102 resultados para NEURALGIA
Le seul vrai livre, pour Proust, est la traduction des impressions perdues dont la trace subsiste dans notre mémoire sensible. Les personnages entrent dans le texte de la Recherche en frappant la sensibilité du héros. Or, « toujours déjà là, » la grand-mère, comme la mère, relève d'une réalité qui ne s'est jamais imprimée, une réalité antérieure à la conscience du narrateur et de ce fait, antérieure au texte. Néanmoins, la grand-mère est une mère qui vieillit et qui meurt. Alors, elle apparaît au narrateur, suivant ainsi le chemin inverse de l'altérité. De présence immédiate pour le héros, il lui faudra devenir autre, une vieille femme étrangère, indéfinie dans son geste vers la mort, afin que le texte lui restitue une première impression. C'est précisément dans cette distance à parcourir, cet itinéraire entre l'immédiateté du départ et la première impression, que la spécificité du personnage de la grand-mère touche à ce que Proust qualifierait lui-même de « névralgie » de son texte. La réalité maternelle, pour devenir objet du style littéraire, doit se plier au trait de l'écrivain. Or, le personnage de mère, telle qu'il est élaboré dans la Recherche, résiste à ce « fléchissement ». Le personnage de grand-mère permet à Proust d'exprimer la réalité de la mère qui se dégrade et qui meurt, une mère que la main du fils devenant écrivain rend malléable.
El dolor neuropático es un tipo de dolor crónico, patológico, que ha perdido el carácter adaptativo del dolor agudo para convertirse en una enfermedad incurable, en un gran porcentaje de los casos, que afecta al paciente, a su familia y a la sociedad. Durante muchos años el Centro Interdisciplinario para Estudio y Alivio del Dolor de la Universidad del Rosario, ha analizado enfermos con neuropatía diabética dolorosa, neuralgia post-herpética, dolor fantasma, neuralgia del trigémino, síndrome doloroso regional complejo, y dolores centrales de diversas etiologías: y las incógnitas más recurrentes han sido: ¿Se estarán haciendo las cosas bien? Y ¿por qué unos pacientes mejoran y otros no? La búsqueda de las respuestas a estos cuestionamientos ha sido la motivación para la presentación de esta obra colectiva en donde se analizan diferentes aspectos del dolor neuropático, como son: la neurobiología del dolor neuropático, los medicamentos para el manejo del dolor, las neuropatías por tratamiento y los distintos síndromes relacionados con el dolor , entre otros.
Introducción: el dolor neuropático es una patología de considerable prevalencia e impacto socio-económico en la población latinoamericana, la evidencia clínica sugiere que los ligandos de canales de calcio y el parche de Lidocaína pueden tratar exitosamente el dolor neuropático periférico y localizado. Metodología: se realizo una evaluación económica tipo costo-efectividad, observacional y retrospectiva con datos extraídos de las historias clínicas de pacientes atendidos en la clínica de dolor de la IPS. La variable primaria de efectividad fue la mejoría del dolor medida mediante escala visual análoga. Resultados: se estudiaron 94 pacientes tratados con: Gabapentina (G) 21, Pregabalina (P) 24, Gabapentina+ lidocaína (G/P) 24, Pregabalina + Lidocaína (P/L) 25, los costos asociados al tratamiento son los siguientes COP$114.070.835, COP$105.855.920, COP$88.717.481 COP$89.854.712 respectivamente, el número de pacientes con mejoría significativa de dolor fue: 8,10,9 y 21 pacientes respectivamente. El ICER de G/L con respecto a G fue: COP$ -25.353.354. El ICER de P/L con respecto a P fue: COP$ -1.454.655. Conclusiones: la adición del parche de lidocaína a la terapia regular con P/L represento una disminución de consumo de recursos en salud como uso de medicamentos co-analgésicos, analgésicos de rescate y fármacos para controlar reacciones adversas, de la misma forma que consultas a profesionales de la salud. Cada paciente manejado con P/L representa un ahorro de COP $1.454.655 al contrario si se manejase con el anticonvulsivante de manera exclusiva, en el caso de G/L este ahorro es de COP $ 25.353.354 frente a G sola.
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the Herpesviridae family, primary infection with which causes varicella, more commonly known as chicken pox. Characteristic of members of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily, VZV is neurotropic and establishes latency in sensory neurons. Reactivation of VZV causes herpes zoster, also known as shingles. The most frequent complication following zoster is chronic and often debilitating pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which can last for months after the disappearance of a rash. During episodes of acute zoster, VZV viremia occurs in some, but not all, patients; however, the effect of the viral load on the disease outcome is not known. Here we describe the development of a highly specific, sensitive, and reproducible real-time PCR assay to investigate the factors that may contribute to the presence and levels of baseline viremia in patients with zoster and to determine the relationship between viremia and the development and persistence of PHN. VZV DNA was detected in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 78% of patients with acute zoster and in 9% of healthy asymptomatic blood donors. The presence of VZV in the PBMCs of patients with acute zoster was independently associated with age and being on antivirals but not with gender, immune status, extent of rash, the age of the rash at the time of blood sampling, having a history of prodromal pain, or the extent of acute pain. Prodromal pain was significantly associated with higher baseline viral loads. Viral load levels were not associated with the development or persistence of PHN at 6, 12, or 26 weeks.
