157 resultados para Neisseria


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We report a case of invasive Neisseria sicca/subflava meningitis after a spinal injection procedure during which a face mask was not worn by the proceduralist. The report highlights the importance of awareness of, and adherence to, guidelines for protective face mask use during procedures that require sterile conditions.


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Infertility is a worldwide health problem with one in six couples suffering from this condition and with a major economic burden on the global healthcare industry. Estimates of the current global infertility rate suggest that 15% of couples are infertile (Zegers-Hochschild et al 2009) defined as: (1) failure to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse (i.e. infertility); (2) repeated implantation failure following ART cycles; or (3) recurrent miscarriage without difficulty conceiving (natural conceptions). Tubal factor infertility is among the leading causes of female factor infertility accounting for 7-9.8% of all female factor infertilities. Tubal disease directly causes from 36% to 85% of all cases of female factor infertility in developed and developing nations respectively and is associated with polymicrobial aetiologies. One of the leading global causes of tubal factor infertility is thought to be symptomatic (and asymptomatic in up to 70% cases) infection of the female reproductive tract with the sexually transmitted pathogen, Chlamydia trachomatis. Infection-related damage to the Fallopian tubes caused by Chlamydia accounts for more than 70% of cases of infertility in women from developing nations such as sub-Saharan Africa (Sharma et al 2009). Bacterial vaginosis, a condition associated with increased transmission of sexually transmitted infections including those caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Mycoplasma genitalium is present in two thirds of women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This review will focus on (1) the polymicrobial aetiologies of tubal factor infertility and (2) studies involved in screening for, and treatment and control of, Chlamydial infection to prevent PID and the associated sequelae of Fallopian tube inflammation that may lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy.


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Vaccines against Neisseria meningitidis group C are based on its alpha-2,9-linked polysialic acid capsular polysaccharide. This polysialic acid expressed on the surface of N. meningitidis and in the absence of specific antibody serves to evade host defense mechanisms. The polysialyltransferase (PST) that forms the group C polysialic acid (NmC PST) is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. Until recently, detailed characterization of bacterial polysialyltransferases has been hampered by a lack of availability of soluble enzyme preparations. We have constructed chimeras of the group C polysialyltransferase that catalyzes the formation alpha-2,9-polysialic acid as a soluble enzyme. We used site-directed mutagenesis to determine the region of the enzyme necessary for synthesis of the alpha-2,9 linkage. A chimera of NmB and NmC PSTs containing only amino acids 1 to 107 of the NmB polysialyltransferase catalyzed the synthesis of alpha-2,8-polysialic acid. The NmC polysialyltransferase requires an exogenous acceptor for catalytic activity. While it requires a minimum of a disialylated oligosaccharide to catalyze transfer, it can form high-molecular-weight alpha-2,9-polysialic acid in a nonprocessive fashion when initiated with an alpha-2,8-polysialic acid acceptor. De novo synthesis in vivo requires an endogenous acceptor. We attempted to reconstitute de novo activity of the soluble group C polysialyltransferase with membrane components. We found that an acapsular mutant with a defect in the polysialyltransferase produces outer membrane vesicles containing an acceptor for the alpha-2,9-polysialyltransferase. This acceptor is an amphipathic molecule and can be elongated to produce polysialic acid that is reactive with group C-specific antibody.


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The effectiveness of a vaccine is determined not only by the immunogenicity of its components, but especially by how widely it covers the disease-causing strains circulating in a given region. Because vaccine coverage varies over time, this study aimed to detect possible changes that could affect vaccine protection during a specific period in a southern European region. The 4CMenB vaccine is licensed for use in Europe, Canada, and Australia and is mainly directed against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. This vaccine contains four main immunogenic components: three recombinant proteins, FHbp, Nhba and NadA, and an outer membrane vesicle [PorA P1.4]. The allelic distribution of FHbp, Nhba, NadA, and PorA antigens in 82 invasive isolates (B and non-B serogroups) isolated from January 2008 to December 2013 were analyzed. 4CMenB was likely protective against 61.8% and 50% of serogroup B and non-B meningococci, respectively, in the entire period, but between 2012 and 2013, the predicted protection fell below 45% (42.1% for serogroup B isolates). The observed decreasing trend in the predicted protection during the 6 years of the study (X-2 for trend = 4.68, p=0.03) coincided with a progressive decrease of several clonal complexes (e. g., cc11, cc32 and cc41/44), which had one or more antigens against which the vaccine would offer protection.


