978 resultados para National Archives (U.S.)


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A pesquisa se caracteriza pela abordagem plurimetodológica do tipo qualitativa/quantitativa, e tem como objetivo investigar de que maneira se constroem as estratégias de conciliação entre a formação esportiva e escolar em atletas de elite que servem às seleções brasileiras masculinas de basquetebol Sub 17 e Sub 19. O estudo se organizou em três capítulos. Do tipo “estado do conhecimento”, o primeiro capítulo tem por objetivo mapear as produções acadêmicas que tratam da conciliação entre formação escolar e formação esportiva. Utiliza como fonte a base de dados Scielo para busca nacional e o Portal Periódicos Capes para busca internacional. Foram encontrados 17 artigos distribuídos em 13 periódicos. Os dados foram classificados/analisados por meio de indicadores bibliométricos, como distribuição anual, distribuição por revista, relação autoral e origem demográfica. Para análise também foram levados em consideração uma tese de doutorado, três dissertações de mestrado e três trabalhos apresentados em congresso, além de um número especial de periódico, não localizado nas bases escolhidas. Mostra que a preocupação com o tema surge na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, na década de 70, e que, no Brasil, essa questão passa a ser abordada nos anos 2000. Demonstra tentativas de conciliação entre as formações realizadas em países da Europa, Estados Unidos e Brasil, além da importância da família e do pertencimento de classes sociais na possibilidade de priorização a uma das formações envolvidas. O segundo capítulo, de natureza quali-quantitativa, investiga as estratégias utilizadas pelos atletas convocados em 2013 para as seleções brasileiras de basquetebol masculinas de base Sub 17 e Sub 19 anos, quanto às possíveis conciliações entre formação esportiva e escolar. Busca, ainda, compreender a influência das convocações para as seleções nacionais nos índices de escolaridade desses atletas de elite, como abandono, atraso e repetência escolar. A pesquisa mostra que esse grupo de atletas de elite apresenta médias de repetência, abandono e atraso escolar maiores que as médias nacionais. O terceiro capítulo analisa o entendimento desse grupo de jovens atletas em relação à formação escolar ou, ainda, se um possível desinteresse do grupo pelo modelo atual de escola se daria apenas pelo fato de serem esportistas de elite. Para isso, recorre às possibilidades de investigação oriundas da segunda metade do questionário utilizado como instrumento para adotar uma metodologia de livre associação de palavras direcionadas a partir de quatro palavras indutoras (estruturas semânticas), a saber: “treinar”, “estudar”, “ir a escola” e “competir”. Essa associação livre é usualmente utilizada como suporte teórico/metodológico em pesquisas que investigam representação social (ACOSTA, 2005). Ao dar visibilidade a essas questões nota-se que a posição desses atletas, em relação à escola, não difere das encontradas em outras pesquisas que tratam de jovens inseridos no ensino médio. A falta de significado do que se aprende na escola em relação ao que eles desejam desenvolver como atividade laboral, faz com que a escola seja entendida como monótona, mas, ao mesmo tempo, necessária, caso seus projetos de formação esportiva não aconteçam.


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This paper is the first to systematically analyze and compare the structures of city governance and administration for seven major cities in Latin America, four of which are megacities (population of over 10 million), and three others are large national capitals. U.S. and U. K. models of city administration are reviewed as baseline models against which differences in Latin American may be explored. Structures of Government in Latin America show several important features and trends: 1) the lack of metropolitan (cross jurisdictional) authority; 2) the existence of strong mayors and weak councils"; 3) high levels of partisanship; 4) overlapping rather than interlocking bureaucracies; 5) pressures towards the privatization of city services, but continuing tension over the desirability of public versus private control; 6) greater fiscal responsibility and autonomy; and 7), a continuing marginalization of public participation in megacity governance.In spite of these features, many cities throughout the region (regardless of whether they are megacity size or national capitals), are actively intensifying their efforts to develop more effective, accountable and democratic governance structures.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Relações Internacionais, 3 de Dezembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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In the present paper five paratype specimens of the Metcalf Collection of Opalinids at the Smithsonian Institution, U. S. National Museum. U.S.A, are studied and figured in detail: Zelleriella uruguayensis quadrata Metcalf, 1940, Z. dubia Metcalf, 1940. Z. ovonucleata Metcalf, 1940, Cepedea ciliata Metcalf, 1940, and, C. plata Metcalf, 1940. Some specimens are not well enough preserved and the restudy of fresh material would probably be worth while.


