949 resultados para National Socialism - religious aspects


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This chapter examines understandings of marriage among missionaries and humanitarians connected with two early colonial ‘Native Institutions’. A comparison of the Parramatta Native Institution in New South Wales and the Albany Native Institution in Western Australia demonstrates that concerns about marriage were central in discussions about the formation and maintenance of these Institutions. Both of these Institutions were established and supported by British evangelicals, who had brought with them to Australia powerful assumptions about gender roles, particularly in
marriage. These assumptions influenced their decisions regarding the children who resided in the Native Institutions. Within specific colonial contexts, however, the assumptions of humanitarians and missionaries did not remain static, and debates over the futures of the Aboriginal children they sought to educate reveal complex and shifting hierarchies of race, gender and class.


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Pain, Passion and Faith: Revisiting the Place of Charles Wesley in Early Methodism is a significant study of the 18th-century poet and preacher Charles Wesley. Wesley was an influential figure in 18th-century English culture and society; he was co-founder of the Methodist revival movement and one of the most prolific hymn-writers in the English language. His hymns depict the Christian life as characterized by a range of intense emotions, from ecstatic joy to profound suffering.


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Overweight/obesity has reached epidemic proportions in Australia. This thesis confirmed and extended the relationship between lifestyle and body mass index in that dense energy foods, snacking and low levels of physical activity were associated with higher BMI while plant foods, vegetarianism and, in men, large breakfasts were associated with lower BMI.


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A study of the meditative techniques of Advaita and Zen. The thesis develops a methodology that allow's practioner's experience to be mapped against the philosophical underpinnings of tradition. The results show that despite opposing philosophies, in both traditions the psychological dynamics of "experiential undoing" are similar.


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This thesis explores experiences of transitioning to manhood of a group of New Zealand men, focussing on aspects of spirituality. Participants describe perceptions of masculinity that digress from cultural norms, question the trend to advocate specific 'rites-of-passage', and view faith communities as potentially significant but often irrelevant in practice.


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This thesis concluded the increase in the number of women pastors in the CRC, from six in 1990 to sixty eight in 2005, is best attributed to: the recognition of the role of the pastor's wife; the external and internal pressures upon the denomination and; the influence of second-wave feminism.


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The practice of excluding meat from Adventist schools is at odds with the practice of many Adventists, and the Church which, while recommending vegetarianism, does not require it. The study investigates vegetarianism and explores the origin and aims of home economics, education and Seventh-day Adventism. These components were considered according to the three cognitive interests of the philosopher Jurgen Habermas.


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The focus of this thesis is the internal incoherence of contemporary western understandings of ecology. Ecology suggests that everything within our world is interrelated. As this includes the generation of human knowing, our knowing of ecology and the structure and functioning of the world is called into question. An argument is developed which considers ecological knowing as belief, and specifically as a type of religious belief.


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Notes and presentation on research into the official Nazi views on religion, and a consideration of 'ordinary' Christian response to the rise of the Nazis in Germany.


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Abortion is a very controversial and stigmatized subject, target of many criticism and discussions, mainly regarding to the legal, bioethical and religious aspects involved. In Brazil, abortion is considered a serious public health problem, being the major cause of maternal death due to its criminalization. The woman who causes an abortion is not up looked by society, since motherhood, culturally and historically, was imposed as a destination. Our main goal is to understand, from the existential-phenomenological perspective, the unique experience of the woman who induced the abortion This study is an offshoot of a larger study from USP in partnership with UFRN. Our participants were women who checked in on a maternity hospital in Natal with a miscarriage diagnosis and, among them, those who reported having induced abortion. Altogether, five women were interviewed. The used method was a phenomenological hermeneutics. The research revealed that the experience of abortion is a possibility that permeates women s life, being understood as a choice. This choice pervaded by much suffering, once it goes against everything that women are culturally taught and meant to be. The feeling more surfacing in this experiment, confirming the literature review, was blame. Abortion was also shown as an experience of helplessness and loneliness, due to lack of support from family and the partner. It was also revealed that abortion was made, mainly, by the desire of going along with future projects, including the prosecute of motherhood in the therms of what they consider ideal to a son s arrival, meaning, a family formation grounded on a stable relationship. Regarding the care provided by health professionals to these women, there is the need of restructuring the operating logic of SUS, so that women have the right to health in a integrate manner. This experience also made women reconsider the meanings they had towards abortion, and their life projects


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Trata-se de mostrar a originalidade crítica de Siegfried Kracauer diante da experiência da modernidade estética e de discutir as afinidades estético-teóricas de Kracauer e Benjamim ao analisar a Paris da segunda metade do século XIX, o Segundo Império, em particular, como fenômeno originário da sociedade de massas, da indústria cultural e do entretenimento e, sobretudo, do nazi-fascismo. Kracauer durante seu exílio parisiense (1933-41) escreveu uma biografia da sociedade: Jacques Offenbach e a Paris de sua época (Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit). Obra inovadora pelo seu enfoque da história do presente e com pontos de contatos com a Obra das Passagens (Passagen-Werk) ou Paris capital do século XIX de Walter Benjamin.


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Ao inventariarmos as grandes celebrações da monarquia portuguesa, encontraremos algumas que são cerimoniais eminentemente religiosos. Dentre eles, há a procissão do Anjo da Guarda do Reino de Portugal (no terceiro domingo de julho), instituída no século XVI como celebração da realeza, das quais toda a Corte participava e eram realizadas por todo o reino português. Também as aclamações de Da. Maria I (1777) e D. João VI (1818) utilizam elementos de caráter religioso (símbolos e idéias). Estas celebrações colocam-nos a hipótese de uma série de articulações entre os procedimentos religiosos e o poder real. em função do exame daquelas procissões e destes cerimoniais, procuramos esboçar uma imagem do rei português: um rei-protetor, detentor de um poder de salvação.