972 resultados para NITROGEN-SOURCE


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水华暴发是一个世界性的问题,近年来在发展中国家显得尤其严重。水华暴发给环境和公众健康带来巨大灾难,一些蓝藻产生的毒素可以造成鱼类、鸟禽和家畜的死亡,而臭名昭著的微囊藻产生的微囊藻毒素更是有强烈致癌效应。因此,寻找控制水华藻类的有效方法非常迫切。在利用物理和化学方法处理不甚理想的情况下,利用溶藻细菌控藻成为一个新的研究方向。溶藻细菌一般直接从富营养化水体中分离,杀藻活力对有害蓝藻具有较强的选择性而不危害其它生物,尤其适合在水华发生初期使用,可以在短时间内达到阻止藻类增殖的效果。本研究富集分离到一个高效溶解铜绿微囊藻的溶藻菌群,对其溶藻效应和溶藻机制进行了探索研究。 1溶藻菌群的富集筛选及其溶微囊藻效果 富集筛选得到一个有明显抑藻效果的菌群,它对铜绿微囊藻有显著溶藻效果。与对照组相比,加入富集的溶藻菌后,第4 d开始出现溶藻现象,6~8 d出现明显的溶藻效果,8 d后测得叶绿素去除率在85%以上。 2 溶藻菌群的作用范围及溶藻特性 富集分离到的溶藻菌群对铜绿微囊藻和念珠藻有显著溶藻作用,对水华微囊藻和其它几株受试微囊藻没有明显溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群不仅可以在液体中溶解铜绿微囊藻,生长在固体平板上的藻苔也有一定的溶藻效应,生成溶藻空斑。保证快速溶藻的最大稀释度可以达到1/100, 000。 3 环境因子对菌群溶藻效力的影响 试验发现,不同的pH、温度、和光照条件下,溶藻菌群溶藻效力明显不同,且不同种类的氮源对其溶藻作用也有一定影响。这些条件对该菌群溶藻作用的影响,在相当的程度上可能取决于它们对藻和细菌两者的生长状况的影响综合。 4 溶藻菌群的溶藻作用机理 溶藻菌液过滤除菌和煮沸灭菌处理后溶藻液,未见明显的溶藻效果,只有原液具有很好的溶藻效果。因此可初步确定,蓝藻细胞的溶解可能是由溶藻菌直接接触藻细胞产生的作用效果。显微镜观察发现,细菌在溶藻的过程中频繁地接触藻细胞并侵入藻细胞,破坏进而裂解杀死藻细胞。这也进一步说明了此溶藻菌是通过直接方式杀藻。 5 溶藻菌群的菌群结构解析 分离有溶藻效果的纯菌的多次尝试都没有成功。结合DGGE和16S rDNA文库综合分析发现:Rubritepida菌,假单胞菌和鞘氨醇单胞菌是存在于铜绿微囊藻中的三种伴生细菌。加入富集的溶藻菌群后,菌群结构发生明显的变化,Rubritepida菌、假单胞菌消失,混合菌群则包含未培养黄杆菌,鞘氨醇单胞菌和噬氢菌,其中黄杆菌是优势菌群,并且细菌种群结构的变化与藻细胞消亡之间有显著的相关性。通过菌种的分离鉴定与DGGE和16S rDNA文库的测序结果比较,一些未培养菌可能在溶藻过程中起重要调控作用。 6 溶藻细菌控藻应用基础 (1) 扩大规模的模拟水华实验进一步确定了细菌对微囊藻的强烈溶解作用。 (2) 铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa 905, zc)、微囊藻(Microcystis spp., zd)和溶藻菌群共培养试验表明,zc可以抑制zd生长,而溶藻菌群可以溶zc。 本研究是第一次报道混合菌群的溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群对带有藻际细菌的铜绿微囊藻具有高效的溶藻效力,表明它对自然界中存在的带菌铜绿微囊藻和其它一些蓝藻的生消具有一定的控制作用。对进一步研究菌藻关系与生态学作用,以及对富营养化湖泊和水库水体中蓝藻暴发的防控,该菌群具有一定的应用潜力。 Cyanobacterial blooms break out frequently all over the world, especially in developing countries. Blooms create enormous disasters to public health and to the environment. Some cyanobacterial blooms produce extremely toxic substances that have killed fish, domestic animals and birds. It has been well known that microcystins, a hepatoxin produced by Microcystis, can promote tumors in humans. So it is very important to find an effective method for controlling the growth of the bloom-forming algae. Measures for controlling such kind of algae include physical, chemic and biologic means, but the former two may damage the aquatic environment and require high-energy inputs. The alternative approach for the elimination of nuisance algae involves the application of algicidal bacteria. The algicidal bacteria, which are nontoxic to other organisms and most of which are isolated from the eutrophic lake in situ, may be potential microbial algaecides. In the initial stages of the water blooms, they are able to restrain the biomass or multiplication of the bloom-forming algae in a short time. In order to use algicidal bacteria to suppress blooms of M. aeruginosa, we isolated a bacterial culture capable of lysing the noxious cyanobacteria M. aeruginosa. In this paper we described some properties of the bacterial culture and its growth-inhibiting or algicidal effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa, and investigated its algicidal mechanisms. 1 Enrichment of a microbial culture that lyses Microcystis aeruginosa A mixed bacterial culture was isolated from a hypereutrophic pond and showed significant algicidal activity against the noxious Microcystis aeruginosa. Algae lysis would be seen obviously 4 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) reduction went beyond 85% 8 days later. 2 The host range and some other algicidal feature of the mixed algicidal culture. Microcystis aeruginosa, Nostoc sp., were susceptible to the mixed algicidal culture, while the lytic effects of this mixed culture on Microcystis flos-aquae and some other tested Microcystis were feeble.The algicidal culture can not only lyse M. aeruginosa in liquid media, but aslo lyse M. aeruginosa lawns on soft agar plates and form plaques. The maximun dilution of the mixed culture required for rapid Microcystis lysis is 1/100, 000. 3 Influences of environmental factors such as pH, temperature, illumination, and the nitrogen source on the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa. In our investigations, it was shown that the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa was straightly correlated with pH, temperature, illumination, as well as the nitrogen source in the medium. The impacts of these environmental factors on the algicidal activity of the mixed bacterial culture, to a certain extent, may depend on both the algal and the bacterial growth rates under the tested environmental conditions. 4 The mechanisms of algal cell lysis by the algicidal bacteria Death was detected when the mixed bacterial culture was added to the algal culture, but not when only the culture filtrate or autoclaved bacterial culture was added. This indicates that the mixed bacterial culture did not release extracellular products inhibitory to Microcystis aeruginosa. In addition, under the microscope, we observed frequent contacts btween bacteria and algae cells, and some bacteria can even penetrate into target algal cells and destroyed them. These results may suggest that the bacterium kill the alga by direct contact. 5 Molecular Characterization of the algicidal bacterial culture Attempts for isolation of pure bacterium or bacteria from the enrichment culture responsible for Microcystis lysis have so far been failed. Based on PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and 16S rDNA clone library analysis, Rubritepida sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Sphingomonas sp., as accompanying bacteria, were existed in M. aeruginosa. The bacterial community in M. aeruginosa showed significant change after adding the enrichment culture, where uncultured Flavorbacterium sp., Sphingomonas sp. and Hydrogenophaga sp. were observed, and the uncultured Flavorbacterium sp. became a dominant species. The obvious correlation can be seen between change of bacterial population and extinction of M. aeruginosa. Compared identification of pure bacterium with sequencing of DGGE bands and the clone distribution of the clone libraries, it was inferred that some uncultured bacteria were probably play an important role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa. 6 Further study for algae control by applications of algicidal bacteria (1) Algae lysis would be seen obviously 6 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) was reducted to a low level 20 days later in the simulated water bloom experiments. (2) The growth of Microcystis sp. (zd) was restrained by Microcystis aeruginosa 905 (zc) when they were co-cultured together, and zc was lysed by the algicidal bacterial culture. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa, and its algicidal activity remained high against non-axenic tested M. aeruginosa, suggesting that bacteria in the natural environment could play a role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa and other cyanobacteria. Such bacteria could also potentially be used as agents to prevent the mass development of cyanobacteria in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs.