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Des de que començà aquest projecte, el grup de recerca ha intentat aprofundir el coneixement de la Catalunya de la Guerra del Francès (1808 -1814) a partir d’una òptica britànica. El grup pretenia així desenvolupar la relació que es va establir entre els catalans i els britànics al llarg de tota la guerra, des dels primers contactes permesos per la presència de la flota britànica en la costa catalana fins a la intervenció de forces britàniques en territori català. D’aquesta manera, i primerament, el grup inicià la consulta de les bases de dades i catàlegs catalans i britànics per a completar el nostre llistat de referències arxivístiques i bibliogràfiques. El segon pas van ésser les tres estades d’investigació que entre el 2006 i el 2007 es van fer a Anglaterra, principalment a Londres. La investigació es realitzà a la British Library, al Institute of Historical Research of the School of Advanced Studies de la University of London, al National Maritime Museum i als National Archives of the United Kingdom. A continuació, el grup analitzà la informació recollida de la lectura de fonts primàries i bibliogràfiques en aquests centres de recerca. Finalment, el grup creu que la intensa relació que es va establir entre les dues parts, reflecteix la importància que les autoritats britàniques van donar a Catalunya, i que el seu aïllament amb el centre polític del bàndol patriota va permetre que desenvolupés les seves pròpies dinàmiques i cronologies, encara que s’integraven en el desenvolupament general de la guerra.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Merisodassa tapahtunut muutos – erityisesti konevoiman syrjäyttäessä purjeet ja raudan korvatessa puumateriaalin 1800-luvun loppupuolella – johti nykypäivänäkin merkittäviin merisodan teoreettisiin tarkasteluihin. Teorioihin pohjautuneet merisotataidon yleisperiaatteet saivat ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana käytännön testauksensa. Voittajat ja häviäjät analysoivat taistelut sekä maailmalla vallinneen ripeän teknisen kehityksen, minkä seurauksena laivastojen varustelu kiihtyi uudestaan valtapolitiikan tueksi. Maailmansotien välisenä aikana pyrittiin kansainvälisin sopimuksin säätelemään suurten laivastojen, kuten Britannian, Ranskan, Italian, Japanin ja Yhdysvaltojen varustelukilpailua. Versaillesin rauhansopimus rajoitti samanaikaisesti Saksan merivoimien kokoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan Britannian ja Saksan merivoimien varustelua ja merisotataidon kehittymistä maailmansotien välisenä aikana. Merisotataidon kehittymisen tarkastelu tapahtuu postimerkkien avulla. Postimerkki syntyi Englannissa vuonna 1840 ja sen käyttö yleistyi ympäri maailman lähes samanaikaisesti konevoimaa käyttäneiden laivojen kanssa. Postimerkkien kuva-aiheet olivat aluksi valtioiden päämiehiä, heraldiikkaa, maisemia tai abstrakteja aiheita. Vasta 1900-luvun alkupuolella kuva-aiheina saattoi olla lähes mitä vain, myös sotalaivojen kuvia. Postimerkkikokoelmastani erottuu tutkimusaiheeseen 335 merkkiä. Britannian ja Saksan kansallisarkistojen alkuperäislähteiden ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden dokumenttianalyysiin perustuvaa merisotataidon moninaista kehitystä verrataan tutkimuksessani postimerkkien kuva-aiheisiin ja niiden yksityiskohtiin 3 300 kertaa. Tällä menettelyllä pyrin selvittämään voiko postimerkkejä käyttää ja pitää merisotaidon kehityksen kattavina dokumentteina. Postimerkeissä satunnaisiksi jääneet virheet tai propaganda eivät vähennä merisotataidon kehityksen kuvaamisen dokumenttiarvoa. Postimerkkien sotalaivoihin liittyvät kuvat kattavat muutamaa laivaluokkaa lukuunottamatta molempien maiden kaikki taistelualuslajit- ja luokat. Postimerkeistä voidaan nähdä vanhat sotalaivat, niiden peruskorjaukset ja uudet luokat lentotukialuksista sukellusveneisiin. Alusten kuvat voidaan liittää Britannian kansainyhteisön muuttuneisiin strategisiin ja taktisiin tavoitteisiin niin Atlantilla kuin Kaukoidässä. Saksan merivoimien nousu Versaillesin rauhanehtojen rajoituksista ja lopulta pyrkimys Britannian kauppamerenkulun tuhoajaksi välittyy myös postimerkeistä. Yleinen sotatekninen kehitys, lentoneiden tulo merisotanäyttämölle ja aikanaan kansainvälisten tonnistorajoitusten poistuminen näkyvät postimerkeissä. Kokopostimerkin historian aikana vuoteen 2012 mennessä purjeettomien, nykyaikaisten sotalaivojen kuvia on julkaistu noin 3 350 postimerkillä, jotka on koottu Maailman suurin laivasto-osasto -postimerkkikokoelmaani noin 35 vuoden aikana


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This study examined how the athletic career of Roderick R. McLennan contributed to the popularization and subsequent development of Caledonian games in Ontario during the latter nineteenth century. Initially, the development of Caledonian games during the 1800s was examined to provide a contextual framework for McLennan's career. This investigation revealed that the games emerged from rural athletic events at pioneer working bees in the first quarter of the nineteenth century to regional sporting events by the mid-1800s, and finally into annual federated Caledonian games in 1870. Noteworthy primary source material for this chapter included the John MacGillivray Papers at the National Archives of Canada, the Scottish American Journal (NY) and the files retained by the Glengarry Sport Hall of Fame in Maxville, Ontario. Following the investigation of Caledonian games, McLennan's early athletic career was studied. Analysis of the Roderick and Farquhar McLennan Papers at the Archives of Ontario and the newspapers from the period revealed that McLennan rose to popularity in 1865 through a "Championship of the World" hammer throwing match in Cornwall and two "Starring Tours". The next chapter examined the height of McLennan's career through an investigation of the Roderick McLennan versus Donald Dinnie rivalry of the early .. n 1870s. It was detennined that the rivalry between McLennan and Dinnie, the champion athlete of Highland games in Scotland, was a popular attraction and had an impact on the Toronto and Montreal games of 1870 and the Toronto games of 1872. Finally, the athletic records established by McLennan during the 1860s and 1870s were investigated. These records were examined through the context of a media controversy over McLennan's feats that developed in the early 1880s between two newspapers. This controversy erupted between the Toronto Mail and the Spirit of the Times. Caledonian games in Canada have only been briefly examined and a thorough examination of prominent Canadian figures in this context has yet to be undertaken. This study unearths a prominent Canadian athlete of Scottish decent and details his involvement in the Caledonian games of nineteenth century Ontario.


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Dr. Stuart D. Scott has written extensively in the fields of prehistory and history. As an archaeologist, he has traveled to some of the most significant sites in the world, including Pompeii, Stonehenge, the Valley of the Kings, Egypt’s pyramids and the Taj Mahal. He spent nine months excavating with the Tikal Project in Guatemala before returning to the University of Arizona where he received a Ph.D. in 1963. He excavated in New Zealand as a Fulbright scholar in 1963-1964. In the fall of 1964, Dr. Scott started a long career in the Anthropology Department of the State University of New York. He taught graduate and undergraduate archaeology courses and continued his archaeological and historical research. In 1979, Scott established the Old Fort Niagara Archaeology in Progress Project at Old Fort Niagara in Youngstown, New York. For many years, he became involved with historical archaeology in western New York. It was during this work that he became interested in the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837-1838 and its aftermath. Dr. Scott and his wife, Patricia Kay Scott, would use Christmas breaks, summer vacations, and sabbatical years to travel. They were repeatedly lured back to the South Pacific, conducting research in New Zealand, Australia and many of the Micronesian and Polynesian islands. To tell the whole story of the Rebellion and the prison exiles, they traveled extensively in Canada, the United States, England and Tasmania to collect archival research and to experience the scenes of this remarkable narrative. In 2004, Dr. Scott published To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation: Americans and Canadians Transported to Tasmania in the 1840s, which told the story of the men captured, tried, convicted, and exiled as a result of the Rebellion, also called the Patriot War. Other contributions include: • A collaboration with Dr. Charles Cazeau on the book Exploring the Unknown, Great Mysteries Reexamined published by Plenum Press in 1979 • The Patriot Game: New Yorkers and the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-1838, which appeared in New York History, Vol. 68, No.3. 1987 • A Frontier Spirit: The Life of James Gemmell published in Australiasian Canadian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2 2007 • To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation which appeared in the Friends of the National Archives, Vol. 20, No. 1 2009 • Numerous academic journal publications • Service on conference panels • Various research papers and proposals Before retiring in 1997 and while still a resident of Buffalo, N.Y., Dr. Scott spent considerable time with Brock University President Emeritus James A. Gibson and History Professor Colin Duquemin. The three shared a love of Rebellion history. It was largely because of this connection that Brock University was chosen as the recipient of Dr. Scott’s research materials.