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Invasive infection caused by Neisseria meningitidis is a worldwide public health problem. Previous reports have indicated that carriage of common ‘defective’ structural polymorphisms of the host mannose-binding lectin gene (MBL2) greatly increases an individual’s risk of developing the disease. We report the largest case–control study so far to investigate the effect of these polymorphisms in meningococcal disease (296 PCR-positive cases and 5196 population controls, all of European ancestry) and demonstrate that no change in risk is associated with the polymorphisms overall or in any age-defined subgroup. This finding contrasts with two smaller studies that reported an increase in risk. A systematic review of all studies of MBL2 polymorphisms in people of European ancestry published since 1999, including 24 693 individuals, revealed a population frequency of the combined ‘defective’MBL2 allele of 0.230 (95% confidence limits: 0.226–0.234). The past reported associations of increased risk of meningococcal disease were because of low ‘defective’ allele frequencies in their study control populations (0.13 and 0.04) that indicate systematic problems with the studies. The data from our study and all other available evidence indicate that MBL2 structural polymorphisms do not predispose children or adults to invasive meningococcal disease.


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AbstractInvasive infection caused by Neisseria meningitidis is a worldwide public health problem. Previous reports have indicated that carriage of common 'defective' structural polymorphisms of the host mannose-binding lectin gene (MBL2) greatly increases an individual's risk of developing the disease. We report the largest case-control study so far to investigate the effect of these polymorphisms in meningococcal disease (296 PCR-positive cases and 5196 population controls, all of European ancestry) and demonstrate that no change in risk is associated with the polymorphisms overall or in any age-defined subgroup. This finding contrasts with two smaller studies that reported an increase in risk. A systematic review of all studies of MBL2 polymorphisms in people of European ancestry published since 1999, including 24 693 individuals, revealed a population frequency of the combined 'defective'MBL2 allele of 0.230 (95% confidence limits: 0.226-0.234). The past reported associations of increased risk of meningococcal disease were because of low 'defective' allele frequencies in their study control populations (0.13 and 0.04) that indicate systematic problems with the studies. The data from our study and all other available evidence indicate that MBL2 structural polymorphisms do not predispose children or adults to invasive meningococcal disease.


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Removal of the spleen presents a lifelong risk of infection, in particular the syndrome of overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitides are the most common organisms involved, but malaria, babesiosis and DF-2 also create a problem. Immunisation with pneumococcal vaccine, H. influenzae type b vaccine, influenza vaccine and, if in a high risk area, meningococcal vaccine is recommended. Lifelong phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg twice daily is also advised, especially in high risk groups such as children and immunocompromised patients. If patients are unwilling to take medicine lifelong, or are unlikely to comply, an antibiotic supply should be made available at all times and administration should commence at the first sign of illness.


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Introduction and aims: The role bacteria play in the development and progression of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is unclear. We used culture-independent methods to describe differences and/or similarities in microbial communities in the lower airways of patients with COPD, healthy non-smokers and smokers.

Methods: Bronchial wash samples were collected from patients with COPD (GOLD 1–3; n = 18), healthy non-smokers (HV; n = 11) and healthy smokers (HS; n = 8). Samples were processed using the Illumina MiSeq platform. The Shannon-Wiener Index (SW) of diversity, lung obstruction (FEV1/FVC ratio) and ordination by Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indices were analysed to evaluate how samples were related. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to assess the effect specific taxa had within each cohort. Characteristics of each cohort are shown in Table 1.

Results: There was no difference in taxa richness between cohorts (range: 69–71; p = 0.954). Diversity (SW Index) was significantly lower in COPD samples compared to samples from HV and HS (p = 0.009 and p = 0.033, respectively). There was no significant difference between HV and HS (p = 0.186). The FEV1/FVC ratio was significantly lower for COPD compared to HV (p = 9*10–8) and HS (p = 2*10–6), respectively. NMDS analysis showed that communities belonging to either of the healthy groups were more similar to each other than they were to samples belonging to the COPD group. PCA analysis showed that members of Streptococcus sp. and Haemophilus sp. had the largest effect on the variance explained in COPD. In HS, Haemophilus sp., Fusobaterium sp., Actinomyces sp., Prevotella sp. and Veillonella sp. had the largest effect on the variance explained, while in HV Neisseria sp., Porphyromonas sp., Actinomyces sp., Atopobium sp., Prevotella and Veillonella sp. had the largest effect on the variance explained.

Conclusions: The study demonstrates that microbial communities in the lower airways of patients with COPD are significantly different from that seen in healthy comparison groups. Patients with COPD had lower microbial diversity than either of the healthy comparison groups, higher relative abundance of members of Streptococcus sp. and lower relative abundance of a number of key anaerobes.Characteristics


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AIM: To analyse the microflora of subgingival plaque from patients with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome (PLS), which is a very rare disease characterised by palmar-plantar hyperkeratosis with precocious periodontal destruction.

METHODS: Bacterial isolates were identified using a combination of commercial identification kits, traditional laboratory tests, and gas liquid chromatography. Some isolates were also subjected to partial 16S rDNA sequencing. Plaque samples were also assayed for the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in a quantitative enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using monoclonal antibodies.

