares ou de ovário. Relatamos a ocorrência de um pseudomixoma peritoneal associado a adenocarcinoma mucinoso do apêndice sincrônico e adenocarcinoma do reto em paciente de 44 anos, cujo diagnóstico inicial foi de adenocarcinoma do reto. A neoplasia do apêndice e o pseudomixoma peritonial foram achados incidentais, intra-operatórios. Enfocamos as principais características anatomo-patológicas das lesões, o diagnóstico e tratamento, através de ampla revisão da literatura.
Cancer is regarded as abnormal cellular multiplication; it is not controlled by the organism, and its cells present a differentiated DNA. Initially, the disease does not show clinical signs, but it can be diagnosed by laboratory examinations. When tumors are present in the maxillofacial area.. the carrier can lose structures in this area, resulting to the carrier's social environment exclusion. This article aims to show incidences and causes of malignant neoplasias in the maxillofacial area.
As neoplasias mamarias constituem aproximadamente 50% dos tumores diagnosticados em cadelas. Apesar dosharmónios sexuais femininos desempenharem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento desses tumores em mamíferos, o valor da supressão hormonal pela ovário-histerectomia como auxiliar no tratamento do tumor de mama em caninos permanece controverso. Discute-se ainda se a realização da ovário-histerectomia após o diagnóstico influencia ou não o crescimento e progressão do tumor na glândula afetada ou em outras glândulas mamarias. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir alguns aspectos relacionados à influência hormonal na etiologia de tumores mamarias em cadelas, assim como o valor terapêutico da castração, quando realizada no momento da mastectomia.
Examinou-se a mortalidade por neoplasias no Brasil, utilizando-se dados oficiais do Ministério da Saúde, abrangendo 26 Unidades da Federação e 13 diferentes localizações neoplásicas, para os anos de 1980, 1983 e 1985. As Análises de Agrupamento e de Componentes Principais revelaram comportamento heterogêneo entre regiões do país, com relação às 13 variáveis estudadas, sendo que os principais elementos discriminantes foram as neoplasias malignas da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão, seguidas das do estômago, esôfago, cólon e pâncreas. Análises complementares evidenciaram tendência de crescimento das taxas de mortalidade para as neoplasias malignas da próstata (17,74%), da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão(15,22%), da mama (11,32%), do pâncreas (10,23%), do cólon (8,08%), do colo uterino (6,45%) e da laringe (6,36%). Houve redução da mortalidade por neoplasias benignas/carcinoma in situ/ outras (27,37%), por neoplasias malignas no reto sigmóide/ânus (7,67%), do estômago (5,31%), de outro local do útero não especificado (2,56%), por leucemia (0,70%) e por neoplasias malignas do esôfago (0,44%). As neoplasias malignas do estômago foram a principal causa de morte por câncer no Brasil, representando 21,30% do total médio, seguidas das neoplasias malignas da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão(17,49% do total médio). Destacam-se os altos índices de mortalidade por neoplasias malignas do esôfago no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.
OBJETIVOS: O estudo procurou identificar e analisar as oportunidades de diagnóstico precoce para neoplasias malignas de mama, disponíveis para as mulheres do município de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistadas por telefone, segundo sorteio aleatório, 261 mulheres com idade de 30 anos ou mais. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi de 51 anos e 49,45% das entrevistadas apresentaram escolaridade de nove anos ou mais; 80% receberam orientações gerais sobre prevenção do câncer de mama e 86,9% orientações específicas sobre autopalpação; 78,9% das mulheres realizaram o auto-exame das mamas e destas somente 27% o fizeram corretamente. O exame clínico das mamas foi realizado em 76,2% das entrevistadas e a mamografia em 35,6%; se o exame de mamografia fosse solicitado por médicos e estivesse disponível, 83,1% das mulheres estariam dispostas a realizá-lo. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência e a mortalidade da doença são maiores nas mulheres idosas. Neste estudo observou-se que estas apresentaram uma taxa menor de oportunidades de diagnóstico precoce, pois eram menos informadas sobre a periodicidade correta da autopalpação e apresentaram uma menor freqüência de mamografia e de exame clínico das mamas do que as mais jovens. O grau de escolaridade mostrou também significância estatística, visto que as mulheres com mais anos de estudo tiveram melhores oportunidades do que as com pouco estudo.
Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.
E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016) were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032). When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic) of female dogs (p=0.030); there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021) and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035). The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Radipherpus protheses are a means of treatment for malignant tumor-carrying patients. These protheses are used in cases of brachytherapy or external actinotherapy by contact and allow treating them with high radiation doses that are quickly released from the areas next to tumor, so that the radiations be restricted to the affected region, without the emissions damaging or destroying the soft tissues. Based on these considerations, the present paper was aimed at making literature review on the use of radipherous protheses for the treatment of head and neck neoplasias. © 2006 1995, Editorial Ciencias médicas.
E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016) were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032). When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic) of female dogs (p=0.030); there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021) and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035). The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.
Spontaneous tumors of the mammary gland in female dogs, represent the most frequent neoplasms observed in the small animal clinic, which explains the high interest of researchers in the study of this lesion. This study aimed to determine the frequency of mammary tumors in female dogs treated at HOSPMEV/UFBA, in Salvador, from January 2006 to April 2008, as well as to carry out the clinical characterization, histopathologic classification and the georeferencing of this pathology. The results showed a high prevalence of mammary tumors in female dogs, with most of the tumors in more advanced stages and the carcinomas in mixed tumors the predominant histologic type. There was maalso a.correlation between socioeconomic characteristics of the study population with known prognostic factors for mammary neoplasms in female dogs. These results reflect the delay in providing veterinary medical care. Thus, it's important to educate the population regarding the prevention and detection of mammary cancer in female dogs looking for an early diagnosis and appropriate therapy.
Bovine enzootic hematuria is characterized by the development of hemangiomatous lesions from several types of neoplastic processes, from epithelial and mesenchymal origin. In this research the histogenesis of neoplastic lesions found in bladder of bovines with enzootic hematuria from Caparaó microregion in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil was determined. To accomplish this objective, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with primary antibodies: anti-vimentin, anti-cytokeratin, anti-CD31 and anti-uroplakin. Neoplasms found included urothelial carcinoma, in situ carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, hemangioma, myxoma e hemangiosarcoma. Immunohistochemical staining of cytokeratin in epithelial neoplasms and vimentin in mesenchymal neoplasms was significant (p<0.05). CD31 was positive in all the vessels of all samples, however, the staining was significant (p<0.05) in the tumor endothelial cells of the vascular mesenchymal neoplasms, as in hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas. Uroplakin III staining was uneven in several neoplastic types and showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Most neoplasms showed an atypical uroplakin staining on urothelium and, in the case of hemangiosarcomas there was no staining of the urothelium at all. The Spearman statistical analysis revealed a positive correlation (r= 0.63, p= 0.05) between CD31 and vimentin and between cytokeratin and uroplakin (rs= -0.61, p= 0.05). It was concluded that biomarkers anti-cytokeratin, anti-vimentin and anti-CD31 are important for the diagnosis of neoplasms epithelial, mesenchymal and vascular mesenchymal, respectively. It is possible to use vimentin and CD31 in association in vascular mesenchymal neoplasms and cytokeratin and uroplakin in epithelial neoplasms. The uroplakin is an effective marker, not only for tumor diagnosis, but also to evaluate the urothelial integrity.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB