994 resultados para Natural latex


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Systematic investigations on prevulcanization of NR latex with special reference to the influence of storage of latex and after-treatments of films, have been carried out. The other aspects studied include the effect of temperature on sulphur prevulcanization, the extent of crosslinking, tensile properties, stress relaxation characteristics, water absorption and leaching characteristics of prevulcanizcd latex films


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The main objective of the present study was to explore ways of making latex products more cost effective and versatile. Polyethylene glycol was identified as a surface active agent in latex compounds which improves the filler-polymer interaction and also distributes the filler more uniformly. The use of such surface active agents can develop filled latex products with improved mechanical properties at a lower cost. In this study dispersions of carbon black and silica were successfully added to NR latex under high speed stirring without destabilizing latex.


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of a few physico-chemical and biological methods for the treatment of effluents from natural rubber processing units. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of certain physico-chemical and biological methods for the treatment of effluents from natural rubber processing units. survey of the chemical characteristics of the effluents discharged from rubber processing units showed that the effluents from latex concentration units were the most polluting


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The overall objective of the present study was to develop a novel and economic reclaiming process that does not adversely affect the quality of rubber and to investigate methods of utilising the reclaim. Since waste latex products represent a potential source of high quality rubber hydrocarbon, it was decided to develop a process based on such latex wastes. The study revealed that latex reclaim could replace raw natural rubber upto about 50 per cent of its weight without any serious deterioration in mechanical properties.


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The forms of natural rubber studied were sheet [RSS 4 and RSS 5], ISNR 20 and EBC. In the case of the latter two forms samples from estate and nonestate sectors were included. The samples were collected from different locations at specified intervals, for a particular period. The effect of the extent of mastication on raw rubber properties as well as the properties of the compounds and vulcanizates also studied. The consistency in raw rubber properties and breakdown behavior of skim rubber were studied by collecting samples periodically from selected processing units. The effect of incorporation of skim with ISNR 20 has also been investigated


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Many of the existing methods for the treatment of rubber latex centrifugation eflluent are not only unsatisfactory in their efliciency to effect near perfect treatment in bringing down the COD to optimum level, but also time consuming and need a large landspace. As the rate of effluent generation is extremely high (20 litres for kilogram of rubber) there is a need for development of efficient system,capable of rapid reduction of COD and BOD. Though the organic load of the rubber efiluent is very high, it does not contain much processed chemicals and therefore it can be considered as a ‘biological eflluent’. Further, the ratio of the Chemical Oxygen Demand to Biological Oxygen Demand (COD/BOD) of this effluent remain almost as a constant value. According to Montgomery (1967), estimation of BOD is not ideally suited for studies on process design, treatability, control of treatment plants, setting standards for treated effluents and assessing the effect of polluting discharges on the oxygen resources of receiving waters. Hence in the present study COD was measured to determine the impact of treatment system on the effluent. In the present study, attempts were made to evaluate the efficiencies of certain methods such as packed bed reactor using immobilized microbial cells, rotating biological contactor (RBC) and activated sludge process, for rapid and efficient treatment of natural rubber latex centrifugation effluent. In addition, studies were also carn'ed out to develop a suitable bioprocess for the coagulation of skim latex, as an alternative to the presently used acid coagulation process towards reducing the pollution load, besides recovering quality rubber


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Prodigiosin is known for its immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antimycotic, antimalarial, algicidal and anticancer activities. Here, we reported the evaluation of prodigiosin pigment as a dyeing agent in rubber latex, paper and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) so that it can be considered as an alternative to synthetic pigments. Maximum color shade was obtained in rubber sheet prepared with 0.5 parts per hundred gram of rubber (phr) pigment and PMMA sheet incorporated with 0.08 μg pigment. Results indicate scope for utilization of prodigiosin as dye for PMMA and rubber and also prodigiosin dyed paper as a pH indicator. Further, being a natural and water insoluble pigment, it is ecofriendly


