886 resultados para Negative Life Events


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Three classes of evidence demonstrate the existence of life scripts, or culturally shared representations of the timing of major transitional life events. First, a reanalysis of earlier studies on age norms shows an increase in the number of transitional events between the ages of 15 and 30 years, and these events are associated with narrower age ranges and more positive emotion than events outside this period. Second, 1,485 Danes estimated how old hypothetical centenarians were when they had been happiest, saddest, most afraid, most in love, and had their most important and most traumatic experiences. Only the number of positive events showed an increase between the ages of 15 and 30 years. Third, undergraduates generated seven important events that were likely to occur in the life of a newborn. Pleasantness and whether events were expected to occur between the ages of 15 and 30 years predicted how frequently events were recorded. Life scripts provide an alternative explanation of the reminiscence bump. Emphasis is on culture, not individuals.


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We hypothesised that early life events are not routinely considered by most respiratory specialists.


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The increase in adolescent suicides has prompted the World Health Organization to set targets to reduce the incidence of deaths by the year 2000. In order to achieve this target further investigation into the perceptions of adolescent parasuicidal individuals is required to reduce the number of suicide attempts. Statistical evidence shows that parasuicidal individuals are commonly females who attempt suicide by taking an overdose. In the majority of cases help has been sought within the month prior to the attempt. Following an attempt many individuals feel isolated or ignored by health professionals. It appears that communication difficulties and negative attitudes by health professionals often reinforce the stigma associated with suicide. Nurses can contribute to the prevention of parasuicide/suicide by actively providing therapeutic care and counselling parasuicidal individuals to help them deal with major life events.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2013


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RESUMO: Com o presente estudo pretendemos identificar a sobrecarga resultante do envolvimento familiar com os doentes portadores de VIH/SIDA. Numa breve introdução teórica, procedemos à revisão dos conceitos sobrecarga familiar e dos sentimentos/emoções vivenciados pelos prestadores de cuidados. Metodologia: Estudo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de 51 indivíduos, cuja finalidade consiste na caracterização dos prestadores de cuidados familiares a doentes com VIH/SIDA. Objectivos: Identificar quem o doente com VIH/SIDA, considera ser a pessoa significativa nos cuidados informais. Caracterizar, do ponto de vista sócio-demográfico, os doentes e os prestadores de cuidados familiares. Identificar sentimentos e emoções de vivências, que justifiquem o sofrimento emocional e as repercussões na sobrecarga familiar nos prestadores de cuidados informais. Instrumentos: Na avaliação da sobrecarga familiar, utilizámos o Questionário de Problemas Familiares”- FPQ (Family Problemas Questionnaire). Para identificação dos Acontecimentos de Vida, adoptámos a escala de Holmes e Rahe (Life Events); Para identificação do estrato social escolhemos escala de Graffar. Finalmente, para a caracterização sócio-demografica concebemos dois questionários: um dirigido aos doentes e o outro aos prestadores de cuidados informais. Conclusões: A sobrecarga da doença VIH/SIDA, nos prestadores de cuidados familiares, não é uniforme nas diferentes dimensões. A dimensão sobrecarga subjectiva é superior à objectiva. O suporte social revela-se fraco, relacionado com as perdas familiares, devidas a morte, pelas relações familiares disfuncionais, entre os membros da família, pela falta de apoio e informação dos técnicos de saúde. O sexo feminino é predominante nos cuidadores. As mães e esposas são o grau de parentesco dominante. Os solteiros são o grupo mais afectado pelo VIH/SIDA. Os cuidadores apresentam idade superior à dos doentes. O estrato social preponderante é o médio baixo e o baixo. Os familiares, apesar da atitude negativa dos doentes perante os cuidadores, mantêm-se envolvidos. Segundo a avaliação multiaxial proposta pelo DM-IV, constatámos, ao nível do eixo I, sintomatologia clínica do tipo das perturbações depressivas e perturbações da ansiedade. No eixo IV, os cuidadores evidenciam problemas psicossociais e ambientais, nomeadamente nas categorias problemas com o grupo de apoio primário, problemas relacionados como grupo social, problemas educacionais, problemas de alojamento, problemas económicos. Os problemas relacionados com o grupo de apoio primário, são os que mais parecem contribuir para os problemas psicossociais e ambientais.---------------------------------------ABSTRACT: This study wants to describe several problems as a result of the family’s relationship with HIV/AIDS patients, like overload. In a brief theoric introduction, we made a small revision about the concepts of family’s overload, and feelings or emotions that have been lived by the people who provide cares to the patients with this chronic disease. Methodology: This is a describing and exploratory study, with a sample with 51 individuals, with the aim to characterize the people inside the family who give care HIV/AIDS patients. Aim: To identify who are the most important people in informal cares from the patient perspective. To characterize, in a social-demographic point of view, patients and the people who take care of them. To identify feelings and emotions that could explain an emotional suffer, and some causes in the family burden. Means: to evaluate the family’s overload we used the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). To identify life events we adopted the Holmes and Rahe scale. To identify the social stratum we used the Graffer scale. Finally to do a socio-economic characterization we did two kinds of questionnaire, the first one was directed for the patients, and the second one was chosen for the people who give care. Conclusions: The HIV/AIDS disease burden on the people who takes familiar cares isn’t uniform on several areas that we studied. The subjective overload it is superior to the objective. The social support is weak and poor, and related with family losses by dead, dysfunctional family relationships, and the lack of support and information by the medical staff. Mothers and wives are the dominant relative degree. And the singles are the major group with HIV/AIDS disease. The people who take care are usually older than the sick. The major social status is low or medium-low. The relatives keep evolved though the negative attitude of the sick. According with the evaluation multiaxial proposed by the DM-IV, in axle 1 we note clinic sintomatologic belonging to the type depressive perturbations and perturbations of the anxiety. Regarding with axle IV the caretakers show up psycho-social and environmental problems, namely on the categories: problems with the primary support group and problems related as social group, educational problems, accommodation problems and.


