978 resultados para NEGATIVE AFFECTION


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People with schizophrenia perform poorly when recognising facial expressions of emotion, particularly negative emotions such as fear. This finding has been taken as evidence of a “negative emotion specific deficit”, putatively associated with a dysfunction in the limbic system, particularly the amygdala. An alternative explanation is that greater difficulty in recognising negative emotions may reflect a priori differences in task difficulty. The present study uses a differential deficit design to test the above argument. Facial emotion recognition accuracy for seven emotion categories was compared across three groups. Eighteen schizophrenia patients and one group of healthy age- and gender-matched controls viewed identical sets of stimuli. A second group of 18 age- and gender-matched controls viewed a degraded version of the same stimuli. The level of stimulus degradation was chosen so as to equate overall level of accuracy to the schizophrenia patients. Both the schizophrenia group and the degraded image control group showed reduced overall recognition accuracy and reduced recognition accuracy for fearful and sad facial stimuli compared with the intact-image control group. There were no differences in recognition accuracy for any emotion category between the schizophrenia group and the degraded image control group. These findings argue against a negative emotion specific deficit in schizophrenia.


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We previously showed that soluble nitroxides (nitric oxide analogues) mimicked the well-established ability of nitric oxide to cause biofilm dispersal and further showed that these compounds could prevent biofilm formation. Here, we investigated the effect of the nitroxide carboxy-TEMPO in combination with sub μg/ml concentrations of ciprofloxacin on pre-formed flow cell biofilms formed by Gram-negative bacteria. Combination therapy led to substantial eradication of existing biofilms formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 (99.3%) and Escherichia coli O157 (93%).


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Classic identity negative priming (NP) refers to the finding that when an object is ignored, subsequent naming responses to it are slower than when it has not been previously ignored (Tipper, S.P., 1985. The negative priming effect: inhibitory priming by ignored objects. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 37A, 571-590). It is unclear whether this phenomenon arises due to the involvement of abstract semantic representations that the ignored object accesses automatically. Contemporary connectionist models propose a key role for the anterior temporal cortex in the representation of abstract semantic knowledge (e.g., McClelland, J.L., Rogers, T.T., 2003. The parallel distributed processing approach to semantic cognition. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 4, 310-322), suggesting that this region should be involved during performance of the classic identity NP task if it involves semantic access. Using high-field (4 T) event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, we observed increased BOLD responses in the left anterolateral temporal cortex including the temporal pole that was directly related to the magnitude of each individual's NP effect, supporting a semantic locus. Additional signal increases were observed in the supplementary eye fields (SEF) and left inferior parietal lobule (IPL).


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Ignoring an object slows subsequent naming responses to it, a phenomenon known as negative priming (NP). A central issue in NP research concerns the level of representation at which the effect occurs. As object naming is typically considered to involve access to abstract semantic representations, Tipper 1985 proposed that the NP effect occurred at this level of processing, and other researchers supported this proposal by demonstrating a similar result with categorically related objects (e.g., Allport et al., 1985; Murray, 1995), an effect referred to as semantic NP. However, objects within categories share more physical or structural features than objects from different categories. Consequently, the NP effect observed with categorically related objects might occur at a structural rather than semantic level of representation. We used event related fMRI interleaving overt object naming and image acquisition to demonstrate for the first time that the semantic NP effect activates the left posterior-mid fusiform and insular-opercular cortices. Moreover, both naming latencies and left posterior-mid fusiform cortex responses were influenced by the structural similarity of prime-probe object pairings in the categorically related condition, increasing with the number of shared features. None of the cerebral regions activated in a previous fMRI study of the identity NP effect (de Zubicaray et al., 2006) showed similar activation during semantic NP, including the left anterolateral temporal cortex, a region considered critical for semantic processing. The results suggest that the identity and semantic NP effects differ with respect to their neural mechanisms, and the label "semantic NP" might be a misnomer. We conclude that the effect is most likely the result of competition between structurally similar category exemplars that determines the efficiency of object name retrieval.


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The association of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was recently described in the large International Genetics of AS Consortium Immunochip study...