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Nanoparticies have been widely used to enhance the properties of natural rubber (NR). In the present paper a novel nanocomposite was developed by blending nano-ZnO slurry with prevulcanized NR latex, and the thermal degradation process of pure NR and NR/ZnO nanocomposites with different nano-ZnO loading was studied with a Perkin Elemer TGA-7 thermogravimetric analyzer. The thermal degradation parameters of NR/ZnO (2 parts ZnO per hundred dlY rubber) at different heating rates (Bs) were studied. The results show that the thermal degradation of pure NR and NR/ZnO nanocomposites in nitrogen is a one-step reaction. The degradation temperatures of NR/ZnO nanocomposite increase with an increasing B. The peak height (Rp) on the differential thermogravimetric curve increases with the increase of B. The degradation rates are not affected significantly by B, and the average values of thermal degradation rate Cp and Cf are 44.42 % and 81.04 %, respectively. The thermal degradation kinetic parameters are calculated with Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method. The activation energy (E) and the frequency factor (A) vary with ecomposition degree, and can be divided into three phases corresponding to the volatilization of low-molecular-weight materials, the thermal degradation ofNR main chains and the decomposition of residual carbon.


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Hev b 6.01 is a major allergen of natural rubber latex with sensitization of 70–86% of latex glove-allergic subjects. Recently, we mapped the immunodominant T cell sites of Hev b 6.01 to the highly IgE-reactive hevein (Hev b 6.02) domain. Hev b 6.01 contains 14 cysteine residues with multiple disulphide bridges stabilizing tertiary conformation. With the goal of a standardized specific immunotherapy we developed hypoallergenic Hev b 6.01 mutants by site-directed mutagenesis of selected cysteine residues (3, 12, 17, and 41) within the Hev b 6.02 domain. Peptides corresponding to the Hev b 6.02 domain of two of the mutants were also synthesized. These mutants and peptide variants showed markedly decreased or ablated latex-allergic patient serum IgE binding by immunoblotting and ELISA. Basophil activation testing confirmed markedly decreased activation with successive cysteine substitutions of the mutants and complete abrogation with the Hev b 6.02 (Cys 3, 12, 17, 41 Ala) peptide. Retention of T cell reactivity is crucial for effective specific immunotherapy and all mutants and peptide variants maintained their latex-specific T cell reactivity. The ablated allergenicity but retained T cell reactivity of the Hev b 6.02 (Cys 3, 12, 17, 41 Ala) peptide suggests this peptide is a suitable candidate for inclusion in a latex immunotherapy preparation.


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A novel natural rubber/silica (NR/SiO2) nanocomposite with a SiO2 loading of 4 wt% is developed by incorporating latex compounding with self-assembly techniques. The SiO2 nanoparticles are homogenouslydistributed throughout the NR matrix as spherical nano-clusters with an average size of 75 nm. In comparison with the host NR, the thermal resistance of the nanocomposite is significantly improved. The degradation temperatures (T), reaction activation energy(E), and reaction order (n) of the nanocomposite are markedly higher than those of the pure NR, due to significant retardant effect of the SiO2 nanoparticles.


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A novel natural rubber/silica (NR/SiO2) nanocomposite is developed by combining self-assembly and latex-compounding techniques. The results show that the SiO2 nanoparticles are homogenously distributed throughout NR matrix as nano-clusters with an average size ranged from 60 to 150 nm when the SiO2 loading is less than 6.5 wt%. At low SiO2 contents (less-than-or-equals, slant4.0 wt%), the NR latex (NRL) and SiO2 particles are assembled as a core-shell structure by employing poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) as an inter-medium, and only primary aggregations of SiO2 are observed. When more SiO2 is loaded, secondary aggregations of SiO2 nanoparticles are gradually generated, and the size of SiO2 cluster dramatically increases. The thermal/thermooxidative resistance and mechanical properties of NR/SiO2 nanocomposites are compared to the NR host. The nanocomposites, particularly when the SiO2 nanoparticles are uniformly dispersed, possess significantly enhanced thermal resistance and mechanical properties, which are strongly depended on the morphology of nanocomposites. The NR/SiO2 has great potential to manufacture medical protective products with high performances.