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本文从四川绵竹酒厂、成都市龙泉长安垃圾填埋场以及四川大学荷花池底的厌氧污泥中先后分离得到63株厌氧产氢菌,其中H-8、H-61、HC-10等16株产氢细菌产氢能力较高,HC-10的产氢能力最高,最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2840 ml H2/L培养基和25.39 mmol H2/g drycell·h,对HC-10进行生理生化鉴定和分子生物学鉴定,判定其为clostridium sp.,对HC-10的产氢条件进行了研究,结果表明,该菌的最适生长温度为35 ℃,最适生长初始pH为7,以葡萄糖为最佳碳源,以蛋白胨为最佳氮源,不利用无机氮源,其产氢发酵液相产物以乙醇和乙酸为主,其发酵类型属于乙醇型发酵。此外,以酒糟废液作为底物,进行了菌株HC-10的生物强化试验,研究表明,投加了HC-10的强化系统其产氢量比对照高出40.32%。 同时为了获得厌氧产氢菌的高效突变株,分别以产氢菌H-8和H-61为原始菌株进行微波诱变处理,对微波诱变参数进行了优化,考察了突变株的遗传稳定性、产氢特性及耐酸性。菌株H-8经过微波诱变得到5株高产氢突变株HW7、HW33、HW181、HW184、HW195,经多次传代表明HW195是稳定的高产突变株。突变株HW195具有较好的耐酸性,在pH值为2.8时仍能生长。通过间歇发酵实验,其最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2460 mL/L培养基和27.97 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌分别提高了50.75%和41.7%。菌株H-61经过微波诱变后选育得到的突变株HW-18,其最大产氢量和最大产氢速率分别达到2190 mL/L培养基和25.86 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌分别提高了23.03%和31.00%。 为了对比各种诱变方式对产氢菌产氢能力的影响,以厌氧产氢菌H-61为原始菌株,先后经亚硝基胍(NTG)、紫外(UV)诱变,选育得到1株高产突变株HCM-23。在葡萄糖浓度为10 g/L的条件下,其产氢量为3024 mL/L培养基,比原始菌株提高了69.89%;其最大产氢速率为33.19 mmol H2/g drycell·h,比原始菌株提高了68.14%。经过多次传代实验,稳定性良好。其发酵末端产物以乙醇和乙酸为主,属于典型乙醇型发酵。其最适产氢初始pH为6.5,最适生长温度为36 ℃,以蔗糖为最佳碳源。与原始菌株相比,突变株HCM-23的产氢特性发生了改变,如生长延滞期延长,可利用无机氮源等。 From anaerobic activated sludge, 16 strains of hydrogen producing bacteria were newly isolated. One of them named as HC-10 had the highest hydrogen producing capability, under the batch fermentative hydrogen production condition, the maximal hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2840 mL/L culture and 25.39 mmol H2/g drycell·h. It was identified as clostridium sp.HC-10 by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Various parameters for hydrogen production, including substrates, initial pH and temperature, have been studied. The optimum condition for hydrogen producing of strain HC-10 were achieved as: initial pH 7.0, temperature 35 ℃, glucose as the favorite substrate, Moreover, using distiller's solubles wastewater as substrate, HC-10 strain was added in the biohydrogen producing system to research the bioaugmentation effection. The results showed that the hydrogen production of bioaugmentation system was 40.32% higher than the noaugmentation system. An anaerobic, hydrogen producing strain H-8 was irradiated by microwave to optimize the microwave mutagenesis condition, and to test the heredity, hydrogen-producing potential and aciduric of the mutants. An aciduric mutant named as HW195 with steady hydrogen-producing capability was obtained, which can grow at pH 2.8. Its capability of hydrogen production was tested in the batch culture experiments. The maximum hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2460 mL/L culture and 29.97 mmol H2/g drycell·h, which was 50.7% and 41.7% higher than those of the initial strain, respectively. When used the strain H-61 as original strain, a mutant named as HW18 was obtained. The maximum hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 2190 mL/L culture and 25.86 mmol H2/g drycell·h, which was 23.03% and 31.00% higher than those of the initial strain, respectively. The results demonstrated that microwave mutagenesis could be used in the field of hydrogen producing microorganism. The hydrogen producing strain H-61 was used as an original strain which was induced by NTG and UV for increasing and the hydrogen production capability. One of the highest efficient H2-producing mutants was named as HCM-23 with its stable hydrogen production capability. which was tested in the batch culture experiments. With the condition of 10 g/L glucose, its cumulative hydrogen yield and hydrogen production rate was 3024 mL/L culture and 33.19 mmol H2/g drycell·h, 69.89%and 68.14% higher than that of the original strain, respectively. The terminal liquid product compositions showed that the mutant HCM-23 fermentation was ethanol type, while the original strain H-61 fermentation was butyric acid type. Varieties of parameters of hydrogen production fermentation were studied, including time, carbon source, nitrogen source, glucose concentration, glucose utilization, initial pH and incubation temperature had been studied, indicated the optimum condition of hydrogen production for the mutant HCM-23 as initial pH6.5, temperature 36 ℃, and the favorite substrate was sucrose. The hydrogen production characters of the mutant and the original strain were different, such as, the growth lag phase and the utilization of inorganic nitrogen source, etc. This work shows a good application potential of NTG-UV combined mutation in the biohydrogen production. And the hydrogen production mechanism and metabolic pathway should be explored furthermore.