RESULTS: The culture results showed that most isolates were capnophilic and facultatively anaerobic species-mainly Capnocytophaga spp and Streptococcus spp. The latter included S. constellatus, S. oralis, and S. sanguis. Other facultative bacteria belonged to the genera gemella, kingella, leuconostoc, and stomatococcus. The aerobic bacteria isolated were species of neisseria and bacillus. Anaerobic species included Prevotella intermedia, P. melaninogenica, and P. nigrescens, as well as Peptostreptococcus spp. ELISA detected P gingivalis in one patient in all sites sampled, whereas A. actinomycetemcomitans was detected in only one site from the other patient. Prevotella intermedia was present in low numbers.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PLS have a very complex subgingival flora including recognised periodontal pathogens. However, no particular periodontopathogen is invariably associated with PLS.


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This study demonstrates the feasibility of using quantitative real time PCR to measure genomic bacterial load in the nasopharynx of children with invasive meningococcal disease and shows that these loads are exceptionally high (median 6.6 x 105 (Range 1.2 x 105 to 1.1 x 108) genome copies of Neisseria meningitidis per swab).


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A infecção urogenital causada por Chlamydia trachomatis é a doença bacteriana sexualmente transmissível mais comum na Europa, tanto em homens como em mulheres. Constitui um grave problema de saúde pública devido à elevada percentagem de portadores assintomáticos, às complicações clínicas que daí podem resultar e à possibilidade de transmissão vertical. O presente trabalho teve como principais objectivos: i) avaliar a prevalência da infecção por C. trachomatis e por Neisseria gonorrhoeae num grupo de grávidas de 36 semanas atendidas na consulta externa de Obstetrícia do Hospital Amadora Sintra e nos recém-nascidos de mães infectadas, ii) identificar os serovares responsáveis pelas infecções por C. trachomatis, iii) verificar a distribuição da prevalência da infecção por C. trachomatis em função da idade e iv) avaliar a utilidade de uma técnica de PCR multiplex e de PCR multiplex em tempo real no diagnóstico desta infecção. Foram testadas 1201 amostras de urina do primeiro jacto de grávidas e 18 exsudados oculares provenientes de recém-nascidos cujas mães estavam infectadas com C. trachomatis. Cada amostra foi testada pelas técnicas de PCR multiplex e de PCR multiplex em tempo real, tendo como alvos de amplificação um fragmento do plasmídio críptico e outro do gene omp1. Todos os resultados positivos foram confirmados com uma técnica de nested PCR e posteriormente enviados para sequenciação para identificação dos serovares envolvidos. Em todas as amostras foi ainda pesquisada a presença de ADN de N. gonorrhoeae através de técnicas de PCR e de PCR em tempo real sendo que, na primeira, o alvo a amplificar foi um fragmento do gene ccpB do plasmídio pJDI e na segunda o pseudogene porA. Os resultados positivos foram confirmados por RFLP. A prevalência da infecção por C. trachomatis e por N. gonorrhoeae foi de 3,7% (45/1201) e de 0,08% (1/1201), respectivamente. Nos recém-nascidos, a prevalência foi de 0% para ambas as infecções, embora o número de recém-nascidos estudados (18/45) dificilmente seja representativo. O serovar mais prevalente foi o E (31,1%), seguido do G (15,6%), do D/Da (13,3%), do F, I/Ia e do J (11,1%). O serovar K foi identificado em 4,4% das amostras infectadas e o H em apenas 2,2%. A técnica de PCR multiplex em tempo real parece ser mais adequada para o diagnóstico da infecção por C. trachomatis do que a técnica de PCR multiplex, tendo a primeira detectado 100% dos casos de infecção por este microrganismo (45/45), enquanto que a segunda detectou apenas 71% (32/45) dos mesmos.


