978 resultados para NEONATAL MENINGITIS
Early-life events may induce alterations in neuronal function in adulthood. A crucial aspect in studying long-lasting effects induced by environmental interventions imposed to the animal several weeks before is finding a stable change that could be causally related to the phenotype observed in adulthood. In order to explain an adult trait, it seems necessary to look back to early life and establish a temporal line between events. The neonatal handling procedure is an experimental tool to analyze the long-lasting impact of early-life events. Aside from the neuroendocrine response to stress, neonatal handling also alters the functionality of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis. Reductions in ovulation and surge of the luteinizing hormone (LH) on the proestrous day were shown in female rats. Considering the importance of the medial preoptic area (MPA) for the control of ovulation, the present study aimed to verify the effects of neonatal handling on the numerical density and cell size in the MPA in 11-day-old and 90-day-old female rats. Cellular proliferation was also assessed using BrdU (5-bromo-2`-deoxyuridine) in 11-day-old pups. Results showed that neonatal handling induces a stable reduction in the number of cells and in the size of the cell soma, which were lower in handled females than in nonhandled ones at both ages. Cellular proliferation in the MPA was also reduced 24 h after the last manipulation. The repeated mother-infant disruption imposed by the handling procedure ""lesioned"" the MPA. The dysfunction in the ovulation mechanisms induced by the handling procedure could be related to that neuronal loss. The study also illustrates the impact of an environmental intervention on the development of the brain. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
To determine whether human X-linked neonatal diabetes mellitus, enteropathy and endocrinopathy syndrome (IPEX; MIM 304930) is the genetic equivalent of the scurfy (sf) mouse, we sequenced the human ortholog (FOXP3) of the gene mutated in scurfy mice (Foxp3), in IPEX patients. We found four non-polymorphic mutations. Each mutation affects the forkhead/winged-helix domain of the scurfin protein, indicating that the mutations may disrupt critical DNA interactions.
Four different fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) are known, three of which have splice variants (known as the b and c variants) in the FGF-binding domain, to give different patterns of sensitivity to the different FGFs. The expression of the b and c variants of the FGF receptors. together with the expression of the ligands FGF1. FGF2, FGF3, FGF7, FGF8b and FGF8c, was determined by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in developing whole mouse inner ears, and in dissected components of the postnatal mouse inner ear. At embryonic age (E)10.5 days, when the otocyst is a simple closed sac, the receptor most heavily expressed was FGFR2b, relative to the postnatal day 0 level. Over the period E10.5-E12.5. during which the structures of the inner ear start to form, the expression of the different FGF receptors increased 10(2)-10(4) fold per unit of tissue, and there was a gradual switch towards expression of the 'c' splice variants of FGFR2 and FGFR3 rather than the 'b' variants. At E10.5, the ligands most heavily expressed, relative to the postnatal day 0 level, were FGF3, FGF8b and FGF8c. In the postnatal inner eat. the patterns of expression of receptors and ligands tended to be correlated, such that receptor variants were expressed in the same regions as the ligands that are known to activate them effectively. The neural/sensory region expressed high levels of FGFR3c, and high levels of the ligand FGF8b. The same area also expressed high levels of FGFR1b and FGFR2b, and high levels of FGF3. The lateral wall of the cochlea (including the stria vascularis and the spiral ligament) expressed high levels of FGFR1c and FGF1. 11 is suggested that the different FGF receptors and ligands are expressed in a spatially coordinated pattern to selectively program cochlear development. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
After the transition from in utero to newborn life, the neonate becomes solely reliant upon its own drug clearance processes to metabolise xenobiotics. Whilst most studies of neonatal hepatic drug elimination have focussed upon in vitro expression and activities of drug-metabolising enzymes, the rapid physiological changes in the early neonatal period of life also need to be considered. There are dramatic changes in neonatal liver blood how and hepatic oxygenation due to the loss of the umbilical blood supply, the increasing portal vein blood flow, and the gradual closure of the ductus venosus shunt during the first week of life. These changes which may well affect the capacity of neonatal hepatic drug metabolism. The hepatic expression of cytochromes P450 1A2, 2C, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4 develop at different rates in the postnatal period, whilst 3A7 expression diminishes. Hepatic glucuronidation in the human neonate is relatively immature at birth, which contrasts with the considerably more mature neonatal hepatic sulfation activity. Limited in vivo studies show that the human neonate can significantly metabolise xenobiotics but clearance is considerably less compared with the older infant and adult. The neonatal population included in pharmacological studies is highly heterogeneous with respect to age, body weight, ductus venosus closure and disease processes, making it difficult to interpret data arising from human neonatal studies. Studies in the perfused foetal and neonatal sheep liver have demonstrated how the oxidative and conjugative hepatic elimination of drugs by the intact organ is significantly increased during the first week of life, highlighting that future studies will need to consider the profound physiological changes that may influence neonatal hepatic drug elimination shortly after birth.