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本文主要研究了具有己酸乙酯酯化活性的真菌菌株的筛选和发酵条件优化。从大曲和糟醅样品中分离纯化获得79株产生透明圈的丝状真菌,菌落形态初步识别结果显示分离菌株包括红曲霉属、根霉属及曲霉属等菌株。其中菌株EM-56酯化酶活力最强,发酵获得的粗酶制剂酶活为172.36 u。根据显微形态、菌落形态及生理生化特征,初步鉴定该菌株为曲霉科红曲霉属紫色红曲霉(Monascus purpureus)。 在此基础上重点研究了菌株EM-56在不同培养基成分及不同培养条件下的产酶情况,确定了最佳培养基和培养条件。通过单因素实验确定在基础培养基中添加最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为蛋白胨。正交优化实验结果确定了最佳培养基组成:以麸皮为基础培养基,添加葡萄糖 2%,蛋白胨 0.3 %,KH2PO4.3H2O 0.05 %,MgSO4.7H2O 0.06 %。菌株EM-56在上述培养基中的最佳发酵条件为:初始pH 5.5,发酵温度为35°C,发酵时间7d,种龄48h,接种量8%,装瓶量50g / 瓶(500mL)。在最佳培养基和发酵条件下,菌株EM-56发酵获得的粗酶制剂酶活达到241.56 u,比优化前提高了40.15%。 In this paper, the research focuses on the selection of fungus with esterifying activity and optimization of fermentation conditions. We isolated 79 strains which had transparent zones from Daqu and fermented grains. The isolated strains contained Monascus、Rhizopus and Aspergillus through primary morphology analysis. The strain of EM-56 which produces strongest esterase was selected. The enzyme activity reached 172.36u. According to related literature, EM-56 was identified as Monascus purpureus through morphology analysis and biochemical determination. We also studied the effects of different medium and fermentation conditions on the esterase production of strain EM-56. The optimal medium and fermentation conditions were determined. Single factor experiment result shows that the optimal carbon source added is glucose and the optimal nitrogen source added is peptone. The optimal fermentation medium determined by orthogonal optimization test is as follows: wheat bran as substrate, glucose 2%, peptone 0.3%, KH2PO4.3H2O 0.05%,MgSO4.7H2O 0.06%. The optimal fermentation conditions are: initial pH 5.5, cultural temperature 35°C, cultural time 7d, seed age 48h, inoculation 8%, medium mass 50g / flask(500mL). The esterse activity of EM-56 cultivated in the optimal medium and fermentation conditions reached 241.56u and increased by 40.15% compared with the original activity.


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本文主要研究了从造纸厂碱性土壤中筛选得到的,能够产生耐碱木聚糖酶的两株放线菌X24-14和X15-17。通过16 S rRNA基因序列分析并结合菌株的形态特征以及生理生化特性,初步认为菌株X15-17为拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)的一个潜在新种;菌株X24-14为纤维化纤维菌(Cellulosimicrobium cellulans)。 在此基础上探索了菌株X24-14和菌株X15-17所产木聚糖酶的基本酶学性质。研究发现,两株菌所产的木聚糖酶的耐碱性均较强: 1)菌株X24-14所产的木聚糖酶,在pH 4.2~9.4的范围内能维持较高的活力,pH 9.4条件下,仍能保持80%的酶活力;2)菌株X15-17所产的木聚糖酶在pH 4.0~9.0的范围内能维持较高的活力,pH 9.0条件下,仍能保持80%的酶活力;3)两株菌所产的木聚糖酶均具有较好的pH稳定性,在pH 2.0~11.0范围内稳定,pH 11.0、4 ℃条件下处理24 h仍具有75%的活力。 本文还重点研究了菌株X24-14在不同培养基成分及不同培养条件下的产酶情况,确定了其适宜的产酶条件。结果显示,菌株X24-14的最适碳源为麸皮;最适氮源为蛋白胨;最适产酶pH为pH 8.5。菌株X24-14适宜的产酶条件为:麸皮60 g/L,蛋白胨10 g/L,K2HPO4 7.0 g/L,pH 8.5,接种量为5%,37 ℃,200 r/min发酵培养108 h。 Two strains of actinomycetes, X24-14 and X15-17, which produced alkali-tolerant xylanase were screened from the soil samples collected from a pulp mill in china. Based on the morphological, physiochemical characteristics and 16S rRNA sequence, X24-14 was priminarily identified as cellulosimicrobium cellulans ; X15-17 was priminarily identified as a new species of Nocardiopsis. The investigation examined the enzyme activities which produced by X24-14 and X15-17 under different pH and different temperatures. The results showed that : 1)The xylanase from X24-14 had characteristic of alkali-tolerance: It remains 80% relative activity at pH ranges between pH 4.2 and pH 9.4 under 50℃. 2)The xylanase from X15-17 also showed characteristic of alkali-tolerance, it remains 80% relative activity at pH ranges between pH 4.0and pH 9.0 under 50℃. 3)The xylanase from the two strains showed alkali-stable characteristics. They were stable at pH ranges between pH 2.0 and pH 11.0, showing 75% of its maximal activity remaining under 24 hours of treatment at 4℃. We also studied the effect of different growth conditions: carbon source, nitrogen sources, inoculum size, and initial pH on the production of xylanase of strain X24-14. The results showed that :The optimal carbon source was wheat bran; The optima nitrogen source was peptone; The maximum xylanase activity was achieved in the medium containing 60 g/L wheat bran, 10 g/L peptone, 7 g/L K2HPO4, inoculum size 5% and pH 8.5, under 37℃ in 108 h.