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Ce mémoire avait pour but de dresser un portrait clair et exhaustif des facteurs pré-crime recensés au sein d’un échantillon de 37 agresseurs sexuels de femmes. Cette démarche est intimement liée à l’étude des processus de passage à l’acte des agresseurs sexuels. Dans le cadre d’un programme de prévention de la récidive, les participants avaient à identifier divers événements de vie qui sont survenus au cours des deux années précédant le (ou les) délit(s) de référence et qui ont eu un fort impact émotionnel sur eux. Au total, 339 événements de vie ont été recensés. À chaque événement de vie correspond une chaîne comportementale, celle-ci étant composée de six volets : 1) les « situations spécifiques » constituant l’événement de vie; 2) les « cognitions » associées à cet événement de vie; 3) les « émotions » engendrées par ces cognitions; 4) les « fantaisies » déclenchées par ces émotions; 5) les « comportements » adoptés suite à ces fantaisies; et 6) les « conséquences » ayant résulté de ces comportements. Les données, initialement de nature qualitative, ont ensuite été opérationnalisées afin qu’elles puissent être analysées quantitativement. Nos résultats ont démontré que les conflits conjugaux et la consommation d’alcool et/ou de drogues représentaient les situations les plus fréquemment rapportées au cours de la phase pré-crime. Les cognitions les plus souvent recensées suite à l’événement de vie initial étaient le pessimisme et l’adoption d’une position de victime. L’hostilité, la dépression et l’anxiété constituaient les émotions les plus fréquemment engendrées par le volet cognitif. Les fantaisies les plus souvent déclenchées par le volet émotionnel étaient l’agression sexuelle et la violence physique (non sexuelle). La consommation d’alcool et/ou de drogues et le fait de ne pas exprimer ses émotions, son point de vue ou ses besoins représentaient les comportements les plus fréquemment adoptés suite aux fantaisies. Enfin, les conséquences les plus souvent recensées étaient l’accumulation de cognitions et/ou d’émotions négatives et la présence de fantaisies sexuelles déviantes.


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Previous research has shown that often there is clear inertia in individual decision making---that is, a tendency for decision makers to choose a status quo option. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate two potential determinants of inertia in uncertain environments: (i) regret aversion and (ii) ambiguity-driven indecisiveness. I use a between-subjects design with varying conditions to identify the effects of these two mechanisms on choice behavior. In each condition, participants choose between two simple real gambles, one of which is the status quo option. I find that inertia is quite large and that both mechanisms are equally important.


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We present an integrative review of the development of child anxiety, drawing on a number of strands of research. Family aggregation and genetic studies indicate raised vulnerability to anxiety in offspring of adults with the disorder (e.g. the temperamental style of behavioural inhibition, or information processing biases). Environmental factors are also important; these include adverse life events and exposure to negative information or modelling. Parents are likely to be key, although not unique, sources of such influences, particularly if they are anxious themselves. Some parenting behaviours associated with child anxiety, such as overprotection, may be elicited by child characteristics, especially in the context of parental anxiety, and these may serve to maintain child disorder. Emerging evidence emphasizes the importance of taking the nature of child and parental anxiety into account, of constructing assessments and interventions that are both disorder specific, and of considering bidirectional influences.


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In recent years, life event approach has been widely used by governments all over the world for designing and providing web services to citizens through their e-government portals. Despite the wide usage of this approach, there is still a challenge of how to use this approach to design e-government portals in order to automatically provide personalised services to citizens. We propose a conceptual framework for e-government service provision based on life event approach and the use of citizen profile to capture the citizen needs, since the process of finding Web services from a government-to-citizen (G2C) system involves understanding the citizens’ needs and demands, selecting the relevant services, and delivering services that matches the requirements. The proposed framework that incorporates the citizen profile is based on three components that complement each other, namely, anticipatory life events, non-anticipatory life events and recurring services.


