526 resultados para Neon Tetra


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In an attempt to determine the helium and neon isotopic composition of the lower oceanic crust, we report new noble gas measurements on 11 million year old gabbros from Ocean Drilling Program site 735B in the Indian Ocean. The nine whole rock samples analyzed came from 20 to 500 m depth below the seafloor. Helium contents vary from 3.3*10**-10 to 2.5*10**-7 ccSTP/g by crushing and from 5.4*10**-8 to 2.4*10**-7 ccSTP/g by melting. 3He/4He ratios vary between 2.2 and 8.6 Ra by crushing and between 2.9 and 8.2 by melting. The highest R/Ra ratios are similar to the mean mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) ratio of 8+/-1. The lower values are attributed to radiogenic helium from in situ alüha-particle production during uranium and thorium decay. Neon isotopic ratios are similar to atmospheric ratios, reflecting a significant seawater circulation in the upper 500 m of exposed crust at this site. MORB-like neon, with elevated 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne ratios, was found in some high temperature steps of heating experiments, but with very small anomalies compared to air. These first results from the lower oceanic crust indicate that subducted lower oceanic crust has an atmospheric 20Ne/22Ne ratio. Most of this neon must be removed during the subduction process, if the ocean crust is to be recirculated in the upper mantle, otherwise this atmospheric neon will overwhelm the upper mantle neon budget. Similarly, the high (U+Th)/3He ratio of these crustal gabbros will generate very radiogenic 4He/3He ratios on a 100 Ma time scale, so lower oceanic crust cannot be recycled into either MORB or oceanic island basalt without some form of processing.


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Interoperability on multiple levels, concerning both the ontologies themselves and their engineering activities, is a key requirement for ontology networks to be efficient, with minimal redundancy and high reuse. This requirement has a strict binding for software tools that can support some interoperability levels, yet they can be hindered by a lack of shared models and vocabularies describing the resources to be handled, as well as the ways of handling them. Here, three examples of metalevel vocabularies are proposed, each covering at least one peculiar interoperability aspect: OMV for modeling the artifacts themselves, LIR for managing a multilingual layer on top of them, and C-ODO Light for modeling collaboration-supportive life cycle management tasks and processes. All of these models lend themselves to handling by dedicated software tools and are all being employed within NeOn products.


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In contrast to other approaches that provide methodological guidance for ontology engineering, the NeOn Methodology does not prescribe a rigid workflow, but instead it suggests a variety of pathways for developing ontologies. The nine scenarios proposed in the methodology cover commonly occurring situations, for example, when available ontologies need to be re-engineered, aligned, modularized, localized to support different languages and cultures, and integrated with ontology design patterns and non-ontological resources, such as folksonomies or thesauri. In addition, the NeOn Methodology framework provides (a) a glossary of processes and activities involved in the development of ontologies, (b) two ontology life cycle models, and (c) a set of methodological guidelines for different processes and activities, which are described (a) functionally, in terms of goals, inputs, outputs, and relevant constraints; (b) procedurally, by means of workflow specifications; and (c) empirically, through a set of illustrative examples.


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Knowledge resource reuse has become a popular approach within the ontology engineering field, mainly because it can speed up the ontology development process, saving time and money and promoting the application of good practices. The NeOn Methodology provides guidelines for reuse. These guidelines include the selection of the most appropriate knowledge resources for reuse in ontology development. This is a complex decision-making problem where different conflicting objectives, like the reuse cost, understandability, integration workload and reliability, have to be taken into account simultaneously. GMAA is a PC-based decision support system based on an additive multi-attribute utility model that is intended to allay the operational difficulties involved in the Decision Analysis methodology. The paper illustrates how it can be applied to select multimedia ontologies for reuse to develop a new ontology in the multimedia domain. It also demonstrates that the sensitivity analyses provided by GMAA are useful tools for making a final recommendation.