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红发夫酵母分离于北美西部高山地区和日本一些岛屿上落叶树的渗出液中,因其所产主要色素为在水产养殖、食品和医药工业有广阔应用前景的虾青素而成为研究的热点。本论文对红发夫酵母Phaffia rhodozyma 的生长特性、培养参数与培养基组分对生长和虾青素积累的影响及其优化、虾青素合成的调节控制、虾青素的提取测定及红发夫酵母耐高温菌种的诱变进行了系统的研究。 虾青素是红发夫酵母的胞内色素,要对其进行分析首先要对红发夫酵母进行破壁处理,实验发现二甲亚砜是最有效的破壁溶剂,用氯仿和丙酮可以有效地把类胡萝卜素从二甲亚砜破壁后的红发夫酵母细胞中提取出来。 在固定摇床转速为200 rpm,温度为20 ℃的条件下,当种龄为36 h,以10%的接种量接入装液量为30 mL的250 mL三角瓶,初始pH为5.5时最有利于红发夫酵母的生长及类胡萝卜素的合成。 本实验中红发夫酵母最佳利用碳、氮源分别为蔗糖和蛋白胨,但蛋白胨价格昂贵,不适宜作单一氮源,因此使用硫酸铵和酵母膏作为复合氮源。 本论文采用了BP神经网络结合遗传算法的方法来优化红发夫酵母的发酵培养基,得到红发夫酵母发酵培养基的最佳配比为:蔗糖45.10 g/L、硫酸铵3.00 g/L、硫酸镁0.80 g/L、磷酸二氢钾1.40 g/L、酵母膏3.00 g/L、氯化钙0.50 g/L,使用优化后的培养基发酵类胡萝卜素产量达到8.20 mg/L,干重达到9.47 g/L,类胡萝卜素的产量比起始培养基提高了95.90%,干重提高了89.40%。 从代谢途径出发对红发夫酵母合成虾青素调控调控,选择谷氨酸、乙醇、VB1作为添加剂,通过正交试验设计得出三者添加水平分别为0.2 g/L,0.1% (V/V),10 mg/L时,类胡萝卜素产量提高了25.73%,达到了10.31mg/L。 通过上述优化培养,本论文中红发夫酵母的虾青素产量从1.33 mg/L提高到9.12 mg/L,产量提高了6.86倍;总类胡萝卜素产量从4.23 mg/L提高到10.31 mg/L,产量提高了2.44倍;细胞干重从5.00 g/L提高到11.35 g/L,提高了2.27倍,总体提高效果显著。 红发夫酵母属于中低温菌,本论文采用紫外复合诱变的方式,通过高温筛选,得到一株能在35 ℃下能生长的突变株,但所产类胡萝卜素中虾青素所占比例很小,可能是诱变改变了红发夫酵母的代谢途径,阻断了虾青素的合成。 Phaffia rhodozyma is a heterobasidiomyceteous yeast that was originally isolated from the slime fluxes of brich tree wounds in mountain regions of northern Japan and southern Alaska. Phaffia rhodozyma produces astaxanthin as its principal carotenoid pigment, which has potential applications in acquaculture, food and pharmaceutical industry. This paper researched ways to break cell, analysis of astaxanthin, characteristics of growth, culture parameters and the effects of components of medium on growth and astaxanthin formation , optimization of culture medium, control of astaxanthin synthesis and mutagenesis of Phaffia rhodozyma. It is necessary to disrupt the yeast cell for extracting astaxanthin considering the yeast accumulating carotenoids in cell. Dimethyisulphoxide was the most effective solvent for breaking the yeast cell; acetone and chloroform were effective to extract carotenoids out of the disrupted cell. The optimum pH for growth and carotenoids synthesis is 5.5, the optimum medium volume is 30 mL (in 250 mL flask), the optimum culture time of inoculum is 36 h, the optimum inoculum concentration is 10%. The research on culture medium showed: sucrose is the best one of 6 carbon sources for growth and astaxanthin synthesis. Peptone is the best nitrogen source for growth and astaxanthin synthesis. Uniform Design was used for trial design of the formula medium components, then back-propagation neural network was established to modeling the relationships between the carotenoid yield and the concentration of medium components. Genetic algorithm (GA) was used for global optimization of the model. The optimum combination of the medium was obtained: sucrose 45.10 g/L, ammonium sulfate 3.00 g/L, magnesium sulfate 0.80 g/L, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.40 g/L, yeast extract 3.00 g/L, calcium chloride 0.50 g/L. The yield of carotenoid reached 8.20 mg/L, which was 95.90% higher than that of the original medium. Glu, VB1 and ethanol were selected as fermentation addictives, after Orthogonal Test, the carotenoid contents increased by 25.73% when adding 0.16 g/L Glu, VB1 10 mg/L and ethanol 0.1% (V/V). After the above optimization, the astaxanthin