Large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in neonatal rat intracardiac ganglion neurons
The properties of single Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels in neonatal rat intracardiac neurons were investigated using the patch-clamp recording technique. In symmetrical 140 mM K+, the single-channel slope conductance was linear in the voltage range -60/+60 mV. and was 207+/-19 pS. Na+ ions were not measurably permeant through the open channel. Channel activity increased with the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+],) with a Hill plot giving a half-saturating [Ca2+] (K-0.5) of 1.35 muM and slope of congruent to3. The BK channel was inhibited reversibly by external tetraethylammonium (TEA) ions, charybdotoxin, and quinine and was resistant to block by 4-aminopyridine and apamin. Ionomycin (1-10 muM) increased BK channel activity in the cell-attached recording configuration. The resting activity was consistent with a [Ca2+](i)
The association of sustained cerebral edema with poor neurological outcome following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate suggests that measurement of cerebral edema may allow early prediction of outcome in these infants. Direct measurements of cerebral impedance have been widely used in animal studies to monitor cerebral edema, but such invasive measurements are not possible in the human neonate. This study investigated the ability of noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia. One-day-old piglets were anaesthetized, intubated and ventilated. Hypoxia was induced by reducing the inspired oxygen concentration to 4-6% O-2. Noninvasive cerebral bioimpedance was measured using gel electrodes attached to the scalp. Cerebral bioimpedance was also measured directly by insertion of two silver-silver chloride electrodes subdurally. Noninvasive and invasive measurements were made before, during and after hypoxia. Whole body impedance was measured to assess overall fluid movements. Intracranial pressure was measured continuously via a catheter inserted subdurally, as an index of cerebral edema. There was good agreement between noninvasive and invasive measurements of cerebral impedance although externally obtained responses were attenuated. Noninvasive measurements were also well correlated with intracranial pressure. Whole body impedance changes did not account for increases in noninvasively measured cerebral impedance. Results suggest that noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements do reflect intracranial events, and are able to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the leading cause of mental retardation in western society. We investigated possible changes in glutamate receptor levels in neonatal animals following ethanol exposure using radioligand binding and western blot analysis. We used a vapor chamber to administer ethanol to neonatal Wistar rats 3 h a day from postnatal day (PND) 4-9. A separation control group was separated from their mothers for the same time and duration as the vapor treatment, while a normal control group was left to develop normally. Daily ethanol administrations resulted in decreased brain weight and body weight, as well as microencephaly (decreased brain:body weight ratio). Neither the affinity nor maximum binding of [H-3]MK-801 (dizoclipine maleate) in the cortex of PND10 rats differed between treatment groups. Western blot analysis also failed to reveal any changes in NMDAR1, NMDAR2A, or NMDAR2B receptor levels. In contrast, the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was greatly reduced in vapor-treated pups compared with control pups, as revealed by western blot analysis. A similar reduction was found in westerns with an antibody recognizing the GluR2 and 4 subunits. These results indicate that ethanol reduces AMPA rather than NMDA receptors in the developing neocortex, possibly by blocking NMDA receptors during development. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Respiratory therapy has historically been considered the primary role of the physiotherapist in neonatal intensive care in Australia. In 2001 a survey was undertaken of all level three neonatal intensive care units in Australia to determine the role of the physiotherapist and of respiratory therapy in clinical practice. It appears that respiratory therapy is provided infrequently, with the number of infants treated per month ranging from 0 to 10 in 15 of the 20 units who provide respiratory therapy, regardless of therapist availability. The median number of respiratory treatments per month during the week was three, and on weekends it was one. Respiratory therapy was carried out by physiotherapists and nurses in 54.6% of units, by physiotherapists only in 36.4% of units, and by nurses only in the remaining 9% of units surveyed. There was also a diminution of the role of respiratory therapy in the extubation of premature infants. A review of the literature shows that overall the use of respiratory therapy reflects current evidence. The question remains whether it is possible to maintain the competency of staff and justify the cost of training in the current healthcare economic climate. It seems probable that the future role of physiotherapists in neonatal intensive care unit may be in the facilitation of optimal neurological development of surviving very low birth weight infants.