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Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae est l’agent étiologique de la pleuropneumonie porcine. La bactérie se transmet par voies aériennes et contacts directs. Plusieurs facteurs de virulence ont été identifiés, nommément les polysaccharides capsulaires, les lipopolysaccharide, les exotoxines ApxI à IV et de nombreux mécanismes d’acquisition du fer. Aucun vaccin efficace contre tous les sérotypes de la bactérie n’a encore été élaboré. Afin de mieux comprendre de quelle façon A. pleuropneumoniae régule la transcription de ses nombreux facteurs de virulence et de découvrir de nouvelles cibles potentielles pour l’élaboration de vaccins efficaces, le profil transcriptomique de la bactérie a été étudié dans des conditions simulant l’infection ainsi qu’à la suite d’une infection naturelle aiguë chez l’animal. Des biopuces de première et de seconde génération (AppChip1 et AppChip2) comportant respectivement 2025 cadres de lecture ouverts (ORF) de la version préliminaire du génome d’A. pleuropneumoniae sérotype 5b souche L20 et 2033 ORF de la version finale annotée du même génome ont été utilisées. Dans un premier temps, des expériences réalisées dans des conditions de concentration restreinte en fer ont permis d’identifier 210 gènes différentiellement exprimés, dont 92 étaient surexprimés. Plusieurs nouveaux mécanismes d’acquisition du fer ont pu être identifiés, incluant un système homologue au système YfeABCD de Yersinia pestis, impliqué dans l’acquisition du fer chélaté, ainsi que des gènes homologues aux composantes du système HmbR de Neisseria meningitidis impliqué dans l’acquisition du fer à partir de l’hémoglobine. Dans des conditions de culture permettant la formation de biofilms, les gènes tadC et tadD d’un opéron tad (« tight adherence locus ») putatif, les gènes pgaBC impliqués dans la synthèse d’un polysaccharide de la matrice du biofilm ainsi que deux gènes présentant de fortes homologies avec un gène codant pour l’adhésine auto-transporteur Hsf retrouvée chez Haemophilus influenzae ont montré une surexpression significative. Plusieurs de ces gènes ont également été retrouvés lors d’expériences réalisées avec des cellules épithéliales d’origine pulmonaire en culture, qui ont permis d’identifier 170 gènes différentiellement exprimés après la croissance planctonique au-dessus des cellules, et 131 autres suite à l’adhésion à ces cellules. Parmis les gènes surexprimés, les gènes tadB et rcpA de l’opéron tad putatif, les gènes pgaBC ainsi que le gène codant pour l’homologue d’Hsf ont été retrouvés. En présence de liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire (BALF), 156 gènes ont montré un profil d’expression modifié, et le gène apxIVA, identifié comme étant surexprimé, a pu être détecté pour la première fois dans des conditions de croissance in vitro. Finalement, des expériences visant à déterminer les gènes utilisés directement chez l’animal en phase aiguë de la pleuropneumonie porcine ont permis d’identifier 150 gènes qui étaient différentiellement exprimés. En plus d’identifier des gènes d’un possible opéron codant pour un fimbriae de type IV, 3 des 72 gènes surexprimés sont conservés chez tous les sérotypes d’A. pleuropneumoniae et codent pour des protéines ou lipoprotéines de surface. Nos expériences ont permis d’identifier plusieurs nouveaux facteurs de virulence potentiels chez A. pleuropneumoniae ainsi que plusieurs nouvelles cibles potentielles pour l’élaboration de vaccins efficaces contre tous les sérotypes.


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We report the isolation and characterization of a hitherto unknown gram-negative, rod-shaped Neisseria-like organism from an infected wound resulting from a bite from a kinkajou. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown organism be classified as a new species, Kingella potus sp. nov.


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Background: The beneficial cardiovascular effects of vegetables may be underpinned by their high inorganic nitrate content. Objective: We sought to examine the effects of a 6-wk once-daily intake of dietary nitrate (nitrate-rich beetroot juice) compared with placebo intake (nitrate-depleted beetroot juice) on vascular and platelet function in untreated hypercholesterolemics. Design: A total of 69 subjects were recruited in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel study. The primary endpoint was the change in vascular function determined with the use of ultrasound flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between the groups, with primary outcome data available for 67 patients. Dietary nitrate resulted in an absolute increase in the FMD response of 1.1% (an ∼24% improvement from baseline) with a worsening of 0.3% in the placebo group (P < 0.001). A small improvement in the aortic pulse wave velocity (i.e., a decrease of 0.22 m/s; 95% CI: −0.4, −0.3 m/s) was evident in the nitrate group, showing a trend (P = 0.06) to improvement in comparison with the placebo group. Dietary nitrate also caused a small but significant reduction (7.6%) in platelet-monocyte aggregates compared with an increase of 10.1% in the placebo group (P = 0.004), with statistically significant reductions in stimulated (ex vivo) P-selectin expression compared with the placebo group (P < 0.05) but no significant changes in unstimulated expression. No adverse effects of dietary nitrate were detected. The composition of the salivary microbiome was altered after the nitrate treatment but not after the placebo treatment (P < 0.01). The proportions of 78 bacterial taxa were different after the nitrate treatment; of those taxa present, 2 taxa were responsible for >1% of this change, with the proportions of Rothia mucilaginosa trending to increase and Neisseria flavescens (P < 0.01) increased after nitrate treatment relative to after placebo treatment. Conclusions: Sustained dietary nitrate ingestion improves vascular function in hypercholesterolemic patients. These changes are associated with alterations in the oral microbiome and, in particular, nitrate-reducing genera. Our findings provide additional support for the assessment of the potential of dietary nitrate as a preventative strategy against atherogenesis in larger cohorts. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01493752.