content increased 6.86 folds, which is 9.12 mg/L. The carotenoids content increased 2.44 folds, which is 10.31 mg/L. The biomass increased 2.27 folds, which is 11.35 g/L. Phaffia rhodozyma grows in the mild temperature range of 0 to 27 ℃, in this work, a thermotolerant mutant was selected through UV-irradiation. It can grows at 35 ℃, and showed increased carotenoid content. The optimal growth temperature for this mutant is 30 ℃. But the mutant can only produce carotenoids with little astaxanthin accumulation.


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The proposed plan for enrichment of the Sulu Sea, Philippines, a region of rich marine biodiversity, with thousands of tonnes of urea in order to stimulate algal blooms and sequester carbon is flawed for multiple reasons. Urea is preferentially used as a nitrogen source by some cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates, many of which are neutrally or positively buoyant. Biological pumps to the deep sea are classically leaky, and the inefficient burial of new biomass makes the estimation of a net loss of carbon from the atmosphere questionable at best. The potential for growth of toxic dinoflagellates is also high, as many grow well on urea and some even increase their toxicity when grown on urea. Many toxic dinoflagellates form cysts which can settle to the sediment and germinate in subsequent years, forming new blooms even without further fertilization. If large-scale blooms do occur, it is likely that they will contribute to hypoxia in the bottom waters upon decomposition. Lastly, urea production requires fossil fuel usage, further limiting the potential for net carbon sequestration. The environmental and economic impacts are potentially great and need to be rigorously assessed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nutrient stresses trigger a variety of developmental switches in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One of the least understood of such responses is the development of complex colony morphology, characterized by intricate, organized, and strain-specific patterns of colony growth and architecture. The genetic bases of this phenotype and the key environmental signals involved in its induction have heretofore remained poorly understood. By surveying multiple strain backgrounds and a large number of growth conditions, we show that limitation for fermentable carbon sources coupled with a rich nitrogen source is the primary trigger for the colony morphology response in budding yeast. Using knockout mutants and transposon-mediated mutagenesis, we demonstrate that two key signaling networks regulating this response are the filamentous growth MAP kinase cascade and the Ras-cAMP-PKA pathway. We further show synergistic epistasis between Rim15, a kinase involved in integration of nutrient signals, and other genes in these pathways. Ploidy, mating-type, and genotype-by-environment interactions also appear to play a role in the controlling colony morphology. Our study highlights the high degree of network reuse in this model eukaryote; yeast use the same core signaling pathways in multiple contexts to integrate information about environmental and physiological states and generate diverse developmental outputs.