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In questo lavoro di tesi viene affrontato il tema del Miglioramento Continuo all'interno di un caso di studio reale. Viene posta come obiettivo la verifica delle potenzialità dei principi del Miglioramento Continuo nel settore di confezionamento e trasformazione di prodotti liquidi alimentari. Il progetto riguarda il reparto di consulenza della multinazionale svedese Tetra Pak, che offre l'implementazione del sistema ad un'azienda cliente sita nel Regno Unito. L'implementazione del progetto si sviluppa da un primo accurato studio della situazione aziendale, a seguito del quale sono state riscontrate necessità di cambiamento in aree specifiche. Successivamente a questa prima fase di studio segue una seconda fase di pianificazione e sviluppo della strategia di miglioramento che ha visto coinvolti il personale Tetra Pak e il personale dell'azienda locale. Il processo di miglioramento viene applicato inizialmente su una cella pilota, selezionata all'interno delle linee produttive dell'azienda cliente, per poi essere espanso a tutto il reparto produttivo qualora il risultato misurato confermi le aspettative.


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"Publicado en los 'Anales de la Uiversidad' de julio, tomo CI."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Reaction between ethane-1,2-diamine and 3,3'-dichloropivalic acid results in different, isomeric tetra-amine derivatives, one a tetraamino carboxylic acid and the other a carboxamidotriamino alcohol, depending upon reaction conditions, Intended conversion of the Cu(II) complex of the former to a cyclam-like macrocycle through reaction with nitroethane and formaldehyde results in isolation of derivatives of both the former and the latter. This can be rationalized by assuming the intermediacy of an azetidinone, a species similar to that seen in simpler reactions of dichloropivalates. A single reaction thereby provides pendent-arm macrocycles where one has an electrophilic and the other a nucleophilic substituent. Parallel chemistry is not seen in the reaction between propane-1,3-diamine and 3,3'-dichloropivalate.


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Some methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (MeO-BDEs) are known halogenated natural products (HNPs) and are frequently detected in higher organisms of the marine environment. In this study we demonstrate that a prominent MeO-BDE, previously detected in marine mammals from Australia, is identical to 3,5-dibromo-2-(2',4'-dibromo)phenoxyanisole(BC-3,6-MeO-BDE47). Up to 1.9mg/ kg of 6-MeO-BDE 47 was present in cetaceans from Australia, 0.2-0.3 mg/kg in two crocodile eggs from Australia, but concentrations of 1 or 2 orders of magnitude lower were found in shark liver oil from New Zealand and in marine mammals from Africa and the Antarctic. Concentrations of 6-MeO-BDE47 in samples from Australia were in the same range as anthropogenic pollutants such as PCB 153 and p,p'-DDE. Along with 6-MeO-BDE 47 and the known HNP 4,6-dibromo-2-(2',4'-dibromo)phenoxyanisole (BC-2,2'-MeO-BDE 68), several tribromophenoxyanisoles (MeO-triBDE) were present in tissue of Australian cetaceans. To determine their structure, abiotic debromination experiments were performed using 6-MeO-BDE 47 and 2'-MeO-BDE 68 and superreduced di cyanocobalamine. These experiments resulted in formation of eight MeO-triBDEs, all of which were detected in the cetacean samples. Five of these eight MeO-triBDEs could be identified based on two standard compounds as well as gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric features. It was also shown that the first eluting isomer (compound 1), 6-MeO-BDE 17 (compound 2), and 2-MeO-BDE 39 (compound 5) were the most prominent MeO-triBDEs in the Australian cetacean samples. The concentrations of the MeO-triBDEs in two cetacean samples were 0.20 and 0.36 mg/kg, respectively. Although the reductive debromination with dicyanocobalamine resulted in a different congener pattern than was found in the marine mammals, it could not be excluded that the tribromo congeners of 6-MeO-BDE 47 and 2'-MeO-BDE 68 in the samples were metabolites of the latter.