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One of the primary features of modern government-to-citizen (G2C) service provision is the ability to offer a citizen-centric view of the e-government portal. Life-event approach is one of the most widely adopted paradigms supporting the idea of solving a complex event in a citizen’s life through a single service provision. Several studies have used this approach to design e-government portals. However, they were limited in terms of use and scalability. There were no mechanisms that show how to specify a life-event for structuring public e-services, or how to systematically match life-events with these services taking into consideration the citizen needs. We introduce the NOrm-Based Life-Event (NoBLE) framework for G2C e-service provision with a set of mechanisms as a guide for designing active life-event oriented e-government portals.


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Past studies have revealed that encountering negative events interferes with cognitive processing of subsequent stimuli. The present study investigates whether negative events affect semantic and perceptual processing differently. Presentation of negative pictures produced slower reaction times than neutral or positive pictures in tasks that require semantic processing, such as natural or man-made judgments about drawings of objects, commonness judgments about objects, and categorical judgments about pairs of words. In contrast, negative picture presentation did not slow down judgments in subsequent perceptual processing (e.g., color judgments about words, size judgments about objects). The subjective arousal level of negative pictures did not modulate the interference effects on semantic or perceptual processing. These findings indicate that encountering negative emotional events interferes with semantic processing of subsequent stimuli more strongly than perceptual processing, and that not all types of subsequent cognitive processing are impaired by negative events.


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Twitter has become a dependable microblogging tool for real time information dissemination and newsworthy events broadcast. Its users sometimes break news on the network faster than traditional newsagents due to their presence at ongoing real life events at most times. Different topic detection methods are currently used to match Twitter posts to real life news of mainstream media. In this paper, we analyse tweets relating to the English FA Cup finals 2012 by applying our novel method named TRCM to extract association rules present in hash tag keywords of tweets in different time-slots. Our system identify evolving hash tag keywords with strong association rules in each time-slot. We then map the identified hash tag keywords to event highlights of the game as reported in the ground truth of the main stream media. The performance effectiveness measure of our experiments show that our method perform well as a Topic Detection and Tracking approach.


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Background: There is a high prevalence of traumatic life events within individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder. However, currently there is limited theoretical understanding of this relationship. Aims: To explore whether non-clinical symptoms of posttraumatic stress have a direct effect on the non-clinical symptoms of bipolar disorder, or whether this relationship is mediated by cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Method: A cross-sectional design within non-clinical participants completing an online survey including the Impact of Events Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the Hypomanic Personality Scale. Results: Posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with hypomanic personality. Intrusive memories contributed a small but significant proportion of the variance between these two measures. Rumination of negative emotions mediated the relationship between posttraumatic stress and hypomanic personality. Conclusions: The relationship between traumatic events and an increased prevalence of bipolar disorder remains poorly understood. Further research should explore rumination as a potential target for treatment within those suffering from both posttraumatic stress and bipolar disorder.


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Background: It has been proposed that people with intellectual disability (ID) might be similar to the general population in the way they respond to significant life events. Some preliminary findings have demonstrated that adults with ID who have experienced recent life events have an increased probability of having psychiatric problems. The aims of the present study were to determine whether previous findings can be replicated, and to examine the influence of additional diagnoses associated with ID on the strength of relationships between life event frequency and psychiatric problems.

Methods: Adults with ID (n = 624), living either in staffed community accommodation or in family or foster homes, were assessed on the Developmental Behaviour Checklist for Adults (DBC-A) and a 37-item life events checklist. Carers who knew the person well acted as proxy informants.

Results: People living in staffed accommodation experienced more life events than people living with natural or foster families. Life event frequency predicted DBC-A total score, five of six sub-scale scores, and caseness status, after significant demographic factors were taken into account. However, the strength of correlations between life event frequency and DBC-A total score varied among sub-groups identified by type of developmental disability and level of ID.

Conclusions: Weak but significant associations between emotional and behavioural problems and life events experienced by adults with ID were demonstrated, but it was also shown that the strength of such associations varies among sub-groups of this heterogeneous population. Future research needs to take account of the circumstances surrounding the life changes, the period of time over which changes might have taken place, and the meaning that the person might attach to the changes. Research into the causal relationship between exposure to life events and the onset of psychiatric problems is also warranted.


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The aim of this study was to determine the presentation and risk factors for depression in adults with mild/moderate intellectual disability (ID). A sample of 151 adults (83 males and 68 females) participated in a semi-structured interview. According to results on the Beck Depression Inventory II, 39.1% of participants evinced symptoms of depression (2 severe, 14 moderate, and 43 mild). Sadness, self-criticism, loss of energy, crying, and tiredness appeared to be the most frequent indicators of depression or risk for depression. A significant difference was found between individuals with and without symptoms of depression on levels of automatic negative thoughts, downward social comparison and self-esteem. Automatic negative thoughts, quality and frequency of social support, self-esteem, and disruptive life events significantly predicted depression scores in people with mild/moderate ID, accounting for 58.1% of the variance.