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A survey of the utilization by environmental micro-organisms of a range of compounds containing the carbon-phosphorus (C-P) bond was carried out. Elective culture studies indicated that 15 of 19 alkylphosphonates tested served only as a sole source of phosphorus for microbial growth. Their metabolism did not lead to the extracellular release of inorganic phosphate. However, four organophosphonates - phosphonoacetate, phosphonoalanine, 2-aminoethylphosphonate and phosphonomycin - supported microbial growth when supplied as either a phosphorus source or as a carbon and energy source, with near-quantitative inorganic phosphate release. Four of five amino alkylphosphonates tested were also utilized as a nitrogen source in the presence of 1 mmol l(-1) inorganic phosphate. In a subsequent screening programme, 99% of bacterial isolates tested were able to utilize 2-aminoethylphosphonate as a sole phosphorus source, 61% as a nitrogen source, 10% as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus, and 2% as a source of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus; 2% of isolates used phosphonoalanine as a nitrogen source. These results suggest that the uptake and metabolism of organophosphonates by bacteria is less 'tightly' regulated by phosphorus starvation than has previously been supposed.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact hyphae of Neurospora crassa using electrophysiological recordings to characterize the response of the plasma membrane to NO3- challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3(-)-associated membrane current was determined using a three electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in hyphae transferred to NO3(-)-free, N-limited medium for 15 hr, and in hyphae grown in the absence of a nitrogen source after a single 2-min exposure to 100 microM NO3-. In the latter, induction showed a latency of 40-80 min and rose in scalar fashion with full transport activity measurable approx. 100 min after first exposure to NO3-; it was marked by the appearance of a pronounced sensitivity of membrane voltage to extracellular NO3- additions which, after induction, resulted in reversible membrane depolarizations of (+)54-85 mV in the presence of 50 microM NO3-; and it was suppressed when NH4+ was present during the first, inductive exposure to NO3-. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3- additions showed that the NO3(-)-evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared in parallel with the depolarizations across the entire range of accessible voltages (-400 to +100 mV). Measurements of NO3- uptake using NO3(-)-selective macroelectrodes indicated a charge stoichiometry for NO3- transport of 1(+):1(NO3-) with common K(m) and Jmax values around 25 microM and 75 pmol NO3- cm-2sec-1, respectively, and combined measurements of pHo and [NO3-]o showed a net uptake of approx. 1 H+ with each NO3- anion. Analysis of the NO3- current demonstrated a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -300 and -100 mV as well as interactions between the kinetic parameters of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. Increasing the bathing pH from 5.5 to 8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 2- to 4-fold. At a constant pHo of 6.1, driving the membrane voltage from -350 to -150 mV resulted in an approx. 3-fold reduction in the maximum current and a 5-fold rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approx. 20% fall in the K(m) for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional results are consistent with a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3- anion transported across the membrane, and implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3- binding is kinetically adjacent to the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit. The data concur with previous studies demonstrating a pronounced voltage-dependence to high-affinity NO3- transport system in Arabidopsis, and underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3- transport; finally, they distinguish metabolite repression of NO3- transport induction from its sensitivity to metabolic blockade and competition with the uptake of other substrates that draw on membrane voltage as a kinetic substrate.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact root hair cells of Arabidopsis thaliana using electrophysiological recordings to characterise the response of the plasma membrane to NO3-challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3--associated membrane current was determined using a three-electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in the roots of seedlings grown in the absence of a nitrogen source, but only 4-6 days postgermination. In 6-day-old seedlings, additions of 5-100 μm NO3-to the bathing medium resulted in membrane depolarizations of 8-43 mV, and membrane voltage (Vm) recovered on washing NO3-from the bath. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3-additions showed that the NO3--evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared across the entire range of accessible voltages (-300 to +50 mV). Both membrane depolarizations and NO3--evoked currents recorded at the free-running voltage displayed quasi-Michaelian kinetics, with apparent values for Km of 23 ± 6 and 44 ± 11 μm, respectively and, for the current, a maximum of 5.1 ± 0.9 μA cm-2. The NO3-current showed a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -250 and -100 mV, as could be demonstrated under voltage clamp, and increasing the bathing pH from 6.1 to 7.4-8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 3- to 8-fold. Analyses showed a well-defined interaction between the kinetic variables of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. At a constant pHo of 6.1, depolarization from -250 to -150 mV resulted in an approximate 3-fold reduction in the maximum current but a 10% rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approximate 20% fall in the Km for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional characteristics of the transport current implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3-binding is kinetically isolated from the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit, and they indicate a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3-anion transported across the membrane. The results concur with previous studies showing a high-affinity NO3-transport system in Arabidopsis that is inducible following a period of nitrogen-limiting growth, but they underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3-transport at the plant plasma membrane. © 1995 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.