BACKGROUND: Herpes zoster is caused by the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus from sensory neurons. The commonest complication following zoster is chronic pain termed post herpetic neuralgia. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the dynamics of VZV viraemia and viral load following the resolution of zoster and its relationship to PHN development. STUDY DESIGN: Blood samples were collected at baseline, 1 month, 3 months and 6 month from a prospective study of 63 patients with active zoster. Quantification of VZV DNA in whole blood was performed using a real-time PCR assay. RESULTS: During acute zoster, all patients had detectable VZV DNA in their blood. VZV DNA remained detectable in the blood of 91% of patients at 6 months although levels declined significantly (p<0.0001). A history of prodromal symptoms (p=0.005) and severity of pain at baseline (p=0.038) as well as taking antivirals (p=0.046) and being immunocompromised (p=0.043) were associated, with longer time to recovery from PHN. Viral DNA loads were consistently higher in patients with risk factors for PHN and higher viral DNA loads over time were associated with longer time to recovery (p=0.058 overall and 0.038 in immunocompetent). CONCLUSIONS: Based on these observations we hypothesise that VZV replication persists following acute shingles and that higher viral DNA loads contribute to the risk factors for PHN.
The vanilloid receptor-1 (VR1) is a heat-gated ion channel that is responsible for the burning sensation elicited by capsaicin. A similar sensation is reported by patients with esophagitis when they consume alcoholic beverages or are administered alcohol by injection as a medical treatment. We report here that ethanol activates primary sensory neurons, resulting in neuropeptide release or plasma extravasation in the esophagus, spinal cord or skin. Sensory neurons from trigeminal or dorsal root ganglia as well as VR1-expressing HEK293 cells responded to ethanol in a concentration-dependent and capsazepine-sensitive fashion. Ethanol potentiated the response of VR1 to capsaicin, protons and heat and lowered the threshold for heat activation of VR1 from approximately 42 degrees C to approximately 34 degrees C. This provides a likely mechanistic explanation for the ethanol-induced sensory responses that occur at body temperature and for the sensitivity of inflamed tissues to ethanol, such as might be found in esophagitis, neuralgia or wounds.
A dor inguinal crônica pós-herniorrafia é uma situação preocupante, pois aproximadamente 10% dos pacientes submetidos à hernioplastia inguinal apresenta os sintomas, que com frequência limita a capacidade física. A etiopatogênese está relacionada a uma periostite do púbis (dor somática) e mais frequentemente à lesão nervosa (dor neuropática). É importante distinguir clinicamente entre os dois tipos de dor, pois o tratamento pode ser diferente. O médico deve estabelecer uma rotina diagnóstica e de tratamento, sendo que a maior parte dos pacientes necessitarão de terapêutica cirúrgica. A prevenção desta condição é de grande importância e pode levar a uma menor incidência da síndrome. Algumas medidas são fundamentais, como evitar pontos ou clipes no periósteo do púbis, usar criteriosamente as próteses e identificar os nervos da região inguinal. Esta última medida é certamente a mais importante na prevenção da dor crônica e implica em conhecimento profundo da anatomia e o uso de uma técnica aprimorada.
Pain is a subjective condition and, thus, difficult to measure. The best tools to assess pain are the pain evaluation questionnaires, which provide either diagnostic, pain evolution or pain intensity information. To provide information which could help differentiate between nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain is one of the most important functions of these questionnaires. The questionnaires can measure pain intensity, quality of life, or sleep quality. Quality of life and sleep are two really important characteristics to assess the pain impact on patients' life. Pain intensity assessing questionnaires combine physical evaluations with questions, providing information either from the patient sensations or clinical assessment of pain manifestations as well as the underlying biological mechanisms (such as hyperalgesia or allodynia). For example, the Pain Detect questionnaire has two parts: the patient form (intuitive, with pictures and easy understandable) and the physician form. Thus, in this questionnaire, subjective information is provided by the patient and the objective one is provided by the physician. Other pain intensity questionnaires are NPSI, DN4, LANSS or StEP. Quality of life questionnaires are versatile (can be used in different pathologies). These questionnaires include functional self-evaluation questions, and other ones associated to physical and mental health. Two of such quality of life questionnaires are SF-36 and NHP. Sleep evaluation questionnaires include quantitative features such as the number of sleep interruptions, sleep latency or sleep duration as well as qualitative characteristics such as rest sensation, mood and dreams. One of the most used sleep evaluation questionnaires is PSQI, which includes patient questions and bed-partner questions, providing information from two points of view. Copyright 2009 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.