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This research studied the prevalence and impact of workplace cyberbullying as perceived by public servants working in government organisations across Australia. Using Social Information Processing theory, this research found employees reported task- and person-related cyberbullying that was associated with increased workplace stress, diminished job satisfaction and performance, and reduced confidence in their organisations' anti-bullying intervention and protection strategies. Furthermore, workplace cyberbullying can create a concealed, online work culture that undermines employee and organisational productivity. These results are significant for employers' duty-of-care obligations, and represent a cogent argument for improved workplace cultures in support to Australia's future organisational and economic performance.


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Here, we describe a metal-insulator-insulator nanofocusing structure formed by a high-permittivity dielectric wedge on a metal substrate. The structure is shown to produce nanofocusing of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in the direction opposite to the taper of the wedge, including a range of nanoplasmonic effects such as nanofocusing of SPPs with negative refraction, formation of plasmonic caustics within a nanoscale distance from the wedge tip, mutual transformation of SPP modes, and significant local field enhancements in the adiabatic and strongly nonadiabatic regimes. A combination of approximate analytical and rigorous numerical approaches is used to analyze the strength and position of caustics in the structure. In particular, it is demonstrated that strong SPP localization within spatial regions as small as a few tens of nanometers near the caustic is achievable in the considered structures. Contrary to other nanofocusing configurations, efficient nanofocusing is shown to occur in the strongly nonadiabatic regime with taper angles of the dielectric wedge as large as ∼40° and within uniquely short distances (as small as a few dozens of nanometers) from the tip of the wedge. Physical interpretations of the obtained results are also presented and discussed.


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The paper presents a new criterion for designing a power-system stabiliser, which is that it should cancel the negative damping torque inherent in a synchronous generator and automatic voltage regulator. The method arises from analysis based on the properties of tensor invariance, but it is easily implemented, and leads to the design of an adaptive controller. Extensive computations and simulation have been performed, and laboratory tests have been conducted on a computer-controlled micromachine system. Results are presented illustrating the effectiveness of the adaptive stabiliser.


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These longitudinal studies focused on investigating young adults during transition into a new educational environment. The aims were to examine: (1) what kinds of achievement and social strategies young adults deploy, (2) whether the deployment of these strategies predicts people's success in their studies, their life events, their peer relationships, and their well-being, (3) whether young adults' success in dealing with educational transition (e.g. success in studies, life events, peer relationships and well-being) predict changes in their strategies and well-being, and (4) the associations between young adults' social strategies, interpersonal behaviour, person perception, and their peer relationships and satisfaction with them. The participants were students from Helsinki university and from two vocational institutes (the numbers ranging between 92 and 303). The results revealed that achievement and social strategies contributed to individuals' success in dealing with both the academic and interpersonal challenges of a new environment. Social strategies were also associated with online interpersonal behaviour and person perception, which mediated their impact on peer relationships. Achievement and social strategies changed as a result of environmental feedback. However, they also showed high stability, forming reciprocal and cumulative associations with the feedback the individuals received about their success in dealing with educational transition: the use of functional strategies, such as optimistic, defensive-pessimistic and planning-oriented strategies, increased their success, which in turn enhanced their well-being and further deployment of functional strategies. The opposite was true in the case of dysfunctional strategies, such as self-handicapping and avoidance. Key words : Achievement strategies, social strategies, transition, young adults, life events, sociometric status, social behaviour, person perception, well-being.


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Computer modelling promises to be an important tool for analysing and predicting interactions between trees within mixed species forest plantations. This study explored the use of an individual-based mechanistic model as a predictive tool for designing mixed species plantations of Australian tropical trees. The `spatially explicit individually based-forest simulator' (SeXI-FS) modelling system was used to describe the spatial interaction of individual tree crowns within a binary mixed-species experiment. The three-dimensional model was developed and verified with field data from three forest tree species grown in tropical Australia. The model predicted the interactions within monocultures and binary mixtures of Flindersia brayleyana, Eucalyptus pellita and Elaeocarpus grandis, accounting for an average of 42% of the growth variation exhibited by species in different treatments. The model requires only structural dimensions and shade tolerance as species parameters. By modelling interactions in existing tree mixtures, the model predicted both increases and reductions in the growth of mixtures (up to +/-50% of stem volume at 7 years) compared to monocultures. This modelling approach may be useful for designing mixed tree plantations.