Multi-frequency bio-impedance has the potential to identify infants at risk of poor neurodevelopmental outcome following hypoxia by detecting cerebral edema. This study investigated the relationship between the severity of an hypoxic/ischemic episode, neurological outcome following the hypoxia and non-invasively measured cerebral bioelectrical impedance in piglets. One-day-old piglets were anaesthetised and ventilated. Hypoxia was induced by reducing the inspired oxygen concentration to 3-5%. Severe hypoxia was defined as hypoxia resulting in at least 30 min of low amplitude EEG (
Os ataques de pânico (AP) podem ser precipitados pela inalação de dióxido de carbono (CO2 5%) ou pela infusão de lactato de sódio 0,5 mol/L (LAC) em pacientes predispostos, mas não nos indivíduos sadios ou pacientes com outros transtornos psiquiátricos. Estas e outras observações sugeriram que os AP sejam "alarmes falsos de sufocamento". O TP também caracteriza-se pela alta comorbidade com ansiedade de separação da infância (ASI). De fato, a ASI tem sido considerada como um fator predisponente tanto do pânico como da resistência aos panicolíticos. Estudos pré-clínicos do nosso laboratório mostraram, por outro lado, que a fluoxetina (FLX) atenua o pânico experimental à estimulação elétrica da matéria cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal (MCPAd) e à injeção de cianeto de potássio (KCN) em doses e regimes similares aos empregados na clínica. Adicionalmente, estes estudos mostraram que o isolamento social neonatal (ISN), um modelo de ASI, abole os efeitos panicolíticos da fluoxetina (1-2 mg.kg-1.dia-1, 21 dias) no modelo de pânico por estimulação da MCPAd. Portanto, o presente trabalho avaliou os efeitos da administração de 4 mg/kg de FLX (Estudo-1) e da infusão de uma solução 0,5 mol/L de LAC (Estudo-2) sobre as respostas de pânico à estimulação da MCPAd ou à injeção de KCN, respectivamente, em ratos submetidos ao isolamento social neonatal tanto efetivo (ISN) quanto fictício (ISF). No Estudo-1, ratos Wistar machos adultos submetidos ao ISN (3 h diárias) ou ao ISF (somente manipulação), ao longo da lactação, foram implantados com eletrodos na MCPAd e tratados com salina (0,9%, SAL) ou FLX (4 mg.kg-1.dia-1) ao longo de 21 dias. Nos ratos tratados com SAL, enquanto os limiares das respostas de pânico mantiveram-se praticamente inalterados no grupo ISF, eles foram progressivamente aumentados no grupo ISN. Os ratos tratados com FLX4 apresentaram limiares mais elevados que aqueles dos ratos tratados com SAL. A comparação aos limiares basais mostrou que a FLX4 teve efeitos diferenciados nos grupos ISF e ISN, aumentando ou reduzindo seus limiares, respectivamente. Embora não tenhamos observado diferenças dos efeitos da FLX4 sobre os limiares de pânico dos grupos ISN e ISF, as variações percentuais em relação à sessão de triagem indicam que a FLX4 teve efeitos até mesmo facilitadores. Estes resultados estendem observações anteriores da ausência de efeitos de doses menores de FLX nos ratos submetidos ao ISN. Por sua vez, o Estudo-2 mostrou que a infusão endovenosa de uma concentração clinicamente eficaz de LAC (0,5 mol/L) não tem efeito algum sobre o pânico induzido pelo KCN em ratos tanto virgens quanto submetidos ao ISF ou ISN. Embora os últimos resultados sugiram que os AP ao KCN (em ratos) e LAC (em humanos) envolvam mecanismos distintos, a conclusão definitiva requer experimentos adicionais com concentrações maiores de LAC.