The correct radiographic identification of ossification of the pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments plays an important role in surgical procedures for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Most of these procedures are performed through the foramen ovale, a site where these ligaments can be found to be partially or completely ossified. We studied the radiographic features of these ossified ligaments and their location in relation to the foramen ovale by the Hirtz axial technique. For this purpose, 93 dry skulls from the Discipline of Anatomy, São José dos Campos Dental School, UNESP, which presented partial or complete ossification of these ligaments, were radiographed. The pterygospinous ligament was detected on 27.97% of radiographs and was partially ossified in 19.36% of cases and completely ossified in 8.61%. The pterygoalar ligament was present in 62.35% of radiographs, being partially ossified in 49.44% and completely ossified in 12.91%. The pterygospinous ligaments was found to be partially and completely ossified on the same radiograph in 3.23% of cases, whereas the pterygoalar ligament appeared partially and completely ossified on the same radiograph in 6.45%. Furthermore, the pterygospinous ligament was thinner than the pterygoalar ligament and located more medially in relation to the foramen ovale. The pterygoalar ligament formed a large bone bar lateral to the foramen ovale, often obliterating the lumen of the latter. The Hirtz axial technique is an excellent tool for the observation of complete or partial ossification of the pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments in surgical procedures for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia performed through the foramen ovale.
The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) related to hospital admission of elderly people, identifying the use of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM), the ADR and the risk factors associated with the hospitalization. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a private hospital of São Paulo State, Brazil. All patients aged ≥ 60 years, admitted in the general practice ward in May 2006 were interviewed about the drugs used and the symptoms/complaints that resulted in hospitalization. More than a half (54.5 %) of elderly hospitalizations were related with ADR. The therapeutic classes involved with ADR were: cardiovascular (37.7 %), central nervous (34.6 %) and respiratory (5.7 %). The ADR observed were disorders in circulatory (28.4 %), digestive (20.0 %) and respiratory (18.9 %) tracts. 27 elderly had made PIM and in 20 of them this was the cause of hospitalization. Polypharmacy was an ADR risk factor (p = 0.021).These data allows the healthcare professionals upgrade, qualifying them in pharmcovigilance.
The ossified pterygoalar ligament is formed between the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process and the infratemporal surface of the sphenoid bone or its greater wing and was not connected to the sphenoid spine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of the ossified pterygoalar ligament in Brazilian human skulls and analyzing its clinical importance. 183 Brazilian adult (between 30 to 60 years old) dry human skulls were evaluated. Was evaluated the incidence of skulls with complete or partial ossification of the pterygoalar ligament, bilaterally and unilaterally and in the presence on the right and left sides. Were found 5 skulls had the ossified pterygoalar ligament, resulting in an overall incidence of 2.73%. There was 1 skull in the presence of the incomplete ossification of the pterygoalar ligament, unilaterally and on the left side resulting in incidence of 0.54%. There were 4 skulls in the presence of the complete ossification of the pterygoalar ligament, unilaterally and on the right side resulting in incidence of 2.18%. The ossified pterygoalar ligament is a major cause of the entrapment of the lingual nerve or a branch of the mandibular nerve and may cause mandibular neuralgia. The incidence of the ossified pterygoalar ligament and the pterygoalar foramen is low in the Brazilian population. However, these structures have clinical significance as this ligament establish relationships with the ovale foramen and difficulty in accessing in this foramen in a therapeutic approach.
Background and objectives: Pain treatment involves the usage of common and opioid analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and adjuvant analgesics. Traditionally, these drugs are administered systemically or into the neuraxis. However, when analgesics are applied through these pathways, they are associated with significant side effects, which can hinder its use. Topical administration of analgesics is an alternative. The objective of this paper is to discuss topical analgesics, the mechanisms of action and clinical efficacy. Content: This is a review paper addressing the usage of the topical local anesthetics: capsaicin, clonidine, tricyclic antidepressants, ketamine, opioids and cannabinoids, discussing mechanism of action and effectiveness. Conclusions: Topical analgesics are promising as a strategy for pain treatment, as they are associated with lower incidence of side effects. The benefit of local anesthetics, NSAID's and capsaicin is well established. However, the efficacy of clonidine, tricyclic antidepressants, ketamine, opioids and cannabinoids is still questionable. Studies have shown that the multimodal approach is an alternative, but studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. © 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda.
The recognition of emissary foramens is important not only for understanding the regional neurovascular anatomy, but also to distinguish normal from potentially abnormal structures. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the literature on anatomical and clinical aspects of the mastoid, parietal and sphenoid emissary foramens. It was found that the emissary foramen presents importance in clinical practice because it acts as a route of spread of extracranial infection to the intracranial structures and also possible complications in neurosurgery, due to its influence in the performance of techniques such as radiofrequency rhizotomy for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. The anatomical knowledge of the emissary foramens is important due to variability in their incidence in the human skull and its relation to the dura mater sinuses.
Costen’s syndrome is defined as a set of auditory signs and symptoms in patients with TMD. It is characterized by ear fullness, hearing loss, tinnitus, ear pain and vertigo with nystagmus.It has predilection for females and fourth decade of life. The multidisciplinary monitoring of these patients is imperative in its recognition and the establishment of effective therapy. In this paper we report a case of Costen’s Syndrome patient whose treatment consisted of advice on the etiology of the disorder and weekly sessions of acupuncture. The clinical features that led to the diagnosis and treatment plan, and the effectiveness of acupuncture as supportive therapy were also discussed.