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Translation: Sir, It will probably be difficult for you to remember among the many strangers who annoy you with their admiration of a person to whom you kindly made civilities last year1 during a pleasant conversation about Corsica. I would be grateful if you could take a look at this sketch of his history.2 I present here the first of two letters. If you agree to them, I will send you the end. My brother, whom I recommend not to forget his deputies' commission to escort Paoli to his country,3 and to come and receive a lesson in virtue and humanity, will give them to you. I respectfully your most humble and obedient servant.4 Buonaparte, artillery officer Ajaccio, [Corsica] June 24 the first year of freedom [1790]5 1 Relations between Napoleon and Raynal have begun in 1789, which seems to confirm a confidence to Las Cases ( Memorial of St. Helena , La Pléiade , vol. I, p. 83) . 2 Latest version of history project of Corsica : Letters on Corsica to Abbe Raynal . 3 Joseph is part of a delegation sent by the city of Ajaccio to host Paoli 's return from exile in London . In doing so he has to go through Marseille where Raynal resides. 4 Shipping autograph, National Archives , 400 AP Biography 1. In the first years of Napoleon Bonaparte (1840) , Coston gives a rough version of this letter that it dates from 1786 , which is impossible because Raynal did not return to France that ' in 1787. Published for the first time in the Memories of Lord Holland (1851) , shipping is now kept in the national Archives Napoleons funds . 5 The letter is dated "June 24, the first year of freedom" (the word "freedom" is underlined twice). Given the dates of stay in Corsica Napoleon, it seems that is present in Ajaccio the month of June in 1790.


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Le Web représente actuellement un espace privilégié d’expression et d’activité pour plusieurs communautés, où pratiques communicationnelles et pratiques documentaires s’enrichissent mutuellement. Dans sa dimension visible ou invisible, le Web constitue aussi un réservoir documentaire planétaire caractérisé non seulement par l’abondance de l’information qui y circule, mais aussi par sa diversité, sa complexité et son caractère éphémère. Les projets d’archivage du Web en cours abordent pour beaucoup cette question du point de vue de la préservation des publications en ligne sans la considérer dans une perspective archivistique. Seuls quelques projets d’archivage du Web visent la préservation du Web organisationnel ou gouvernemental. La valeur archivistique du Web, notamment du Web organisationnel, ne semble pas être reconnue malgré un effort soutenu de certaines archives nationales à diffuser des politiques d’archivage du Web organisationnel. La présente thèse a pour but de développer une meilleure compréhension de la nature des archives Web et de documenter les pratiques actuelles d’archivage du Web organisationnel. Plus précisément, cette recherche vise à répondre aux trois questions suivantes : (1) Que recommandent en général les politiques d’archivage du Web organisationnel? (2) Quelles sont les principales caractéristiques des archives Web? (3) Quelles pratiques d’archivage du Web organisationnel sont mises en place dans des organisations au Québec? Pour répondre à ces questions, cette recherche exploratoire et descriptive a adopté une approche qualitative basée sur trois modes de collecte des données, à savoir : l’analyse d’un corpus de 55 politiques et documents complémentaires relatifs à l’archivage du Web organisationnel; l’observation de 11 sites Web publics d’organismes au Québec de même que l’observation d’un échantillon de 737 documents produits par ces systèmes Web; et, enfin, des entrevues avec 21 participants impliqués dans la gestion et l’archivage de ces sites Web. Les résultats de recherche démontrent que les sites Web étudiés sont le produit de la conduite des activités en ligne d’une organisation et documentent, en même temps, les objectifs et les manifestations de sa présence sur le Web. De nouveaux types de documents propres au Web organisationnel ont pu être identifiés. Les documents qui ont migré sur le Web ont acquis un autre contexte d’usage et de nouvelles caractéristiques. Les méthodes de gestion actuelles doivent prendre en considération les propriétés des documents dans un environnement Web. Alors que certains sites d’étude n’archivent pas leur site Web public, d’autres s’y investissent. Toutefois les choix établis ne correspondent pas toujours aux recommandations proposées dans les politiques d’archivage du Web analysées et ne garantissent pas la pérennité des archives Web ni leur exploitabilité à long terme. Ce constat nous a amenée à proposer une politique type adaptée aux caractéristiques des archives Web. Ce modèle décrit les composantes essentielles d’une politique pour l’archivage des sites Web ainsi qu’un éventail des mesures que pourrait mettre en place l’organisation en fonction des résultats d’une analyse des risques associés à l’usage de son site Web public dans la conduite de ses affaires.


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