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The lithium-ion exchange rate capability of various commercial graphite materials are evaluated using galvanostatic charge/discharge cycling in a half-cell configuration over a wide range of C-rates (0.1 similar to 60C). The results confirm that graphite is capable of de-intercalating stored charge at high rates, but has a poor intercalating rate capability. Decreasing the graphite coating thickness leads to a limited rate performance improvement of the electrode. Reducing the graphite particle size shows enhanced C-rate capability but with increased irreversible capacity loss (ICL). It is demonstrated that the rate of intercalation of lithium-ions into the graphite is significantly limited compared with the corresponding rate of de-intercalation at high C-rates. For the successful utilisation of commercially available conventional graphite as a negative electrode in a lithium-ion capacitor (LIC), its intercalation rate capability needs to be improved or oversized to accommodate high charge rates.


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BACKGROUND: The ATM gene encoding a putative protein kinase is mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), an autosomal recessive disorder with a predisposition for cancer. Studies of A-T families suggest that female heterozygotes have an increased risk of breast cancer compared with noncarriers. However, neither linkage analyses nor mutation studies have provided supporting evidence for a role of ATM in breast cancer predisposition. Nevertheless, two recurrent ATM mutations, T7271G and IVS10-6T-->G, reportedly increase the risk of breast cancer. We examined these two ATM mutations in a population-based, case-control series of breast cancer families and multiple-case breast cancer families. METHODS: Five hundred twenty-five or 262 case patients with breast cancer and 381 or 68 control subjects, respectively, were genotyped for the T7271G and IVS10-6T-->G ATM mutations, as were index patients from 76 non-BRCA1/2 multiple-case breast cancer families. Linkage and penetrance were analyzed. ATM protein expression and kinase activity were analyzed in lymphoblastoid cell lines from mutation carriers. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: In case and control subjects unselected for family history of breast cancer, one case patient had the T7271G mutation, and none had the IVS10-6T-->G mutation. In three multiple-case families, one of these two mutations segregated with breast cancer. The estimated average penetrance of the mutations was 60% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 32% to 90%) to age 70 years, equivalent to a 15.7-fold (95% CI = 6.4-fold to 38.0-fold) increased relative risk compared with that of the general population. Expression and activity analyses of ATM in heterozygous cell lines indicated that both mutations are dominant negative. CONCLUSION: At least two ATM mutations are associated with a sufficiently high risk of breast cancer to be found in multiple-case breast cancer families. Full mutation analysis of the ATM gene in such families could help clarify the role of ATM in breast cancer susceptibility.


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Gram-negative bacteria are harmful in various surroundings. In the food industy their metabolites are potential cause of spoilage and this group also includes many severe or potential pathogens, such as Salmonella. Due to their ability to produce biofilms Gram-negative bacteria also cause problems in many industrial processes as well as in clinical surroundings. Control of Gram-negative bacteria is hampered by the outer membrane (OM) in the outermost layer of the cells. This layer is an intrinsic barrier for many hydrophobic agents and macromolecules. Permeabilizers are compounds that weaken OM and can thus increase the activity of antimicrobials by facililating entry of hydrophobic compounds and macromolecules into the cell where they can reach their target sites and inhibit or destroy cellular functions. The work described in this thesis shows that lactic acid acts as a permeabilizer and destabilizes the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, organic acids present in berriers, i.e. malic, sorbic and benzoic acid, were shown to weaken the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Organic acids can poteniate the antimicrobial activity of other compounds. Microbial colonic degradation products of plant-derived phenolic compounds (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid, 4-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid, 3-phenylpropionic acid and 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid) efficiently destabilized OM of Salmonella. The studies increase our understanding of the mechanism of action of the classical chelator, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA). In addition, the results indicate that the biocidic activity of benzalkonium chloride against Pseudomonas can be increased by combined use with polyethylenimine (PEI). In addition to PEI, several other potential permeabilizers, such as succimer, were shown to destabilize the OM of Gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, combination of the results obtained from various permeability assays (e.g. uptake of a hydrophobic probe, sensitization to hydrophobic antibiotics and detergents, release of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and LPS-specific fatty acids) with atomic force microscopy (AFM) image results increases our knowledge of the action of permeabilizers.