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A highly performing natural rubber/silica (NR/SiO2) nanocomposite with a SiO2 loading of 2 wt% was prepared by combining similar dissolve mutually theory with latex compounding techniques. Before polymerization, double bonds were introduced onto the surface of the SiO2 particles with the silane-coupling agent. The core-shell structure silica-poly(methyl methacrylate), SiO2-PMMA, nanoparticles were formed by grafting polymerization of MMA on the surface of the modified SiO2 particles via in situ emulsion, and then NR/SiO2 nanocomposite was prepared by blending SiO2-PMMA and PMMA-modified NR (NR-PMMA). The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results show that PMMA has been successfully introduced onto the surface of SiO2, which can be well dispersed in NR matrix and present good interfacial adhesion with NR phase. Compared with those of pure NR, the thermal resistance and tensile properties of NR/SiO2 nanocomposite are significantly improved.


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Eight primary prevention intervention studies on natural rubber latex (NRL) published since 1990 were identified and reviewed. This is the largest evidence base of primary prevention studies for any occupational asthmagen. Review of this small and largely observational evidence base supports the following evidence statement: Substitution of powdered latex gloves with low protein powder‐free NRL gloves or latex‐free gloves greatly reduces NRL aeroallergens, NRL sensitisation, and NRL‐asthma in healthcare workers. Evidence in support of this statement is ranked SIGN level 2+, referring to well conducted case‐control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding, bias, or chance and a moderate probability that the relationship is causal. Substitution of powdered latex gloves with low protein powder‐free NRL gloves or latex‐free gloves promises benefits to both workers' health and cost and human resource savings for employers. This message should be broadly disseminated beyond the hospital sector to include other healthcare settings (such as aged care facilities) as well as food service and other industries where latex gloves might be used.


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The interfacial interaction of composites dominates the properties of polymeric/inorganic nanocomposites. Herein, epoxy and hydroxyl groups are introduced into the natural rubber (NR) molecular chains to anchor oxygenous functional groups on the surface of graphene oxide (GO) sheets and therefore enhance the interfacial interaction between GO and rubber. From the morphological observation and interaction analysis, it is found that epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) latex particles are assembled onto the surfaces of GO sheets by employing hydrogen bonding interaction as driving force. This self-assembly depresses restacking and agglomeration of GO sheets and leads to homogenous dispersion of GO within ENR matrix. The formation of hydrogen bonding interface between ENR and GO demonstrates a significant reinforcement for the ENR host. Compared with those of pure ENR, the composite with 0.7 wt% GO loading receives 87% increase in tensile strength and 8.7 fold increase in modulus at 200% elongation after static in-situ vulcanization.


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Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) latex, the source of natural rubber, is synthesised in the cytoplasm of laticifers. Efficient water inflow into laticifers is crucial for latex flow and production since it is the determinant of the total solid content of latex and its fluidity after tapping. As the mature laticifer vessel rings are devoid of plasmodesmata, water exchange between laticifers and surrounding cells is believed to be governed by plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs). To identify the most important PIP aquaporin in the water balance of laticifers, the transcriptional profiles of ten-latex-expressed PIPs were analysed. One of the most abundant transcripts, designated HbPIP2;3, was characterised in this study. When tested in Xenopus laevis oocytes HbPIP2;3 showed a high efficiency in increasing plasmalemma water conductance. Expression analysis indicated that the HbPIP2;3 gene was preferentially expressed in latex, and the transcripts were up-regulated by both wounding and exogenously applied Ethrel (a commonly-used ethylene releaser). Although regular tapping up-regulated the expression of HbPIP2;3 during the first few tappings of the virginal rubber trees, the transcriptional kinetics of HbPIP2;3 to Ethrel stimulation in the regularly tapped tree exhibited a similar pattern to that of the previously reported HbPIP2;1 in the virginal rubber trees. Furthermore, the mRNA level of HbPIP2;3 was associated with clonal yield potential and the Ethrel stimulation response. Together, these results have revealed the central regulatory role of HbPIP2;3 in laticifer water balance and ethylene stimulation of latex production in Hevea.