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s-Triazine herbicides are used extensively in South America in agriculture and forestry. In this study, a bacterium designated as strain MHP41, capable of degrading simazine and atrazine, was isolated from agricultural soil in the Quillota valley, central Chile. Strain MHP41 is able to grow in minimal medium, using simazine as the sole nitrogen source. In this medium, the bacterium exhibited a growth rate of mu = 0.10 h(-1), yielding a high biomass of 4.2 x 10(8) CFU mL(-1). Resting cells of strain MHP41 degrade more than 80% of simazine within 60 min. The atzA, atzB, atzC, atzD, atzE and atzF genes encoding the enzymes of the simazine upper and lower pathways were detected in strain MHP41. The motile Gram-negative bacterium was identified as a Pseudomonas sp., based on the Biolog microplate system and comparative sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis allowed the differentiation of strain MHP41 from Pseudomonas sp. ADP. The comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses suggested that strain MHP41 is closely related to Pseudomonas nitroreducens and Pseudomonas multiresinovorans. This is the first s-triazine-degrading bacterium isolated in South America. Strain MHP41 is a potential biocatalyst for the remediation of s-triazine-contaminated environments.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact hyphae of Neurospora crassa using electrophysiological recordings to characterize the response of the plasma membrane to NO3 - challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3 --associated membrane current was determined using a three electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in hyphae transferred to NO3 --free, N-limited medium for 15 hr, and in hyphae grown in the absence of a nitrogen source after a single 2-min exposure to 100 μM NO3 -. In the latter, induction showed a latency of 40-80 min and rose in scalar fashion with full transport activity mensurable approx. 100 min after first exposure to NO3 -; it was marked by the appearance of a pronounced sensitivity of membrane voltage to extracellular NO3 - additions which, after induction, resulted in reversible membrane depolarizations of (+)54-85 mV in the presence of 50 μM NO3 -; and it was suppressed when NH4 +, was present during the first, inductive exposure to NO3 -. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3 - additions showed that the NO3 --evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared in parallel with the depolarizations across the entire range of accessible voltages -400 to +100 mV). Measurements of NO3 - uptake using NO3 --selective macroelectrodes indicated a charge stoichiometry for NO3 - transport of 1(+):1(NO3 -) with common K(m) and J(max) values around 25 μM and 75 pmol NO3 - cm-2sec-1, respectively, and combined measurements of pH(o) and [NO3 -](o) showed a net uptake of approx. 1 H+ with each NO3 - anion. Analysis of the NO3 - current demonstrated a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -300 and -100 mV as well as interactions between the kinetic parameters of membrane voltage, pH(o) and [NO3 -](o). Increasing the bathing pH from 5.5 to 8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 2- to 4-fold. At a constant pH(o) of 6.1, driving the membrane voltage from -350 to -150 mV resulted in an approx. 3-fold reduction in the maximum current and a 5-fold rise in the apparent affinity for NO3 -. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approx. 20% fall in the K(m) for transport as a function in [H+](o). These, and additional results are consistent with a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO anion transported across the membrane, and implicate a carrier cycle in which NO binding is kinetically adjacent to the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit. The data concur with previous studies demonstrating a pronounced voltage-dependence to high-affinity NO3 - transport system in Arabidopsis, and underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3 - transport; finally, they distinguish metabolite repression of NO3 - transport induction from its sensitivity to metabolic blockade and competition with the uptake of other substrates that draw on membrane voltage as a kinetic substrate.


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Tese dout., Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010


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Dissertação de mest., Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2008


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Endophyte-assisted phytoremediation has recently been suggested as a successful approach for ecological restoration of metal contaminated soils, however little information is available on the influence of endophytic bacteria on the phytoextraction capacity of metal hyperaccumulating plants in multi-metal polluted soils. The aims of our study were to isolate and characterize metal-resistant and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) utilizing endophytic bacteria from tissues of the newly discovered Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola and to examine if these endophytic bacterial strains could improve the efficiency of phytoextraction of multi-metal contaminated soils. Among a collection of 42 metal resistant bacterial strains isolated from the tissues of S. plumbizincicola grown on Pb/Zn mine tailings, five plant growth promoting endophytic bacterial strains (PGPE) were selected due to their ability to promote plant growth and to utilize ACC as the sole nitrogen source. The five isolates were identified as Bacillus pumilus E2S2, Bacillus sp. E1S2, Bacillus sp. E4S1, Achromobacter sp. E4L5 and Stenotrophomonas sp. E1L and subsequent testing revealed that they all exhibited traits associated with plant growth promotion, such as production of indole-3-acetic acid and siderophores and solubilization of phosphorus. These five strains showed high resistance to heavy metals (Cd, Zn and Pb) and various antibiotics. Further, inoculation of these ACC utilizing strains significantly increased the concentrations of water extractable Cd and Zn in soil. Moreover, a pot experiment was conducted to elucidate the effects of inoculating metal-resistant ACC utilizing strains on the growth of S. plumbizincicola and its uptake of Cd, Zn and Pb in multi-metal contaminated soils. Out of the five strains, B. pumilus E2S2 significantly increased root (146%) and shoot (17%) length, fresh (37%) and dry biomass (32%) of S. plumbizincicola as well as plant Cd uptake (43%), whereas Bacillus sp. E1S2 significantly enhanced the accumulation of Zn (18%) in plants compared with non-inoculated controls. The inoculated strains also showed high levels of colonization in rhizosphere and plant tissues. Results demonstrate the potential to improve phytoextraction of soils contaminated with multiple heavy metals by inoculating metal hyperaccumulating plants with their own selected functional endophytic bacterial strains.